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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ■piIAVrrS TIIATCIIER, ■ fj Counselor ut Law, No. ."j K;it Hurón Street AnnAi 13S6 Ml'. FASQÜELLE, Wf. 3. OiMoe otot A. . ferry's lonco Wahl Street, four rfoors east ofStaW. 13;3yV A NT ASBDR MINERAL SPH1! M .-rii H ü", M. D., Bu i irlntnn : inn ■in-.l West ílu ron Sín-i-iu. WIJfES & WORDEN, ÏO ?cnth Main trs, Ann Ar or, i r li - , wholesfllc and retail th';üersin Dry Ooi ' Oarp (tí ar 1 ÖroQerle. lS5ttf IK. Bao ■ . '.! 4 LyoB , ■ , eilent, , ■ the lock Btitch No, V 1840yl MACK SC'II.fllD, Dealen In Dry 0 .ccries, Crockery.ic. No. SI South Main Str.i-t. MICIIAEIi nVBBáTg Roofer Pire and ■ Pro il, !■'.■': ■ Ion Gravel ríí pot 'n ti order and trarrantea. Besidenceon 'ii 8treeti Anu Arbor. RW. ELLIS & C!(.. 'ilt-rs in l'nints.Oils.ctc. N.-' South MalnStroet, Ai) Arlnr. vf tl. JACKSOIV, Dentlst.sncceseortoO. B. VV Porter. i r Main and Hnron troeta, 5vcr the ï. W.Ellin Co. Aira Arbor, Hlohi:i::i:.-:- rul T reqalrcd. WF. BUKAKEV, M. ., !Jriy.;,i.,n and s .. :!'■; corner of Hurouand ■ -t doot esi ofPresby ibnr, Midi. i .. JOHNSON, Dealer in Bata and Caps, 1 j f ir-, 81 ' Farnlshlns ;1--, te. N ; '.in -invi, Aini ArlMir. Mich. VTilKKI.AK Je WHEDC 3 Plrol ■ ente, and dealewmEealBstate. on Qaron si i eel . ÍEWis C. ÏUNOO., Dealer In Hardwarei 4 Stovea Uottsi :-'nruHiiug Gooi'., Ti.i Ware,&c. Latn utreet. ICÏl c ABEL, Dealers in RryGoo , No. 3 s'cr.ith Main street. Ano CIiAWSíl t Sí.1', Qruceni, Provisloii and Ooram tóion Merchants, and dralen In VPater :. ae,Lnd Piaster, and Piaster Paris. Xo. 1 East Hurón street. SSiXOKEIM, Wholesale and Ketall Dealer meres, :ent'8 Puriii ds. No.u Sonth Hain SI W, IV I '."■ EK, D . I r In R dy IadCloth I - Frank, setrII,nO!tK . PISH VJT Umi M 'die ■! ir. Ter Bouks, iclwol :: No. 8 N'urth Main (treet, Óiregory Bli or. FÏJflEÏ & L.EWT9, .-.-., s ipperü.Ac. No. a Kast Buron Street, Min u VTOAH W. CHE ATTORNEY AT LAW ! 011 jc witli E. W. Morgen, Eaet side ofOomrt Konen iiirn. 1331 f ESBOKS IN FEENCH. 1 1 Profcpsor A. TirNNEQVIX, lately arrlved from Fnnct:, strnction In the French Ltingutire. PrtTdtolee leüce, orlnclac rpnpHeMiilupvrwds. Mr. Hent hl! resldeoc% TO lliirun etreet. ■& ut Mr, L. ' i-n-.u-uv, Aan Arbor. !84 ms J. F. SCüAEBÍBL,E Teacher uf Vusic. Q:v.'k iuLLruoi,in on the PIANO, VIQLIN AND GUiTAR, at hls office, No. SI ' loore'e building}, r :it the reflidence ti' tho papil. PIANO TUNING, ntde a noelallty nd satisfaciion guarnnteedi Kt.'Jyl nEOCKEKY OLA8SWÁBE & GROCERIES, J. & Donnelly Hkts In store i -wirc, Mted Ware.Catlerj '.Jn.cenes, &c, ie, all tobe lold at nnnnnally low pricra. Wo 12 Bast rinroD