Classified Ad
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SOMX2THIN6 WEWJU USCG I' E T US PIL LS, tOR TflB CKRT.IIN AD rERMANBMT CÃRE OK FEVER AND AGUE. fflHESK pilla re prrpa red by lli distinouisheil X F. KLING, W. ü. f Jackson Mich. I" all of the many mn&s in wluch they have been uttd, they have givcn the most entire nnd pcrfeci satisfacion. The prupiicor hazards rjothipg " fnying, that they are the very best medicine in the world for the cure of the nbovo mcntioned dieoane. Any quantity of reconimcndations uiigh; bo publishod- as s ilic cusiomi wiïh many- bui thnt is considored unncressary One innl wil atisfy the most incredulous f thcir greii vutuc. Tho mojority of Medicine now in use fjord bui e. lempornry relief, inerely breaking nnd check - ing tha discase for a short time and preventmg only tü externnl appenrnncc, while mwardly it il till raging, thus ennsing many o:her malady.ond conscqiiently proving highly mjurious, to future health. Il is the uhject in thisinstnncc, to present lo the public a Medicina eniircly different from thst heretofore oflbred, and one that will not mora'ycHKCKTHBCHiLi.s, but thnt will erndicate the diiease cntircly ffpm the system. Wurranttd to effect a peifut au e f the direciions are atrictly folio wed. Direciions accompany evory box and no Muscoetus Pilla are genuine without the written signatura of the nvenier "F. Kling." Each box contaim 100 pills nnd twelve powders pricc $1,00. For silo hy Maynords and Lund Sc Mc Collum.Ann Arb'or; E Sampson and Norria Sc Felch. Ypsilanti; Cissius Swifr Dexter; Hale, Sonth A. Dunhsm. Grnss Lake; Smith & Tyrol, Clinton; D. K. Undcrwood, Adrián, Thomas P. May, Plymouthj Peter Van Evcry. S. R. flinford. Grand Rnpids: F Gardner, Jnnesville; Saflbrd Hopkios. Hillsdale: Belcher& Ernest. A. Temple, J. McConnell & Co., Jackson, ond throughout the State. P. S. All those who are afflicted with a chron ie Disonso wilhout regard to name nniï nature. even ifpronounced incurable by others are respeetfully invited to cali on me at my residence in Jackson, nnd I vrill ondeavor to restore them to perfect henlih. if not bevond the powr of all cnrthiy aid. F. KLING, M. D. Jackron, Juty Ux. 1845. SmglflL In Chaitcci'y- Ist Circuit. Gorge F. Porler, aduiinistraior of Oüver Knne, deccased, complninnnt, vs. Loren Milla, Elijah W. Morman and William S. Mnynard, defendnnts. BY virtue of a decretal order tssucd out of the pourt of chancery of the State of Michigan, I shall expoee to sale to the lnghcst bidder, at the Court House in the Villase of Ann Atbor, Washtennw cotinty, on the 23d day of September next, nt 1 o'clock, P. M.,ol that day, the following described premiees sitúate, to wit: "eiluate, lytng and being in the town of Ann Arbir, in the county of Wnshtenaw nd Stnte ot Michigan: Bezinning at the centre of Whites Rond, 80 callea, on the west line of section 29. in tbwn two souih of rane six east; thence south on the line of tho said section and on the line of section thirty-iwo. foriy rods south of ihi eouth west corner ot the said seciion to n Btakc thenco east at right nngles with said ecction'.,line tbjrty rods: thence north nnd parallel with snit ection line to the centro of said Whites' road. - Thence south seventy live degtecs west in the centre of the said rond to the plnco of beginning. containtug thirty-three acres and sixty-five hundredth of an acre of land more or les. GEO. DANFORTH, Maaier in Chancery. JOT & PORTER, Sol's. Dated, August 1 1 th, 1845. 2?4 The obove sale is pos'poned unfil the 20th day of October A. D. 1845 at the Mme hour and nlace. GEO. DANFORT Ff, Master in Chancery. Daled, Sept. 23J, 1845. .,,,,,., 1 he above sale is postponed until the 1 th day of November, A. D. 1845, at úo same hour nnd place. GEO DANFORTH. Master in Chancery. Dated. October 20ih. 1845. "TO THE VICTORS BELONG THE SPOILS." ALTHOUGIl many preparaüone in the form oà "POPULAR MEDICINAS" hnrebeen bcfore the public, cluiming to give relief, nnd even cure the most invetérate diceases, yet none have so well answered the purpose na Dr. Sherman's Medie ited Lozenges. They are agreeable to the taste, easily administered, and (rom the unprecedented success which they have met with, and the remarkablc cures which they have performed, may justly liy claim to the tule of Conqueror over the iliseascs for which they have been recommended. Dr. Sherman's ';COUGH LOZENGES" Cure the most obstinate cases of Cough in a few hour? . They have cured a large number of perâ onswho have beengiven up by heir physicianb and friends, and many who have been rcduceo to the verge of the grave by spitting blood, Con â umption and Hectic Fever, by their use have had the rose of health restored to the haggarc cheek and now lire to speak forih the praiecs o his invaluablc medicine. Dr. Shcrman'o "WORM LOZENGES" Have been proved in more than 40.000 enses to be infallible, in fact th only certain Worn Destroying Medicine ever discovered. Chlldrei will eat them when they cannot be forced to tak any other medicine, and the benefit derived from the adminis'.rution of medicine to them in thi form is great beyond conception. When th brcath of t'he child becomes ofTensive, and ther is picking of the nose, grinding of the teeth du ring sleep, paleness about the Ups with flushe cheeks, headuche, drowsiness, starting durin leep, disiurbed dreams, awaking with fright an screatning, troublesome congh.feverishnes8,thirst voraciouB appetite, eickness at the stomnch an bloated stomach - these nre among the man prominent symptoms of worms, nnd enn be re lieved by these incomparable Lozenges. The have never befn known to fnil. Dr. Sherman' "CAMPHOR LOZENGES" Relieve Hendache, Nervous Sick Headache, Pal pitation of ibe hcart. and Sickness in a yery fe niinutea. They cure Lowress of Spirits, Des pondency, Faintnees, Colic, Spasms, Crnmps o the Stomach, Summcr or Bovrcl Coniplaints they keep up the spirits, dispel all the distressin ymptoms of a nightof dissipation, and enoblc porson to undergo great mental or bodiiy toil.