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r Q. A, BE88ÍOftSJ 1 HSIMNCS AGENCY. Hls Compantes Are Sound. pHBNIX INSURANCE CO., nAItTFOnD, CONN. CAIMTALAND ASSETS.Jim.y 1,1871.. ..1,T81, 000 CHICAGO LOS3ES 760,000 THE PIïCF.XiX is tïicbcst contfucted Flre InNiiriiuco Conipnny tn the t'jiitod Ntutcs. Alwnyfl prtïdtmt aud lound, and ainayí prouipl i payuieut of Iohftes INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. The flrst Comjiany to pii."t!icrnlf".I of thoNeiv Torklnrannec Commldsloner plncctlie Chicago Flre, coming ont from the severe test TRITJMPÍIAISrT ! Afsociatod Press Dispatch, November 2 , 1S71 , THE INTEflNATlONAl. HifL"BAHCR COMPASÏ. The Superintendent of tlioNcw York State Innrance Department, hola nniklng nc.-.refnl otndal examinMlon of the Hew Yt-rk City Compnnies to-day, certifles thatthe Internatioanl Conipaiiy'i apset?"f 11,900,000 are secure'y inventefl, and its capital of SMi . ■ v.forall llabilitica. Dgthe Chlcuc tiro, Iswholly nnimpnirvd Thia Oompany is psyfng allits Chicago lossca and ie!)uiii1 and rellab'o, PollolMlSCuedat fairratea at my ofiico.ï'o. II Eftst iluron streot, Ann Arhor, J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Agent. iniTtf. QLDRIOÜS NEWS FGR ALL GREATiÖN! E. J. JOHNSON, H ATT EB, ! nAS ItECKIVKD 0IS SPRING STOCK AND STYLES Off Hats, Caps & Straw Coods, sran' fibsishixö joods, etc, WITÏCH ITE PROrCSES TO 8KLI. AT PRICES WHIOH Di.FY OOMPfiTlTlON. 7 South Main St., Ann Arbor, TEN REASONS WHY No Family shail.i ie without a bottle of WIÏITTLESEY in the house. ■ !8t.- Ilwill relieve the worst case of BillOUl C hol ie or Cholera Morbuaini; minutes 2 d . - It wül cure the most obstinate case (f Dyepepsia and Indigestión in a few weeks. 3 d ■ - It is the best remedy in the world fo Slck Keadachei as thousands can testify, % taken when the first symptoms appear. ■ 4th.- It is the best dinrclic ever put bfor the public; curing those distressing complaints, Diabetes and Cravel andother Urlnary dlffloultles. Oth.- It is a most excellent Emmena" gogue, and to the Young Clrls. middle agcd Wonen, and at tlicTurn Of Life, this remedy is of incalculable valué. 6 1 n ■ - It will remove wind from the bowels, snd henee a few drops in somc sweetened water given to a babe is better than a dozen cordials to Relieve and makO It Sleep. Containti no ano dyne. 7th. - It is a sure relief for adtiits and childfcn affccteil with Worms and Pin Wotmn It will bring away the woruïs. 8th.- It will cure the PI les and Hemorrhodlal di(lïculties. Oth.- It will cure Con stip at Ion and keep the bowels regular. It will also cure the worst case ofSummerCo mp la Int and DysenterylOth.- It will cure Sour Stomach, Stlmulate the Llver to l.ealthy action. Relieve Heart-Burnand actasa general Regulator of the system. When taken dilute the riose withftugarand Water to .i Wlne-Claasfuirand you have a pleasant tonio. Whittlesey (Dysyepsia Cure) $r.oo per LotUe. Whittlesey Agüe Cure 30c. per bottle. . , Whittlesey Cough Granules 25c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists and warranted. WhlttlMfy Prop. Hed. Co., Toledo, O.. n l. pack Eeeps on hand a firet class stock OF CJGA.R3, TOBACCO. PIPES, f-WUFF And all smokors articlcs AT THE OLD STAND 2 doors west of Cook's Hotel ;it the sign 1382mG pOOND ! On my farm. In Wcbftr. 