Street.Artn Arlior. ll-iatt J. k I'. UOSMiLLÏ. IOHN O. QALL, DBALEK IN FRESÏÏ AND SALT MEATS, riAKf. S'.ISMiKfi, F,(c, Ordcresnllcïted ami promptly fllled ith thebest neats In the m it WMhlngtotrot. Ann Arbor, Scpt. lth, 1869. T F. BRO Mannfactarer r EiBUACES, BieeiEs, i.iíiür.n wicons, spkic ifaeoxs, citteks, s:,;;k;ís. &. UI work wftrrnntfd oirhc besi materlar. SepflilrOí dnnc prnmptW -i: e. Ml vork tvmtnirtod t í'ivc perfect atUfactioa. 88 "8"nth Mulu íTL-írt. laasy!. 'T AKKMÜY. iKJKK. r of Cairiages, Buggies, Wagons, KDRI.1J!'.i!ls. ofevérystyle, made of the best rRari3, .-uii warrauted. RepalrlDjï done prompjly jl(1 pticea reasonsble. Detroit -treet, ncar H, It Dp.-t, Ann Arbur, M icü. [)R. O. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND PILL Physicians Preseriptions, At al] bour, at lífo. 1 Gregory Block. C. A. LEITBR ifc CO. Anu rJor.Dee. 2ïd 18U. 1351 't - RANDOLPH WHITE, Al. D DENTISTOnico at Keeldenco, No. 12 Ffth treet, ANN UtUOR, MIOH jU.C.lJ. POKTEIl, DE1STTIST. ffioein theSAVINGS BAKK3L0CK, Ann Arbor. Ml OparatioTis on the Natural Teeth Pi'W1TB CMtR. TN3URPA33BD FACILITIES AND BXPBRIBNCE SlITfÜtí ARTÍFÍCIAL TEETfl, TO aiVE ■ VinuAl.; ÜtfMrenf the proper Hr, tha,r ,rolnr. firmvesennd na al ir.prettiim. 1344 [ IVE ÖEESE EEATHtíRS " ftonetautijoiihaiui andforsnlrby BACIISr ABEL, M1CHKÍAX CENTBAL RJHJtOJLD. SUMMER TIMB TABLB. ngcr trains now laavo the several station?, as bw: OOINO WEET. i STATIONS. 3 E i " . U, . K, J'. U. P. bf. P. ] Detrtiit.leavc, ikj 11211 i OS S 50 Bit mti. 10 29 5 32 ? 17 0 Aun Arbor, 8 55 10 4! 6 00 7 60 10 lí II 0! Dex( 1. - B ■)■' ( 13 I" 461 B 32 11 M aran Lake, 111 lí. k. M. Jackson, 10 SO 11 :■:■ 12 IS p. r. a. 'i. i. M. Kiilamn"", I 1 Cliicago nrrivo, 8 45 . T .10 C 30! 10 20 7 30 OOINf i ■ . A. M. A. }r. Chicago, lcnve, 5 U 9 vo E & A. . Kuluiniizoo, - - A. M. P. K.i Jaekson. 12 8.1 4 40 8 10 2 M 4 40 i.nke, ' Chebwa, a. m. o (i; n 55; Dexter, R 2.: 9 55 ■) is, ■ ' i iior, Ypeilnnti, i 23 ■ . ;irrivo, ' 3 36 7 25 8 4S 1 1 Atlantic and Piiei mu betveen raokaou and Ñüeis n theAix Line. DatedJoly 22. 187Ï. ipORT WAYNE, JACKSON AM) Sajrinaw Hailrcad. The m i EMttsbuiy, Philadelphiaj taltimoiOi Washiiïiton, ond üll pointa BOutb and outhwest. lrainfl run ly Chicago Time ik.1. ! urn. Uail. Borprets. Angt ■ nokson, I ï l p. f. i I "ál 12 -il 5 20 on Tille, 8 ::." l 80 angola, Vat rloo, 10 33 8 15 iuburn, 10 -47 B 20 ivnc, li 45 nidianoplis, . 'r. - - 1 ■ SOa.m. i:n'!ii!i:iti, .Ule, 1" 45 - in t.-.p. m. TBAIN8 Qi iIMfl K .i ,i-ti!a Aec. Express Moil, US, O 10 A. M. lü 'i. 7 1" A. M. ,(1HDUPO1Í8, 4 00 P. M. 10 10 1 05a. -M. AuUirn, l 22 B 1 : - - 6 37 6 S5 lio, 1 ÍS i 05 r. m. B 02 . r, 10 .