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Speech Of Gen. Ewing

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Qoneral Thomas Swing 1 tho Daiuoorats mul Liberal Republicans of Bélmoat Öounty, Obio, on the 22d uit. He Siiiil : This campaign is to 1! a notable ep ct:!i in the politics of this country. Barely, if ovi's', aas thero been puoh a disintegratiofl Ot' a party in the ful] üde OÍ iís power :'.s is now going on iu the RepublicaF. pirtv ; rurely such loosening the bands of buth partías and Bhifting of membera from ono sido to tho othür. We Dumocrato.flnd oursehrea in thia campaign cooporatingwitb Bnmner, Trumbull, Schurz, Ornt?; Brown, General Brinkerhoff, General li.mlcs, and supporting ovon Horaoo Greelpj fot President- (laughter)- -while tho Republicana aro in eloso affiliation with Kobort Toombs, Honry A. V ise, Blanton Dunoaii, tho guerilla Mosby, nd Briïk Pomeroy. (Kcnowcd laughtor.) Tho marked diffcrenee, howover, botween thoso now affiliations of the two partios is that ve are associatcd with tho heads of the Kepublican party, and thcy with the tail of oura. (Applauso and laughter.) We are affiliating with their corps cointnanders, and tbey with our butnmers. 8ECTI0NAL DIFFEBENOES MLT8T END. Fellow-oitizons, we can have no peaco in this country between tho North and the Bouth, white men and black, uutil tho sectional crimination and ruerirninAtion and the separation in the politics of the two races shall ond, and thcy nover oan end, uor honest government be restored in tho South, wnile tho Kopublican party bolde power. It has its grip on tho ttouth through the militury govorninonts, the nogroes, and tho onrpet-baggers, through tho cnormous wealth torn froin the peoplo undei the name of govemruont, muoh of whioh is npplied to keeping up disturbances, fonienting tho hatred of the bluok men toward tho whites, and rilling tho air with clamor of outrages on the negroos. I pioked up in a paper yestorday n speech by WendoU Phillips, and although lio has been an oxtreme man, ho ouly utters, in emphatio terins, tho battle-cry of his party. Ho aays, addressiug tho blacks of tho South: "Vote, ovory one of yon, fot Grant, as you value youi property, lile, wife, or your child. If Grceley is dected arm, concéntrate, conceal your property, and organizo for do fenso. You will nood it soon and sadly." Now, there is the sort of talk that they address to tho poor, ignorar.t nogroos of tho South, who ar.; iu their hands as mefb clay in tho hands of the potter. How monatroas and infumóus aro such mad appeals to tbo feivrs and passions of tho i bl'icku. I appo 1 to tho good senso and candor of any intelligent Repúblicas to say whethcr the oharge that the Puuthern people intend to strip tlio blacks of their liberty is not a tr.ero ohiiaera- that Greeley, Charles Sumner, Trumbull, Bchurz, Julián, and Bauks, tho men who hare been tho foremost abolitionists of tho country, the most earnest in their devotion to tho rights of tho negroos, would approve such an attempt, or that under an adininistr.ition headcd by thom thero could bo a war in augura tod to roensluve tho blaoka ? Kothihg coúld bo more false or inischiovous. But these ceckless pvrtisans know perfectly well Ihat they ca:i ouly keop tlie blacKsbouud together in the Grant party by fear of ru-enslavcmont. Tho Southern whites and negroes wero brought up togother iu tho sams hou3es ; a tin kindei and moro genial than any we kuow towards tho nogro binds the white man and the black af the South togother. Any man who has been in the South knows that, imd if the fear of re-onslavement is occo taken Mray the negro will naturally d'.fer to the mtelligenoc and th- judgment of the white man as his intelleotual superior. rhe old mostera will beoomo tho political leaders oí the nogroes, and to prevent that this violontly parttsan Administration keepa the two races iii antigonisru uud enruity - pureuing the conree that ilireetly tends to produce a bloody ( UNFLICT OF KACES. Whon are we to have poaco between the ■white man and the black if wo can not have it now? If we are never to have it in tho South what is to bccomo of those ninc splendid States, the market for the surplus produce of the "West, with which we have uurrit d i :ore the great coinmerciiii exohanges that have ennohed the North and Bouth V What further ooucossions must the Soutlrern peoplo malee 'i Do they show a rebellious spirit 't Ile whoaffirii'.stlmt villfully lies or grossLy misjudjres thero. Xevor was thero a [ouple who yielded a-:sent to the dictates af their couquerors more completely than tho Houthern peoplo havo assented to tho tnandates of tho Kopublican party. Everything that that party has demanded B8 necessary fur tho restoration of hurmony in this country has been yieldod by tho South implioitly, and in absolute good fnith. lly fellow-oitizens, how