011 tho .list of Jnty, n mail fnm of fflooey. whid ■ f'i" bavo ' iji'ifi m! pnying forthi sdvortiücment. IV r. Sd, I8IÏ, 188 JOHN COYLE. GotoR.W.ELLïS& CO's for ohoico Wines and Liquorr for Medical Purposos . DOñí'T FORGET That the FairBt, Sqnareat, and bent place Id Aun rbnr to bay Pare Drugs and Medicines, Wlnes and LaorB for Mediciuul Purposijd, PA1NTS, OSLS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, &C, IS JSM? R. W. ELLIS & CO'S. (Ornnr Oppodte thc Barlügl Bank. CALL AND E:A.TvII3SrS Oof PermHDent :ol'r, for ír.dsldoor incide paintliitf. man:if.v i iré White Laad, zinc, and I 011. Cheaper aud botter tliün any other Pint maüü. Sold I17 tbo sallon, ks, or barrel. Aluo Pur. Lead, Zinc, &c, at afUinfactory Priccs. RBMBMBERNAME AND PLAOB. II. Vi'. ELLIS & CO. Fr Seronda, ScrofT uIouh IMseaftcs o f K tli Kyc, or Ncrofu.;. la i nny form. oí Any disi'iise or eruption hE2 of the Skin, disease of tlie Liver, KheumatÍBm, PimOX-f plee,OldSore9,lIIcer8,Brok. 05? _ en-Jown Constitu ti o n a , QJr Syphilia, or any discase de pending on a depravedeon dition of the blood, try fÊhr DR CROOK'S fSL POKE ROOT. wShTÍÍJ It liastlie medicinal propvèj ll1 "' ''"'c'r""l'''nil 'th jíjSy apreparation oflronwhich fíj ge3 at oncc 'nto the blood, Mñfi performing the most rapid 4 and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook's Oompound Syrup of I'oke Root - take t and be healed. Mortgage Foreolosure -N otioe. DEFAI.'lr ii:ivin lü-en m:'l': in the eonditkmof a inorf gago marte and exocutt cl ty John (Jlark öutton, bearing date the fourth day of ■ !. oigbteen hundreU nnd sia r oorded in the oUlce of the Register of Deeds oí Wn County, Michigan, iñ liberthirty-efgbt of moi i and twenty-six, on thi . -y f Janej A. 1. aighteen !iundr?d hih; eight. f.t ' leren and h hálf troloek &. ai., anti thepowei eontained m aaid morts&go having uecome oper&tive by reason of such defauit, tiud the sum of toree liundred and oigoty-stx dallan andthirtj cents bcin? clsiined to bodiie on said mortKent the dtite of thirt notice for principal tu ïe.'irtuiüil.'lf AU'Hncy fci't'ei bnefb ó moTtttd no Bnit or prooeedings at law havin# been ïnutituted to recover the deb) pr a;iy port tboreof; Notice ia thei given, Uüit BHid mortgage will bc foroeloaed by there: ibe 1 and hereinflfter juentioned rik! aot forth, oi ereoffOn Batuda] , thofourteentn day of September next, at eleven o'clock in the fore. .r of the t'ourt Houpc, in oí' Ann Arbor, that boingtli'1 plaoe "t" liolrling theCir cuitCouii tor the county of Wanhi enafl : Thi! sairi mort ta so to líe fiold, by virtue of tlie pnwpr of in aajd mortgage, are described in said mortgage asfollowa; u All thi ■ ircel of land iu the t'wnRÏiip of Bridgewater, in the county of mv ;ti;il State oí .Michigan, bounded and doocribcd aa being the northenst quarter of the northoaat quarter of aeoüon numbra thirty-fdx (3t) in townflhip numi ■ wath of ra four [4) eaati contaiuing furty aom cf iaud b the Humo moro or 1-hh Dated. Aun Arhor, June ÏSth, 1872. CLAKÏ UTT ,Mortgagee. Hibam J. Beakb, Attorney for Mortgagee. 