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THE NEW I ■■ISIKFIJCTANT Bremo CMoralum, SO.-POISO5I 9, OBORLESS, POWEBFÜL DEODOniZER AND DISINFECTAyr. ENTIRELY HARMLESS AND SAFE. ABRRPT3 ATI PRF.VKNTS rosTAfitOK. Used ia private dweilings , hotels restauraste, pub" ,c schools, hospital?, iusane asylnms, öigpesimrirs, ialls, pritmns, poor-houses, on shlpe, eteam-boata ancl In tuncment-lioases, markets, tor wnter closets, urinal?, íinkí, sewers, cesspoole, tables, c. ,t tpeofie in all contagiou anti pê$üUnttel discases, ae imall-pux, ecarlct fover, measlcs, (Heeaees ofauimalr, Ac. Pr;iiircd onlj' by TILDEN & Co., New Lcbnnan, and 17 WilllamStN. Y. SolJ by all dniegist. rTEUSTEE'S SALE OF $250,000 TOLEDO LANDS ATAüCnON. To doge the cstatc of potüg non-r;HÍflpnt OTncrs, I shall eell at tho Boody House, in Toledo, on WED NEöDAY.the MDAYOF OOTOBER noxt, at 2 v. m., immcnsely yaluulile lanrtti, on easy tt-rina of payment. CanitaÜBtfl and epoailatore wilJ pleaaeout thi out tot referencQ : theq aák taiy bankor for u descriptivo ciieuliirof the property, and, aa toon ag convenieut, ix;ii:iiiic tl.e lnnds and bü prepftred for tlic ■aio.. PAUL JONES [at Toledo National Bank), Trustee. Toledo, O., Aug. 12, 1372. QTttAY HORSE ! Mliscribor, abont tlo Rrt of Jtily, i oh . dj eara old, blind in ■ 1 ailing in thfl other, i [ad a left Kind foot, w --'.y bealed up. A Ubqral reward wil! ba pald for thü rotnrn of the hoise ur fur informalioo n nre tur may bo found. Awi Arbor, Aug. 17, 1872. K98&W3 JACOB BITLEB1 nPAKEN UP BytHo wiljfnrilK-rin thovfllage of Saline, on 'tho I iy ia;, re c51t, two Vf.'irsok!. Üns and talL The ow propRity, pay chaigee, and take uSd colt away, . ■, -lulv 15, 1872, . i383w' MOSE8 bikx::max. TOU SALE. A good ono horso Top Jinggy NÉARLY NEW Inquiro of R. W. THEHVER. j Go toR.W.SLLlS & cO'sj for choice Winos and Liqunr e ! fcr utodical Purposes , ' _ _ 29 29! 2S ! who will cxplaiu tliin simplo Men, Ai. I teil us will it pay to cali ut the hit: 29 1 Wbnt wmin thoeo myatie lotten th m Over tho brun ncw "mcory - C. ? 3forOrodlti and T) f ir a dun f l'ti-it'íí the way bualneae i nttm donfi ; Bat thnt'8 ?ii tliH way to rcart the .i Of L. COL.ÜV, who tells grucerie at 29. (' la rorQjH : for thy gooün he sellfl eo cheap. Ha :.iiii;r to tmy them thero yoor money o keep. I'. O. n.-Catkon Delivery-ÜiS is hc woy He is able to scll hu Iow and make it pny. He hns do bHil dibts to raako htm croeBi 'r tn you more ti makt' up hit loss. So ilmtv tti" plucoto buy your fond, He wlll scll it Bboapi and you wUl liud It good. At the 0. O. D. Orocery yoa will always flnil best of Ooffoe and Tent of all kinds, wlth sogar, to, and Iresh, ripo fruit, Or ciuim-d.or driod, i: last. s tusuit ; Oraagee Lcmom V'un and ltnlian Peara, íplcoe ilu'.t tr.-i! orahrob oftm)ic bonrs, . tal ilr.a and rarioua kimls of Cumly, 'ihiitchililren love and mothen ftnl ao hindy, p od ti;i:iLÍ n blddeo Bt 'Ti-, A ■ stick " of tlil." wil] move them more l'ban the old-faehioned "red1 ourftilherí Wii.