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J Q. A, SEWSlOas' mSORAHGS AGENCT. Hls ('oilipiiiilos Are Sound. pHCBNIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, COHN. CAPITAL ANP ASSETS.JuitI, 1871.. ..l,7fll,OflO CHICAGO LOS9ES 7SO.0OO THE I'HIHIX i the beat cotlducted Flre InsurniKc Company in lic United s:iE-s. Aln.ijs prudent and sound, nnd iilu'ityi prompt in pu uien t of loJNTEKNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. The flret Compita; to pnsutfieordeal of Nw York Insurance Cfimmlmlonera sIdcc the Ohlenjro Flre, coming out from theaercre tost TRIÜMPHANT I Aoxociatet! Prr- nipnrch, November 2, 1S71. THKINTEIiNATIOMALINBUBASCFCOMPAXY. The Superintendent of thcWew Tork'tAt9 InoranoeDspartmeDt, whoImTDihlng ■icnrüfnl official exitnilnntjiin or tbe Nw York Olty Cnmpnniee to-day, certlUcs thnt the InternatioiiHl Company's metanf 9l..i0',000 are mciiroly iniMtod, and lts capital oí WOO.nnii. after prOTMtaft for al! liaWllties, includlncthe Chicas, üre. Is wholly nnlmpnlred ThisCompany Is piyinnlllts Chicago lost es and isnonnd nnd rcli b'r, Poli ieslssuednt fair rutes ut my offlee, No. 11 East Huron street, A nu Arhor, J. q. A. SKSSIO.NS, Agent. IMftf. QLJRIOUS NEWS FOB ALL CREATiOlfS E. Js JOHNSOIM, H ATT ER ! DAS KECEIVED HIS SPRING STICK AND STYLES CVJÍ1 Hats, Caps & Straw Gooiïs, Eests' kvmwnm ;oos, etc, .VHIC'H HE PHOPOSES TO SEM. AT PHICES men iincv roarpKTiTioiï. 7 South Mafn St ..Ann Arbci. Q h. PACK Koeps en hand a fust c!as3 stock OF CIGAR : TOBACCO, FPE3 SxTOTF And all s mokers articles AT THE OLD STAND 2 doo;-j weet of Cook's Hctcl at the sign 1382mfi E.-,t:ite of EWzcr Darrow. STATE OF MICHIGAN" Voxwtjot Wnshtennw.w. Notice íb htreby yiven, chut i. nn onier of Uk Probate Coart tor the Lounty of wasbtonnw, mdp on the tiil íImj of Angumt, A. J). ls;2, si: monthsfrora that datev.civ nllowl for rreditora to preseni tlielr citJina ngttiiiut tlie ev-iate of Bleazer barrow, Inte oí wúd couDly, dooennd, and that ]1 orediiors ot Bid út i eaw ú atv rectured 10 present theix olaima to Buid Probate C'ourt, ut the Probate OtHro, in the city of Ann Arbor, foroxminntifn nnd üllowanec, on or beforc the thinl day oí F(;lrmivy nex', andllint such claim will be héoid before ma Piobatc Couit, on Saturday, ÜM seoond dny of November, nud on Fridtiy, the tlibd dny of Folrnary next, t ten o'olock irt the firencon of each tf tJiose ilays. Datetl, Ann Arbor, Aujrnst 3d 187:2, HIKAMJ. BEAKES, I3fi7w4 Judffe of ProbateJI CommissioTiers' Notice. OTATE OF MIClIHi AN. county of Wnshtennw, ss. O The nndersiinied, hnvhifr been uppuinted by the Probate Court for s;&4d cwcmty, Commiiwionern to reocive, exaininciind udjust iillclaimrt nnd demanda of all persons nguint the ostuto of John Kisele, late of mud county, decoiwwd, herebv jrive notice thut .six months from dikte, iwe allowed, by order of said Probate Oonrt, for creditors to present theirclainiHagainst Iba estáte ét said deoöased. and that they will meet at the otiicc of Angustm Wideuraanu, i the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Satutrduy. the-twenty-sixth ilay ofOctober. and Fridav. the thirtv-first dav of Jnnuary next, at ten o'elock a. m. uf euch of aaid days, to reoeivo, examine, and adjust said claims. Dated, July Sist, A. I). ï72. A.OUU8TU8 WIDKXMANN, CHUI8TTAN SCHUIT I), 1 38G w4 Commisaioner. CoramissioTiers' Notice. yrATE OF MKMIHfAN", county of