18TÖ Mortgago Sale, WITEUEAS WUliam J. Dainning, of York, Wash tenav County, Michjnn, on the 27th day of nry L. secure tho paymenf of certain principal and interest money irhiob mortgage was reooi the ofUeu of the Kei - ïain thecaunty of Wsahtenawand Btateof Hlflhigan, on the 30th day Of April, A. -Ü. 1870, t 3'3 o'clock P. H. of sa in Líber 12 of morí, i . and wliereas lii-t'iiult bas been made for more 0 I iays in :;n;ntof on i interest tnoney whioh beoam dne on the 2ïth day of April. A. J). l pursnant to tlif tormsof Baid mortgage, i at o mtich of said prin taina anpidt withall arrearage of interest fchereont sball becotae due and piiyulile immediately ; and whcTeas, there i claimed to be due van anpáidat the date oi thifl notioo the nm of twelye hundxed and eighty-fire doUarafox principal and intorast, a'so n atturni'y'a fee of thirty dollarü should any proceedings be tf.ken to foreoloae mi mortgage, and no muiter j?rocedinga hnve len inbtitLited eithor in law or OQuity to recover the same ot any pal t thereol : Kotioe, therefore, is herehy given tbaton Satnrday, the tifth day of October next, m two o'cluck in ntU'rnoon, ut the south door of the Oourt House in Üiö City of Ann Ar)or {boing the ■ iu vhion tbc ' ixt for the county of Wrtshtenaw and State aforeaaid is held), and by vlrpublia auction to thi premlna d rlbedin snid moxtj ify the amuuut af principal and Ini 3 to be ii the atlomey'a fée of thirty dollars aisd ■, rn wit": All that r parcel of land siiuatt in York, Washtenair C'ounty and State of Michigan, anddesenbed na folio ws, to wit: Ti rirtcr of ection nui:. i tiip number foiu ■ ■.. gouth - Dumber si l ttble to tiovernmeni Burvey, Datcd, July 12, 1S72. HENRYL. JAMES, Xortgagee. John Jh. Gott, Aitorucy fot Uoxtga Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE oy MICHIGAN, eottoty of Wa-htei O In ih matter of the estáte of Corneliua Lai deoeased : Notí 'ivr. thi in fwi ■ nof aD order gra l'robai' ■ v of Wahlenaw, on the twoty-aecond tjay of July, A. D. ISJS.there -Ü1 be sold ai pablio vondiiéi to the hii nooseoi in the county of Wiwhtenaw, ir Wcdnedy, Lhfl etghtotntb '-emter, A. 1. 1?72, t trn in the forenoon of that day subject l -iU encumbrancee hy mórtgsgct or otherwis tjng fit the time of thedearhof said deonased), tb foUowi real estáte to wit : Theweatbalf of the i'ïim iwcnty-thrt-t in townahipone Boutb of ran-e six east, In said Btate, conti ucres, more or leas. Alo rad deas oomxnenoing at the qua aectiona twenty-iwo and twenty-th:T?e(namo ton nd range, and ■ trter line to the m] ti utísíod post, thence north on anid line twenty-four roda, ;; bIído eighty rods, thenoesouth twenty-foux roda to the plac ■ inning, containing twefre acres of lan-1, nxoepting i nbove the four aorea eonveyed by deed from i ougblin ax iteof 1 '■ cunea Kennedy, whi h aaiddesd ie : in ühf-r 60 oT deeo, on page bWl, ia the offiée of tlie Reifinter of DoetU in &ail connty. d, JuIyfSdj A. i) : W 1 1 -LI A M IU K KK, Administrator. Een) Eetate for Sale. "'TATK OV MICHIGAN, oounty of "Washtenaw, as. In the matter of the Kstateof William N. Moore, q, that inpin-Hiiance of an order gra i mn, of theeetfi i inor. bythelïou. Jndge'of Proi t 'A