Public Meeting
PurBuant to notice the electors of Ann Arbor,mct at the Washienaw House on Tuesday the 23th of Oct. 1845, to nominnte a candidate for Juatice of the Peace, to fill the varancy ocensioned by the resignation of Dorr Keïïogg and to be supported at tho ensning election. The meeting was cnlled to order by Z. S. Piilcipher. O. Beckley was oppointed Chairman, and Tho' s Keal Secretary. On motion of Jomes Ludingion the meeting proceedêd fo ballot for n candidate and upon counting the votes it wos, fotind that tliey were unanimoüs for Sumner llicks. On motion EÃe's'olved, That the proccedings of this meeting be published in the villnsre papers. O. BECKLEY, Cha:n. Tna's Keal, Sec'y. Ann Arbor, Oct. 28, 1845. ftTThc Delaware An'i-Renters have disbanded. aud no iurther opposition to the laws is nnlicipaled.
Signal of Liberty
Old News