- Dr. Shermnn's 4'OOR MAN'S PLASTER Is acknowledged by all who have ever us d it t be the best strengihening Piaster in the worlc and a sovereign remedy for pains and weaknes in the back, loins, side, breast, neck, limbs joints, rheumatism, lumbago, Sec. One millior a year will not supply the demand. Caution i necessan , as there are many unprinripled pereons who would torce a 3purous article upon th community. Be careful to get Sherman's Poo Msn's Piaster, wiih a lÃfac simiU" of hia writ ten name on the back - none others are genuine and will do morehurt than good. When 8uch men as the Rev. Dirius Anthony of the OneiJa Conference. Rev. Sebastian Stieet er, of Boston. Rev. Mr. Dunbor, Mr. Hancock Rev. Mr. De Forest, Hon. Aaron Clark, J Hoxie, Esq. Hon B. B. Beardsley, Daniel Fan ehnw, Esq. and a host of names of the like reputation can be brought forward to prove the efficacy of Dr. Sherman's preparations - when thej are so warmly recommended by the medical pro feteion, and prnscribed in the practice, onrl wlien such universal approbatton follovr6 their us among all classes, we may justly srty that the Dr. Ã9 not only eniitlcd to the appellation o VÃCTOR,' but can fairly lay claim to the pat ronageof the public, and will rrceive it. Agents for Ann Arbor. II. M. Thompson X Co.. W. S. & J. W. MaynarH; E. Sampson Ypsilanti; D. C. Whitwood, Dexter: PickforH t Craig. Snline; Smith Sc Tyrol. Clinton, H Bower, Manchester: P. Enrlick fe Co., Plymouth: D. Gregory and A. Grant, Northville. 218-fim NEW ENGLAÃD HOUSE No. 111 BROADVVAY, NEW YORK. (Brtwecn the City loleland Trinity Ckurch. TIE Proprictor, grateful for the patronage al ready hestowcd upon him by the public gen mlly, would give notice ihat his house is now in complete order for the reception of Ladies nnc Gentlemen who niny want permanent board o trnnciont arcommodntions. The New ET.'lnnd House being stricily a tem pranceho se. and plensnntly locaicd in ihe im meiliate viciuity of huaincs, makes il very desir i.b'c or men of busnrfs, n well as nü o'hert wh ({ aoiel acoommoiJaiins and jjrreeaWe cornpn Dy ' I'. WICHT. M.y I, 154.".. fl'12The Wondcrfiil Suceéss WHICH Or. Folgers' Ãlosionan, or AllHealtng Balsam has mct with nt only in itssnlc, biu ntso ih thc curca which it lins el fected, i persons who we.e in a hopeicps con Sition, has convinccd llie most skcptical ol ittextraordmary curniivc propcities. nnd establrthed its claims to tbe tiame ol ihc GKEAT RhMEDY. The qnestion is no longeraskcd."Cfl Asthmu be curedr' It hos been s.itis'ncpmly eettled witnn the lnet two montha tbrit Folger's Olosaonian }i produce a cure quicker thnrr ."ny other rcmtly in the world. and references cfi he givcn o persons in and out of the city who báve expe iencert ira wondcrfiil vinues. who had iricd loi ears all others remedies in vain. Mr WlLSON,a brkk hyer, rcsidmgnt Hobo ken.N. J., hod ttied every remody which he coulci lear of for 'he relief of asthn.n, and had spcni nore than one hundred dollars a endeavortng to procure help, bur in voin. He commonced uan" tho ülosnoninn, January 21 st. The firs José he took gave him relief, and two days afterward hrs wife callad to sny thnt the. small quanityol this reniedy which he had taken had done tiro more goodthan any and all the medicine he ind ever usfd in his Ufe. Mts. Bell. the wife of Roben P. Bell, ofMoriatown. N. J.? who was severely afilicted with sthma, wusgiven ip by her physicinns. Shc vns removed lo the senboard in the hope of pal ating her distressing symptoms, but with no )encfit. One bottle of the Olusnninn so far reieved her that she wae able to get up froni her bed and dress herself. r. ihin? she had not done cfore in mon'hs, and she hns now returned to Ãer re8idence in Morristown, N. J., wiih every prospect of beine snccdly restnred. INCIPlEN'l CONSUMPTION yÃeldsto its efiecis. It soothes the troublesomo Cough and gives refreshing slumbers to the weary; it allays the pain in the sitie and sorencss in the chesf, and enablcs the pereon lo expectórate ensily, while t entircly restores thesecretions of the system and expedites rctuming health. JAMES B. DEVOE, 10! Reade street, had long been complainigg of a soreneas in the chest. acrompanied with a short hacking cough; he raised matter freely. had lot hisappetite and feit alarmcd at H situation. Ho had tried various remedies without any bencficial effect. His shortness ofbroath and pain in the sidecontinued to inercase. He used one bottle of the Oloaaonian. and is restored to health. George W. Burnett, of Newark, N. J.. Geo. V. Hnys. of New York; David Hendereon. 60 Laightst:' Mrs McGann, 20 Walker t; F. Lnban. 52 Pike st.. Mis. Archibnld. :35 Walker st, with HUNDREDS OF NAMES of persons re siding in New York, could be given, who are rendy to bear tcstimony to the superiority of the Olosaonian over every oiher remcdy known for the cure of coughs, colds, asthma. consumption. apitting of blood, dyspepain, constimption. bronchitis, difficully ofbreathing, hoarseneea, influenza, pains in the breast and side. and the vari oua aiTections of the stomich and liver. For sale at 106 Nnsaau s, one door above Ann, nnd at Mra Hays. 139 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Agents for Ãnn Arbor, VV. S. &) J. W. Maynard; Sampson, Ypsilanti; D. C Vhitwood. Dexter; Pickford & Craipr. Saline; Smith & Tyrol. Clinton; H. Bower, Manchester; P. Farlick &Co., Plymouth; D. Gregory and A. Grant. Vorlhville. . 218-6mo To Clolhiers, Iflanufactarers and iïerclianl. THE subBcriber is now recetving ai his stores, U-8, and 190 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, e following, carefully and well selected stock of Dye Woors Dye Stofw, & Woolles Man uf-ictl-REr's Machiskrt. 15 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico and Carthngena, 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St. Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair, Caro, Hache and Lima, , 3 tons Camwood, very choice, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 130 " Fustic, " " ji.O " Red Woods, " " 120 " Camwood, " 10 " Querecitron Bark, 45 " Allurn. 42 " Copperat, 30 " Blue Vitriol. 