Hsntenaw, on the tittcenth 1872, therewül besold n' ■ Ier, rtt the ?outli door of the Court Souao in iim Arbor, in the ol Waehtenavr, in aaid State, on Xhorwiay the r, A. I. 1872, atone o'clock in the afternoon of thai ( all eaoumbranoea by mortgage r otherwise exuthig at the time of the f he nndivided one iinh ofeachofthe folWparts or Utnd viz: That pari o n thirty !;■ ing west of tho eenterof the nighway, and the aoutli forty -one acres of that part ot sant marter seciion whicb linseaatof er ofsaid highway, being iu Town&hip three aonth of ranpre six aast in said State. "íkíái?, H0OEE. Hon.. 13S3 Guardinn. Real Estáte for Salo. CÍTATE OP MICHIGAN, Oounty of WMhtenw ss i I ii tho matter of the Eaiui-nf Caroline IJ. PrMI l No U lierebj ■-!■■, i.. tlial of n oidor grntedto the uu .'. by Um llon. Judgcol Probnte for tbu oovmly ui Washteuaw, on thi' filivof Jnlv, A. 1). is;;, there will b old at rendue. totho higheet tñddr, nt tho iicr tho north wrst corner of tliu liiml herainafter 1. -nibol in tke County of Wakhtanaw I dTlhetwenty-fourthdayof 8e] tember, A. D. 187 atone o'olook in the aftemooa oí' that day [subject toauancumbianoea bymortgow or otlioiwise exuting at tho timu of thu donth of aid clwwr-d,) tut iollowingdesp.iibed Uenl Eaintf., to-wit: The weet half of the Routii WWI quarter of eotion thuty-two, is tovnabip three south of rungo flve e:ist contaiunii; pinhtv acres more or lesa in said stute. ISSCtil Ail niiiii.; r:tor. Estáte of Eloazer Dtvrrow. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw.ra rToticeia horehy gin, thal by nu orier of th Probata CouTt for the (Jouuty of Waahtenaw, mad on the third day of August, A. l. 185 nninth from that datewew allowed for credlton to nreaent ilir elaima agaiiut Uw estáte oi tleaicr ■ I oounty, deoeaaed, andtbat all orediloraol said deccased are required lo present theii , claims i" snid Probate Court, al the Probate ' I the city "I Vim Arbor, for eiaminution and allovanc , on nr before the third daj ■( Fjbruary next, and that raohdaiiIK w .11 be heard before ra d l'ro;„t, oo Batarday, tho sooond day oi Norember, and on Friday, the third day of Fabruary Bext, at ten o'clock iu tlio forenoon ot eaoo i t ( llii;;t;:a.rb,A,1i.S:.;:.Ai 13S7-H-4 Jndge of Probate, Aj ONE Y VVANTKD. Five or ix thousand dollars, or more, on a mortgage of unincumborcd ras] state worth thi., theamount. Enquircof 13B0 E. W. M0BGAK. Finest Assovtment of Toilet Goods in the City, by Estáte of RoBwell lToo- I' U ■A.,(o.M-lVOf w Al n sewionof the Probate Coirt í, , m, Wiahtenai , ■ ,„,„ ty ot Aun Arbor, on Tneaday tli„ in ttí July.ln tl, year ono tóuïïSd S&W od and soventy-two. ' "W hun. Prowcnt, 3 r i i , . - 'udconf r.i In thé matter of the tatetf L-, en. ducc!ui. ".en JJoofa On reailinK and fljins the petition, dulv „ri. faty Mooie, praying thal a cótain nfieil.ol n Ml.. In thia Court, purportins to iSf?! KdiiavVtj li that Mundo n ay of September next, ut ten ;■],,,.]-' ,, Jl nUi n.l tlmt t) visees ïna ,' "Í lt'tim, ■ . ■ " kw i uid etato, are remWtoTÏJ??3i Marión of said Court, thim to vfí" at ie Probata Office, in the City of rn a t w' liow ca . thore l.c. why tlm nrii ' otiti.,. ', '?