The VVhig vote for Governor was 23,933: ihe Democratie, 30,036: the Liberty voie, 5, 437, beingr 220 less tlian the vole given last year for Governor, and 600 more than tho vote for Birney. While the Liberty vote feil off 220, the Democratie feil off 13,555, and the Whig, H,141. The Liberty Standard sajs: 'In nlmost every town where the proper vork was done, there is a pood increase of Liberty vote, thns howiug clearly what may be done. The Liberty last yeor was 1 in 14 of the whole; while this year it is about 1 in 10 of the wholfi vote of the State. Thi. tB the other partios olways reckon, is about 29 per cent. oain. Tbcpro slavery side, or the old pnrties together, lost about 38 per cent., while Liberty lost but 4 per cent. We suppose Liberty has about one voter in Mame whcre slavery hos twelve, throughout the State. Five twelfths remain to be gained to give us ono us half; but when wo get , one twelfth moro the other four twelfihs wül be gained very easily."l
Signal of Liberty
Old News