28 " Madder, Ombro and Dutch Crop. 3 Cream Tartar, 2 " Nutgalla, 2 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Guatiniala, 2 case9 Lnc-Dyo, 20 M ext. Logwood, 2 l' GrainTin, 300 pounds Verdigris, 15 Carboys Oil of Vitriol, Spirits Sea-Salts nnd Nitric Acid, ALSO, Copper Kettles and Cloihers1 Screws, Tenter Mooka, Jacks and Bru6he9, Prees Papers. Card Cleanerw, Wcaver's Shcers, Nippersand Burliiiid Irons, Comb-PIates, Pickera and Robbins, Wire, Worsted and Cotton Harness, Steel and Cant Reeds, Broad Power, Hand Loom and Fly Shutters, Steel and Copper Mails Emery, &c. Pnrson's Shearing Machines, 4, G.and 9 blades Allen'a doublé and single Carding Machines. Machine Cards, Lcicester. The above goods have been recently purchascd. directly from the importers and manu facturera, ixciübivet.t tok CAsn, and will bt sold at the New York Jobbers' pnces, addinf trnnsportation only; and in consequence of ih decline on many of the American manufactuiec articlea. will iri many enses, be aold at fiflccr per ca. t Ltss than form er The subsenbers experience in the Dye Wood trade eniblci him to say to his custoiners that he is prepnret at nll time to warrant his gooda of sapenoi qUaIlly' THEO. H. EATON, Dye Wood and Dye Stuff Wnrehoupe. 188 aud 190 Jefierson Avenue Detroit. Aug. 8. 1845. 2?5-4m ' SEEDS. WANTED.- 20":n8. Red Onion Seeds. 50 lbs. White do do 25 lbs. Yellow do do 100 Ibs. Musk-ir.clon do 5 ) lbs. Water melon do 4 4) lb. Scarlet Radish do 5 lbs. Sage do J0 Ihs. Pepper Grnfs. do lObuÃh Ãarly Marro w Pens 10 i " Cluster ' 5 " Sugnr Corn . B. NOBLE. Ann Arbor1jept._91J845. g29-?L INTÃREST1NG TO WOOXa GROWEHS rpHK Subscribers would repectlullj anX nounce to the Wool Growcrs of Ann Ar borand its viciniiy, that they continue the businppsof V, v 'L Wool Carding and Clolh Dressing at theold stand ol J. Beckley & CV, wl.en they niay be found at all scnson.ible hmirs t wait upon thoae who may fuvor them with tlicu patroimge. . They guarantee that ih"ir work will be dom with ncatnees and despatch. To thdr old frit-ndsand n mnny ncw rustomers a feel disposed to give Ineni a trinl. they would say.cotne on wi'h ymr Wooi. and Ci.oth nnd we will do you atnple justice tn die execu tion ofyonrwork - iKc priic and ICTme ot payinent. Twcnty tlxousancl pounds of VVjul wanted iu exchange for Kuil Cloth. Plannel, &c N. H. - Giv ua a cali before purchasing else wljtre. BtJMN'ER FJICK9 & CO. Anu Arhor fvrcrTonn.Mnf. Vfï,iei:. 86 6mPeoplc irom. the Country VlöllAà Ueiroii, ior Mie pinchóse of Dry Good, I'nper Ilangitigs, or Feathen?, Il Ie guitig ilie rounds to a?ceniin the vnrious diylcs orptices of Goodö in the cny, are rc.jui'Ptrd tu cali ai W. A. Raymond's Store, fÃo. 148. Jcllcrson rtvemie. being one door nbove lïatcs Si. nnd next door to tlio "Manhat'nn Store." TRe unaersigrÃed hns tnkrn a great deal of pains ia selectuifr liis goods to get fneliionnble siylrs and desirablc qualines and he ir= confident nial liis assortmcnl pai ticulurly of such coods as are desirable for ihc country irude, complete ns any in the city. He has on hand Ginghams, J$alz.irinep, Lnwns, Muelin de Laincs, Calicóes bf evory Mulls, Laces. O'ylo, Edgings, Ribbons, Parasols, Shawls, Dress Hnndkerchiefi? Cravats, Scnrfs, Voile, Gloveg, flosiery, Alnpacas. Brown Linene, Llcached I Linens. Table covers, Towclins. Shirtings, Sheetirtgs. Cnmbrics. Mtislins, blaik. blue black oud fnncy dross Silks, Bonnet Silks, Linen Canibric Ilnndkerohiefs. ALSO, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMEftES, SATÃXETTS, VESTING8, FULL CLOTH8, MOLESKINS, DMLL1NGS, BLAcfc AND FANCY CRAVATS, And indeed, almost every amele belonging to the Dry Goods business. AHoftvhich willbe 8old at tJic ren loiccst ratcs, for Cash. Cali nnd see for yourselves - none are expected tö buy if thcy do not find prices full as luw, if nat a littlc loiccr ihan elsewhere. W. A. RAYMOVD. Detroit, Mny 23, 1345. 213-Gmo Important to Farmers. KNAi'P &HAV1LAND, would respectfully inforffi the farmers of Wnshtenuw and the surrounding Countiesthat they continue to manufacture at their shop near the river bridge. LowerTown, Ann Arbor, Thresliinsr Machines of difl'erent kinds comprising theBuirnll, Cadiz, anJ Eastnmn's Planetary Power, and Machines difforeni from nny made in this Conn:ry nnd preferred to any other, which they intend to seil at such pricea and on fnch ternjs as ennnut fail to 2ve satisfnction. They are detennined not Pi be outdone by any establishment, citber in pricc or quality of work. Having been for many ycars engaged in the bueinesa they think they can with confidence recommend their work, nnd farmers and others wihing to buy will dj well to cali and examine their work previous to purchasing clsewhore. - They are prepared to do all kinds of threshing machine repairs, on theshortest notice and more reasonable terms than nny similnr establishment in the Country. Also, Burrnll's celebrated CLOVER flACIIINE'S, which 6eparate the chaff from the seed at a siigle operation and are univpr6.i!ly npproved of and used wherever introduced and warrantcd to thrc6h clean and not break the seed. For rerererce apply to Robert or John McCormick of Sn lem Waehtenaw Co., who have used one the past season. W. W. KNAPP, T. A.H A VIL AND. Ann Arhor, May Ist, 1645. 0m2 HARTFORD Tire Insurance Company THE Subscribe-, agent for the Hartord t'irc Insurance Cimpnny. takes plensure in laying before the public the Pfllowing circular: Hartfofd Fire Lnsuhance Okkick, July 22d 1Ã45. The recent dioaetrous ñre in New York wil! of course excite soliciuide in regard to its effeci on the solvency of Insurance Companies n that citv, and the neighboring places. The Director of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company are happy to assure their customers and the public, that they are prepared to adjust and pay nt mnturity, all losses sustained by their office, stirplu6 and current receipts. without delay, and withou' withdrowing their permanent investments. Their capital remains ampie for the security of all who insure with them; and they invite owners of desirable property to obtain Poücicfi on fr.vorable terme. both ot the Home Orüce and at their several AgencicB. Their mode of tranaacting business, which for 35 years past hr.s secured the public confidence. will remain inchanged. By order of the Borrd of Director, JAMES G. BOLLES, Scc'y. F. J. B. Crane, Ann Arbor. By this it will beseen, that the Company pnj their losses, during the last eix months of firce. OUT OF TH ET K. SURPLCS FUNDS. Since the pament of onethouand dollars, tr R. D. Powers, of Brighton, for the loss sustnin ed by him, the Company have paid the subscribe! 