Waehtennw, se. O The undursigned, ha ving been appointed by the Probate Court for ftaid county, Commissionero to reevive, examino, (UMÏ adjust all claims and demandB of nll rsonH ogolDBttnQ estáte of Joseph Huward, tate of rtiii'l co mty, dcoeawl, hereby jfive notice that six iiionil a froiii date nro allowtd, by oitler of nid l'riiba e C mrt, forcrt'ditorstoprcscnttncirolnims ,i ;ai iist tht et itf of s lid deceatwd, and that thoy will mi-et at the otü ;e f Ezra Joiich, in the villiiKe ut Saline, in suid county, on Satorday, tho sixtennth day of Xoveinber, and on Salurday," the fifteenth day of February next, at 10 o'clock a. m. of each of said daysj to receive, oxamine, and adjuatsaïd claims. Dated Auiniat 15tli, a. D. 1872. E. HOGER8. ALF11ÜD MILLER. í.'i'-s CoDimisHÍoners. Comtnisfiioners' Notice. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, , county of Waahtraaw, sn. Ö Tho underfflgned, havin(jr lecn appointed by th Probuto Cuurt for said couiity, CommiíUtíoneni to rOoeÍT6 examine and adjust n 11 clainifi and demanda of all persons afjainst the catate of Patrick McMiihon, ltO of said county, deeeasod, hereby irive notice that six months trom dutr U6 allowed by order of jud Probate Oourt for oreditor to present their claims ajfainst the esteta of aaid deceaaed, and that thej" will meet at the store of John Clancy, in the city ofAnn Ai hor, in Aaid county. on Saturday, thenineteenthday of October, and on Wf-dii(slay, the tweuty-ninthdny of Janiiary next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said dan, to reccive, examine, iind adjuat said claima. Dated, July 2!Mh, A. D. 16,1%. WITJJAM ET. McINTYBE. Ml CHA EL 0LANOT. 1388 GommisHionero. ■VjONEY WANTED. Fiveoraix thoiwnnd dollars, or more, on a , gngo of unincurabcrod renl estntc worth thrce timee thenmouut. Enquireof 138C E. W. MOBOAN. GotoR.W.ELLI8& CO'f for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicine B,Paints,OilB,&c. ■■ ■ in ■ lai -aaaa-a- ii i !■ ni ■ni ii ii- ■ Mortgage Foreulnsuru Notice. DEFAUl.T linviir beeu inade in tlie condition of n mi írteme mwle and ci,,l t-jr John ijaeatel lo Jlurk rtuttoii, hearing dnt tlie fmirth day f Mny, A. 1). eighteen bundred and sixty-oight, nnd recordad in :he otllce of the llegister of Deeda oí Wanntenaw County, Michigan, in liber thirty-eight of mortgagea, on page four huudred and twratyix, on the eightetnth dny of .Tune, A. 11. eighteen huudred Bnd nixt.yeight, at eleven and a half o dock a. m., and the power ol hale contnined in unid uiortuage haring become operative by renaon of Buen defnult, aud the sum of three hundred and oighty-six dolían nnd üiirty-nine tienta beintf clnimed to bedue onaaíd mortgage at the dnte of thls notice for principal and interest, besidcn n ro.isonnble Attorney fee furthe fbreoloaureofsaiil inurtgage, and no uit 01 proceedings at law having been mstituted to recover the debt secured by 8aid mortgnge oí any part thereof ; Notice is therefore hereby given, that aaid mortgnRc will 1 forecUwed by a sftle of the mortgaitcd lands and premise therein iliwribed and hereinnftor mentioned and set forth,or!ioinepnrttheTeof,on8nturilay,thefourt-nth day ol rtcptembernext, at leven o'clock in th f orenoiin, at the south door of the Court Houxe, in the city of Ann irtior, thnt beini? the place of holding the Ote" cuit i 'ourt lor the county of Waahtonaw; Thenaidmortgano pnmlM) no to 1 sold, hy