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Vegetable Fertilizers

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Tlio oiiginiil soil, ns it was derived frora d3COtnpo8Ítion of rocks, had in it sutficio:i' ekments of furtility to produce gríis and trees, and at the sanie time theee elemenis of fertility were continually increased by the d cay of thc vegetable matter. In the saine manner we may restore a bou to near its original fortility hy planting trees thereon and illúwiug them to grow for years. The ieave8 draw sustenance frora the atino; - phero as well as from tho soil. Any matter of a vegetable nature which will docompose readily may be made available as a fertilizer, whether it be dry or greon. Of these two undoubtedly the green plant turnod under has the most beneficial effect, and of all plants thus used clover is gonorally acknowledged to bo the best. But there are usually soils which will not grow clover, and they are usually soils which especially need the organic matter. For such soils the common fi-ld pea is adapted, and being well inown is easily cultivated. Many offorts iiave been made to introduce the Germán upine, but with little suceess. The principio upon which vegetable fertilizáis act is, that the plant draws a patt of its sustenance from tho atmosihere, and tunicd undür green and there rotted, it gives the soil the nitrogon it had extracted irom the atmosphere. Henee any green plant is an oxcollent fertilizer - even the weecis. Dut we wait until hoy becomo hard and dry, then wo rake ;heni together and burn the "pesky hings." While clover may draw more nitrogen from the atmosphere than any ther plant with whose constituents we ro acquainted, yet every weed draws ome, and if weedsare plowed under they would to that extent enrich the soil. A ;entle,man asked us how to enrich his and without manure. We told him : Li t the weeds grow, plow them under whilo groen and sow limo on them ; keep t that for several years, and you will i ve rich land. But, he said, I do not vant that troublo. ïhon, we said, plant rees and let them stuy there forty vean. 'he principio of vegetable manuring is s old as the trees upon our hillsides, bvit 'hüe many havo learned this fow have earned to enrich thoir soils by the same ïineral moans by whioh they were creaed. In connoction with vegetable manures mok inay be alluded to, as it is but little moro than a deposit of vegetable matter. Hauling muek out upon the land is a short mode of replacing its organic matter, bilt on; which we do not believe to le su good as plowing under green crops. Tho latter is more permanent ; by it you attain the object desired, and no other ; you get into your soils no latent seeds of bad grassos or weeds. Muek of littlo valuo exeepi in connection with other vegetable rmitter añil lime. It íh an efficiënt agent in assïstïni; in the deeomposition of various of animal ■natter, and in the manufacture of eouipO8f. Roaword might be elasKed amone; thfl Tegetable manurcB. Of this material the re are t WO vurioties - one of raluo as it decoitiposeg, the other bakea hard in thé Min. It is cxlcnsively used on our Atiaiitic coast, espociullv on Lon IsIttnd, lis it contains a large amount of pOtS8h. We rnightfurther addto the Hst of vpsref ilili' uanure.s the various oil-cakes, but i they huvo beon littlo placed to iso ni thñcoanfey. Thoy are rich in nitro gen, iind are viilnablo chiefly for ooinposting with other Rubstances. To tho vegetable fertilizors, in conjunction with. the mineral and chemical mattcrs, wo look for tho rodemption of the thousands of acres of soil called wornout all over our land ; but howevcr aidi 1, thoy nnistbo tho groatagent, for with piaster and clovor or peas thore is no othother so ohoap or more guro means of re(toring elements of fertility which have been exhaustod by excessive croppings l ud bad cuHivation. - New York World


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