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The Indians

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Chicago, September 9.- Sionx Citj special says thut part of the band of Iudians that engaged in thu iight witli tht majority of Baker's torces, su the Yellowstono valley, cituiH into tho Cheyenne agency a few dayi 'go, and report thai the fight wii: vciy si-vere: that the troopa lost h'javüy, over H) kiüi d and wounded while tba índiims' loss was over 11 killed They report Baker so badly orippled that be was obligad to return to i'uit Ellis without having MOOmpliahed the olvjoel of his expedition. (Jon. Stanley sont a detaehment back to Fort Kiee a few days since for supplies. Tbey report that j.uat prior to their departure, Sittiug Buil sent i Ha: of truco and asked a parley with Stanley whioh wasgranted. In tb? interview Bitting iiull declarad that il Stanley did not turn back at onco he wouid givo hl ui plenty of iight bufuro ïi(.' ï;ot back to the Missouri river. It is estimated that thoro in now in the Yellowstoni! Valley from fifteen to twenty thouand bostile warriora, and serious trouble i apprehendpd. Many of these are Cheyennes and Araphoes from tho Platte Valley. Ban Francisco, September 9. - The Tucson, Arizona, Citizen, et' August 31st lias tut: t'ollowing : "The Mexioana were uttaked by Apaolies in ambush about t.'ii miles above Culabasa, and all instan tly killed, on the f that Lfeufenant Stewart was murdered. These four Mexieans lelt camj) Crittundcn for Tucson. Tho uext morning onc of thera returned and nport'ed that, about ighteen miles from camp Ciittenden, thoy were ïred on by Apaches and his (hrro com■ades instantfy killed, he Baving himself 3y flight Vi'va. Eustis, agent tor 'W'm. B. ÜLooper & Co., beef controctora, brings oformation that the Apaches broko into thcir corral at the Aravioh ranch and'got iway with i'l head of cattle and one ïorsi!. The body of Corporal Black has leen found about a inilc froui whoro Lieutenant Stewart was killed. His hands were tied behind him and ho was laccra;ed from héad to iout. lt was Bupposed ie waa taken alivo and tortured. Gov. üafford has oalfed" owt tlio Tolunteers as he only way to hold the country. Asarcaaticühiooditor notices that "last ovcning the beautiful daughter of iír. jOVfpiilF, tho aocompliehed and gontlonanly wagon luukor of this city, was initcd in wedlock to George Beerstat, he talented artist, whoso charrning landcapes are upou the dashboard of every uggy ever turned out of his fütlier-inaw's shop, and vln, ut triping carrint;( wlieele, has no peur siuce Rubeus diod."


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