1 nnother ihousand, for Flour Barrels, burnt ai the recent fire in this village. For this last thou sand the subgeriber psid the Compnny four doi!ars-a gaod inve6tment ae he thinks. d'.irin; thoFC hard times. All who are not insured ar invitedto cali on him, andhe will issue Policiei witbont delay. F. J. B. CRANE. Aeent. Ann Arbor, July 20, 18J5. 2?4à Dry Goods at 'Wholesale. BEECHER St A1JBOT OFFER for a] for cash the following gooda at New j York wholesales pricea, iransportation onlj , addcd : 40 Bales Brnwn Sheelings and Shirtings, 3 10 Cnsert Bleached do do 10 Bnles Brown Drillings, t 3 Capes Bleacbed do 2000 Ins Battin, 1000 " Cotton Warp, Nos. 5 to 20 500 " Cond'e Wicking, 700 " Carpet Wnrp, 100 pioces Sbeepg Gray Cloth, 100 " Sat'.metts, 60 " Cnssimere, 5ü " Blue, Black, Brown, Green, Stee! Mixed, and Cadet Mixe Brotu] Cloths, 150 Black, Colored, Figured and Plaii Alpatcns, 50 " White, Red, Green and Yellow Flnnnel?, 30 Super Meal Barging-, 50 Plairi and Figured Kentticky Jeane 10 " ' Linseyp, 50 " Cnnton FInnnels, 50 pairs Mackinaw Blankels, 50 pioces M. DeLaine and Cashmercs, 100 Blanket Sliawls, bO piRces 7 8 and 6-4 BcdTicking, 50 ' Stripo Sbirting, 50 " Blue Drills, 100 " Pnis?ian Disper, 1000 " English and Ameticnn Prinl, !ogether with a geuerul nssortment of Threffdp. Piii?, Button, Combs.GIovei, Ribbons, Lacoe. Hdkfö. Scr. fctc., mnkmsr the larpest and beel .'iSHOrlmont of grods to be found in this state 132 JeflTcrson avenne, one door below the St. Clair Bank Building. Detroit, Oef. 7, 1845, Cmo. Ann Arbor Oil MLill. TUK Suliscriber would give notice tint hf continúes ihe Manufaeturc of Linsf.vd On,, nnd is prepnred to uupply painters and others with as good nn article na can be purchnsed in tl, ie or nny other market. CasÃÃ. or Oil will hc .xchnnged for Flax Seed ior which the highesi ,aark,tpricowi.lbepaid g puLcipHER Ann A r!orf Iwcr Town:Ocf. 10, I8Ã5. 233tfJHortgáge Sale. DEFAULT havmg been made in the paymcnt oà a certain sum uf money securcd 10 e paid by a certnin indenture öf mortgage hearng (Inte tlie thirtecnih doy of Juno, A. D. onc liouennd eight hundred nd thirty seven, exe:utcd by Christopher Mullen nucà Thomas Mulen of ihc town of Northfiek!, in thc coumy oà Washtcnaw and Staie of iMicliignn, lo Thomns Qillulyof said iowi. cóunty' añil Sfnlè, which nortgjigc was dtily récotded in ihe Rerister's - ffice oà tliecouniy of Wnshtcnaw. aforrsnkl. on he llurieenih diiy of June, in iho year of mr Lord eightecn hundred and ihiriy seven. nt 4 o'rlock in thc nfiernonnoà said dny, in LÃber numberfiveol mortsngrs at pae one hnndred aml seveniy ciglit which morlgagc h;is been duly ns . signed lo onc John Riley of ihe city, oouuiy and Stnte of New York. And dffnult hnving also been made in the c-nditions of snid mortÃrnge, r:o suit or prneceding .â t luw having been insii'uied w rncover ihe whole or any part of the money now cinc or cluinted to bedueon ihe mortgage, a:id by yirtuo of the severa! defaults. there Ãs now clnimed to be due on snid morrease, ihe sum of iwo hundred and eeventy fbur dtl'ars and seventy-nine cent?: No tice is therclbre hereby üiven, that in pnrsuance 'fa power of 3ale in ariitl mortijigc con'aiiK-d. will be sold at the out r door of thc Court Ilouse. in the vilinge of Ann Arbor, in the Connty of Washtenaw aforcsniÃj, n; pnllic auciion on the second diy of Januarj nextf A. D. IR-!G)at ten o'eloek in thc forenoon of Mi'd duy, in puisnance of snid power of pnlu nll and singular the premisesdeBeribe'l i: 8Ãà 1 mortgngc a9 Follows: "Heinc all thnt certain tracl of lnnd sitinied in ihe town of Northfiuld in ihe Conniy and State aforesaid hcing thc nonh enst qunr er of thc soiith west (racional guartor of section numbered thirty one in townsliip numbered one sonih of nnge bÃv east. containing fÃfty one acres of Innd be the snme more or Icss." or so much ihereof ns sliall be necessary to eaiisfy the nmount actuaMy due on said mortenge togethev wiih costa of snle. JOHN RILTTY, assignee of mortgagc. By Hawkis's & Vi. ut. bis attornies. Ann Arbor. Scpt. 26. 1845. ?3l CAN'T BE BEAT ! THE subscribers would inform ihe Public, ihm tliey continue to supply tlic State of Michigan with L. B. WALKER'S PATENT Tl-e large numbers of these Machines that have been sold, nnd the steadily incrca6ing dcniand for them, is the best evidence of iheir real vnlue, and of their estimation wÃth those who have become familiar with their incrits. WalkÃr's Smut Machine is superior to others in thefollowing pariiculars: 1. As it combines the Beutivg. Scpwvtg, and Bloiring Principies, it cleans the emuttiest ( grain irTthe bost manner, retáiriing all the fric lion of the whênt, nnd diseharging the smut and dust as fast as séparated from thc wheai. 2. It is simple Ãn construction, and i? therefore less liable to bcconie deranged, and costs less for repairs. 3. Ãt runs ve.y lig'kt, and is perfectly secure from fire. 4. It is as durable as any olher Machine in use. 5. It costs considerably thm other kinds. These tmpoitant points o f di lieren c Invc giv en ihis Machine the preftÃrenee with those who have fairly trsed it. Amon? a larsre number of Gentlemen in ihe Milling Business who mihi be nanied, the followins have used ihe Machines, anacerljfied to their exeellency andsnperiority: 11. N. HowÃrd. Poniiac. Mich. K. F. Cook. Itochcster, do E. B. Danfoht. Masón, do M. F. Fbink, Branch, do FI. II. Comstock. Comsiock, do Reference8 may nlso be to John Bacon, Auburn, Mich. W. Ryon. do do I). C., Rock, do Johà Piups, Monroe, do H. Dousmw, do do A. Beach. Waterloo. do Geo. Kf.tchum, Marshall, do N. IJemenxvay, Oiikland, do All orders for Machines will be promptly attended to. Addreps E. O. & A. CRITTENTON. Ann Arbor. (Lower Town) Wash. Co. Mich Aiifr. 