üt 8 :i2 ■i :5 9 10 At Jad with U ich ■!. Laiuing & Sngln Hiver :!!'■. At JuiHwvIllc- With Lake Shore MiohJgan At Wntedoo -With Lake Shore ft Mi Olll [Air t i . i ayne- With : 1'.-) ;u. ",;.:ii. i Western! and Ft. Wayiie, ■ ,v ciiiciMimti Raüroada 3npt. Bob"t., Oen'l. Ticket Ag't. July 25. IB7Ï. PLÉTATION BIT' S. T. - 1800 - X. Tiiis wonderfal vegetable rcstorative is the sheet-anchor of tbe íeeble and debilitated.' As a touic and cordial for the nyi-il and Fanguid it lias no equal araong stomacbics. As i roinedy for tlie nervons weakis whicli women are ospeeially subjocted, it is euper6eding cvery otlier stimulant. In all elimatee, tropical, températe or frigid, it actp as a epecüñcin every species of disorder whicli nndermines tho bodily etren-gtb and breaks down the animal spirits. lS55-yl. 1EXICAK MUSTANG LMMEfT, FOR MAN AND BEAST. Probably few ardiles hae fvrr hart go ;fi!vf ■ Sale, :-.lo n;no iav t)ecn ore iiiiivíis:t!ly beneficia] Iban Hi t?ii ÜEILICAH niiSTASO LniMEXT. CbiMrcD, Mulii, (lorscfi, aii! I): iiiim :!-. :isí r.'.M :ó liablc to afeitlí-r.f, and it h Rafe (o sy, that faoiüy can single geason Hftout OBe kinol o( an taolüi'iii being neeesary. " lief cms a matter of iBijioríuucv then 4o seture lite best. Ovor three huurtred Uvery stablc In the city of New York alone :i'. nsni the [untan;; l.hiimiut, la all of whlcb It gires aulyi bctlon. CACTION.- The gonalne le ■ n i Une ■ uit h ' '■ ''■' ! '' ■ ■■ c X HVSTAXO I !- ich wrapper The vhole bean tho preprtetofa pñvaAe tmp.and not acummon stamp, aa nsed bj dmesleu. LÍOS M.VNUI-'A' TI'HIXC C'O., i:í"T-::wyl 83 I'.irk Place N.T. BOOKS J. It. WEBSTEB & CO. M.W BOOK ST0B1 NEAR THi: EXPEE8S OFFICE. LOOK TO YOL'K INTEKEST AM CALL. a NNABBOB Mineral Springs liouse. This boiiitifiil rcsort forUculth seekere Jia now upuii, with itti {RON, MAGNESIA AND SÜLPHÜR WATERS, y itean, and Uurge And uvll-veiitiluted roonm. WATER AND AIR BATHS, Of all Usraperatara) alto Shower, Vapor, Hei Hïifi BleCtliG Bftthfl clllptuvi il Wltb iiiIvl. ■ treatment of all fornw oi ohronlc dïseiieee and diaeMM "f females. BpecUI ittentloL paid to ilift. wiiii pleanot snrroDndIngn.aDd sttnated in one f tlH-ii)"Kr healthy md beiutlftil cltlfu in theconatry . u po8sasea attractiona fur iuvtilide or for i1ckttre seekers sclrtom found The nnnlysN uf the S;,ri:.i-s wi!l hc nirnUhed ou ap))Ucttion. Panona deatriog drcnltra t (end tn thlr frleni ithrm at the ftlceof theroprlolors on Rnron itr tt, ■■■ .1 !!..■ Hpi li Addrewall lettere of [nqulryto MülUtlS HAI-E, M. O., Supt. AnN A.BBOR, .'(ín [[, Sntïn-rlnml nnd 'hedou, I'rop-. Aun Arbor.Mlfh.. Tono Tl lTï.


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Michigan Argus