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Local And Other Brevities

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Tlie mu! on Col Ie liy line cOiUa. The pirilic schoo s opened M nuiay. - Slimmer, If the cufoiuWr is rllt, pl:.ys O'.it 1 - i )i row. - We have another lettsr from .T. If., bat too late for thls Arous E. C. Skam.vm, Esq , of thls city. Is" looking u" Colorado. Hls wlfe accompanles liim. The licitud term h s collapsed, fl'1i August goes out wlth dellghtful weather, oool nighu, brcezy days, aud frequent lbovrers. - The allotted term of service of Uev. L. R. Fisk, of the M. E. Church, closes on Sunday, and we nnderntand tint he wlll gtre hls fiireweil sermón Sunday even Ing. - Service t the Unltari-m Oharcb wlll be resnmed on Snurtay next, Sept. lst. Rev. C H. Bhioham wil! preach In the noralnx it 1O' o'clock, and In the evenlDft :t 7J-.-Ex Bhertff PoBTBR W"í i'n town yester duy, lookiiiü hale aii1 heirty. He wa scen, hwvor, íioIjiíi t dtnner wlth Cha KBT, whlcli wlll make l Uonrier certllicate of his politlcil ortholoxy oecemary. DuriiiK the recent scss'on of tl;e Amfricau Assjclatlon for thu Advanceinent of öilence, at Dobnque, Ioa, papen wcre read by E. C. Skaman, Esq., nd by Prrfs. A. B. Paijier, A. Winchkli., and N. II WüTiiem., all of thiscity. - The rallroad jury nodend a verdict on Wednwlay, anseMlns; the rlglit-of-way diin.'iires acrosa the lancl-i of Mrs. Mahy Cawioun. of Vurk, nt $165 00. On Thareday, Thomas Smitu, of Pittsflcld, was awarded $400. - Croquet has been lively In the Court House Square this week. The regular playera have been largely reinibrced by ratlfoad jurors, ml llie stahvnrt fanmrs wlth their coats off and mullet in hand, intent on putting tlieirovvn balls throush or their opponent' In chancery, hve drawn quite a ciowd, - both in snnshine and shower. - At the Annual School Meeting to be held on Mon.tity next three Trastera are to be elected in place ol Jous M. Wheki-eh, Jamks B. Gott, and Oi,aüDiüs B. Ghant The polls are to be held ;it the Court House, opening ;it 10 o'clock A M. and closlng at 2 o'clock F. M. Tlie business meeting to hear tlie ojinuul reporta and estimites and make the requisite sppropriations tafces place at 2 P. N. - In the sevare storm of Monlay afar Doon last tlte barn of Gilbf.ut Biiifisali., iu Siper.or, was struck by [iglttttina aivi Imrneil wlth lts contents. I isureil .or Ï7.J0 iu the Washteuaw Mutual. At 8 u'olock aI m. öf saiuö d ly, tho baru o!' iIatthkw E. Ki.ei.ku, of Slurou, w ; Btrjck bv llg'.itnlng, and dumugvd to the uimunt of I'JT or 5?ö Aii Insnred Iu the W. M. The barn of Mr. Sahah Batty, of Pittsillil, was ilo track by Kghtutng t ie sanie tiay, nd eonsiderab'y d irr.ügri. ln-uivfi iu tne W. M. A Greei.ey and Browx meeting is to be held at tho viiliige ot' Milán, en SaturUv, 8ept Tth, t 7 1-2 P. M., to bu ftddressed by Messrs E.E. Frazbk und L. I). Buucit, of this citj'. The Eomcrats and Liboral Repnblioana of that viciníty should all turn ont - The Deuiocrats and Liberal Eepublio ms of Manchester aro tu orpanize a Greeley and BltowN Club to-iuorrow Eight. Tuero should bo a club iu every townubip, ;itid where no cuntrul point accuimnodatos a township, two or three c'ub8 in different aections of tho towuship Hiay be made to do good work. Mk. WidiíB.makk lias handad us tlie followiUfí note touchinií a pararapli iu the C'juner of lust wuuk ; Fuiend Bbal :- Yo:i are laborlna under a greut If yua tkc a rag (treUthed a'jross the itreet as an Indicatiou ot a pru(ülectlon oí mine tor Gruul. For Grunt 1 thaü mil v-te, and for Greclcy I won't, be cause the latter is such a blackguarrt of a ucwspuptr writer. A. V. 'iiikmiasn. - It is too bad to hit GuBBLBT uiiü the Courier man wltli the sanie htoiie.


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