24, 184522(5-1 y ÃISW1SJ ! UEAJD! {tGOOD NEWS AND GLAD TlDtXGB.Jj) fFKEL myself under the most lasting oblig;tion to Dr. F. Kling, of Jackson. who Ã lately advertised his invaluable ''Muscoverus Pilis," ititended oxpressly for Fever and Aue. For a long period my Ãamily have unÃortunately been afllicted with Fcver and Ague and h:ive tried every "Patent Meidicine" which I couhl lind, even the most popular of the laiest as well as the olde8t remedà and after spending over .â 515 I despaircd of ever being relieved, bui hearing of for. Kling's ftliiscovettis Pilis, and the great eflect they produced"ipon the Ague - as a last and almos1 hopeless resort, I mmediately proenred a box of them. took them accord ing todirections, and they gave me instant relict. and I have been fret frorn that terrible disease while wiih other medicines I received but momentary assistrince and relief. The Pilis I have recommended tiaving produced so silutary ar effect upon me and my family, I cannot refraii from acquainling the public of their grrat worlh SAMUEL UPDIKE. THEODORE UPDIKE, Wunesa. Grass Lake, July 14, 1845. 221-3m Pclitioii for Divorcc. STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Coni for thc Couniy of Wnshtenaw, ol the Jun Term of said Court, A. D. 1S45. In ihe maftei 1 of the petition of Alvira Aycrs, for a Divorce from her husband, David H. Ayers. On readini and filing the petition in this canse, which anion other thinpsset8 forth that the petilioner does no know the respondents place of residence, that sh( was married to respondent on theOth day of No â vember, A. D. 1842. and was induced to marrj ' him by the fraud anJ f;ilse preienccspracticc f upnn and made to herby respondent. That 6inc( said marnage, ihough of sufficieut nbility so u do, ihe respondent hs entirely, grogsly, anc cruelly refused and ncglccted to provideany suit able niaintenance for petitioner; that since snit marriage the recpondent has treated petiiionei with extreme crnelty. and has been gnilty o'l committing the crime ot adultery; that pctitionei lint] by her said husband one child, a boy, nameci James Franklin. which was born on the 2d daj July, A. D., 1844, for the support of which, th Jent Ims u:terly refused to make any pro visión: it is furthcr stated in said petition. tha the last time petitioner saw respondent he threat ened that he would. ai some future time, tala 1 said child from reiitioner. and representa that hi liabitf disqualify him tor having the cuetody o said child, and prays t!iat he may be restrninct 1 iherefrom, and that by tbc jadeement of Mt't Cotirt thc care, custody and exclusive control u f said child mny bc decreed to peuiioner or som Dlher suitablc person. or to some other person an petitioner, and ihat if, 011 inquiry the fncts se forth in said petition are found true, a divorcf ' may be decreed; it is ordered on motion of N. R. Ramsdcll. atforney for the peuiioner, that no tice of the pending of snid pettt.on be given te â hc respondent by the puM-cation of a copy of thi; order in a newspaper publishcd in Ann Arbor, Wiishtenaw Countyand State of Michigan, cali cd the "Signal of Liberty." four succeseivf weeks, the last pubücation to bo tweniy days be foie the first day of thc next term of this court. to be holden on thc f r;t Tuesday of Decembei next; anrl that the respondent appear. on or be fore the first day of ihcnext term of snid Court ' and show cause, if any he hns, why ihe prnyer o snid petiton should not be grnnted, or, that sait petition be tuken as confessed. A truc copy. B KING, Clerk. Ann Arbor, Oct. 2d, Ifi 15. 4w232 30 ülcrino Buek, OF the fine8t qualiiy for sale by John Brcwei of Superior, and A. Hurter of Yp?ilanti. Said Bncks are frrm the most cclcbrated iluck in the Enatern States. JOHN BREWER, ALFRED [IUjXTER. Superior, Oct. 20, 1845. 2 '5-4w WÃöd ! Wood ! ! A FEW Corda of Wood wanlcd immediatoly in pnyment for the Signal of Liberty.J. HOLMES & CO., VlICnLESALE AND RETATL DEALERS IN STAPLR AND KANCY DRY GOODS, Ory Groccriis, Carpctittg, l and paper Mïangings, No. 6& Woodward Avenue, Larïïed's y Blode, Detroit. 3 holmes. New York. S HOLMKS. Dr.troit. . WK t.-ke tliis methori of informing onr fiiends and customors ibroüghou.t tlie Stnie, iliai j we nre stil! r-ursuing the even ter.or qfnur i wi.ys. endenvoring la do our biitiness upon Kir , nd honorable principies. Wp would nlso tcniler onr ncknowledgments for the patronage ex tended to us l.y our cuslomers, nnd would bcg leave to cnll the nitentmn of the public to a very wcll ielectcd nsfortment of stnsonnble Goods. which nre ofTered nt Wholesale or retnil at very low prices. Our fanilin'cs ior perchnsing Goodt. nre unsurpassed by any concern in the Staie - One of the iirm. Mr. .1. Holmes resides in the cily of New Ynrlt. nnd from hm long experience in the Jobbing linde in tlint city. nnd from hi. thorongh knowledgc of the mnrket. he is piuibled to avnil himsclfof the nuctions nnJ any decline in prices. Wc a!so purchnse from the Importers. Mnnufactnrer's Agent, nnd ftom the nuctions, by the rjnjkage, the a me ns N. Y. Jobbers puichnsc, thus 6avin.n their profite. - With these fnciütieswe can snfely any that our Goods are eoid ciikap for the evidence of which we invite the atlention of the public toom stock. We hold to the great cmdinn! principie ol -'t'ie TTtatest (rood to tht irhctt nuviber," so f yon want to bny G.iods rhenp. nnd buy a large qnant'ttj ror o l'it'c moven ivc us a trial. Our stock is as ex'ensive as any in the city, and we are constnntlv receiving new and fresh Goods from New York. 50,000 Ibs. TVool. Wnnted, theabove qunntiiy ofgood mrchantabÃe Wool for which the highest market price wil) bo paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit. 1845. 2H-tf The Misscs Clark's School. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. MARYH. CLARK, Principal. CfILOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. KIIOIJY K. CLAUK, Assocmte Teacher. M. L. WALTEIl, Teacher of Music on the Pinno. F. MARSFI, Teacher of Mathematicsand Vocal Mubic. U. F. SHOFF, Teacher of French, Germán and the Classics. TUIS Ãnstitution has been in operntion sincc November 18. 18:59. The scholastic ycar embracing forty -cight weeks, two terms. comprising two qunrters each - twelve weeks in of quarter - a gencrnl examination at the close al each term - in Fcbrunry and Augost. 'Hi e last quarter oà the present lerm commenecs May J9. Terms of Tuition. - For the English branches, $2.f0 to S' Per qunrter. No rednetion made for absence, except in case of sickness. nnd no pupil taken for lesa thnn a quarter. Extra charges re made for musicon thu Piano, with the Re of tbe instrument, 60D French, 3.00 Lntin. 3.00 Drawingand Painting,. 5.00 Fnncy Wo-k, 3.00 Board, including washing, lights. ie.. 81.75 per week i f paid in ad vanee, or 2,00 per week f paid at the ctose of th.e q(iarter P.irentsand euardians are invited to visit the school every Fridny. when the studies of uitweek are reviewed - nlso semi-monthly on Wednrs'lay aftnrnoon, at renilingof the weckly compositions. Young ladies dcsTOiis of ontering the school and ptirsuing the recular conrea of study. would do well to commence at the beginning of the term, or na soon nfter as practicable; BolonÃÃing to tbc school ac a Librnry of between five and six hundred volumes, and Philosophical ApparatuSjElectrical Machine, Globes. &c. The Misscs Clark will endeavor, not only to promote the intellectual citlmre of their (mpiis but will altend sirictly to their moral deportment. With no eectanari feeling, hut with a deepyense of rcliyious responsibility. they wonld give sucli a tone to chnrnctcr, as shnll ronder ii practicalÃy fittcd for every station - yielding te duty but firm to principio Ãmong the books uscd in the pchool are, Abercrombie on the Tntellectna] nnd Moral Powrrt - Kmne's Elements of Critieism - Wnyland't Moral Science - Newmnn's Rhetoiic - Hcdge'f Logic - Paley's Natural Theology nnd Evidencet of "Chrislinnitv- Grev's Chemistry- Parker't Natural Philoeophy- Ccmbe'sPhysiology - Mrs. Lincoln's Boiany- Eaton's and Wricht's Man nal of Botany - Bnrritt's Geosrnphy of tlu Ffcuvens- First. Second nnd Tbird Books o History - Mrs. Williard's Republic of Americf - Plielps' Legal CInssics - Plnyfair's Euclid, anc Dny'8 Algebra nnd Davies' Arilhmetic. Inquirv with epnrd to tbc school can be mndt of the Principáis or nny of the follov.-in? crentle men to whom reference ia mude by permissior and who have at difTerent periods had eithei dauffhters or wards undcr onr care. Rev. snn S. Ketchnm. Centrcville: Geo Ketchtrn, Mar shnll; Hon. Wm. R. Delnnd. Jackson; Pnul B, Ring. Michigan Centre; F. II. Winnns. Adrián: Dai.l Hixson. Clinton; Gnrdncr Whneler. M D.. Tlowell; Rcv. F. IL Cuming. Grand Rnpido: Jereminh Clnrk, Clarks'on; Gen. C C rinscoll. Jnmes Birdnll and Rev. J. Boach. Flint; D. II. RoT7lnnd.NorthvMIe: AmrsMcid; Plymouth: Hon. Elias Comstock. Otvasso; P. Mrigham. M. IX. Hon. Wm. R. Thompson. E. Mundy, Esq.. John Allen. Esq., Geo. W. Jcw ett, Esq.. Tho's M Ladd, Professor Willinms, of the University, nnd Rev. R. Colclazer, Anr Aibor. The following centiemen, Rcv. H. Colrlnzer, Rev. Wm. S. Cnrtia. Rcv. Charles C. Tavl V, Professors Whiting ond Williams of the University of Michiean. have consented to act as s visiting rommittec of the School, to be preseni when the weekly studies are reviewed; hul especially to altend during the semi-monthly examtnations. April, 1843. 213 18457 WHOLESALE fc R E T A I L. A. M' F ARREN, BOOKSELLER AND STATIOER. SMART'S ULOCK, 137 JKFFRKSON AVRNÃE, DBTROIT. KEEPS con8tnntly for salen complete nssortment of Miscellnncous. Schooi and ClnssicüI Books, Letter and Cap Pnpcr. plnin and rul ed, Quills, luk, Sealing Wax, Cutlery. Wrapping Paper, Printing Paper, of nll aizes; and Book, News nnd Cnnnister Ink, ofvnrions kinds BLANK BOOKS, full nnd hall bound. of ev ery vnriety of Ruling, Memorandum Books, &c. To Morchants, Teachers, and othere. buyinj in ('jnntities, n large discount mude. Sabbath School nnd Bible Society Deposiior r i - t f lotice to Nlcrchants. THE Subscribere enconraRcd by the patronage they hare hitherto received in the wholesnle depnrtment of their business, will the first day of May nexi. open the store now oecupied by Geo. Grenville, fronling on ïlnron streel, and connecting with their present store in the rear. exclusively for a WHOLE SALES ROOM, where they will keep at all times a full assortment of DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES CAIIPENTING, HATS, CAPS, PAPER HANGINGS, BONNETS, CROCKERY BY THE CRATE, HARDWARE, AND GROCEIUES, &C. &C. &C. all of whtch will be sold on ns good terms ns at any point thissideof New York City. G. D. HILL, & CO. A nn Arbor, Msrch 26, 1814. 49-ifANà ARBOR PBMIAiiE SE7WIÃVARY. TKACHERS. ELÃZA PAGE, } pT:niinal. LEVINA MOORE, ] l ""'" JVÃ;s. REBECCA HUGÃS, and ( Drawing . ' Mn ADOXÃJAH WELCII,iifmaÃic5an'y f( THE Winter Session of this Ãnslitmion will commence on the sccond Monday n ;n ember. . ! TÃrms - PrimÃ.ry Class, $(U.O per seefiion ol t: 22 weeks- J unior Clnss. $8.00- Middle Class. jlü üO- Senior Clnss $12,00. J Text Books m I'riniory Studies- CóMurn's à Mentnl nnd Ao'nnis Wntten Aritffmétlcs, Smli's Grnmmnr. Mitchcl's Modern Geogrnphy, I rich's History of the United States nnd YVhelp ley's Compend- Junior Studies - Watts on the 1 Mind, Mrsi Phelp's Botnnv, Plielp's Legrd CI.18 I sÃes, Dave8' Algebra. Newman's Rhotoric. Smcllics' Philosophy of Natural History. I cester's Elemenis of Ilistory, with Goldsnfiih's r Greece. Rome nnd Englnm1 nnd Grinisliaws' c Fnmoe- Studies for the Middle Clnss; Olmsted'. Natural Philosophy. Comstock's Chemistryf Hiuhfock's (Jrology. Burritt's Geosrnphy o, j the Henvens, Beck's Bot.ny, I ec'a Pliysiolopv i Alexnndcr's Evidences of Christianity, Marsh's I fli.-itory nnd Le Gendre's ' ii y - Senior Studies - Whately's Logic. Upham's ' Mental Philosnphy. Puley's Natural Theology. Milton's Pnrndise Lost, ond Butler's Analogy oà Revealed Religión. The instructions of the most compeient nnd accomplislied tenohrs are 8ccurcd,boih Ãorinstrumentnl and vocnl Music. It is exr.pcdingly importnnt thnt all t'ie pupils bc present on the first dny of the session, a6 ihe loss of n finv .