virtuc of the power of iwile iu uai'l moi-tfpjiffe, are described in said mortpurt; aafollows; " All thnt trnct or pnrcel of lnnd ítunte in the tawnship of Uríilpcwnter in the county of Wiiahttna nnd stiite of Michigan, bounded and descrihed BI being the northenst quarter of the narthCiiMt (Hiartcr of nection numbiir tnirty-aix (36) in Wwnship number four (4) outh oí muge number four (4) oast, containing forty ncres ol lnnd be the Mfne Inore or leoe . Dated, Aun Arbor, June IMh, 1K72. CLAHK BUTXON, Mort$rwt. Uibah .1. Bkakkb, Attoruey for Mmtgagt. . 1379 Mortgage Salo. WHKRKAH Willium J. Donnlng, of York, Wanhtenaw County, Michigan, on the 27th day of April, A. I). 1870, executeil a morttme to Henry L. Junas, of WUliamiiburgh, UiUHUohowtto, to wcure tlR' paymont of eertain pMndpnl an'l intnt nioiicv thriii mentioued, which mor'gdge vr recordad in the offic.; irt tl Jterol Deco iii thecounly of aHhtunnw and Hliiteof Michigan, on tho 3th day ' of April, A. I). l;o, t .. i o'ciock y. m. of miil ány, in litxT 12 of monguee, m püge 363, imd irberou default been nuda ryr more tnan twmty duya in thiiaymeiitof :-.t inatullnu-nt ot said Interest money which bvCHiue due on the --h dy oí April, A. I). M12, by ceaaon whereof and immuHnt to tL t''i mu oi aai.l nvnrlKue, s!d mortgngee electa ilMt o much of snid principal a reroaina unpald, wiili all armunge of intanat Uranon, tkall btraae 4e and payr.ble immeuiuteiy ; and wbeteaa, Ihereia elaünea ;'' 1 dnc and onpid at the (bife of tlii notice th" - twelTObunOred and dollHinfor pri ajid iuterest, atao aa attomey'a fee oí thirty dolíais nhould uny proceeding be taken to forecloae sairl mortgnKe, and no wilt or pwiewMng have bee institutwi eitlicr ín lin or eqaity to reeoter the mine or any part tbureot : Notíoe, tharefoi, ii íh.tc1t giten ttmt on rtatiirdiiy, the Hfth dny oí Oetoliit next, a! two o'clock in the aflernoon, nt the amth door of the Court House in the Ci'.y of Aun Arbot Ibeing the building lo which the Circuit Court for thc county al Waabtenaw uimI Htate iiforesaid i hekl), and by virtue of the power of unie contuined in unid inortgaKe, I nhal! ellat public iinction to the hífth&t lidder Ihe premi' clivcrlrwd m said moitgnse, to satisfy thc anmtint of iJrindpal and interent nbove cluimed to be due, with the attorney's fee of thirty dollars and charges of sale, to wit : All that eertain piecc or parcel of land nituate ln York, Viwhti'naw County and State of Michigan, and deucribed as follows, to wit : i lie e:iat half of the southwesl (niarter of seclion niimtwr eight, in township numlíer four (4) south ■ of naga nuuibcr six (6) east, agreeable to the Government survpy. Dated, July 12, 1872. HENKYL. JAMES. Mortgagee. Jobs N. Oott, Attorney for Mortgagee. Keel Ebtiite for Sle. TATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wn. hlenaw, ss. O In .he matter of the estáte of Cornelina 1 auhli , diHvastfi : Notice is hereby givun. that m pursi anc.' of an order granled to the undcnAfiied AdministTator of the Dótate of nuid deceased bythe Hon. Jnlge of Erobate for the county of Wn. htenaw, on thts twen ty-aeaond dny of July, A. I). lS72.thire will be t-old ai public vendue, to the highest Uddur, ni toe dwíliiimnou.sH 011 tho premise nereinafier fleseribetl, in the county of Washtenaw, in Ki;id Stnte, on WÍnefdav, the riyhttx'iith day of Srptirr.ber, A. I). 