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The Two State Conventions

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The Democratie and Laboral Republioan Sbite Convontiona woro held at Grnd Rapids on tho 22d, nnd wero both laroly attended. The Democratie Convention was callod to order by Hon. FOSTEB PiiATT, Chairmm of the Stato Committee, in a timoly and telling speech. A toinporary organization was made by el meting Hou. Henuy Chambehlais P.esident, and Hon. H. M. Look, Seoretiry. The permanent otgsnizaiion was eff ted by tho oloction of the following ofBcors : President - Hon. W. L. Bancroft, of St. Clair. yiee l'ntiUntt- Benjamin Pierson, of Lenawco; A. N. Fitoh, of Culhoun ; C. C. Suttou, of Burrien; J. C. Blanchard, of Ionin ; A. N. Hart, of Inghum ; S. M. 8 tone, of Mocoiuh ; A. C. Maxwell, of Bay, and J. B. Nixon, of Grand Traverse. S 1 1-: tarie -A. II. Kcdfiuld, of Monroe ; Alox. Popo, of Houghtou, and M. B. Breitenbaoh, of Jaokson. The f jllo'.ving oomraittoe of twu from each Congreasional district, with Hon. Hexky Chamheulaijï, at largo, as Ohairraan, was appointed to oonfur with a like committee of the Liberal Ropublican Convention and report the namos of eandidates for State oflicers : John H Haruion and D r. Wm. Brodie, ot'Wayne ; Elias Haire, of Wai-htenaw ; "Wm. N. Grernley, of Lenaweo ; Wm. Barlow, of Btirry ; J. G. Purkhurst, of Branch; Dr. Poster Pratt, of Kalamatoo . N. W. Landon, of Berrion ; Israel V. Harria, of Ottiiwa; John C. Blunchard, of Ion ia ; E. B. Winans, of Livingston; C. W. Green, of Oakland ; W. L. Bancroft, of St. Clair ; C. P. Black, of Tuscola ; D. B Foote, of S-.gnaw; Wm. Backus, of Montcalra; C.'M. W. JEarle, of Marquotte and W. H. Wells, of Nowaygo. - In the Liberal Iiepuicttn Convention Hon. Randoi.I'U Hthickland was temporary Chainnan, and N. B. Jones, Secretüry. Tho permanent oinoers of the Convention were : Prexiimt - Hon. Dwight (hitlor-of Grand Haven. Vii e Premdents - A. Marxhausen, Geo. W. Green, L. T. N. Wilson, Allen Porter, Osmond Tower, H .C. Brigrs, Thomas Clrk, John F. Driggs, J. W. Perry. fkiretariet - X. B. Jones, ïughan ; R. F. Hiii, Kalaiuuzoo. Tho Committee on Conference norainations were Adam ëldsb, at larga, Chuirnian, mui two frutn ach district, as follows : lst- Poter R berts, Otto Stark. ïd.- A. W. Gou;d, L. D. Barok. 3d. A. II. Eilis, Ertinlus Pook. 4th.- J. v'. Pike, J. H. Ch-iifi. 5th.- Alliert Williams E. 0. Adnms. 6th.- G. H. House, Adclph Buck. Tth.- N. S Boyntou, T. II RichuïdsStt. 8th. - C. Bitiilo, A X. Cuuiinui".-;. 9th.- T. W. Perry, E. L. Sprague. - The Conieronce CommUtees of the two Convoiilions reported th following nominiitions : For Ouvernor - AuSTIX Blair, of Jackson. For Seeretnrt of State - Geo. H. Uouso, of Lansing. For Joscph A. Hollon, of Saginaw. For Auditor General- Xoil O'Hearn, of Livingston: For Atturnty Genend - M. H. Maynard, of IVItirqutitto. CummMoner of the Land Office - Capt Gei'. H. Mardouk, oí Burrión. Superintendent of Instruction. - Willard Stearns, of Lonawoe. Memfier of the Board of Eduaitivn - Edward Foluner, of Wnvin-. Elector ut ltiyc - Ilon. Goorge Y. N. Lothrup, of W.