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AE Y BOOTSThe only GENüihe ARMY BOOTS that can be found in Am. i isatA.D.Seyler'sBootïS1' Store, pricc $:j.ü;. e Also roccivcd a lnn?,. anö , . sortmeut of Misses and (A SCHOOL SHO! No. Nortii Main Street. qHE QBEAT ITÑioJTpTíT i MICHIGAN, wlU be held. (il 3 OP tembei lij 17, La ïü Ij, unUi, is;j 'Wüi,!,. iDUUltl ,,;' „ ' '1 miuias baviea diplom&h. lllJ!ioï J-L ■ 'ruin! Anuui.l Fair of the Michm . oloKiaü buLietj s.„ Bo - m. ' 1U o 0 wül h ftivonaa slfcu] p br.n,'iojp:hyi3omuf llitl The Premium on i attle ure [ i„J, " in t ;.- West. fMKUU will bc no,7„ ."til, Machlnm v ru. will ,.Mh rwti.e Í,1 Mlfc ■ ire oiïtred lttt Tho Low of Fruit aud Flouws w,ii of the kiad evann in tl.i.. n.untrv "Wá improyed. A Wty acre .SSLtfS ■ mnde !,■ . wUI enabto tohavc tt.'L,1' the .-unte m reiuiintMS fur comino. -. "U ., large Art Hall, Coaienimt f1""'ment „:.,; Moportiona nod titiiui „,""'. tuaturo will bc eructfd at n rost i.f .,, 't".' Hili, the Pomological Hall ,„i ,? ' os. tumi and Mecimniral HU will l flz2 %. HEXBY .s. CLL'iJ??1 . -___Jai Estáte of Lovi BishOp ÖTATEOF MICHIGAN CounnofW.. 3 At a 8C68lon of the Prnbatt Court},???'1 of Whtfuw hulden ai il "f Ann Arbor. on ïrirf,, diy of August, iu i.lie ytar oue hr ■ .ir. '"-Mlii .;i:. Present HlramJ lieakpp. lurte, t)fp,„v , U atter f tb.' ..te0'. .."■ M. BuyJen, Adiiiiiiitrtt' r nf u ntoCourtand a) b.7'a ii, pared in remie r ais final account a.., -'t ','■'"' ''■ lor ' ' 'lina. day of September n.-u nl „.„ "07,' '" roreBOou, lea nigned .■. .tniuin.. i.7V'!!l eui:haccouDt,andtliauhi;heira Kllothcrpci'Doufiuteresuilti ,ih "■ reqnirrdlour m se bc Bolden al tb, i Pnt.ate i ffice, h, ,he S1}1 Arbor. in aidCounly and b why tiif said And It la lurthcr ordured that notice to the prwn inn-rt?,l in ",, ' ' '■' of the pendency f tid a . ' l"( thereof. by caiijioe a copy of tbla orter l ltahedlnthe #i aml drcolating in ss;t! Connty, thtée umTt weeks previoup to öaiddsv of licarlj.t; ( miecopy.) ' UIKAM J.BEUm 1MB Judjeol Estáte of Silas OTATKUF MI( HIOAN.oountjofWi ' At n aewion of tho Pr of WMhtenaw, bnldon ut the l1. in Tnuraday, ti.uueniyKiiji! of Auifutt, iu vhe ycar ont thousaod iíI, fcmjj umi BTenty-two Praent, Hiram J. Beakea, Judgeof lhrolti I lu the matler of thu ratate of hilm Whiimnk drceiMiwl. ' O rea Willi ■ - ihal '.LiRalMtt wi.ereof aaid deoeuwd dièd . P"rmi:i .-' ni kins it law, ind pítniun Jtj, -.rjh, prayingtbat berdower luaidari tate mty b - .i-:irnt to lier. . :!:ut SfltunLiy, tfct bcI ■■! t . . :&tLefi n .in, bv! i.-id.iiBeJf.jr tbo !. tuut tbi pernoit iuterebLed u ;ü-i estáte, i v i !ssion if .-..i..; '' ■ ■ "-= ■ '" .imÜB U V. . .'-ui' . aai J pc-:. i .::atd3 -. ■ prCTlOllü 1 sjii.l diy of hi ;ivi;i'„'. (At. Estute of Alpheus Wooster. OTATE O? flUUIG blln. O Al .-i -■■■'siwii d ,. ofWa : city o.' Ann . - rhf fout.Ktlkilj nf .uu.-.t, i'i ih.' y-.-iir onc thoQsand i lr Li 'veutnTo. I t i i Benkes1. .Td ■. ■' Probitr. :;..ii Eer of the ei i tolc, d;:i-. ii. w:iiiia Doñean, Admíülstrttot nt ia ntm, ..iirt and rpgteoti tatt . liual accuanl ia ucti Aii S U ■■ arnerea, tmn TIMBt, m iHeïnih ilay iug.auca accoani," nnd tuat th ■ ; law of .nit dtctas.d , aml b ■ ■ Bmw uteri ï-i tl iti :, lo appeir at . to be niltien til ■ Hro!mu-Oílct. i Arbíí!1 iü :;-i Nnlnty ü . whytbe saidai ouiii ithnuld not bealloweo: uil : further onierwl. that snidAdin i .c.ii C9fbper8oniiaLéretediii ;.iii eBUte,ulUt deucy of said .-iccouut. and ili i earinu' tiii'rc..'. of this ,ir(!i i ■ : i :.a;,rr prir.tu; II ' : ■ juccessive ■ ,. u i (Atrne 0'..y.J II1RAM J. BEAOS, Jnü.-. : .