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Second District Congressional Convention

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Tho Democratie Congrossional Convention for this district- the Second - w,t held ut Manchester on the llth inst., at öoodyear's Hall. Tho Coriveution was callcd to order at 11 o'clook A. M., by L, N. Keatuto, of Hillsdale, of the Congressional Commit■nd on rnotioa of H. J. Beakes, of Wasbtenaw, E. li. Pond was eleoted temporary Cbairtutm, und on further motion . S. Keating was made teliipurary Secretary. Tho following gentlemen were oppointed a Committeo on Credentials and . r Organizstion : Moasrs. H. J. Beakes, of Wa&kte&aw ; W. H. Tallman of Ilillsdale ; F. Baleigh, of Monroo ;and W. T. PI. Scherrnerho'.n, of Lenaweo ; aft r r which tho Convention adjourned until 2o'olock P. M. ASTXBHOOH SEsSION. Tho Convention met nt 2 o'clook P. M. and w is called to order by the Obairinaa. The Cominittee on Credentialg and ( 'rization reported the following deleb entitlcd to seata in the Convention: Woiktenaw E. B. Pond, C. F. Ashley H. J. Beake, Bnrnabus Case, J. M. Young, J. V. X. Gregory. Menroe - F. Baleigh, August Gtischke, "Wni. Bogirdua, Jamos I. Russell. HillsdaU-L. . Keating, W. II. Talli.. ,n, U. P. Pessell, W. S. EJwards, D. W. Ciark, A. L. Davis. awe-W. II. Cleveland, E. M. Brown, David Brooks, 8. C. Bttiey, V. T. }?. Sohermerhorn, (j-eorfro T. Ketchum, B. II. Deining, Alixander Ktrr. Tho report of the oommitteo was acoepted and adopted. Also the following as permanont ffioors : i',-. ■.;.,,,- E. lï Pond, of Washtenaw. ' '"' - W. T. B. SOUEUMEUUOKN', of Lena wee. Which report was alao adoptod. Mr. Pond briefly thanked the Oinrentiun for the honor conferred upon him, and said this waa a time for work rather than word. An annonncempnt was reooived from the Liberal Oonvention that a .eommittee of had been appointed and awaited tho action of this Convention. A motion was made and carried that a eommittee of six be appointed to confor witli thu oommittee from tho Lileral Republioan Convontion with reference to the candidate or Congross. The chair announeecl thn following eommittee : C. F. Ashley, F. Raleigh, W. H. Cleveland, 8. C. Staoy, L. N Keating, Barnabus Cn.-e. Bofore r.'tiring from the Conven tion Mr. Kultiigh made nn inquiry of th( Washten.iw delegotion with roference to thu [losition and canililucj' of Judge for ataiave in Congres. The President of thu Couvontion, in behalf of the Waubfcenaw delegation, rosponded : That it was well understood that Judge-Cooluy had been solicitud to take the nomination ; that he had been cortesponded v.ith, and had beeii visitad by - itions from the different sections of istriot; t);vt he h:id given.the proposition careful and full sonsideration ; that liis friends luid hoped that he miglit see his way clear to au acceptance ; anti that bis final decisión had not been made to tho delegation till to-day. Sinee reaohing here a telegram had been i e from a Liberal Republican of Ann Ar bor, saying: "I hare.talkod further with y; his declinatiön ís p.'s-.tivo ; his uame shouid not be used." The President also said, that as to Judge Cooloy's positiun h thought lie knevr it. Ho was not and had not been tor a long time in sympathy witli the Grant administration or in favor of Qzant's ro-cleetion, and his doolination wn3 owing not to u laek of sympathy with the Liberal movement, but to personal eonsiderationK and to his position es a Judge of tho highest conrt of the State, which, in his estimation made it improper tor him enter the arena oL politics. This statement of Judgo Cooley s positiou ho (the President) thought ho would be Bustained in by oth(!■ membera of the Woshtenaw dslegation, and by gentlemen present from Ann Arbor and elsewhere. Judge Beakes, of Wnhteuavr, oonttruied the statement of the President, ufter whiuh the Conference Conimittee retired. Duiiug its absence a Oongressioaal Committee was appointed as follows : Win. II. Ttvllman, Hillsdale ; Uemau J. Eedfield, Monroe ; S. C. Staoy, Jjenawee ; II. J. Buukis, Washtenaw. The Conference Committee R;tired, and through its ohairman reported that the joint committoe ünanimousiy uou the nommatiou ot President -V:t Mahan. Tho ropor-t was adopted unanimously nul with ch Ou motion üessrs. llaleish, Brownand Grugory wero appoiuted a cüimiiiU c: t ■ wait upon th.' Lüioral Repnblioan Conventioo and invito it to moot with tliis oonvention. Aft-er tlio convontions uaitsd and had boeu biiefly addrassd by Presidnt l'n dorwood of the Liberal budy, a connnittee was appoiuted to wait upon Uie nom■ nd iuvitt! liim to aftyeai