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Liberal Republicanism In Branch County

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A Coldwater correspondent of tho Vre-e Press writes as follows conccrning Libsral Kcpublieanism in ï.hat dnrk regiuu gfLj We boast hare of not a few aooessions to tho causo of Greeloy and reform, and theso aocessions are men of tho vorv first rank Bucially, of tho very greatest 'iniluenco pohtioally, and certainly our first citizens, whether considered as business or professional men. This fact, so very noticeable, can not but havo its effect on the pending contest. Lack of timo prevents the sending of .1 full list, but you may depend on racoiving one in a fow duys. For this renson at present but a iew nanies will bo given, and from them can bo judged tho charecter of the political rovolution. Most of your readers in (Southern Ahchigan, at loust, and not a few throughout tho entiro State, are familiar with tho names that follow. David B. Dennis, Vice President of tho iiirst ïational Bank, who has hitherto been activo in tho Eepublican party, and one of its recognized leaders in Branch County, is enthusiastio in his support of Greeley and Brown. Judgo Justin Lawyor, ex-Mayor of thiB city, having held the offico for two or threo ternis, is another gentleman of prommence that is activo for Greeley and Brown. Judge Lawyer was chairman of tho Kepubhcan County Conimittee, and as such issued the Ciill for the cjnvention that assouiblod at Jackson lato in Majoor tho appointniont of dolegates to the Kepublicau National Convention at Philadelphia. _ Hon L. T. Ñ. Wilson, ex-Stato Sonai tor, is an advooato of much reputation in this región, of large acquaintanceship and great popularity. Mr. Wilson is one ot our most elfectivo stump -speakers, and as such indeed of tho very first rank. He will make hiinself heard in tho oanvass. John W. Turner is one of tho leading lawyers in this portion of the State- a gentleman whose professional talent is widely reoognizüd. Mr. Turner will provo a vaiuablu ally to the causo of roform. As aforosaid theso names are given ae an indication, not of the number, but of tho kind of men that have abandoned Orantism from patriotio motives, who seo in h3 olection and surroundings nothin"but disaster to our freo institutiona, and who hail Iloraco Greoley a3 the man who will restore harmony between all sections of the Union, and govern tho country on the principies of constitutional jnstice, and not in accordunce with tho wishes of diques and rings. Just hero let me givo you an instanco of the faot that tho people need but ovidenco of Grant's charaeteristics to disgust them, impel them to forsake his cause und becomo tho earnost advocates of that personally unimpeachable man, Horace Greeley. Mr. Eider, a nows dealer in this city, wcll known to all onr citizens as a man of character and veracity, happened to bc in Watertown, Xcw York, at the time that President Grant was making his jaunt to the sumraer residence umong the Thousand Islands of tho Ht. Lawreuco of Mr. Pullman, of elceping car note. Mr. Rider saw, with his own oyes, President Grant in such a state of iutoxication that he had to bo assisted into tho railroad station, benig himself unable to walk. One word wiil show tho effect upon a man who has the interests of hig country at heart. Mr. Eider carne homo a Greeley man.


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