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A Speech By Gen. Bauks At ...

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Boston, Aug. 27.-Gen. Bank, his nrst speech of the campai l! at Lynn, on the occa.siou of a r ght and Brown üag-raising, to a kr ? ence. oe sjj. Gen. Banks said in the preacnt , thoro wero no more Demócrata aJn publicans, but patriotio men who ficed their prejudices and Hs one nart0"" as oneiuan Mand hete re thecoui tri port of the great pnucipleB on'wCh government was estabhuhcd. 'Xhn this movement was to place uow, h.nds of the people, while tho traliou pui-ty deairod porpetuatE power. Tho claim of fiSSSfe at the North or South, would be r ' ed. The speaker said: ■ We hl causo to press thosj who engamd in " belliou further than onr safetv A f They are but a faction, a uáuoritv !'t' out position, wealth or inflnenoe. 'jT is not reasonable to suppüsu th'al tl " Wül attorapt to take the power oat J,? hands of forty inillions of peoplu Ja open old issues." "" The peoplo supporting tho admini6tre. tion must dLstinguush whethor the curr,-no of the Democratie party s Wt' eseary or not. If they retuae it ihey 2 be overthrown, as the Soutb wai andi power of this country for ft' Jfe of a century wiÜ pasa mto ihe hwcl of thoe mju who aro agreed in gneral concurrence of uil prtifc ' leaders in the Constitutiou ub it tiuM amendod beiore the people. The tri courseoi the Bepublican pur:y waa ■ it was understood that this wimJ?. was desired, or thoy wure willhig to Bui it, to have aecepted it, and to Luve ganizod the administration upon the U. sis of au acquiescunce iu the principkof the war, una admitting to partianS all those who are willing to consait aoquiesce in thair } rincipfeg. WhyshonJ it not ha vu bem done i I will teil Jo„ Becaiise a largo and powerful party ,, been ia posseasion, and debiring to con. tinue themw lyea tor thcir own benei-' wem nawil'ing to shore witL anvbodï else the advantage of the administration Thertiore, if they reject the offer of poi which comes from all sec tions and all p, ties, they will be destroyed and thatpu! ty which accepts will bo installtd in pow" er by the people, and that administratie wili bejust, and for the buiion't of ün people. However you may view the incident! if the canvuu you will tiLd heteaftet that that which 1 teil you is the truth of history, and that is, th'it the administration party, with its kaders and with iu organization, will be destroyed by thii canvass and a new party of wiser and bett rr men wül be installed by the ptopje in their pLicos. [Applause.] This will happen. Even though by accidont of Üie cauvass Gen. Grant muy be re elected, he can nevor, no, never, re-estahlishthapov■ r of tlie party of which he is now the hjad, because the people of U parto ind all persons ar.:! wise uu ugh toreuniz" the er r; of the pat and oome tugjther witü the purpose of nmoring tnose errors and wiping out the HO qu'ncis to theiuselves ud country. We start in this canvas, af its verr threshold, witli asgurauees of sur. oertainty of triiiinph. Thep-werwillg to the paople for'what.pnrpuso? Por the welfare anci interest of allaluMsof peop!c To waaiend? That is may secur tho rifihts cf ïiilin of all uloaMt nA couditioiis. So t'ar as the future is oonoened, theso groat objocts h;iviu; been estsblished, we will turn oui' attention to tbt whicli oonoerna the intiras'.s of thu p)pi o and give to tin-m a prospority, powet and weaíth that tho world hus uever seeti, and tliat no psoplu less iutelligout tliau the Aini;ncan have been able to pwti ■ pato in. To s-vy that a party orguiad under such oiruuiustauces, ior siiehapoier, is to bo indefinito!}' defeited is impossible. I have recalled to you the career cf anti-slavery men - how they begwi with a scora. a 8ngle man, with truth to fiflht for, until thoy absorbed the power of tho tountiy and thair most extreme views wore puf into the Consfitntion of the country Our carees is the sanie ai theira. I réoogaize the universal rigbti of man, as they did. Supportedaná?oided, not by abuse, but by an appeal U the reason and intelligenco of U cliase' of men, and gUDported by theprivateani Iiersoiml interests of all, nni in that Tie we assimo to nursolves that successiswtain, and that defeat is iiupj6aiblti. [Ltoiapplause.]


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