1S7Í, tt ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day subject tl) all en."utnliruim s by morí (jugo or otherwiaü exisímg at the :une of the dMtfa of saiii dco?aBed), the following deacrilied real estáte, to wit : The west half of t he so7ihwest qnarter of section twenty-threc in townshipone outh of rnngesix ent, in said Statk contiiinini; eighty .aerea, more 01 lew. Aiwa panel ef land dcxerfbed a comnicnciu at the qnnrti r jont bstween lee inn- twenty-two and teen1y-ihre same townallip and range, and running east on lid qnartor line to thc subdivisión pont, (henee north on múi lme (wenty-lour rods, thence west to said sertion line eighty iTKiif, thenos outh twinty-fonr roda to the place of b&inning, containinp tweíve acreK of iand, exceptin? [rom the nbove the foiir jicre conveyeu by destl f roía iid l.'omelius Lriuitlilin and wiie, i:mUr date of Decemlxrh, 1:V!. to J-tmea Kennedy, which anid dee:l ia n'CoMed in 1itcr I 0 o ' ícels, om page !'.'l, iu the office of the Krijger of Deed? in said county. l)atl, July 2M, A. D 172. WILI.1AM DUBKtí, Admiawtrator. Beal Estáte for Sale iTATE OF MICHIOAN, county of WaiMtMV, sa. In the matter of the lístate of Wiüi-rn Ñ Monrr, Jr-, tninor. Noiice is heiby givtn, that in p"iu: nu of an order gi'rtnteíl U) the un-lerslgued, (ruurdiAO, ol the ntnte of eaid minor, l the JUiiu. Judgc of bata tor the ('ounty of Wwhtenaw, on the Hfteenth dayof.July, A. D. 1S72, there will be wild ut public vendue, to the highent bidder, at the noutli c!oor of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, in the county of Wwhleuaw, in said State, on Tlmrsday the ttfth duy of September, A. D. 1872, at one o'clock in the aftemoou of tliat day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or othenrise ixitimr nt the time of the sak): The undivided one fitth ofeachofthe fol'oiriiig deaenbed partí oí land viz : Thnt part of the soulli west qusirtcr of seetion tbirf y lyfog west of the center of the highway, and the simt ii forty-one acre of that part of a::id quarter s'.Kjiiun wháii li;x e:nt of theeenter ofsaM Mghway, boin in Tnjiship threc south of range six enst in snid Ktjite. , ■ , Daled, July Uth. A. D. 1872. ' W1LUAM N. MOOKE, Sen., 1M Ourt)i,m. tuut üstnu; tur iule. TATE OP MICttiGAN, :unty .f imditenni ss O In the matter uf the Jétate oi Curolme I. Freer deoeawct. Notioeffl hérebygiTen, tliat in pnrsuürc)t Hnovdergvimted tothe nnlc:ined, Adiuniistrator of the óptate of suid decttieod, theiln. Judgeof ' Probate for the ooun'y of Vahtenaw. on tlie iiftcenth dny i Jniy, A.. I). 18;2, theie will be sold at public vendne. t the highesl indiler, nt the bridge near tlifi nonh wst corner of the land hereiuaiUr describcd in the Guunty nt WaBhlennw InandState, on Tuebday tbc twenty-fmirth da; of Keptember, A. I. 1872, at oue o'clock m thnt'teruoon of tht day (subject . to ali by mortaKe or otherwise cxist■ ing ot the time of the denth of r:til flaotmasiij the following deoorfbed EcuiKetate, to-wit: The wes! half of the rtouth ft'est qTftivter of sceiion thirty-two, in township thrtc xoutli of rfuifte tlve enst eontoining eifihty acres mort or lcts in ntiid state. Dated, Aujust Mh A. D. 1S72. AJ.VA FKEKR 13WM Ailministiator. Entfrtíf of Lovi Bishop. STTE')K VIICItiOAN t,'otint ni Washtenaw.s At n sepston of the Probau Court for the ConutJ of Wtientenaw hiiUIfi) at the l'mbate Olilce, in tb City of Ann Arbor. on KrUlay, the ninth d-ijr ol Auüiir-t, in