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- In an articlo on tho " Boal Danger," the N. Y. Kvening Post says : " Thero ig no neoessity for believing that tho Greoloy Üemccrats, ghould they get possession of the governiuent, will pay off the Southorn war debt, pension the rebel soldier8, deprive the nogroes of the right to vota and to hold offico, or to attempt to reduce them again to slavory. If thoy should havo uo regard to the_:guarantocs of the Constitution, they would to con siderationg of their own safety. It would be dangorong to attempt to do nny of these things ; to Attempt to do some of them would bo to re ostablish a state of civil war. But if the ireoloy Demócrata had tho courage to propose such measuros, they would have to do ao without Mr. Qreeley." The Pont supports Grant, snd its concoRsion should stop the noisy clamor of small platform speakers and streot-coruer brawlers. Thore ig no danger in that direction. - Tho result of tha Democratio and Liberal Republican Oonventions of Ingham County, opened tha eyeg of the Republican, and convinced it, " that instead of solling out the Democratio party, every Republican who has gone into the movemont is sold to the support of Democratie candidatos. The oioven foot is plainly visible." This ia to scare Ropublicans who desiro to vota for Groeloy. N.ixt wcok the hook will be batod for those "honest Democrats" who are being " sold out," and can only assert their manhood by voting for Grant, or for the candidate of the Grant-Lcuisville-SideBhow. - S. D. Bingham, Chairman of the Ro publican Stata Committee, writes to tho N. Y. Times belittüng the Liberal Republican movemont. Ho also claims that from 5,000 to 10,000 Michigan Democrats will not vote for Qreeley, and that Grant is sure of 30,000 majority. He cbunts on 2,500 negro votes and a host of young Republicana, but makes no allowanco for tho larger nutnber of young mm who will givo their first votes to Greeley and Brown. And this bosh he signs officially. We have beforo heard of feat of " whistling through the graveyard." - John A. Dix corainonced political Ufe a Democrat. In 1848 ha "switched off" and supported Van Buren ag-iti'.ist Cass ; in 1852 hu supportod Pierco; in 1856, Buchnnan ; in 1H60, Breckioridgn ; in 18üt, Lincoln: in 1NG8, Graut; and now he is rewurdöd with the Republican nomiiiation for Governor of New York. as a " convert." Hu lias a facility for political changos or ' convrsions," and like the woman who applied to her lawyer in hor third or fourth suductiou case, ' rather likes it." - Ex - Congressman Bowen - botter known as "bigamist Buwen"- partioipated in the bolting Republican South Carolina Convontion last week, and pledgod hie county to support an " honest ticket." But öfinntor Sawyer outrivaled Bowon, ■ by assunng the convention " that President Grant earnestly desirol thorough reform in South Carolina." Did President Grant over surmiso that reform, like charity, should begin at home 'i - " l'istols were drawn and a fight. seeinod iuiimnent until ihe ohairman declared the convention adjourned until tomorrow." And this in that model State of South Carolina, where loilism runs rampant, and where Grant's will is law : and in a Rapublican oocvention, whero evory ineraber was supposed to bo a scholur, a gentleman, a Christian, and a puro patriut. Thorougii R idical reconstruütion, is oertainly a success. - Dincuusing the negro, the ÏT. Y. Eocning Post sa ys : " To reduce him to slavory is jut of tho qtiestion, for civiliantion does not go back on itself in that way.'' Which wo comniend to the Post's co-supporters of Grant who affect a holy horror of the re-establishment of slavery in the event of the eloction of Greelcy. - A correspondent of the N. Y. Evoning Post claims for Dr. Geo. W. Clarke, or " oitizen Clarke," the honor of bringing out Johu A. Dix and proouring his hjiuination for Govornor of New York, by the Republicana. Clarke may havo proposed, but th:it now and radden oouvorsion to Grantism procured. - The Philadelphia Presa (Forney's) claims 185 electoral votes sure for Grai.t - a "spare" of on;, - with 64 doubtful votos. In the sure list it nimios Florida, Indiana, Nebraska, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. A bad show for Grant men to bet on. - Postmastor General Creswell, who came all cho way from Washington to Michigan to oall Austin Blair a Blairther skito, - nothing more, - was originally a uccessionist aud " put in bis