Ãnys. nt ihe commcncemtnt, cannot be repnired during thn spsion. 034-tf. E. LAWRENCE. Serrt'.ary. Administra or's Noticc THE undersignn:! ha ving heen nipointcd bv ihe Judge ftf l'robnte of the couuty of Wnshicnnw nnd Sime of Michieun. ndministrnlors of thc estntft of Daniel D. Wntermnn, late ol" snid rounty deceast'd, nnd having tnken upon thernsclves that truat by giving lioiuls ns the law requires, notire is hereby piven. to ni! persons indebted to snid estáte, to mnkc imnif diatc pnynient. and nll those hnvinp clnime npninÃt thft sanie. 10 present thrm prnperly attested for ndjustment. ALONZO WATERMAN. AdininisROSWELL WATERMAN, trators. October 9tb, 1845. 233 fVElV GÃOD8 à GARLAND & LEFEVRE, nre now recejvir.g at No. 1, Hawkins' lilock, n very general nssortment of Fall nnd Wintei Goods, lo which they invite the attention of purchnsen. nssuring them thnt they will find cood9. nnd nt prines that cannot lail to prove s.itisfnctory. Tlieir stock consists in pnrt of the tollowing: DRY GOODS. Brond-clotbs, Cassinieres, SÃilinetls. Sheep'.Grevs, Vestings. Alnpncns. Calicóes. Ginuhnme. Cnslunerrs. Mor. 81 De Lninrs. Alp'ne Plnide. Shnwls, Crnvnts. Sniins. Vel veta, Silks. Lacrs. Ribbons, ShePtinpp. ShirÃinsÃÃ, Cnni!)rics. Bnok MuÃlins, Billop L:iwns. Susponders, Glnves. Hosing Tascan and Strnw Bonnets, ButtniiÃand Trimniing?, ofnll kinds. GROCERÃES. OÃd nnd Younc Hyson, lniperinh Gunpowdfi nnd Poiith.jnsà Teas. Sucnrs, Cofft.e.Si iers. M" Inssrs, Rire, Figh. Cimdles. Sonp, Fnll nnd Win tor OH, &c. Scc, Sal Soda, a very lurge npsort ment. CROCKERY AND G! ASS WARE. Tea umi Dnnfr Seits to maich. HARDWARE.- Axcs, Coopera TooIb. Shrlà Gnods. N.1Ã8, Xc. WindcW Snyh. Pnil nnil Tabs. Cordage, Sc. fnd nll nrticlrs in that lino BOOTS AM) PIIOKS. Ladics Oniters. Slips, Walkinir Shces, Gcn'V Snper Clf JJoots. iMenp :ind Boys c arse do. Dye SiufTsof fvery (ff-cripifn. Cafh paid forGrnss Sed, Whiie Beanp. Bees wax. Pot nnd Penrl A'sKeff, miáà kinds uf Produce tnken in pnyrrnt for (ïiorls Also - CASII PAID FOR WHEAT. GARLAND & LE1-LVRE. Ann Arhor, Snpt. 145. 220 if. WOOE.' WÃÃÃ.! ! CLOTH! CLOTHH rriHE subsenbers will continue to munutac X ture ; Fulleé Cloth, à for 37J crs. per yard. nnd white flan nel for 2 jj cent? per yard; or ihi'y will mnnuficturjB tln woid Cor hall thc nloth f.vill nmke. Their Fac . tory is 2 nulos West of Ann Arlior, on the I uron Rivt-r. Wool villnlso lie reeev'd at Scio V.'hen sent bv Railrond it wül be atiended to ir. i the snme manner ns ir me ownera were to couu i with it. Wool will be ninnulactured in turnas 1 it comes in nS nearly ns it can be done with refer ence to the different qunütiesof wool. WOOL CARD1NG, 1 wül be dono at Scio. by Thomas Hoskins. 1 S. W. FOSTER&CO. Scio. Mny I, 18-15. 210 jYróme m. 'TdvveÃ7l7 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Lmid Agent, TTT1LL (Rtend tu the pule and BXchitfiÃfl f VV Lnnds, payment of Tnxcs, and ledcmp; tion of Lands sold for Ta.-ces in Jnckson nnd adjoining counties. exnminntion of Tules, Convcyâ ancing and all 1iisinrsspertaining to Real Estáte. ' Office in the Couri Mouso. Jackfion, Michigan. 17- if. i Ready Made Clothing. AT REDUCED PR1CES. THE largest and best assortmem of rendy made clothing ever bel'ore oÃfered in thit Stnie. now on hnnd and for sale, Wholesale oà Retail, at the Clothing Etnporiuni of thc Sub scribers, consisting in part of Fine broodcloth Frock nud Dress ConfF. Tweed nnd unión cassimere. satinetand jenn Frock nnd Business Coats. Summer Coate in great variety nnd very ctitap. Casaimcre, cloih, tweed and summer Punts ol all styies and priecu. SatÃn, velvet. sllk, videncia, cnslimere nnd Mar8eillc8 VesÃs - a large stock ofrich and fashionnble atyleö. AIso, nn e.xtensive nssortment of Flosiery. Stocks, Scnrfs. Flnndkerchiefs. Collars, Shirts. , Gloves. Crnvats, Suspender, &c. de, ull of which will be eold low for cash They would respectlully invite all, in wnnt of ready made garments, to cali and examine thcir stock beforc purchnsing elsewhere. as it bus been I selected with care in ihe Eastern inarket and itmnufnctured in the latest styles and most durable niuuner. HALLOCK A. RAYMOND. , Comer of Jeflereon &. Woodward nvenues. Detroit, April 4, 1845. 21 :'-tà GRIFFIN'S" NATIONAL TEMPERANCE HOTEL, Utica, JWu) York. CHARLES N. GRIFFIN, ProprÃelor. would respectÃnlly inform his friends, and the public genendly. thnt he has tnken the nbove Ho tel,"loca)edat 127, Gcnrsr.e teet, nenr the Canal, where ho is now prepircd to acemnmodáte the public at nll times, in the best possibic mntiner. nnd on rensonnble terms. Stnges lenve nnd arrive nt this Ilouse daily, (o nnd fróm all parts ti the Country. GOOD STABLING ATTACHED. The proprietor flattera himself from the experiencehe hns had in keepinga Public ÃÃouso, and thc exertion he intends to put fonh. that he will be able tu please all wiio inay favor him with their patronage. Utica, Mny I, 1845. 22S-(5m Quit Claim Dccds JÃST Printcd and for salo at this office. 2S6AtWAYS OÃS HAND.' Qg rpilE Subscribcr hos r eZgL niovcd hia shop to Mnin Le teL" Ãuect PP6ilb H. BeckK{ Sfer cr8 Britk Store where he iih t uwaê tnn' bo 'olint! reÃ(ly towoit feiVv LüJsETI u? n11 lIial n'y give him FüÃÃSisá a cnl1: öwlii wf" -'n Hnving jii8t receive di eet frotn New York nnclrgnnt stock of JEW231ÃIY, nd Fancy Aniclep, which lie intends to tt oiocr thaii bas ever been eold west of Buflalo jr Rcaiiy Pdy Ãnltf. Among wliich may bo ound a good assortment of Gold nnd Common rVaich Keys. Gold Fir-ger Rings and Hosom 'ins, Guard Chains, Si.tver Ten nnd Table Spnons, Slignr Tongs. Bv.tter Knives. Silvor cncil casos. Silvcr and Corrinon Thin.bles, Silmr Spectnclcs. Germán, do.. Steel, do., Hoir [kushi's. Clothes do.. Tfoili do., Lniher do., ['me Riiïors nhd Pocket Knivtp, Fine Shrnra ind Scissors, Lathcr boxep. Rnzor fc-trops. Walet!!. Pursrs, Violin8 nnd Bows, Flutcs. VioÃin itid Base Violin Sirin{-8. Clarioret Reed, Pernisaion Caps. Poiket Pistols. Britinnia Cendlijticks, Waiches, holler Stamp, SieM Pene and Twppzers. SnulTnnd Tobnceohorep. Fine combi, Drcsi)i? do., Sidf do.. Bnck do.. Shell do., Nepfllcsnnd Cnsos, Wnier Pninis, Toy Wntchee, Kid ÃüIIh, a great vnriety ef Toys too nutrcroui lo mention, Beads, Necklacc, Fancy Boxes, &c &c. Ci.rcKS and Watiiiks of every dercription rpnircd and ivarranted, also, Jcwelry reponed on tliorl notico. CAI.VIN BIJPS. N. B. Cash paid kor OLD GOLD AND SILVÃR. C. B. Ann Arlmr. Oct. 24', 1844. 