the year ono thouoand oiííht hundredaud neventy twi. Precent lliram J üeiikcf Judpr of Probnte In the mntter ol the estáte of Luvi B's'iop, decen"ed Je&se S. Boyden, AdmicltiHt r or fl'iíd estáte, comen intoCourl aiul reprefcnl ttiai he i nou pre lared to render hls flual account a racb -dmiui6trator Thereuponiti8 0rderel,thatTne9d!y, the se venteenth diiy of September nút at ten u'cl cktu the foreuooii, ueasëlgned fevexanuukug nu'. nHowipg Bti6b aceotmt,aud U3M !hv lieirs ailaw ofsaiddecen?e i, a ntl al) otlier persons intrereated lntjaid glausare requiiid loappcar :it aséselos of said Court, them to ! be holden at the Probate Office, in the Oity of Am Arbor, in suid Couuty. and show canse, Ifany tóere bc.why the said account shonld not be allowed And iti furthiT ordered that said ' Admiüitrator gire notiecto the ponwiivtiiterrstcd in said eetate, of the pendeney of ocoom. aad the hearing thereof. bv cansina a coy of tMa order to be publisheil in the Mickfgaa JrAKJ, a newepaper priuted and ctrctilating in said Comity, three sticcesNive weukepreTiourto said day of hearing. fA truecopy.) 'IIIKAM .1. BEAKES, 1S88 JndgeofProbate. Estato of Alpheus Wooster. QTATEOP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, s ; O At a sesaion of the Probate Court for the Conutj of Wahtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the fourteenth day ' of August, in the year one thoasand eigbt hnndred and seventy-two. i i'reseut, lliram J. Beakes, .Tudge of Probate . i In the matter of the estáte of Alphous Wooster, ' deceased. 1 WiUi'im Duncíin, Administrator of said estáte, comee Into Court rnid represente tliat he íb huw pre pa red to rentier bis final account as such Ad ■ nviuwtrato. Thereupcn it Ie Ordered, that Tueeday, the sevcnteenth day of September, nest, at tea ofcfock in theforeuoon, beasaigued for cxaminingand allow ing euch account, and that the heirs at luw of said deceased, and al lother persona interested in said eptate, are reqnircd to appear at a session of said Court, then tobe hulden at the Probate Oiïlce, in the City of Ann Arbor insaidCounty.andshowcauseifany there be( why the said account should notbe allo wed: And 1 1 is furthiT ordered, that said Adminietratorgtve notice to thepersonfinterestedin said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by oaaung a copy of this order tobe publishedin the Michigan A r;{tis,& newapaper printeu andcirculating in saidConnty, three suceeseive weeks previons to said day of hearing. CA trae copy.) HiRAM J. BEAKES, 1383 Jadge of Probate. Estáte of Silas Whitmarh. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Woshtenaw, ss. Lj At h soKrtion of the Probate Court for the county of Wftshtenaw, holden at the Probate titice, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursdav, tho twenty-second day of August, in the year one thousand eight hundrea and tieventy-two. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Süae Whitmarnn, deoeased. On reacling and fllintí the petition, duly verifled, of Willium 11, Whitmarth praying thut tlie real estáte whereof aaid deocased dieil teized muy bo pnrtitioned amung hia kins at luw, and the pctitiun ui 'Julia Whttmarah, pniying thut her dower In said rx'al estute- m:iy be iiigncd to her. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturduy, the fourteentli day of Septembor next, at ten o'olock in the forenoon, be Astigiiedfor the henring of Htiid petitions, and tht the hciis ut law of suid deoeoscd, and all othei persons intercated in stiid estáte, are required to appetit at a aossion of HRid Court, then to bè holden, ut the Probat-e Ottioe, in tho tïity of Ann Arbor, and show guubu, ifanr there be, why the prnyer of the iH'titioneië should net be granted : And it is further ordEved, that aaid petitioners give notice to the peraons interest'l m ttoid ost iiif, of tho pt'ndency of aaid putitious, :uid tfe hearing thereof, by cuusing a copy of this order t be publiuhcnl in tJie Michtfftm Argus, a nowspup'r priDtol and eirculating ín stiid oounty, threesucceiiHive weeka ' prewoi to said day ot' hearing. (Atniefopy.) HIIïAM J. BSAKB6, I3ött Judifu of Probate. i iHYHCÏARS1 PRBSCBIPTIÖSS"7 lOOURA'.BEV ANP C ARBFÜLL Y PREPARES BI R. W.KLLIS CO.JJRUQQI818 lístate of Ebenezer ArnaT" O TATK Oï M1CUIUAN, Co.inty o, ?vlf}PrcMit Uiram J. Beake, jU(1 "4 tee.ith.luy ofBeptembw in.tni VhJL11', ' r. : igned lor Uu heari l "fjk mS; other perem.MttTOrttd i,, 81ii,i ' , d"i, „ jppcijr t a ixwsion of Court tkwi V""""-K tnuProbate ,,lh, n tho ciu of t11.! and show cause, ifanythw be 'i "' Ann A " Pttttonai .bould ,,„t ne „motea" : An r f1;.!" L dered tbat id pMitioow giré dmU:."" OOB lIltt-fMtud in vid iMtaW:, of 'i " " t tkt g Betítira, „„,1 the hetóng therrof hS1íIlt) "I W thi. to be r,ut,h,l,ed mtíJvirse"ni uewspap,;r pnnted and rarcolaW fe ffiíE,, thrc .ucccvc. we,k„ Piou.ï55d5ïïJjg (Atcopy, HIHAM,.11EA ' PwbJi,. Estáte of "William HAÍÍÜ OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, County i, w!?. O At n aaaaon of the l'roúit. (ví.w u"tni _ Oity oí Aun ArlKir, on Tin-li.v .i. "" llkl of Angust, in thc 'ye,,, o," '"? 4 Plvi,t, liinuu J. Heiikt-B, J.ic1l-c of Pr„,.. some other suitable p.oi. m.-,v w „,■"', m m.nÍHtrHtoroftht. „tte of MiC1 Therenpen it is ottiured, tv,t Mi n r ,p ■ Jny of September next, at ten o'clwkTn' ti ?rtl Wned for thp hraring of rid{S, ffl)n!t[, Utó huir „t law of . ai I ,1, -."„.I , l' O, S.OI, ol -,,1 Uoort, th,'n to i ,M" ".ffi"?' Office, üi ..),. CU, of Aun Ari.o , ', 'bcP .iny tbm W, why tlprm . ,;,. not bcgriintcfl: And His f, '!'" loM estáte, oí th.pDlicy of wi ! J I n:u cirt-nintine in iki comity, thi prcviouslo Bofíidoy of henrj (A te „.,-.) HIbXmj.BKAKI, . Jndgt Estáte of Oecar D. Stewñ7" STATE OP MICHIGAN, Comrty of wl, of Wiwutcnaw, ),olden at th i'nki )Í r í City oí Ann Arbor, un Satordw tí fe "'' the yent otsu theuoand eihtlÍÍ' and renty-twfc "ul 'wwrn) Present, Uir.un J. Bcake, of Pmhat. Jfatt.mtteiof the estáte ol Ui. Newton ShcMoB and Ann A. StPren Vxt, the lost will and testament oí iid dewiíj " to court .md represent that thev „r "; to render their hrat account aa buoIi Kxeonini1 Thercupon it b ordeted, that ThiSX, ninthduyoOeptembcr.m-xt, at ten o-flMkatilS.' noon be isi)rn-d fur examiniuK md aUoin j count, and that the taraje, dc&ee. SS? ..d deoeuMd and aU other , efeül:ñ J, m ikI estáte, are required tó anwnr ?natd MM. of Conrt, the to be holL! ,, V b;..te Office in the IH, sf AmT ArC "L; Ooonty, and eho eaw, if rtn tlimT f ' Hl ncranM suoH ftot be „llowcd : Ad h ordered tnt rid Execntor irire r0.j í8.?" son intere,ted mi,] estáte. o?the S ! account, ayd tl.í he.