- ■■ ■-■, Eitiite of Ebenezfr Arnold. STATU ui1 UiCaiÜAN.Coost] At a aeemon of the ProbAtc t imrt for theCounT at SVnahtenaw, holden ,i; i(;e rrotmte 11(7 of Ann Arbor, on Thor]y, the irhtl &) of Augu. t in theyearonethousiinJfijlithuiidniliii 93veaLy-lwi. Prewnt ilirainJ. ïiettVoi, Judjyeof Probat. U tbr matter of the ;:.i!f,te of Eb&nwaAraü, ammd. On.nading and filingthe petition, iuly Jotph Arnoid, ürayiny that Noah W. CteTei,orci othtr Buitablo per'jn, rany be appüitwl :- iütrator fni non of the oatate oí waiá utwMsrf. FíiBroupon it íb orders] that Tutsdaj, the fe tesnthday ofSeptember instAnt. atten o'doekiBtli f r utr.ed lor tho hvartOK' f ld puü' undtliat tiie heiis ut lvr of wiiil il vad, ai I otber persons mterested in faid wtHrL-, ■rvK.;uir-J appcix st ft bamIoq of aid t'ourt, theD to bebo11 tne Frobfttw urhuu, in tht citf ft Ann W auii how cutise, ii aiiv iht-r he, why thtprsj'P'- petifiouer hould uot oe iranted : Aml il o furtaer derKi thikC aid petltionrr K'f BOti to tta 1 ■ 'restd i:. said -taii. of th oendeöey oi netition, ami t) hearing thereof, by canMiiMpf tint order to be published i:. v1 nwapaper prmte.l and cirrulAting in s;iil cpostlf three sueoasive weck proviuud tosaiddayof llltfa . truecücy.l HIBA1I BEAKffl. 1388 JndgB of Frota Estáte of AVilliaiu H. Aulls. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I ountyol WathtiiiWiJ At aiMauonof th of Wojhtonaw, huUeu t tbe Probate OOM ■■ of Ann Ajbor, on Tueaday, thi of August in tlin year on thoueand dp dred .. . wo. I'rMnt, tirrihi J. [Wum, Juilire of PwbH. In the muUcr of the st.ite of Wiiliam H. A"- dooeatted. , , On readinfr and fllin(r tl ■■"! James 1'. !■!, pvaying .Uiat Fielder "■'".'"f'j. ■:rfitor of tho estáte of . v Fbennpon it i.i ordercd, that JI.n'ay,ttf ■ day of Baptember next, at ten o'c!oi.-lt in 'ie '"'"íiií be asuÍKii1. fur tbe hearing of Bftid pttition, ftc the heir. at law of Hld üecftiaed. HUüali ultert intereated inuaid eatate,are ro(inireHopvrvT sionof aid Cuiirt, then to bo holden at thfm"j 8, in I be City of Ann Arbor, and eho M"j uny tbitre be. why the prnyerof the r" not 1 grantc! : ' And it in further or.lertü, tu petit;' I ; '.KB HiltTvattJ m .■;.'. of the pendöncy of mid pi tition, an I ■ in thereof, by causing a copy i.t !-''s orijir - puDliahed in tiie .tí', 'ligan Argui, newpIf'iE and oiroulating in rtui.l oounty, thrtre auctttóivs previouü to aidday of hearing. vva Atrne8eopy., HIHAM. CommissioatTs' Xotioe. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of U'-181'?'.?, i Ti-t underagned, haring beeu appoiat W ' Probate Court ior siiid oounty, ll"linii'i"ic7inui ceivo, examine, and adjiist all -h;::!i- t" „LjT of allpnons agninat tno esir.te ot Jowpn niiw late l : :' n0 ÍLf5 six months fnmi cl:itc we allowid, bj' "Zm ■aid Probate t'ourt, furcreditorstopn- Kt'lll;!"rnS agoinnt theestateof said fr mcctiit the office ui Ezra JonM, in the v'"sf i,."ci in Huid cuunty, ou iuturdaj . iH i Novomir, and in Saturduy, t hu ililfen tll'?;T, Fubrunry noxt, l lOo'dock Í. Si.i.t'i-n.'lmH" lo ■ ■ iítí . examint :vnd adjusi il claim. Dutud August litU, .v. 0. 187J. E. ir w KUS. ALFEÜD Oommiseioners' Notice. SI TE OF MICHIGAN, coimty of WüMrm Tho iKilor.iil. h Probate Court for said cotinty, '"?Z f . axunine and adjiui al) claims "'r, .1 vatav all porui apainat the eatate of Patnc Jf lateoi ■ ', (iiJ ix muutlu frora date ut nlluwed ' ' "', ■. Vlaio Probate Court for nnditon to present tï Tg (íiíiiki LheeatJitc ol saiddi ei ■■■.-■■!. :""■ ''"■'' ; '„( uo moet at the tor of John CJiuicy, in tl ay -& Arhor, in wMcountT . Hstnrday, the n'; : ,h j,.rf i : nctober, and on Wtdneeday, tho twenty-n" j Juurr next, nt tm n'olock a. m. Dl ''",■■,,,„„,!. dityn, to reoeire, examine, m(m! udjust Baiu L 6tod,Jly mh, A.i. w H Mci„Tï8K QotoR.W.ELLlS&CO'i 1 for choice Wines and Liquorf for Medical Purposes .


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Michigan Argus