bo;t licks" to taka Maryland out of tho Uuion. - Throughout the country tho Grant negroos, encouraged and abetted by Radical leaders, threaten vengeance unto doath upon any colored voter who do olares in favor of Greeley. This "loil' Ku-Kluxing is all right. - Blanton Duncan, now pronounocc by the Ropublicans as the " i.oblest Dom ocrat among them all," the very model of a patriot, was an officer in the Confedérate sorvice. - It is reported that Virginia negroeg are being importod into Pennsylvania, to aid the Radicáis in the Octobor election, and that Kentucky will furnish nogro votere foi Indiana. - Roberl Linooln, son of " tho martyred President," is a Greoloy man, and is credited with saying, " if father was living he would take an aotive part for' Greeley." - In South Carolina two Republican tiokets are in tho field : tho regular headed by F. J. Moses for Governor, and the bolter's by Reuben Tomlinson. The Prohibitionists of tho Third Congressionul district have nominated Rev. C. H. Ellis, Methodist, of Burry County, for Congress. - Ex-Senator Gwin says that California and Nevada are sure for Greeley, and that Oregon is doubtful with tha chanoes in favor of Geoley. The New York Democratie State Convention is to be held at Syracuse on Wednesday next, September 4th. - The govornmont printing offioe at Washington is being vun as a tender to the Graüt-Ijouisville-Side-Show. M. S. Smith has buen appointed Police Commiasioner at Detroit, ríee John J. Bagley, resigned. The California eleotion takos plac e on Mondiiy next, and the Vermont eleotion on Tuesday. Tho Louisville Convontion adhoronts are now called " Grant's Guerillas." - The notorious i;x-Kev. G. Ohaunccy Burr does n't support Groeley. - Gen. Jubal A. Eirly wou't support eitUor Grant or Greeley. What, with carrying Judge Ooole"', Col. Grant, the professors at the University, Senator Maxx, and Daniel Hiac iok, - who, by tlio way, never was Troasurer, nor publishod as suoh, of tho Liber al Republican Club and whose namo was not uaed without his consent, tbat " Card" to the eontrary notwithstanding, - and vouching for their politicul orthodoxy in 8'jnson and' out of season, the broad shjulders of our neighbor of tho Courier must ache. An oíd maxim has it " that whore thero is 80 mnch smoke thero must bo some flre," and politicians who need oertiticatus of oharactor - ospocially such as tho Couricr givci theta- week af tur week, muët be a Httle sbaky - By the wny, who is tho " Republican professor," tho ' youn mui " who seefca a seat in Ooügteaa, and " probübly will go ovor to Gheeley, hoping soinething will tura up to give hiin the position ?" We pause for a riíy. Sbhatob Wilson denies that he told Rov. C. W. DenISOK, of Washington that " President Grant diinks t:o inuch, and I have told hini so." He remenibers the conversation, and what he said was : " I rogretted that the President used intoxicating liquors at all ; that I wished he would take the pledge, and that I had a mind to ask him to join the Congres3Íonal temporalice society." The adraission falls very little short of tho charge, and does not provo President GliANT a temperanco or an températe man. Now, tlie ï4(;v. Senator Haulan should come to tho rescue. He might reviso the certifícate he gave Zack Chaxdleh. Our fellow townsraan, E. C. Seamax, Esq., writes from Dubuque, Iowar thaj the Jjiberal Iippublicans are numerou; there ; also, that at Janusville, Wis., which placo he visited on his way West, " 100 Ropublicana had signed a paper declaring their intention to vote for and Biiom'n,' while h;s informant, a well informed citizen, assured him that " he did not kaow of a single Domocrat who woul-.t voto for Gen. Grant." The ball is rolling. We EE8PE0TFÜLLT cali the attentu n of Moses AV. FIELD and his " suit of gray," to tilt; faot that wood is largoly boing imported into Detroit, from Oaaada, and tbat American forestsand wood-ehoppers are thereby being robbed of their rights. Mr. FlELB must promise his constituents in the baokwoods of Wayne t ïat this thing shnll not be after he takes his soat in the south wing of the capítol. 'i.'mí Couritr made up a " Domocratic Slate " last weok, and advertised for proposals for places on the " Republican Slate." Our neighbor is tho " Champion Slatist," and it don't seem to make a bit of differenee whether he has good grounds or none for his guesses. It is ali the samo to him.


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Michigan Argus