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The Congressional Nominations

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i rom tho Frce Press, Aug. 31. The Demócrata and Liborals oí' tho Third, Pourth and Keventh Congrossional Diatricts of Michigan on Thursday placed in noinination thuir candidatos for Congrüss. The Third Congressional District, undcr thc new apportionment, íb, on thp of past votes, tho inost trongly Kn publican one in the Htato. It consista of tho nountios of Branch, Calhoun, Jackson, Barry and Eaton. These countics in lHüö gave Grant a raajorit3r of somo E■,000 over Scymour, and in I87O gave Baldwin 3,026 inajority. This is tho district in which Gov. Blair resides, and had ha not aecepted the gubornatorial nominali n his friends would, without doubt, havo insisto.d upon his boooming a candidato for Congress. Tho mojority seoms, at íir.-ít glanco, to be ovcrwhelming, and ono that cannot poesibly bo overeóme ; but tho dtíi'ections from Grantism aro so numeroua, and Liberáis and Deinocrats havo entored into tho eampaign with so muoh spirit, that it is not at all improbable that tho Liberal candidato will bo elected. Of tho noruineo, General John _f. Purichuret, it is almost unneoessary to speak. He is a man weil known throughout tho State at large as possessing commanding (vbility, and the record which ho ciado for himselfin the war is ono of whioh net alono he but tho pooplo oí Michigan inay wull bo proud. Hu is a most popular man in hid own county - Branch"-and in tho district, and his nomination will havo the effect of giving additional streugth to tho State and r.ational ticket. In tho person of Mr. Willard he has an excoodingly unpopular man with whoin to mcasuro strength, and if thcro is any man in thé district who oan carry it for Liberalism that man is John G. ParkhuiSt - himwlf a gallant representativo of tho citizen soldieiy who conquered a pcace, and who have dotermined to gathor tho frnita of thcir victory by tho clcction of a poace candidato for President. A most efficiënt Oongressional Committoe was appointed, and the spirit manifeated by the Convention is an oarnest dosire that tho Liberáis will go iuto the canvass undaunted by tho apparently stupendous majorities against them, with a oonfidpnee that ia fully half the battle. Tho Third Congressional District of Michigan will give o good account of hcrself in November, and the verdict will bo an astounding ono to those who eling fust to Grantism and Chundlurisui, and who havo presumcd 60 much on tho intelligcnco of tho poople of the district as to put in nomination for Congress suoh a pompous pedant as Georgo Willard. In the Fourth District Hon. Allen Potter, President of Kalamazoo Yiilnaro, was placed in noinination. Mr. Potter is a liepublican whoso efficiënt labors did muoh to givo Grant his rousing majorities in this section of the State four years ago ; but, like hundreds of others of tho best and purost men in the country, he became iilled with disgust at tho uttcr incorripetency of the man who had been elected Chief Magistrato, and at the manner in which ho had surrounded himstif with corruptionists and become identifled with venal rings. Mr. Pottor was not in eympathy, either, with tho vindietivo policy which had been pursuod toward tho South, and which had turned that section over to the hands of unscrupulous adventurors ; and when tho gathoring of Republieaus at Cineincati pro elitiined that they would no longor 6ubmit to tho insolont diotation of the Graat ring-mastws, or bow the kneo to tho hce-holders, but ïnstead doolared for Greeley and Brown, for Eeform and lloconciliation, ho was most omphatieally with thein. Eyen the Dotroit Tribune is constraincd to say that " ür. Potter is peraonally uncxeeptionable. Ho is an old, iniluntial and deservedly respected resident ui' Kalamazoo, a banker by calling, and lieretoforo a Eopuljlican in politics. He is ono of the class of men wnose sccession from Republican fellowship wc lament, and whose honcsty of intention in their present courso we concede." Mr. Potter is deservedly popular in the distriot. Ho will carry his own county (Kalamazoo) by a considerable Boajority, and will usdoubtedly defeot his opponent, Captaiu Julius O;esar Burrows, whoso only recommendatiou for the office for which he was uominatcd consists iu the tact that he is a loud-mouthed haranguer and windy declaimer. The district gave Grant 4,870 majority in 1868, and Baldwin :?,117 in 1870; but these figures do not alarm the Liberáis iuid Democrats. They know there oro defections onough from tho adtuinistration party to more than oouoterbalanoe thein, and they can and vrill olect thoir candidato. In the Sevcnth ISisErict General John II. Kichardson is tho nominee. Before tho war a Demoorat, at its outbreak he volimteered his service to savo the satiou's lite. Liko thousands of others at its close ho bolievud tluit to the party which had been in power throughout the war should bc introsted tho task of reBtoring tho Union in all ita coinplotoness and recouciling tho sections. Ho therofore in 18GS gave his vote, and lont his voice and infiuoneo in behalf of ü. neral Grant. But the fuilure of tho party in power, in tho geven years whioh have elapsed sineo the sword was returned to tho scabbard, to givo us that peaco i'or which the country yearns, nr.d to secure which ho with hundreds of thousands of other soldiers fought - its ntter in;ibility to grapplo with the great questions of the day - its imbecility, corruptions and profligacy - its transformation into a mere personal party - all thcso had th to drive General Riohardson from the ranke of Qrantism, and inciuco him to toke his stand with tho peoplo in tho great struggle now pending. Gen. Richardson's noraination was a desorved tributo to Tuscola County, whose claims for recognition in tho Grant Convuution, though it has been depended 0:1 for large majorit.ies for tlio Grant cundidates, were mado liglit of. ïho General mms ohairman of tho Liberal Congressional Committoo. Ho is a suporb and efficiënt organizur, and will tako an activo personal interost in tho cauipaign. In tho horetofore strong liepublicau eounties of ïuscola, Sanilac and Huron ho will make a most magniiioent run. Conger, the Grant nominee, is very impopular in these counties, and his majorily in thera, if any, will bo excoedingl)' Bmall. Some of tho most prominent Kepublicans in St. Olair County aro for Greeloy and Brown, Blair and Richardson. In tho Convention the county was pledgod to at least throo huniired mnjority for Ilichardson, aüd the pledgo will ba made good. Macomb County will this year givo a round mojority for the Liberal and Domocratio Congressional candidato, while Mr. Conger will find it a most difficult matter to go out of Lapeer County with a majority in bis favor. ïho prospocts for General liiehardson are excocdingly bright, and with proper efforts on tho part of tho Liberáis and Domocrats - and that fï'.erc will bo efïicient work wo are assured - ho will bo triumphantly electcd. Tho Liberáis and Democrats did a good day'a work on Thnrsdoy. In every oase tho nion nominated are immoasurably tho superiors of their oppononts, and aro msn whoso personal morits, not less thau their politieal standing, oomruend them to tho support of tho voters of thoso disfricts. And if Libérala and Domocrats, in tho remaining Congressional nnminations to bo mado, and in choosing candidnies for oounty and tov.-n oiiicerü, take r.s good caro to select men for thcir ability, fitness and acceptability to tho votors as they did in tho soloction of tho State ticket and in tlio iivo Ccngressional nomiuations already ruado, o long stop will bo taken toward the complete redemption of Michigan,


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