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Greeley And Brown Club At Manchester

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The meeting beid on Suturday ovomng to organizo a GllEELEY and Bnowx Club was ft decidod uocess. Goodyear's Ilall was coinfortably fillcd, numy ladios being nt. Tho following aro tho officers of the club : Preshlcnl-3. D. Van Duyn. Vice-Presidenti - IIoraceBurch.E.Chubbuok, L. D. Watking, Jacob Baeb, Goo. S. Itawson, Elias Hairo, Goo. Spaulding. Seeretary - Munson Goodyour. The organization completod, Hon. E. E. Frazer of your city was introducod, and addrossed tho meeting at length. lioviowing rapidly the political eventR of the last dozon years ho showcd conclusivoly tliat the issues of the pist are sottled and tixed foreer, the resulta being iinbedded in the orgimic law of tho land. He then ealled attontion to the corruption of the present administration. To do battle ogainst Grantisiu in all its forms is the duty of all truo Demócrata, aided as they aro by thousurids of Liberal Etepoblioans, who aro br.ive enough to i trample on party discipline in obedienco tü their convictions of right. Tho spoak er having predicted tho downfall of Ulysses and his rings, a loquacious oldorly gentlemati in the audienoe sang out, " I guess not." He was requested to riso. ïo roso aniiil thts merriuicnt of tho audienco, when, viowing him leisurely. Mr. ■'i:iz(T said: "Had I a pioture of tho deudüd gentleman, I would place it as a rontispiece in Campbell's ' Pleasures of tlope.' " The aforesaid clderly gontlenian subsidod smid peals of laughtei and apjlauso. L. D. Burch, Esq., also of Ann Arbor, was the next speuker llis remarka w-ro addressed particularly to Rupublicans, though enjoycd by all. IIo showed that a grcat portion of tho politicians now enjaged in "eaving"" the Ilopublican saity are niare conscripta in thp.t party, 'hcn the party had won suocess ;hese iuglorious patriots ! eugerly joinod it iu a uiad putsuit of plunder and spoils. A brilliant examplo was giwn in the person of Chandler's right bowcr, Creswcll. Xhis fellow of Chorponning fame, who carne " ono thousand miles " to hurl opithets at Gov. Blair and teach the pcoplo of üichigan Kepublicanisin, in 18G0 and '61 was the head and iront of the secession moveincnt in !Marylmd. Illustrious apostle ' fitting exponent of tho party of hate! The speeches of both gcutlemen wero able and forcible declarations of the faith that is in them, and wero well recoived by an enthusiastic audience. The Club organized has a largo memborship. At least twenty-üve llepublicans here have declared thoir proforonce tor tho Liberal candidatos. Manchester and thisportion of Washtenaw county will givo rousing raajorities for Greeley and Brown.


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Michigan Argus