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Parton's Life Of Greeley

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This Is one of the most notable books of the timt'B, and decidedly one of the bost written and remarkably interesting of American biographles. We do nol pro pose to review it fiuin a politie! ntautlpoiut, for tt l not designed usa mere citmpaign book, but a work of standard valué, froni the pen of a wrlttr of ebtablihed rep uution whose biognphles of all eminent Americans are well kuown and hltfhly val ueJ. Mr. Parto.n'h writinK are all at tractive on account of the care lie exero se ia collectlng Incidents, and the Ingenulty with which he weaves them Into the story bf a Ufe, to relieve the tedium of dry lact and monotonous nairatiou. S;i"h work cannot be reviewed in the canipass of n ordinary book nollcc, und il Is therefore bert to simpty inform the redür that it was coimnc:iO':l nevera! yeaw jio, before Mr. Qreelby wss tliought o: 8 a Presldviitial candiilatc, aud faitli'ull; Britten as One volmne In the series of Pur ton blograpliles, simp'y i jr its general In terest and Intímate coonectlon Witli the hlftury of the country, for near half a century. Commeoclng with hia blrth, and followini; him through "-11 the vtctssltudea ofearly years of trial and advcrsily, tlje achool whieh developed the wonderful power that ïnarki hls riper years aud carried blm forward to tlte time wlieu the people honored dim with the nomination for the liighest piace in our land. Not Written in the Interesu of party, it Is a full and impanial hlstory, cntirely lree from paitisan Ws. and worthy a place In every library In t!ie land, as a buok of refereuce, a julíle to young raen and an incentive to renewed activity for evcry uspiring tnlnd. Tfte volume is a large duodécimo, ele gantly bound and approprlately illustrated, and la sold through the canvussinj; aiitnts of Jones Brutiiern iind & Co , Chica go, at two doUart. All tbUigs consldered 1nd all politicul predilectlon aaide, it appears to us one of tho best, most jjenerally dcslrable, aud i-heapt-st bookl of the year.


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