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Ann Arbor Mineral Springs

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From Ihe Lapeer Ciarion. ASN AltbOR MlNEHAL BPBïNf.S, JUlV 27. Ci.AHiox : - As I sit beneath tho shudo of the ilativa oaks thut form this beuutifui grove and listen to tho uinging of tlig birds, whilo tho suulight comes giiiuuiermg through tho troe tops as the morjuug bruczü rustios their i'oliage, and contémplate the scène that surround me, 1 can cnly wonder thttt uaturc is so bduntitul, and regrot that I caunot always linger whcio nutun imiles in such unboundud lovelinosa. If plea&aut surrouudiugs aro oondnoive of hfialth, the projiriutürs of the Miuural Springj Souse must havo t'ully aijpruoiattjd tho faot in the arrangemuut of their buildings and grounds. Tuis institution ie loc ono-half inile from tho Court HoUbO. The maiu buildiug cxtüiuls across a ravino that ruug east and west ; it is four storics high. Thu two lowei across the raviue, aro occupicd tor bath room, while the third story is cntored from the grouud at tho north end. The build ng is of wood uud well fhiishod, with boautiful hard fiuished walls mul oeilingg Tho iloorn aro &irpeted in clieerful colors, and thu rooms aro uniformly fnroished with o.ik iumituro tnmmod with black walnut. The entire building is hcuted by steiim. Tho convonicnces f r bathing aru tho most completo I lutvn evtr koiüi ind you can get uny stylo in tho catalogue, or any toiuperaturo you may desiro, bo twoon the two extrumities of tho thermouioter. The buildings havo beeD oroctod and tho nrrangemont perfeeted undor tho imuaediato supervisión of tho physioian in charge, iJr ilorris Hule. As you uro a ware, I brought niy wife here for troattnent, and 1 havo l'ound overything so much more favorable than I untioipated, and the Doctor and hia lady s.ienergetic, attentive and agreeable, that I am aniious that otherg should oujoy tho benefits and pleasurea to lic derived here. And whilo I am writing 1 i:;m not fail to remomber the pletisure 1 havo derived in sittinfi at the dinner table, with its snowwliitn linen, and partakitlg of tho deli cious viands preparod under the Buporvision of the Dootor's lady. If you seeb hoalth or pleasure I would not advise you to endorso Greeley and "goV(!ot," but (to to t the Anu Arbor Mineral Si}ringB.