28-tf. WESLEYAN INSTITÃTE, TH IS Instituiion wjll commence ts firsi tciVii on the 15ih of A building has been fiited up which will accoinmodaté ovtÃrórid" hundred studenis. TERMS OF TUIT1ÃS.3.0fl a pertorm, for English öraricheft 4.00 for n rnathematical coursé. 5.00 includincr the languores: Indigcnt students preparing lor tïie min'scfj' can have tuilion fiee. If stiidcniii nre not rendy to cimnunre with thé tenn ilieir tnition vi!I be graduated in propor- lion to tlie time. Board and Lodging can bc had in the villaga for $1,00 per week. Rooni8Cmbe had for any 'who chosc to board ihemsclvcs. The folio wing Text Books have boen a t'opto in the Institu tion: Dnvies' Series of Maihcmntics ncluding hïi Ariilirr.oiic: nlso. Coll'urns' monial do.; Brown's Grammnr; Woodbriilgr's M 'dern Gcography, with MiichelI's terirs of oiüline mnps: Andrews nnd Sfoddnrd's Lniin Grairminr .vnd Reader, . Goodrcli's Grcek Lcss'ns nnd Grammar; Ja cob's Greek Rcnder: ComMock's Philosophy and" rhemisiry: Binkcf' Astronomy: Hnywards'n Physiology; Hedgt's Lodeie: U'hnfely's Rhetoric; Barlx'r's Klocuiion: IJ.'irrie' Bock Kerping; Rnrl-rr's Gencrnl His'ory; WHBon'n History of the Uni'cd Smtrs: lÃiiller'ü Analogy; Mahin'f Monnd nnd Mond Philosophy. 'I'lif Insiiiutiin iiwii a set oftho above desrrib(d biiOKa whirh nro (tMgtiëa for the use of Stndrnts who wish not to piirrhnse'tufjfhentêeltrp Tlie Iiiaiimtion hns n Lifirnry of nhotu orre â houptnd voiniiips, nis a Cnbmet of Minerala and Mnrino phells. Mnnual lalior will be gnconrngcd ft ihis inê.ituiion. A netv syftem of tcncliini; Geography l'J1 ontine mnns ill be adopicd, nlso a new tyetem o] pi nmanship. A corppptent Femnlp Tpacher is expected in 'inie to cointnrnre viii f hé torn'. CflARLF.S GALPIN, Principal. T.poni. Pept. 15. lf4fi. 2S0-tf allêbI sï'ï "mWTcI éï. '111 Lbi: MEDICINES ARK tfTecting such natonishing rurrsin m'iltitudes oà oÃd capes long ttnt'è J Ph)icinns nnd Rnrgeoni 4s u'.icrly boptlf m. t!rt! no medicines), wheie i hese are knoWn, rlnnd so iN'.ervedly Tln-y consist of TUE BLACK. OR ALLEBASl'S SALVK, Prict W- Cevt. Which currs aliüost niVeif-ally. Ft-ver Sores, wl ;l:e most n '.:ilignii)( kiid. Felona, Ulcera, Afc scesyes. Tumors, Fmctnivs, f'tnp, Pnnciutr, IJiinis. Sc;i)ds. ?ore Throat. C'lnllilains. Quinsey. Drop y. lnflnmftinry IU-. n:aiiFm, hiflarntiwitions and SweHinya cfpkcrf dcsérifiiion', Smid He;id. Airue in the Fnoo. NervóiiiH Tooih Ai Ir, Aiim: Ãn the Brfntt', Brukcn JWenu, Ac. Ac. M.J.FBASrs HEALTH IILI.S, 25 Cont. Theso hue. acqiined n populariiv within tlie h)M renr o tVo, whicK no otlièr 'P'rAt po- -ci-s 1 he re.iponsuii' olvi')iis to all s4io urft ihfin. Thoy cine nll Hilions, Pcnrlft and otlier Feveis. Fever iinrl A{:ue. Dypcpvin, Diofy Acid Stoinncli. Disorikr tl B'Wt-!s. or itonii cl'( Jnutuiire, Herid Achc. Diw.iness in the Jhad, VVorms. Li ver Complnini. Ilcnrl Burnti, Chidic, Uowel ciniilánil, General Déhility, Cosiivenft, Are. &c. Their purify the rntire pysiem, Irnve the bowels in a viorons and hcofdiy conditiofj, &c. Ser parnphlet. ALLEBASl'S TOOTÃf ACHE DROrS. Prire S5 Cevls. Wil! euro nn ordienry ens-u of Tooih AffiP in froni tbree to ten minnts. Fof ertods and other kinds of Tooih Ache. pcc Paniphlrt. ALLEBASl'S POOR MAN'S PLASTER, Prim. 2ó Crnts. Are warrantpd to be superior to any othrr Pla'ers in rhis or anv oiher country, for pnin t weaknePS in the Bnck. Siilc, Chepf, Bowelii, Ijniiis. Musclfp, and for Rhcnmaiism, Long nnd Liver Complnints, Coughs, Colds, Astbma, &c. See pnmuhlüt. N. B. - Piense to asÃ: fhe ntrrnt for n pnmphlf t which givcs all the inforniaiion necsary Tt pecting the usrs of the Mt'dicinit, tlie virtiie ihey poeses8, etc. Piense to iollow dirrrtioni in the usi: of the medicines, ond you may rely upi on all that isprotniped. A libera1 discount made to mcichants nnd oth , ers. who Imiv to seil ognin. L7MAN W. Gil BERT. Proprietor, Whlesa!e Drnegist. 214, Fulton t. N. Y. DTor ealc by ihe ttihecrihrr, wbo hn been nppointed general agent for the Cit) of Detroit nnd its viciniiy. Country dealera supplied on i liberal term, C. MORSE, Michigan Bork Store. The above medicines are for 6ale at the Book I Store of WM. R. PERRY, Tn Ann Arbor, Lower Villg. ! Dfcember 9. 1P44. 34 1y E. G. BURGER, Dentist, HAS removed his office to Grane &Jewett' Blotk, first room on the Second Floor, where being well prepared to atfend to every brnnch of his profewion, M-onfd ri-6pectful!y aay to all who hnve not had those necessary orgnns, THE TEETH, properlv attended to. delay no longcr, but cnll tipon bim and experience tho easc and durability of his operations. Tr.RMi necommodating and charges inno case unreasonnble. Ann Arbor, Mnrch R. 184S. 4T-tf MAHLBOHO HOTE7 TCMPERANCE HOUSE, NATHANIEL ROGERS. No. 229. Washington Streel, Boston. rPHIS house has undergone a ihorongh repair, and it is intrndod (fiat norum bonse ihall b superior to it. h will be under the immedint rhnrgo of Brown . Colburn, as Mr. Kogen eps the Delevnn House in Albany. May 10. 1845. 6rn "Are yaur Barns Insurcfll? THE Subscriber, Agent for the "Protkctioi Insuranck Company."' continúes to uk riske on Housf.s. Stoues, MkrcHaidise, MiLts, Factorïes and Barns, Stocks, &c., nt s low ratesas any other good Company in the United Statea. Asseveral Barns with their contenta have been destroyed in this County the pnst year by Lightning, the Fannars of Washtennw ' nat now an opportunity for a emnll sum, of .ving themsefvcB from losses, to which they u etery dav exDOsed, by this element. M, HOWARD, Agent. Ann Arbor, July 31 si, 1845. 4U
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