-r oí tbi nid petitionei -ivo , .. flml"T tute, of tiie pendencr nf. ï? Ion, and the lieiirinK thi 14Pi. bis onicr to jo publiuhed ii the Vic ',■„ , B t printed and circtjalin ia , '. j 'ï ■''■', l hrui' sucue3ive week previ nu toaaid int „f í ""nï, (A trae oopy.) H i ka m j i;'r "JSfil. 11117 ''U'roW'u,. Estáte of Wellos- minmi ' - QTAT'. [OAN.County ot v,h, Wauli „te OIW iiï111'! of Aun Albor, on Kut., Cil, July, in tbe your ono thousand ciifht huni ïr " . Jmïcof ProU t In thé matter of !'u Sarah W. Welle, Marj estáte, comes iuto ' - -ha' h "' renderhia thh t apon it is ordtred, that i,SUrtun' uinth diiy of September next, at ten o'clwi i'n'i!7'.11 noon, be assigned ror thchearing of in „,:,■ "''" iiinon .iïdii?"'?"1 ïiénmlS"1 iipptar Ht ii seasion of a;nd f'j:n!, ;;,,.„ .„,'J ,!"; atth, Probate I , v V nn VllUt show caue, if any there I .... . ," „r,'l titionor Bhouldnotbopri.. [tufSC11 dored, that said guardián gire noïice to thiT"" interes!, il i'i said eirtate, of the pendencr of ,t1VnciB tion, and the hearing thercof, fry rxnsini . !ü' ƒ publUhed in thi };;",,;,„■'„ u-L,s "'■ piipxr prinh-d and circulating in said Onnb ? euocewiTc weeks pvovioua to said div of h,!i " otj HiüAM. i.iï: ""' Ju'(tc of Proia'Ui Estáte of Susan S. WcIIm ' OTATE OK HIGAN, I onnty oí Wah ín oí t he Probate dourt fu'r tl?]"'"' oí Wasl of Aun Arbor, on Haturday, tho twenti.-th 7,7, ?' in the year one thousaiid eight huodraJ J ■' nty-two. awl Present, Hiram J. Beakcs, Judge of Probóte la the matter of I : d-ceased, Silas n. Douglass and Isaac fl i'V v ■ t n oí che last will w testament of HíL? i:omt into ( 'mirr. anci i epresent tbat thev m l flm account as uihSSü1' Icred, tliat Monda. a?Sík day oí September next, al '■ tlT nixm, bu asugned Cor thc hearing oí ■ and that the lateen, devise , 'Ff1". naid deceaaed, and all oí -hmZle, are required üj in thc City oí Ann Arbor, une! show fr theiobo, why Lhe prayer of the líitont.rlioníjmMT ii i, :..,:! ecutoikivenoti !huï of saiil account, and tbckíi, thereof , by oausinir n ropy oí tliit ordOT to (se Si ■ Arffus, u ni v.i,.,!,(.r primo! Ad! Ö:; - -L (A true copy.) HIBAM J. BEASB '"" Judge of Profcstf. Estáte of John C. Dopew ' OTATE Oi' MICHIGAN, county ol ' Wmhtoiw .. } M fiscssion of Ihi ... f.)rthcBhi'tr( Wiwhtemiw, hoiden at thc l'robat.e otSce inthtrt of Aira Arbor, on Saturdny, the twew j-'tTO'í , of Ju), in the year one thouíand eicht inídiJ nnd a.veary-two. ""'■ Protati In tbe matter of the catate of John C hm. doce' ' 1 flllns-tho petition, dnly TtriW o( 5ur i'.. lepev,-, atlminisiratrii, praying n,t j_ may be lieensed to monga eertain raalotítoktifr of HMtl dereaaed died fieied. TbompOB it i ordered, íhat Mondar, day of Scytei.-ibpr noxt, nt ten o'clotk in the teon be asjifrned for the hearing of mi, and that tho heira at fcw of said e;] and lili ottaei perHons inteiicsted in mid u;,' are rw,uirL-d to appear at a m iin of said CrarLtla "ffice. in thcoitrofiin ■n.l show rase, if any thpr= be, hr lia if the petitiott' ;:tyj. jj ítiafurt] -tóürti of said petition nnd tbe helling tl copy of thia order to publilied m tho Sl':ri,itt ir. iwspAper printen and cíit.:: ty, four auc v - jj j,T j hearing. (A true copy.) H11UM .1. BUAKES Judfo of