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The Annual School Meeting

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The Animal School Meeting was held ou Monduy last The polls were opened, as usual, at l11 o'olook A. M. and closed at 2 o'clock P. M. Bat 70 of the ncarly 3,000 yolera resident in tho district took interest enoug'u in' tlie election to vote fbr the trustees to bo ileeted, and a still less nuniber wcro present at the business meeting. This shows either ft wonderful confideuce or a daageroiu apathy. The vote for trustees stood : For James B. Gott, - - - 70 W. W. Whcdon, - - - 58 Lcwis C. Hisdon, - - - 68 Win. W. Wines, - - - - 12 Augustus Widenmunn, - - 11 And Messrs. Gott, Whodon, and Risdon were declared elocted. Tho business meeting was organizod mmndiately after the close of tho polls - at 2 P. M - with tho President of tho fcoard of Trustees, C. B. Ghant, in the chair, and tho Secretary, James B. Gott, octing in that capacity. The annual report was road as folio-we : SEI'OT. The Board of Trustees of School Dis trlct No. 1, (Jity of Aun Arbor, submlt the lollowlng report for the school year endlnp: September 2, 1872. RECEIFT3. From Bonds isjued Pept. 8, 1872 - - $14,000 00 13 cord uf wood soid .... 78 OU ltunranoe Hoorip ----- 21 ! Tax voted to iwy Traelwn' BalariM - IO.ouO on 'Ix vote-i to p:iy Frel, .ïnnitor.V BerriGefl, Insurance, Ui-prtirs, nnd lni.-i.l'lutttla - 4,05000 Tax voted to peyintenat on Hunda diu I 1, IWJ - 1,9-20 00 Tax voted to iiy due Feb. 1, 1872 L,00 00 Tax voted to py for Vocal Unsio in Bobhola Two Uill Tnx 3,41'J 'J rmiiiiry School l-'uml - 1,170 7i t'ash received to j);iy (íamaírs on eeat - 50 WtndoT Wsight sold - 100 Lorillurd Insurance Conipany, Premium rctnrned - - - - 13 CO Tuition, 2,77OO Uver Draft on Tronsurcr - - - 167 7!) Total .... f14,320 7'i r.XrKXDIÏUÜKS. Tfiiil Snlariea of 'lViichi-ri - - $10,;."l 17 BondsofDieirictdueFeb. 1,1871 Interest on Jiond, $i,000, S jvr cent. 1,030 UO Interest un iUpU" , Uoiitls voie! last mect4J1 m Jrer i-orr.plotion of VTnion School Building, includin' tleating Apparatoa, Bell, Soats, Miittimr, Furmtuie, aud Paiuting - 9,701 13 Janitors' arviceá Union and Ward íichools (JCU 00 Insurance - - - - -l '1 Balance due Treaiurer Hcpt. 4, 1871 - 6,73122 Fu,l ..... l.titiy ; i'urni'.uro, Eepairs, and Incidentala - l,í;)7 3l Total, .... $u,32O7O The prerfent indfbtcdncss on Bonds is na follows : Bondsdue Fcb. 1, 1873 - - - $4,000 00 Bonds due Fut.. 1,1074 - - - - 7,000 00 Uondsduu Felj. 1, :875 - - - 7,001)00 itondaduuFub. 1.1S7K ... -5,00000 liondsduu Feb. 1, 1K77 - - - 5,000 00 Bondjduo Feb. 1, 178 - !,Wi Ttitail - - - - $33 000 CO Wliich amonnt bears interest from Feb. 1, 1872, at 8 per cent. Of the above iinioiint thla meeting must provlüc lor the piymc-ut of 14,000 principal and fL',040 Interest, whlcli beconies due Feb. 1, 1H7;). The Boar1 estímate tliat tliu ainount requlred for teachers' salaries and otlier expeuses, together with the lndebtedness of the district as above stutcil, ialliug due Feb. 1, 1875, will be $29,180.67, and that the recclpts from public meneys and tultlon wlll be $5,yi)0.00, lea ving u balance of t2:3,28C67, which the Board recommeud ehould be provided íor by tax. Blnce our lust report the Union Schooi building has been l'ully completed and wlll beur comparlsoti, in every respect, with aiiy In the Btatv, For particular details in regard to the opcratiou of the schools daring the year and the present comiition ofUlQ name, your carcful attentlon Isdeslred to the able report, of the Superintendent of the Board. Schedule A, made a part of tliis report, is an exhibí t of salaries of tcacliers lor the Coming year. gchedule 1?, aloo iñude a pait of thl report, is an estímate f the probable recolptê and expendilurei ol tlie coming year. Scheduie C shows the name of the teaclicrs employed ainl the amount of aalary paid eaeii of tliein d uring the year jast Closel. The term of oiHoo of three tri: Menrs. John M. WlH'cler, Claadlua Ji Urunt, and James B. Gott, expires with curreot year, aml it Is lucumbent upon this auuual meeting to elect their BUCCeaa ors. AH of which is respectfully submltted. By order of tlie Bourd. CLAUDIU8 B. GRA.NT, JAMES 1!. QOTT, President. Seoretury. Ann Arbor, Bejt. 2, 1872. Kosolutions were then adopted making tho fbUowing appropriatior.s for tho school year 1S72-3 : To pay bonda duo Feb. lat, 1373, - - $ 4,000 tntorarë " . sulitries of Teachers - ll,10( " j'initorö, incident n, rpallt, insurance, &c, - - - - - - 5.1". To puy unuudit'jd biiU .... 4 Totul, Í23.3ÍI Aftcr which the meeting adjourncd. y'o haivo no doubt that tho appropriations mado -were neccssary ond tlio monoys will bc faithfully and judioiously expended - as horotofore ; but tliat this u so is to be credited to tho officors of the district rather than to the roass of our citizens who seem to tako do interest in our schools. Tho IbUowIng Is the list of Petlt Jurors ilrawn for the regalar term of the Circuit Court to commence on Monday next : Prlnce Bennett, YpsllanM City. Bcujamin U. Boyco, Lyndon. Wm 3. Caufleld, Plttefield. Milo T. Cnricter, Manchester. QeorgeOoe, York. George Cook, Bharon. Jamos Dauoer, Lima. Aaron ir. DePorest, Ann Arbor. HoraceA Fisk, lSrklf;cvstcr. Liimbert GHeake, Preedom. Abraham Iluwklim, Ami Arbor City. Leo Hendricka, Ypsllanti City. Toblns Holmes, Sclo. Jesse O. Hoyt, Sclo. Dorr Kellogg, Ann Arbor City, HomerLakc, ïpsllaatt City. Lewis Lamborn, LSdl. Emory E. Loland, Northfleld. .niïiei McLean, Manchester. .Ihiih-s H Mowry, Ann Arbor. Peter Nlse, Preedom. Duvid Putter, Augusta. Win. VV. BljfgS, Sylvmi. John Schumacher, Aun Arbor City. O.-,.. V. Hmlth, Ann Arbor City. Robert Bnyder, Webster. George Waker, Jf., Freedom. John Wn'.z, Ann Arbor City. Jamen D. Wlnans, Ann Arbor. John K. Yocum, Lyndon.


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