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Every fucttoucbing agricultura concerns evory ono who oats. Kvory discovery in t, if valuable, enriohes tho wholu naiion. Üvèry saving in a farming prooess is a aaying to everybody. Increased producion oí land is inoreased national wealth. Chore is no interest, thore is no occupalon, so ooinpletely uational as tho agrioultural. Liko ed ucation and civil righta, t conoerns everybody trom tho higkest to he lowest, froto tho richost to the pooresl, - most nearly tho poor, for with them ho question of braad is tho transcendent question of life. It' millions niay berighty expended in determining tho efficiency of offunsive anus and defensivo annature, n ascertaining the best means for defendió tho nation from assault, may not something bo given to defend its peoplo 'rom that sternor foo of want, - the wulf hat stands at the poor raan's door t lf untold wealth may bo lavished in securng our homes and industry to us, may vo not spare something to mako these lomes freer from Want and more enjoyale F li tin.' posseséion of land makes the ;ititn more stablo, surely that whiuh inireases the reward of labor on that land nust oonfirm that stability, Smne twciity years ago an experiment ras made in Vtrinont, whioh showed that rithsheepthe consumption of food was very nearly related to tho live weight of .he carcasa, and that, disregarding the mality jf wool that was the naOflt profiti'ble sheep whioh proctttoed the greatesi teroeatage of wool to the live weight f the oarcai i. [iuníediateily the best treeden bred by that standard, taking nto oonsideration quality as well, and the result, in less tlian riftc'iui vean, was thiit Vermont prodnoed the bosc wool sheep in the world. Certain commercial considerations cama in to inlluence the views of breeden to the effect of sacrificïng the primary object to produce tho lest sheep for crossing upon monjgrel stocks. Nevertheless this is au example of the valuo of a single asceituined fact.


Old News
Michigan Argus