-i. riiildrcu were plenty ando'.ten abJsotf. Be bas all kinds of Provialom tho palnto to plenae. Fifh, bacon ,flonr, bread, butter nnd oheeae. Oooklea and crackers, chsrrles, chocolate andeako, Thloge to boll, fry, rnaft, Btew, etcm or bake. He has pecans ])eaouts, prunos and piekte, To coax the tipputitu, ho eapiiciouö and licklo. ne haB EflftHswiir'1, crockery, and vceeelö of stone, Prench Lnatral Suap- the bopt cvor known ; Tobacco and cismrp, both for chewinL and smoking Aud aevet will frown if you phonld DS joking. And many other tilines too ntmeroue to mention, Ail of which to ecll chcap for cash is his intontiou. Then come, good people, one and all, And irivo the L . o. 1). L'rocery a cali. Ome try our pricos nnd trv oar ware, Por In our profi',8 the buyer sharee. You iay the caeh !or wht yon t;ct, With no tarlffon lopt-p to uiíikf you fret ? Ifxn'i (aikftir crr.ííí, ihouL'h your a inülionalrc, But bujyoQrgrooorles for "ca -h at prices Mr. Come from tho country and the town, Prepared ti bny and pay cash cbnon, C'-me. rich and pMr. come blai-k and white. You will And prorifllonfl plenty and pricee riirht, Oome.frionds of Uratit nnd frltnfls oOrèifley, Hlmke hande at 29 and trade C. O. I). fredj. KATUÜE'SREMEDY7% The Ereat J loc d JPu ri n [Zñjy A valuablu Indlan compound, for aeetorin? tee heaith '"i for the peimanunt care of ;ll diueadce arialnx from lmpurltlefl oí' biood, such as Scrofulu, Scrofulous 'SiimorR, Cáncer, Ciiiit'crouHÜIiïiuor, Krysipeltis, l'unkr, Salt RIkuu:, i'impteM, und tluiuurq on tli Jr'iic-e, l Imts, í';íil;Iis. Cu tarrli, Ilrunciiiti, iVcurulifiu, 1'fiillN iu f Sirte, Itïitmliiilioui, HyKpcrpNiïk, Conwti pnliun, CoNti'encstt, IHKy.incKN, I'ïli'S, I9 nl;i lio, '(TIUSness, F.iulm-ss at tlio Sttmiiii'ls, Pniun in t5i' liack, fvirirtcy Eonilniiit,' ïïniUiiiw, nncl (ciiéral DeblUty TM. prep&raUon is Ktenliflcally and ohemlcall} omhiiirrrt, and so strongly concentrated from roota. icrbK and l;arks. ilmt lu goodoflecta firu reallsod mraodlatoly atter commenciag to tas-p lt. There la 10 dlsease of (be hnman mtem for whlcb hv. VEQ3TXNJ3 cannutbo tued with pmrvoT bafjety, u it doe not contatn ur.y metallic compound. Por erad' citlnt? the KJBtem of all impurlt'U" of tho blood, lt lasBotiqoal It haa nver íailed to effct .iviüi; tono and Hrrtinrt:i to the Byetcra debilitatod iTdifvaae. lts wondertni effects npor. these cointlalata are mirpriglnK to uil. Many huve beun curod y tho VKGKT1NK t!';it havo triod many other umcdio, Kt can wll bc called. TUK GREAT BL00Ü PUKIFXER! Prcparcdby II. STP.VKNS, Iloston Maes. Pric a S 1 .U3. Sold by all Drnggists. For Screfula, ScrofjL IllOMS I)ir-'Í1SOH Of ,!, tb Kj-es, or ScrofiiMb-i la in nny lorm. c.j-t Any diaeaM or cruption ■'. ■ .J of the Skin, disease of tlio iK3 j Liver, Bheumatiem, Pim&yfy plcs,01d Sores,Ulcers,BrkS_ ' en-lown Constitu tions, @JjSyphili, or any diseasedeL4g pending on aiiepraved con dition of the blood, try flf DR. CROOK'S jB$ï% syrüp or W POKE ROOT. ÍSá It lias llie medicinal propy$lè&t eltj of Pokecombined with lljrf a pieparation oflronwhich iwf 8oes at "ce into tlie blood, jfffii perfonning the most