-rrm thereof. Ivy raS?!?' of tbu W.Ht t bt príMfefied „ lkeJS ,"" a newpaper printed and circulatintr n S(S.' three moreosive weeks iwvio. (.. n ,ly oíS' (A true ,-., H1KAM J. Vmk' 1W6 Jwlgc of Prei, Kstate of Roswtil Moo-c CTATE OV MICItlUAN, Uounty of Vs'bt,Mt i At n atwmon of tile Trobatt (onr for th, i í Wu-htcnaw holden at thcSíott? City o Ann Arbor, ou Tueníay, tlie S 'Jy o .n the jear one tlíul S'w dred and vity-to. ' " Present, Iíík J. Heaken, Jndge of rrolwf. In thí mKttíí oí the estáte of Ko-vej'-, 8cn. duueawil. iMn' Mary Mjore, praym tbnt u cni ,' Cníi. Thonñpaa iti. oplered, tbat BíoídaT, ü mf (l:iy of hupteialier KXt, ut ten u'clock in tW '2 noon, b iaed for the hearing f Mid pSitfaT and Uw the kgatcc, dninen „r.d ],. ot njd üecoiisea, and all oti ei penom mtnt. ed in aaid estnte, are required o tK„ ,'t a sewion of uaid f'nurt, then to te bok the Probate Olhce, in the City of Aei, Arte I ahow C41UK, if any tliere be why the mra ( Ita petitionei hould not be (niuitod : Aidit ijftrtW ardmd, tbat s;iid pctioun ire witotbe non. ntereirted m sui.l estirtc, .f thepradciie)-.: Mon, rad tbe heurias tliereof, by cansnpnnníí Din ml.-r to Ik puUüá.ol in the MkUmn Awn i nc-w])uir printed rmd areolating in úi Cmir threo si:c-88ive ïreeks previous ttjsuil da; of tatir' (A trut copy.) HIRAM J. BKAKf 1387 Jnijgcnf I'rck;. Estáte of Welles- minore OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wíabtraw ir O At u session of the Probuto Court for the Coouiiu Woshtenaw, holden nt the l'robnte Office in the City of Aun Aroor, on Saturdi'.y, the Iwentitth dr.j l( July, in the yenr one tlummuul ti-bt huudml u.t aevt-nty-two. í'rt-strnt Hinim J. Beakea, Judgc of Frobetf. In the matter of the estáte of Clril WeVc Sarah W. Wolles, Miiry F. W( I . iles, mu sji:is ti. li.. i. i eatnte, cuines iuto Coun ui ! rcpresentsik prepared tortnder liis hh-d acetmn: Thereopan it i uideied, tlmt Kooky, ;he ninlli day of. September nrart, at ten o'clodt in M foífnoon, be imügned tor the hearing of raid petitw, ni thu; the next ol kin uf miW minci, and all ld persou uteruI.-d in s;ud estáte, reigoint! t ilipnr ut ii aion ol said Conrt, thrai ti t the l'rohnte ()iv, in the City of Ann Arlm, aai shuw anise, if nny tlicre be, whj tlic prayer of tlicitioner shonld not be grnted : And it'isttrthnra■lei-eU, tlmt snid guardián mve Rotiee to the pnw interestcd in aid estnte, of the pt-ndency oi hu i-v 'ion, iiiiil Mie bcitrinu: thereof. y Kiusiiif ■ topy ni ti order to be publishcd in the Uhehigtn Arfti, bw lilei pniitod and cirt-uliitinR in snid Cornily, tint juceessave weeks previou to snid day oi hniha. (A true cpy.) HIHAM' J. HEAKFS, 13 Jmiircofl'roUlf. Itate of Sosan 8. Welks. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County ol WmkttM,. At n sossion of theFrabttteCDurtfortheCwiitr o: Wri.'-htennw, holden ;it the ProbateOfficeinthetitf oi Aan Arbor, on Snturdny, the tweutieth dHjrof!i in the yenr otic thoutHiud eiffht huuuretl lli. ' enty-two. I'resent, Hiram J. lieakiw, Judgeof Prolute. In thf nutter of the estáte of Susin h. WdSa, d cerned, ÍSiUsH.Dooglassiniá Ir acH. Ful turxor tbelHHi wul uu j testiiraenl i rorml into Conrt and íepreaent üiat aieioï!''pareu lo render tïu-ir tlii uctanut &u-h viinint Thereupon it i urderrtL thut llMidcj. day of Beptember iit-xt, ::t ta o'clock :i iioon, be Ma%ned for tLc bmrir.g of mi und thiit the leiittes, i e%isecs, ai. ' SAld ilL-;ivst t, ;md all other persntit iui sivid catate, aic ïifjuiriHl to nppenr at siinl C'ourt, tlun to Ik; hold y ol Ar.n Albor, ar.d show a ■ i : U.oprnyer oí the pttitioneiül gninted: And i; iu hutber ordered, thi eciitoiifivo aoticc to the iitrson intewstwi t;tU-, o t!.e pendency of sititl jvccount. mï il theit-of, by causintr neopj oi'this order to ':■ in the Uickiaau Aryus, ii m v,rsj'ijr printi!;wleilfl lutii p in SHid County, thrce nuocetcui to ii'1 day oí hataing. (Atrnecopy.) HIRAM J. BXAK&, US7 Jmlgc of Protatt. Estáte of John C. Depew. OTATE OF MJCHlliAM, county of WtxUant.