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Real Estateforía1 T HE VOLNsfcnAFlÑliUMESTEAli Near the north-east corner ofthp o ' neíspnrpotes. Alsolota onlii i„ ?:r fl Totas' green honse. Aleo a ATeBoeeiit Farm oí' 1(50 Acres,) Well watered and fenced, with cood„ k Bt. John, Michigan, andseveral himdíL " pino aud oak tiíalwred tanda in saK,,!?YiB Michigan. fc"fflíut! lire of N. W. CHEEVER. 0 A. CBAPffl, CHEAPlFUÑÑÍU! 1 have in toro b, actual ,„„,, pieces,""' wliite and culorcd !„, Cotton Fluancls, Kcntuck Jeai)i, „ í.iusies, tUc bost goodit in the Clir „ as usual WIIHME seHingf., Q PAY nndcr tbelT vuluc. 1390W6 JOHyH, MAmR])_ Sidewalk Orden " " CTATK-OP MICHIGAN, cily of i, OToMra. Otearme (i,rbaoh? John fn Mrs.AusUHtaöolitz, John Lucm Chritt W"H Irube, „„d ThoíP a?ent, or any other person interested in ai Z3 within (he Umita hereiaafter mentioned I1 ou uro herety notifled that you tire timtht ing the sidewalk m front of or adiacrat b, SS" ■cupiedby you n mu S,1 i 11 made out in tl T?' is on file ut tho office of tho Kccordm tor i1ÏSl and iurther that Biid Cominon Uouncil waiT tho Cimncil room in the City of Alm irtLr" nrst Monday of Octobcr, 1672, at 7 '" o'íiS p, andrux' '■■'■ roll, on n-duMt i ' psrson considorina himsclf oggriuved. Said JÍJS u lo be construct ed on tho south sido ofLjbettïï betwccn Allí : I South Main vtrt v"? City, flve feot wide of two inch plank lïd SJfJ on tour by fonr inch sciinthng laid cioonriieiEr1 npnrt ; and that you are nllowcd thirtT imVHt v bich to mako such Briidiiig nnd sidcwalli Vr Buperintandence of 0. B. Poner, ChairontfS1 sidowalk committec; and if the samcSiSiv thut time have been so constructed to the takT of the chairman of the bidewalk ccromittTr!? of proceeriirRs to colkcl tlie siae iSm,? persone :inr „u bo ineurredtTtw. Uatod feeptember 4, 1872. ' "" Ii. QBUKEB llMordcr of the City of Ana Artct Estáte of ft'ilüam Anderson. CTATE OF -AI tema AN, i :o„nty of WMhta . O At naession of the Probate Conrt („n, ' f. v' ■ OteSZ City ..t Ann Arbor, on W ,.tmLr of September, in tho yearone thousand ebt L died !i:i'l ■■■,. -nly-two. ' - e of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Wüiianlili e m, oei i . " On readingand nlingthe petition, lïnl; yeriMil Williom Anderson, praymg thatacertaiuiMtn( on liln in this I rüm to te tkki ld testament of s;iid (kwnsed, may bejduitiij to probóte, and that he raay bc apiiointei ío!e E. tor tbj 'klüitM at ton o'olock in the fa. noon, b I ir the hearing ofsaijwtiiM. and thut the visees and hein it 1 of siud deceased, iind all othcr persmu mtom. od m eaid estáte, are reqniiecl to ane f. a sesüion of said Comí, toen to Ie lS.ii obfttc Office, in the City of Ann KT show cause, if any thcre bt-, why the i ir ehould not be pnuiteií: AmlitísfuiSs 1, that sniil petitioner eive notioc to the n nteiustal in unid estáte, of the pendtncT of aK tion, and tho hearing thereof.'by raudos mí der to bo publislied in the JfiaS hï, Jd Cm, throo 8ucoessive weeks previi of hen (Atrnecopy.] JLURAMJ.Bl 13iH Jwlgc oí rrolnn Real Eatate for Salo. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, rounty of Waehtmi,! l Is the muiter of tho 1 '.state of Ansel A. Ho1ot, deceosert. Noticc ishereby given, tlmt rapaisui of :in order granted to tho undersigned, adminiitnta of theestate of Baid deceased, by theiïon.jDdgeofP bate for the Coiïitir of Washteiwttr, on the Hcoodty ptember, A. ). is;?, tl.cre wi-l be sold at pete vendne, to the high est bidder, ut the south toef the Court Ilouse in the iVtntvof Washienawjiwi State, on Wedne&day tho tweiity-tliirddaTofOrtota A. IJ. 1872, at onc o'clock ín tïie afternooB of&í day [subject to all encumbrancea by morigflgeorotbjf' wise existínff .t the time of the death of BdiddeoM fmd ateo subject tothe rihtof dower of hirtc thertin:, the unflívHed half of the followio? den el real ostíiír-, to-wit : Conimcnoinir at a stone pk i1 ï f' r the corner, at n point bciirinfï rafh fixt t, twenty-nine and a half links íromi oak ti ee tliirty inchea in diameter being in tie Í half of the sout h-west quarter of section twfnff-o Ín township four south of rsuigr óx east in 8d Safe and running thence south cmo degrcx vret lctf west side of the highway flvo ehain and ihi:i?K links, thence south twenty-eight df-prtes "P#-t chuiii3, thence rauth eurhty-eight dogrwa T'it tff chaina and ten links, thenèenrr'h twelve icdw a west four chains and six y-two lifikA " north flfty eiprht degrees eaatflve chotos ssi & ïiaka to the . ■ oing, contniBiosrlwiW and includuiff also all bctveeu the rLieing i ■ Dated, ptember 3d, A. D. C872. , JA3IKS LAVKENfR 1390 rtflminirtr fiSiïiSufLRlfi In tho -n-ondcrful mciticine to T'lg & offlictcd aro nbove pointcJ for rv'í 'SnniO covercr bolioYes lia has combinen in ." f iaore of Natuiv's raost sovercisu cnra'1 i ertics, wlüch Gort haa initilleil .";' '; . „n falilo kinplom for bealing tho 8'-ck:'?r 1 fever bcloro combincd ia ouo n"10;?!' & l'vii'.pncc of tliis íict ia lonni in . -u t b ariety of most obirtinnto dtaoaM "'.■ tW boon found to connuer. In tlio care chltls, Scvere Coahs, and tho "Jj # f Conaampllon, it lias asto:iihc(T w ' .. ral facnlty. and cmiiiont phyeician pre" lVjili tbc ffreatést medical discoviiyottlioai. ■ it cures tho sevcrest Coogbs, it trejrijrj( svstom and pnrlfira le blooil. Jl iini and thorough blood piirilying prol'.'"rtuf„, to ' all Ilumors, from tlio worst scr0' jiir common Blotrh, Pimple r Kr"lV1 J' ( curial diseaae, Mineral Pmsons, ana i" 1 are erdictd. and vigorous hcaltn MJ vil conaUtution established. KrJiP; '" 0t. Uhcum, Fevr Snrts, ScnlJ-or moob tsj In uhort. all tho numerons distases can" Jj. Ucea, aro conquered by tliis powtrim, f ( Ilc end lcTigoiating meditino._ 'yn If you fei dull, drowsy, dcuJi',, „, low coior 'of skin, or yollowisU Drown face or, froqaent licadacho ordtaste in moa 'm, taternal heat or c-b Ufm with hot flashes, low ppints. "JjSc:'4, you u . oom ■rorp„5?,o'f''t'r Complaint only part of t, oreerperienced. As a n-mcdy forj'1' Dr. Pieree's O illd Medical WSJH!! cmal, as it cfau perfoet creV,r Se ? it o-1 soengthensd nd healthy. F 0i !l Habitual Cousti pation f-fftí W" is a ncver CiiHnir rcracdy. arol ." r, ., nsed it for Una purpoao are Jtoad Ih n r ,j# The proprletor ofora $1.000 '■"?? gu tt elne that will equal it for the cbWH cates for wliich it is recommenaea. jpjrfd. Sold by drULKists at $lpor botUa. i R V. Plèree, M. ü.. Solo rroprietorw sj cal Laboratory. 1S3 Séneca rtni "" ' , S oud yout addres fur a pauiiihhfc j- pfiOPLE'S DRUG STOtf' R.W.ELLISAC


Old News
Michigan Argus