Probate. Estáte of Ansel A. Eolcomb. OTATE ( iV M Ifll IGAIf, I :traiT, O At a KosaioD uf lhe Prohato (-'ou . holden t tbe Frolwte Oíüct.inS! city of Ann Arhor, on ThuTsday, the eiekitnli in the year one thousaml eighi hmdred and nevonty-t tro. nt, Hiram J. Ueakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estte of Anael A. Ho'codk, ■ and flling tbe petitioii M:i J i .. : ! ■ ]■ ■ tor, prayinff :li:it ihey in:; TlnTïtupcn it is oldi the scoi a e'clockta t'm heirs at teretl in said estáte, .. liwail a sfiRsion r.t naid ( ■ Probate Office, in tle ií y r.t' Am AiH aad (bow caQBC, it : tf tí piayer of t he i ■ d: Aol K id furt b. i ■ Hütirt the pern'caofl8{ , . ■ ■ '.:- Xifllift Argut, a aew-; Couety. four aucceaaive weeks premium towüdds; of he;'p (AtruoopT.j HIEAM J.B1 ÜS5 Jivlïcot Itc,!--. E?tate of Patricb I STATE : .:!f-mi, . !:lFr inthdayof Jttly, v. !.!■:-, sixmoiitluBi" I that cuite wcrii nllowed for i .-ntthnr elaiow aaninst ti A uounty, .eceased. and n snid rïecetused are required to presrat tlinr " . rt the Probate 0(S, " tb na A rbor, for exnruination and n!."1"? ■ the tweuty-ninth day .if .Inaxirynreijy that suoh clainw will be lieord btfore and n L'ourt.on letweniy-sixthday cffttow lay, thetwen ■ ' H neit, at ten o'clock iu tho forenoonot' d "áted, Arn Arbor, Jlllj ■ _. HIRAM.1.BEAK&. 13S5w4 Judgeoffi. Cotnmisaioners' Xi'tice. STATE OF lIlOHIOAN.Connt) [ :■!■■ anderai pni ;. !ia ■ ci'ive. f. '-lírti uil perron against the eetate oi sixraoü iré iillovred, "f.x?.0 York. m suiil coujll ■ .liiy of September, and on il . . andadjust" Datcd.July.Otb, A. 1 i , D■Wil.LIAM .r,i13S5W4 Liimiwai Drain Coramissioner'e Jïotice. Noticeisherebygiventhatthi I' ofWashtenaw County will be t the bou BUimintheTown.i] onthe(2;th) o'clook intheufternoon, to ra traotfor the excavaüon and consitobe fcnown the "I olnmbia at or near the center of je running thence south and west acre1 g and the southenst quaiter of soctio 'T, i. eouth acrosa tho northeast quarti and Uie Boutheo ( qinirter ,! i;iniii r m M '"l"!! lell ■ quarter of ection tlfteen Sndinft, "'.""ïï!-ji ' '"i io ' comraencinpr on nee' i „„iiitnii"!01 alao for a branch dwri w w i [uarter of aiction 'üreciion acroiwthol an outlel in Uieranin : " I will also b. :t the house of 1 ''""v' ■. b day oí Aüv-uít, ' "Ldg will mapsof the aV.' Yi' jgl riptiond ofthe everal P1"'1','. bv me beneüted thereby, and tliearo' p, tíon by división and ubdivirfon ?f tw .Jj ed drein by apportioned to f "VÍ ,0Jel ' wriptionoflandto construct, and to ' ". t ater to construct on ccouni ■ a bcncfltinirtliohighway, and toneer i : . why such upr-irtl0Ijme i-;. ii .11.1 OOT] ' Ann Arbor, Auguat rth.2. y j,,Drain Commissiontr oí WaAWX "" u-I). ____-" Commissioners' Notioft, OTATE i O The urideraijfiied, havii Probate Conrtlorsaid cou samineandadjuat uil ■ unty. dois-afd, I" ■ - . :'!, förcreditorstov Arbor. in sai r-;J day ofOotober, and Friday, .,--, ij January next, at t '.J aays,to' recêive, examino, nndadjua a'Jul3ríl8,tVm'?TUSÁVIDB!n"S1 ■,r-r - "TPAKEN UP ISth'duy of Juñe, bay uure ; black uiaue and tail. lli '" ' ,l;, ■ ■ Saline, .fuly 16. 1S72. ,rosES BIE51383wt MO=___- ISüíSfiseBiP11


Old News
Michigan Argus