boibie the . '.itiou. Ho W33 esoorted into thehall and to thu stand, tho convention chocriiig and tlio band plaj-ing the " Stac Bpangled Bannbr." Bciug iniroducod to tho conventioa he accopted tho nomination so oiiexpuctodly ■il hiiB] i: a happy and uppropriato speech, tmd promised au activa canvsiss. A joint Comtnittoo was appointed as folio ws: Hülêdale- Dr. U. W. L'ndorwood, Goo. Wylwi L. N. Keating. Honro - Samuel il. Bartlit, II. J. Redñeld, Jhuios I. liusseü. Unawet- Dr. A. W. Üould. W. 11 Cleveland, D. W. Obapman. Wathtenat- R ï. Uhl, W. K. Harriiiinn, B. E. Frozer. The uth.vention was then briefly addrcssel by Musiirs. II. E!. Frazor, L. X. Kaatíagí and Ij. D. Burch, tifter which it adioumed si:e die. - In the ovening Hun. F. Livermohe, of Jackson, addressed u largo audienoeoonveucd in Goodyear's LLd!, making an able speech. THE LIBERAL CONVF.XriOJT. ïho Liberal Convontiou mot eleven o'clock in Gonkliii'.s Hall, und was callod to order by J. IJ. Qilman, oí' Washtecaw. G. V. Underwood, of Hillsdale, was ohairman and Jl Hauso, of Lenawe, Soc retary. The chairmon made a short speech on taking the ohair. A committuo of five was appointed by ohair as i conference oouimittee on credentirtls and to oon&I with n similar QomnÜttoe from tho Douiocratic tion. Tho following is tho committeo: I)r. Finoh, 1,1'iunvuu; L). W. Chapinan, Lena wee; J. U. Gilman, Washtenaw; A. K. Jenkins, Louawee; Poter Strunk, Hillsdale. A wlnrt ipeeoh was mudo by Mr. Vndorwood, expre.ssing his sorrow that Judgo Cooley had dotormincd to deolini nomination and urging tho claims of President Sfahan for the position. TIn, Convention thon adjournud until afternoon. Tho Liberal Oonvention was callsd to t t'.vo P. M.f by the President. The Ciuüiiittoo on Credentialg then roportod the following list of delegates : Leñateen County-Dt, J.M Fïnoh, Iienj. Tnrner, D. W. Ohapman, Jeffenon Dunn Dr. E. Hause, J. L. Standart, CroelEddy li. M. HUI i'y-Dr. O. W. Unrterwood, Col, F. Fowler, [Peter Stronk, Ir. A. K. Jenkins, Capt. P. Ilowlutt, Tho. Burt. 1 tenate Ceuntn- Bev. J. B. Gilman, Bngle, W. 1'. Ford, [flaao Colemon, J. D. YfwnDuyn, Frank Hinuklcy, J. L. Smith. itonr -August Gnrschkio, John W.-ihl, Allen B Hanse, II. J. B idfield. ]i"v. J. Ji. Gilman, moved that two iraen from Honroe Oounty bo added to tlio oommittée of oonferenoe. d Iinving prevailed, August 'ikio and H. J. Bedfield were appoiutod as guoh addition. ast brsohkio made a raotion to the effect that the prooeedingo of ï i ï -= oonvention thns far be roported to the I J. ■ 1 1 1 . - oratio Convention. The motion wns agrco'l to, und the comniitteo of conference loft tho room for that purpose. In a short time they returned and made, throogh theit ohairman, "Dr. Finch, the following report : Toar oommittée hare bad i óonference with' u similar eoiiiinittef- frfm tho Democratio body, :nd unauimoosly report tl,o name pf Bev. Asa Mahun ns ihi' nominee of tho DemooratioRepnblioán parly for Oongressman from tbis district. Tho Convention then, on inritation of the Detnooratio Conventiou, ndjoorned to mout thdt body in joint Cbnvention. Gkx. II. H. G. MlNTT, formerly of Jackson, and well known to the peoplo of Michigan, both as a brave soldier and a thorough-going business man, now Superintendent of tho New Albany and Salem Railway, recently deolined an invitation to address aGrantolubat Nashville, Tenn., for the following reasons: First - I am not a politioian, and my dutiug as general superintendent of arailroad are snch that I c:m not spend the time which wculd bo required to address my fellow citiaeiMr Second - My vitws of tho politWl issues of the day are uot in unisón with youre, i9 I judgo thein to bo from tho title udopted by your club. In coiumon with many Ropublicans, I ara ot' the opinión that a reform is mcBsary in our party, and that tho time has come when we should advocate the glorious and tiroe-honored principies ot' Ivo publicanism, a.i agamrt party slavcry. I am in favor of and propose voting for Greeley and Brwa for thu following reasons : Tho Cincrnnati platform was framed by Republican:) ; every jilank iu it is in accordanco witli t)ie principies of tho l.epublican party as enunoiated in every platform and declaraüoa since the formatiou of the party. But above all otlier reasons, now 13 tho time to heai the wounds of the paat; now is the time to imito the soldien and citizous of the North and South on one platform und one man, both being puroly Republioas, Holding these views, I wonld be rriiü if I said or did anything to favor the re-eleotion of Gen. Grant.


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