oan you hopo for a botter feeling betweon the North and the South four years heneo if you spurn tho offer the South now ruakes tb put Horaee CJreoley into the Presideney, the most dovoted aud earnost friend af the black iran, uye, and of tlio cotnruon people of this country, whito and black, that hns flgured in American politics in this generation 't We proposo by tbe election of Mr. Grooley to put a stop to tho armed oocupation of tho South, and to remit thO8e States to their own jovernoientB, allo win g all the people, hite and bhick, a fair and even show is mv'x adntinistratioH. We propose to put an end to tho policy whioh iostere and inBaniet seotional hatred, and to restore that Union for which tlio soldiers ot' tho federal armyfought - thatcordia!,fiiendIy Union without which the l'ruits of tho war uro dust and abhes. rjHCOKSTlTÜTIOKAIi ASSUMl'TION OF TOWE. And we propose, ly the election of Mr. Sreeley, to stop another abuse. Under this policy of rooonstruetion adoptod by Etenerol Graut, tho Federal Government bas assumud every power that a Government oan exercitie over a peoylo. lïvcry guurd m tho Constitution, every limit of the power of the General Government, every rcsorvation to the poople of libertios that had been i'ought i'or, preserved and hauded down by our race, have been ■wholly ignored. For exaniple, the Conïtitution of tbe United States deolared that the writ of habcas corpus shall not bo ausponded, oxcept when in casets of robellion or invasión tlio public safety inay requiro it. By the clearest iinplication it Tsts the discretion of suspension eolely in Congress. And vet, during this reconatruotion a Bepubliean Congress hag handod over to General Grant this power of muponding the writ of habcas corpus, lêaving him to judgo and declaro when the law shall bo supplanted in any community, and any individual seized and aast into prison without tho power of iiiquiry priven by that sacrod writ of liberty. This is only one iustance. The instanees are numberle -. wheie during the Republican reconstructiou tho General Government bas asumed every power a jjoverninont could oxerciee, disregsrding vory limitation of tho ConstitHtion-. They havo in substance dcclared that, under the fourteonth amendment, whonever the rights or immunities of any negro are infii:'.gcd anywhere throughoot this country, the General Government may, by act of Congress and Exeoutive power, inerfaro. Well, that breaks down every barrior to thn power of the General Governaient, and makes it snpreme and imperial throughout the republw. That looso conatruction uï tho Coustitution will bo atoppod by :■ : tion of Mr. Greeley. He has decían 3 in hifi lotior of acooptanco of tho Cinoinnati nomination, in one lumineus paragraph, what will bo tho governing prinoiplea of his adminigtration, and OÏ all good administrations tp como, on t!.;it point. He says: That, subject to our solemn oonstitutional obliffation to ïnaiiitiiin tho eqnal rightB of all citizens, our policy should aim at. local self-gpvernnient, and not at watralization ; that tbo civil authority should be supreiae over tho military ; that tKa writ ot" habeas corpus should be jfliajousïy. upheld as tho Biifuguanl of pertionul fi eiidoin ; th&fc tho individual citicn sbould enjoy they largost liberty teñí with the pablio arder; and that Ihere shsill be no Federal supervisión of lbo intemal polioy of tho sovoral Status and muuicipalities; bvit tUut. eaoh bo left free to enforoe the rightu and promoto the well-boing of its inhabitánta, by guoh nieana na tho judgment ot' its pei;plo símil prescribe. Tlii.s country will gin nnother thing by the eloo ion of Orcoloy - A PTJBB ADMINfSTBATIOH'. I ask nny man to Look ftt the personal conduet of General nnt in the Adminiatration, and defend it if he oan without a blnsh. Washington and Jefforson dcolared tho poliey that no relativa shonld bo appointad to office by the Chiof Exocutivo of tho country. Whcn oíd John Aclaras was elected to the Presidenoy he found )iin non, John Quinoy Adame, ono of tho noblest und moat spledíd intelleota of that dny aorving hit country as Minister to Bpain. Ho retained him in office, and yot that fnet was used ftgninst him in those eariy and puro days of tho Kopublic more effioiently than anytnmg olso, eionpt his indorsement of thj nlien and sedition Iaw9. Our forefathers thonght it wns not becoming in a President of the Unitod States to thus keep in offioe his own son, subjeoting the Govornment to the imputation of personal favoritisra. Comparo thnt í'eeling wliiob peivaded the aotion of all tho Chiof üxocutivea of this country down to Grant - compare thnt with his conduct since ho hua boen President of tho Unitod States. VVhy, tho roll of his relativos now m office is as long h 11 petifion uuder the Boesel liailroud law. (Laughter.) After rirst being