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The Electoral Vote

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Each Statu 8 cntitlod to a nufflböï of Electora of President and Vico Pre;-: cqual to the number of hor Sonutor9 atid Kcprosentativos in Congross. Tho following table, made upon tho basis of tho last apportionment, and giving, also, tho majorities at tho last State olectionshcld, will aíFord tha reader tho dtita for caloulating ohauess in tho coming election : Ktiitea. Kloctorfl. lttjt. muj. Dum. maj. Alabamo, 10 1,771 Arkiinsus, ( 2,712 California, (i 5,OG1 Coimectiout, 6 28 Dolawarc, 3 2,170 Florida, 4 Git Georgia, 11 26,863 Illinois, 21 22,589 Indiana, 13 L,568 Iotva, 11 41,284 Kansas, 6 20,162 Kentueky, 12 37,153 Loniüiauo, 8 24,777 Mfiino, 7 10,631 Maryland, 8 15,135 jlüssuchusötts, 13 13,-Kiü Michigan, 11 16,785 Minnesota, 5 14,!KS-1 ilississippi, 8 84,049 Missouri, 15 41,838 Nebraakíi, 3 2,478 Novada, 3 1,053 New Hanipshire, 6 1,170 New Jersey, 0 ö,!79 New York, ,'i.j 10.31S North Carolina, 10 1,200 Ohio, 22 16,084 üregon, 3 846 Punnsylvania, 20 14,576 Rhodo" Islund, 4 1,153 South Carolina, 7 33,534 Tennessoo, 12 34,479 Texas, 8 24,279 Yermont, 5 21,399 Virginia, 11 2,239 West Virginia, 5 1,857 Wisoonsin, 10 9,329 Total, 366 NoceBsary to n choico, 181. T]IE Vermont election took place on Tuosday. The Eepublican majority is olaimed as 25,000, with a very largo vote pollcd. In 1868, the corrysponding tion, tho liopublican roajority w:.s 27,320. Tho Demócrata of Vermont havo not ghown any signa of lite í'or many years. A corporal's guard go through. tho mctions at oach succeeding citction t'rom more forco of habit. ly tho usual placo in our columns will bo íound tho cali for tho Democratie Corigres-iioiiül Convention for this district, to bo held nt Manchester, on "Wortnesday iii'xt, tho llth inst. Also a cali for a Libeiul Kcpublican Convention to be kald at tho sarao timo and place. Tho delégales to both conventions havo alrcady been elocted, and wo have coníidence will bo ablo to n.imo tho man who is to beat Hekiit "Waldos. A Steainor Burned at Sea. HAVANA, August 30. - Capt. Maury has arrived here and reports tho eteatnship Bicnvillo burnod at sea. Thirty-üve passor.gcrs and crew are yet unaccounted for, although Borne may havo been pickod up by possing véasela. HAVANA, August 30. - Capt. Jeffbrson Mam y, of stcamship Bionville, arrived hero this forenoon from Nassau, and reporta tho buroiug of tho liienvillc at sea. The Bteauiship Bicnvillo left New York on tho lüth of August for Aspinwall, wlten in latitudo 25:12 and longitude 74. 15 at 3:45 A. M., on tho morning of thu 15th inst., a firo was disoovwcd awong the cargo. Stsam and water was imniediately turnod on but tbu eteam puinps uftcr a fcw rovolutions brcke and oould not be worked. Oapt Maury then ordored tho hatcht'3 to bo battered, hcping thereby to smother tho fire and at the sumo timo tho liro exiinguisher was used betweon the dooks and the stoani ki'pt 011. The iiro gaiaed hcadway rapidly, and at six o'cíoek Captain Maury, fearing au explosión í'rom powdei stored in tho hold if he remninod by tho Bhip any longer, ordered six boats launohed, and tho pftssengers and Orew bogan to etuburk. At 7:30 Capí. Maury was foroed to lesvo the; ship, being tho last ono on board. One of tbo boats was oapsized aftcr leaving the ship, and from seTon to ten oí' tho inmates, including woinen, drowned. After suuriso a frcsh. breezo sprang up. Tho napsized boat was siglitod and bailod out, and reached Cat Island in safoty. Tho other boats cxoept ono, roached Bleuthura Island ; a diatanco oï 100 miles from tho sceno of tho disaster, uno missing boat luis not boen heard from, but it is supposed it has been pickod up by somo passing vessel, as an enipty boat was secn adrift near Elcuthara Island with a lif'i-pres erver in it. One of tho boiits in attompting to land at Elouthara Islaml capsized, und nine persous were drowned. At 1:30 P. ü. tho Bienvillo cxploded and immediatyly sank. Whun tire vm first disoOTered it was supposod to bo in tho forekold, where largo quantitios of powder was stored ; but it proved to bo betwoon tho docks, over the boiler, and among the cargo. Tho pasGcngers and crew lost all thoir baggagc, and siïvod nothing except tho clothes they hud on. Capt. Maury reports that tiio people of Nasasu treated tho shipwrecked kindly aud ministered to thoir wants. Out of ono hundred and twentysevcn persons on board tho Bienville, thiity tour aro unacoounted for, including the lost at Eleuthara.


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