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y anted : Fohï "irl.i, tor the Laundry nnd Muing Boom' Cook's llüïLL. „ 138J J. Q. & B. C. AVË8Ï. CHEAP LINENS ! Wc havo 8O Pieccs Tablc Liucn 1O0 Dozen Towels, Xapkim, Wbte Quilts and 'l'able Cover. Familie preparing la take Boa'" era snould ee ttaii Stock. 8w JOHN' H. MAYXABD listutu of Riichiu'l XIcCoriuick. OTATE Oi' MICHIGAN, oounty of WMhtBWiJ O At a session of the 1 robute tuurt íit ofWiubtenaw, holden at the Probate!" cit of Aan Arbor, on Tu?sday, the twi-iii)1-1"} of August in tliu ycur oue thousund eitfM ■" and sevonty two. Present, Iliram J. lieakes, Jndfre of P'01;, In the matter of theaatnte of lUchncl Mcw decoiised. ajfat. i l ling .md filing the petition, dulr ï"1 „ John MoCormlck, pmying thnt lsne Zjji some othor auitiible pnon niT bc PPf""w minlabrfttor of the estutc of iiil g T heroupon it ia tiren' I, dny of Septembei next, at ten o'elock In tjei" boaangsed for the heiiring of muil V#f 1L;. ji that tfco heira at luw of lid f1 other persons interested in wiid eö ivpntol quired to nppcur ;l u session of sniil court, . liolilon. ut the Probate Office, in tfce atr 0.TÍi,j8 bor, and show cause, if there be, "v Ji of the petitioner shuuld not be pw"1 ..tulln furthcr ordered that siiij petitioner gi nSocj' persons intorcated in Huid eítiite, of tne prj,. i raid petition, and the honrinst themf y "V, oopyof this order to be published in "ïï '„1 .(rjns, .1 newapuper printfd "nd 'rc , Í7S at ' county, threo suocussive weeks prcvious to si" hearing. „,„,,,, BRAKEN (Atruocopy.) UfJT Estáte of Edwiird Ryíni.tffl4W,. sj TATEOF .■MHHKAN.Comit)-"!' "'""öjir Ata acsaionof the Probate l'u"rU „thtOtf of Wosbtonaw, holden at the l'rub:n om.i daJ. „t of Ann Arbor, on Thuraduy, the l;l.c" ndnl August, in the year mie thousnnd elgnt in "ptóntninun J. Deuken, Indgc "f JÍÍJiBr1' In the matter of the estáte of b"w"" i verlof' On ronding :ind Hling the poMtion. il' „, co Martin Ky.m, ].ruyin.' that oertain "' , ii wül " on Hla in tliis c"irt purirtli:ir "■ "■' ' ' jltj to f" testament of aaid deoeased m.iy bo Mimw „!' bate, and that he muy lx) apioin!l "8 ' Th ' ■ ! ' ', i ,on it is orderel,tlial Monay.the twe1,, dy of September next,a1 i.-n..;.;.v.k ■ ■ uw ben8ignwlfortheheuiii)gofsaidP')tU"ni legateei, dc-nsee and heir at law oi sají Wj al! other persons interoateil in wid estáte, h jl to apptur 1 11 newton f wuu ooun, . rtor,' attfie l'robnte Office, in the City of A show cause, if nny there bc, why tl P petiüoner should not U' kto'".: ■';':'. totWIj „r.!,-.,,l. thai aid pcütioiwr ;;■'■ ' ll „„leoff ' son inlercsted in sniil estutc, ol "" J" „„iti ipetltion,.inl Ue heiiring thewof. .„y'uftlns order to bc ,;"h ,d ,- ,!,,,,„,, ij ?3 oounty, tlirw buccomitc week pre W hénriiifr. „T„,,ri HKAKÍ-S (A truc copy.) KIlu i,,kv.f l-il. .389 - -; jpaOPLE'B DRUG STÜ" R, W.ELLIS&C [ A.NN LJÏ


Old News
Michigan Argus