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The Bourbon Boit

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The Now York corresponden t of tho Cincinnati GommereUd says: There is a good deal of tulk about tnenew Bourbon iiiuïiiiinn since it waa cliiimt:i that Charles CGoimor had indiöated his willingness to accept a Presideatiiil noir.inutiuu at ils hands. The Ghreelèy paper do not suein to bü ut all afraid of it ; Uut the Uruut varty evideutly suppose thut it will utterly destroy Greeley's chances. The Grant 01 gans natter tho " unrlinching Democrate " who havo startod it ; praise their " stein devotioii to principie," and aro actually so silly as to say it has sonio show of succes. This is oarrying t ie joko so far that ia easily seen through. ïhe AJiuinistration ia alsj doing all it oan to encouragc the movemcnt. The seductiva power of patronage is employed to holp it. The custom house is very useful iu this direotion. Ex Sheriff O'Brieu. one of the corruptist politicians of the old Tttmumny ring, and and an in timate of Gi-üiit's ntvoriti', Torn Murpliy, the wiokedest man iu New York, is thu manager of thing,. He iö trying to get the Müiahuioe of the Grant party to eleet ïim to the Mayorality of the oity, for vhich ho has the support the wickedest mau just named. Another of the mana"ors is Ohauncey Burr, of whom I preume you havo heard. Ho is a reckïess, jood-natured, haudsome, eloquent sot, vho was at one time a preacher, and laterly the editor of the OM Guard. Ho was a rebol cuppi.rhead during the war, nd as suoh uiude tho acquaintauce of fort Lifnyotte. AU thn otaor partios to he movomeut horo are obscure. U'Brion nd Burr are the leaders of the Bourbon jolt; and when one who knows thein eads ia the Grant papers about thoir stom duvotiou" and "high-toned priniplo," ho can only indulge in a little )ubhc wailing, lightened by a good deul f private langhtor. If I know anything nbout political oeling here, alter studying it these many 'eara, I shouid say that the Bourbon novement will fina but small support in íew York, and it oan not poll enough otos in the State to produce any apprecible effect upou Greulcty's majority:


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