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Terrible Railroad Smash-up

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PHItADELPHIA, Ang. 27.- A terrible railroad dnaater occurred near here to day on the New York and Pbiladelpbia ro.d, by tho brcakinx of a bridgp over a chana. The New York f roight train oon(ir,tel of 28 oare. '1 !e I5th cur jnmped :ho truck and Ktrikïng tïi( end of 'the bridge oarricd it off the abutment, oarryi;ig th! iv;t of tho train down on the track 20 feet bolow. This disaster h:u! hurdly cocurrod when a train of 40 coul cjtu-.i oanw running up to the bridge The rngineor and fireman juuip . 'l trom tho ongine and oscaped with vos, though sustaining some slight iüjuries. In a moment the coal train colltded with t!io hugn pilo of ruina which filled the ohaem. Tho Rhook to the coal trdin thrirw 13 cars from the track, while lo were complately smaehed and ba up, lyin piled on each othi r. Hdin:were tossodj a distance of 20 feet thers were tlirown back on the train. Tho wr.'rlc was complete. In a few minutes after the collision of the train a oonflagration ensned whicli (lestroyed all tlio C;irs tli it i)!unp;od into the she chasrn with their valuablo raorchandise and tho locomotive of the latter was conijilutüly destroyad and lay piled on the charied cars and mini of' the bridge. Tho cars of tho Now York train ooutained dry goods. The fire dopartmont was quickly summoncd, but dospito their oiforts all that was combustible ■wout to ashes. - Gold, silver and coal mine; "■" -ow oreditoi] tu Alttaka.


Old News
Michigan Argus