The Next Speaker
The Speaker of thé' ü. S. House or nepresenwtives has the power óf exerting on nfluence on thö destlnies of tho country .second perhaps, only to that of the President. Al! important national wcasufcs are eubmiued into ihe hands of cotnmittees who consider and report upon thcm. Henee the Speaker, knovving previously the 6entiments of the members, cn appoint on every cormmittee a trttjority of such individuáis as will favor the views which Ite wishes to promote, and thereby, irà a measure, shape the couree of legislation before it reacties the hands of the members. Besides this, by hoving the decisión of all points of order, he can grcotly favor particular individuáis and particular objecta of legislation. The Slaveholders havo alwayu been aware of the great power of the Speaker, and though they compose only an eigthtieth part of the whole nation, the office has been filled by a Slaveholder for tho last thirly-four years, excepting three year, when J. W. Taylor of N. Y. presided, in 1820, '25, and '26. That class of men will henceforth clnim the Speakcrship by prescription, or long usage w'ühout succeasful opposition. It will be vain e k M,,rttnirii npmr.rntu to thitilc of tÃlectinga Northern nian. Thoy mny talk about it beforohund as much as they please.but when tho dy of trial comes, they will be bullied or deceived into the support of aiiother Sloveholder. Such, at least, is our opiuisn, draw v. from the experience of a third of acenttuy. The Northern Democracy have 6old tliernBelves for Slavery and Texas, ond they will be obliged to wuar the yoke, of the Slavo liolders, ho wever much they may hate it. The Detroit Fiee Press hos an artiele setting forth the claims of the Northwest to the Spenkersliip. It contends for it because "no man has fillcd the Spenker'w chair from the Nort h since the dnys of Mr. Monroev; becauee of the great intereate of 4tlie Northwest; because the South now has the President, Sccretary of the Treasury, P. M. Generoi, and Atiorney General, and "under iwo rircumatances should not expect ?' :and becnuse "the Northwest, containing one fifih ofthe popuia! ion of thé Union, have nol recoived a singlo office of the firgt or second magnitude." Th. are al) god rca.on,; bul Ihey will be as nothing whpn ipposed tu the will of the Plavelu.lders. The Frte PresB lolks art Ui.úgh the Northern Democrocy had rigkts, bul th. U a mistaken view of the.r position. The Mouhem D.mocratB mny peiitiuM fntavóH os serviles, b..t ,niy nt d-mnl thcir p.ivilgcH a3 cquals. Bul the Editor f the Frce Pres cotnes to hl? senics agnji), for before he coiicludes, he ch the Sluveholdors,- "Wtih the lomontfd .lackson, we would asknoibing hut wlial is cloarly rigrlil, and will not willin?y ubinit w Umi which v clenrly wrong!!" 'Will not wllingly ttiftuit to wrong' - KT â1 .ir of.rvilp L'VT dldO no. 1O euivr ui â ,. - â lingly" 6i:bmÃt lo lliti M wns clearly ' ivrong:" but hal; cr.s the Slnvehoider whcthïr yon be;ir tl.e 1 jfradution willmgly omot, so long as he knows yb'u will hool der it witlioul even a sliow of resistaiice! O thc unfathomable (Jep'hs of Dem-crutic Bcrvility! Gen. J'icks r vos no dougliliicp.- Ilità popiáon vas !.t fie w.Kild '-a-k nu-liiny but wÃiat wna clcrly fÃgl.t, bW1 subinit lo nof ing that was cUa ty" Hs ndmi rer of the Frec Press èliowö hovr lUtlc he ,.iB of the indomiiable èptr'P of ilie .ifl veic. rnnby he vvV.l mit icIUnghj submit to tbfit wl.icl a clearly, wrong' ! j Tlie Kree Press rffentiona sis candidaie? ÃPt he office of Speuher- Droonigo'e, Ilopkins and Hunter, all óf Virgin,, (;-Olil Jn&l never - )Jn?erslhf DaV'S uC Indiana, and WcClelliuxl f Micln.n. VVe Bhnll wait the devélopmonts of ture; bu' w helieve ilmt the SlnVeholders will elect ouo ol their bwn body bcÃauste' ihey willnot durettmsl a Northern Scrvile. Ãn fmc'Ãi case, ihe Democracy of the North- ie ii dmy bour! will gr unible a lnle, hiu! ihen- irnot úilliitgly Biibimt tolliul which is clwurly wrong"'!
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