-iytie ; Charles S. May, of lialinnazoo. First Dist.- Otto Stark, of Wayne. Second Dist.- John Wuhl, of Monroo. Ttird Dist. - Audruw J. Bowne, of BarrJ'- Fovrtk J)Lit. -Kenry CbnmbcTlain, of Burrión. ÍSfth Sik.- Hcnry Fmlick, of Kunt. 8!h JKxti-irJ.-Randulvh Stiieklaud, of Uiliiton. tieventh Dist. - Abrnm. Binith, of Kt Clair Eighth Dist.- Churlos, cf B.iy. Ninth Dist. - Guarios i. .Fouton, of Muckinaw. Whioh nomin itions wero unftniinously confivmed by ach ennvention. The two conventions thou cousolid:ited, when (Jov. Blair appoarod and uccoptod the uommation, thanking the convuntions for tho imsolicited honor, llis speoüh wnd enthusiastioully reeoivod. Btiet' spcc;c!ios wore ulso made by Mr. Blan'OIIAHIj, tho nominec for Lieut. Govoinor, and by Mr. II.h.lox, tho candidate for State Treasurcr. The Centnil Coiimiittei-s of the two partios wore authorizul to appoint a oint Exooutivo Committee, aftor whioh the joint convoution adjourndtl with rousing cha'.rs SkGliEKLEY and BftOWN, Blaih, Bl.vxciiard and tlio State ticket. - Tbo C.impfn Excoutive Oommittee, nppointed by thu two Statu Coutral Couiraittooa, is as follows : Democrats-Foatar Pratt, D. 2& Dickinson, V. A. Niins, A. C. Maxwoll. Ltberals - X. B. Joños, W. D. Iliirrmian, Adam "Eldor. IlKUE 18 proof positivo that Sunator Wilson, the República n candidato for Vico-Prosidtnt. was a Kuo w-ÜTothing. It is furnished by AiBERT Pike, hinibeli a inember of tho Onler, and who knows what he speaks. Writing to tho N. Y. 2i&7i,.he says : " I was a dolegate to ' and moniber of tho National Council of ' tho Know-Nothiiig party, in the summer 'of 1M5"), and [-olie of seven delcgates ' from a Southern State. I found the ' present Senator Wilsox in that body ' whon I entored it, and lie sat in it dur'ing tho who'to si'ssion and hulpod settle ' the platform - being one of t!Te sovon 'delegates of AI vssachusotB." Wilson repudiates the speeches attributed to hini ; will oithor he or his frieuds deny this charge made by Pike 't The eleoUón in West Virginia, held on ;he 22d inst., resulted contrary to general oxpoctution, in the ftdoption of tho now oODStitutli :i by about 2,000 tnajori;y. Tho clim3e subiuitted aoparately, Ikqualifying neroes from holding ofice, wis dufuatod by a very lurgé vote. Tacohs, independent Domocvat, was elec;ed Governor by a m ij.nity of about 2,500: and Davis, presunt moniber of Congres', Doiüocrat, but running against ;he regular nominee, cloima re-election y over l,00t) majorify. The Kepublicans ran no Stato ticket. Tuk Democratie and Liberal Repubican Couventions for tho Eighth Con 'ressional district were held at Saginaw ity, on "Wednesday laat, the 28th ust. Mr. Cuai.'ncey W. Wisneu, of ïiist Saginaw, a Liberal Kepublicau, was ïorainated by a joint committee, and ap)roved by both conventions. His iiorniuitiiiii was also indorsed by aconvention of Workinginen held at the same time. - Oonveutions wero hold yi'.stürday . U the ;Srd district, at Marshall ; in the tli, at Niles; and in tho Tth, at Port Huon, too late for us to givo thoir sevoral osults this weck. 1 '


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