surprised that auy President ahould bo so inappreciative of tho iinpropriety OÍ nppoiniing ko many relutivcs, your next ustonishment is that uny man coald have so many. (Kenewed laughter ) In his personal and famüy relations to the Executive oiíico he has isregarded all those high and upblu sentimonts of honor thut have governed tho oeeupants of thnt exalted chuir. I will natno onn instanoo. Ho has a boy that graduated at West Pcint, about forty iu a claaa of forty-six - a boy, therefore, of not avernge merit - and whf n he graduated ho dotuilod him to travel abroad at the expenso of the Ainericun pcoplo for one year, seleoting him rather than his thirty-nineassociates who hud better dosrirvL-d tho honor, seLcoting him bocauso he ws hia aon, and bestowing upon him thia unexumpled privilege, onü never boforo conferred up?.a a graduato of WestPoint einco tho injtitution wu8 founded. Now look at tho affect of that upon tho inüitury service. It is equivalent to deolaring that tho proinoüons and honora of our anny aro not to be won by patiënt, eurnest, efectivo service, but are to be the rewards of rolationship, or courtiorship, or of party support. Seo how it must demoralizo tho public service when the President doolarea in effect that himself and his family shall bo above all standards of merit that have hithorto governed the service. When he makes that declarution its effect is to debase and corrupt the service, civil as well aa military, íroin tho fouuttiin head to the uiouth of the stream. Look, too, at hi.1 ACOEPTAXCE OF GIFTfl, and tho bestowal of offices of honor and prolit on tho givers. That General Grant did splendid servico for his country don't laako us feel any less tho humüiation of the truth that he has been inílueuced in the seleetion of his ofücers by nioney and houses giveu him before or after ho beeamo President. If overy public ofñcer under him would do jnst as.ho has done you would not toleíate tho civil service of this country a day. You would say thi t the country must be cleansed frora this gross favoritisra of fumily, and this conferring of honors on thoso who have given gifts. Yct the truc test of the ques tion whothcr it is to bo tolerated in tha President is whothor ho could proporly suffer his cxample to be followed by every subordínate under him. It' ho could not, theii tho American people, who should ftpply to him tho same rulo of conduet which he should apply to his subordinates, ought to eject him trom power. But thoy teil ue, felïow-citizens, that we Democrats can not support Ilorace Greoley witb honor. Why can we not ? Don't wc agreo with him on the quostiona I have been diecussing ? Don't wo agree about putting a stop to the governnieutal robberi(;s in tho South '! About restoring the Poderal Government to tho limits of tho Constitution and holding it there ? Gould a Dcmocrat, could Mr. Pendleton, Mr. Thurman, or any other State rights Democrat now, after tho udoption of tht: fourtcenth amendment, indito a purer Democratie declaration of faith respeoting tho truo i"ijrhts of tho States than that declared in Mr. Greeley's letter of aoceptanoo of tho Cincinnati platform ( Don't wo agree on the question of restoring the civil governmont to ita eurly purity, and, moreover, on the question. in which wo diffor also from tho llepublicans, that the : Presidential office shall henoc-forth bo for , one term only ; because the most corrupt , influeiice that affeets tho Exeoutive is his deaire to procure his owu re-election by the power of appointment of ' nates. Now, we agreo with Mr. Groeloy and the Liberal Hi.publicans on these LrVXNQ ISSUES. Is thore any sbame or inconsistency in ■ our supporting him beoauso we formerly diiïViiil on issues uow obsolete. Butthey gay he luis shamefully viliiiedthe ! racy. The liepublican papers teem with i extiacts from the New York Tribune, somo written by him and somo by othor people - no doubt tho siuartest and sharpcst woro written by old Horaco himsclf. ' Well, what of it ? We have denonnoed i him quite as savagely. Ain't it aensiblo for both aidos nov, as tho questions we ■ quarreled about are dead, to cali it oven, and quit 'i Who caros how we dift'ered on tho thirteenth, fourteenth, and lifteonth ainendments 60 that we agree upou thoso i questions of the immodiato futuro. Xhis ( campaign delights me in ono particular, and that is that as wo took a Liberal ' publican for our candidate, wo took ono who, in all tho tremendous struggles that , havo oonvulsed the country for seven years . past, never kept his mouth shut through motives of si.'lf-expcdiency. Give me tho ' Amorican who, being competent to lead ' or advise, will take part on every question affecting tho interests of his country, i battlisg for "the right, as God giveshim to see the right."


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