( At a st Süiou ol the Trotste Cixitt foi tif muy. Wiuhteuaw, lwklen ut the 1'rotwte ofi. lSoT of Ann ArboT, on Saturdny, tbetwtnir-""1"! of July, in the yeur on thoMul Mt kuuw and aeventy-two. Present, llir.-mi J. Bcnkes, Judyt of VrokitiIn tbe matter of the cttute of JA C. !" deecssed. . On rewliDK and fllmg the pcKtion, doly " M017 E. Depew, administratrix, prayiDS U" may b Ucensed to mortaKe cerUiis real estt W of siiïd deeeasted died seizeu. . ,h Thoreupon it is ordered, that Mooday. thu'11 day of September next, at ten o'dcx in tïf foM bo assigoed for the hearing of mud I"j and that the heirs at law of saM ."■; and all other persons mterestcA ín fl" " are required to appear at a sessioa of sU O j to be holden at the Probate OBit, in tnmty " Arbor, and show cause, if any there ", j prayer of the petitioner aircraM not be rniot : "" lt is further ordered, that snid petitioner ""í, the persous interestcd m said amate, of thc J of said petition and the hi-nring thcreof. ? L copy oí this order to be puhlished m ib -# í .(raí, a ncwspúper printefi and oircnliUstinsJ111'' ty, four auocestttve weeks previous to " ' honring. 1S86 JndscofFw. Estáte of Anseí A. Holccmb. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Conoty of 'Ví'.í ÖAta sexna oí the ProSutc Conrt for the Ijw oí Waahtenaw, holden nt the Probstt O.1;'' & city of Ani Arbor, on Thnndar.tte "í"". day of .Tuly, in the year one thousaDü Bí" dred and seventy-two. Preaont, Hiram J. Beafces, Judge of IBllíírtb, In the matter of the rfateof H deceased. .■..j pf U rfading and flling the petition, duly 1(oi5riMary L. Holcomb and Jamis Lawrencei r1uiii tors, praying thut they may l licenscd to " real enlate whereof said decoasttl died Thereupon it is ordered, that Mond,""!, day of September next, at ten u'clock in "KyiVtln be assignnd for theheaiinirof sjiW petition. "" jlieire at law of said deceawd, and al! othci Pfu ,t teroflted in aid estatt1, require attt i a aeusion of .sid Conrt, tlnn to be olaeo rrobnte Office, in (lic ri() of A" ',j, and show cause, if any there "?, idfr praycr of the petilioner hould not lx' (tran.M " w is fiirt her ordered, that snid petitioner tWfzLri the persons interested in said estáte, ol tMp"'" ' , aaidpelitio, and the hearinp thereof, tff mLlti copy of this order to be publislied in tbe t Arffus, a newspaper printed and laroulatm , Oounty, four successive week previooi tos oí heiinní?. „ , ,-cí (Atrueeopy.) BIBAM BE. 138Í jiadsrscií. i j"o t i c e r The snbscriberB haqe at thcir J %4 oral tltlnif, fromllTehmidredto llvf """"ioíI lars to loan on flrst and flrst cl mor k-aM f inthoCounty of WaFhtenow.-tlme Irom " f))f Bvuyi-are. Terms ll'of ral office "PP0''1' „ (io. Office, awT ate. A. L.-lter & Co.'s Pmg st"',teát [re(íuiyBIock. Oür Abstract Bookmrc p' to dnte. Anu Arbor, M 30, 1-ST2. . wrTRBriAovw.KooT, RÖOTil-K'T", ■Mi-. 1 I.i:HKK. GotoR.W.ELLl&Cê ' for choice Winee and Liqu1 for Medical Purposes .


Old News
Michigan Argus