-Thi8 is Greekx to us;0 manyit hnsbeen, ns its name importa, an All lealing lialsam. We are ocquainted with sonie 1 jf tlie cases which have been cured by this as 1 tonishing rerhedy, amon'g ihe nurhber of whicb I we would raention that of Mr. James R. Devoe, I who had lung been complaining of ill héalth. - The use of tlns raed icine for a short time hns resiorád bim to healih. It has also beenused by Mr. Binninger, in his family, aud found by him to be all that ic Ãs recommended. We knew of other cases that are truly vonderful, and would mention ñames, had we permission. lt ie suffi cient for us, however, 10 siate, that we believe in the Olosaonian, or AH-healing Balsam, ap one of the very best remedies-of tho present day, and we would recommend all who are troubled 1 wil&asthma, oughs, pains, and sorenesa in the chest or side, or symptonis of incipient consumption, f give this medicine a trial, lts name uFolger's Olosnonian, or All Healing iialBam. W. S. fc J. W. MAYiNAhD, Agenta for Ann Arbor.
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