rapid Jr and wonderful cures. Ask yonr Druggist for Dr. Crook' üompound Syrup of Poke Koot - take it and be healed. ATONEY VANTED. Fiveor ix thoniand dollira, or more, onanlort gago of utkinoumbsved real eatftte worth tbree times the funouot. Enqniie of 1360 E. "W. 3I0K0AN. CAltD. li. F. HICE returns his heartiest tlmnks to lni nM VrinuU und Oittomtn frrr liist favors, and asks them to cjill on bini in Ypsilanti, a1 AV. Iï. HBW1TT A CO8n rrad Bclcot Hoo'.s and Bbosa Brom tho beet sclcct":, and Í willgive yotl lo tban any otherhouso in the country. Womake tooi" thing in onr line, from tho ver botjt Bt.ïok. 138Dw3 GotoR.W.SLLISft CO'b foratrictly Pure Drugs and Moáicinee,PaintB,Oilg,&c. ai W v ■ lÊSmtFlufii ï A ii-At.SE REPORT 1 THAT A. TERRY HASQONEOUTOF TRADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LAHOK AND COMPLETE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT l'RICES TO SUIT TOK TIMES. ALSO APULLLlNüOF GENTS' FURNIS1IING GOODS! DON'T PUHCUASE YOÜR SPRING AND SÜMMER OUTPITS UNTIL YOU 15 South Main St., Ann Arbor. tt(14t. REAT SUMBIER VT Cleaning Out Sile AT THE METROPOLITAN In order to makc room for a complete Nw Stock of DRY GOODS Poll, I wiU offer overy article la the store at 8TRICTJ.T NKff YOKK OOST, bo nol? ts your time fol buvj'iiillH. Salo to begin Mouday, July 29th, Aud to continue for Tliirtj Doys. .Tablc Llrtení, Table Covers, Napkins, Towels, Towdttffg, Hoslery, (Jloves, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Lace (shawls, Embroulerlcs, Luces, Vio.t. Shawls, Swiss Muslin, Jaconets, plain & lig., Nansook, pl.iin 4 il"., ISrilllatites, Soft Finish Gambrics, Lineiis, Shirt FSos'ms, Couutcrpanes, Drcss Trlmmlngs, llanclkercliièfs, Buttons, Tlilies, White & Buil' Piques, Lace Curtalns, Ladies' 8uitB, Ladles' Made-Úp Under tíarmonts, Parasols, Kirt Oloves, Silk Fringes, White Cotton Trlmmings, (,'otton Frtnges, Pcrfuracry, Honps, Brashes, Pocket Pooks, Combs MILLINERY OP ALL KINDS, IÍELOW COST. An'l r thonsand other articlP3 In the Fancy Ooods Trade too uuiüi.-routi to mouliou. No. 33 Soutli Main Street, Ann Arbor. H. COHEN. M8H1 MOTHERS! MOTHERSÜ MOTHERS ! ! ! Don't fail to procure MBS, tVirVKLows soo'rnisii sïbit fob JIII-MKI'.rí TEETHIIfO. Thl8 valu&ble prepftrattOD Iiüh bveu ufed with NEVEU-PAILING SDOOE89 ÍN THOO8AMD8 OP i: 18E8. lt no only rellevet tha chüd from puin, but invigoratefl tï.r Btöniach and bowcl?. correcta ncldiïy, and y ti the wholojsystem. lt wlll alf; lñtntlj reileve Grlping in the IJowcls and Wind ('olie. VN'ebeUeve IttheBKST and siklNT lü'MHDY IN THB WORI i, in all cases of DYSENTKRY N1) WAKüii'iA [N OBILDUBN, wbather ariaIng hom tr.-tini; or my tln-r uasc. Pepend pon itmotherB, itwill giverest toyour, aod Kclief and Hculth lo Your Infants. Bc euro and cali for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrui." Ilaviu' the fac-eimilo of "CURTÍS i PFRÖNS" on wrapper. Sold hy Druggist thrüuühout tbc world. iy PHYSICIAS' PRESERIPTÏOSS V'JCUR.V. KI.Y ANP C AREFCTLL Y PREPABED BY R.W.ELTJL&ÜO.,VRUaaiS7S.


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