ANff Arbor, Oct. 31, 1845. Tli e weathor for two wceka pnst has been dêfigbtfuii The Indian summcr" has bcen wnrm and dry. The roadB nre go"d, affording ihe farmera nacommon facilities Ãor getting their produce to market. Great numbers of them are secn on their way to Detroit with loads of Wheat and F)onr. The present mmiber of engines and cars on the Railrojd, although in motion day and night, is found tobe altogether insuflicicnt to i'rnña1 port the amount of produce which isseeking a market. Owitig to a failure of water tho millers have not been able to rind ae much VVhcat as usual. The market is declining a little. To day G5 cents are paid by buyers. Wheat was selling in Detroit yesterday at 75 cents. T!e receipts of W heat and Flour were very large.
Signal of Liberty
Old News