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WiU le put)lieoi overy monday uiorning, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEY, FOSTER, & Co. For thjc Michigan State Asu-Slavkuy SoTERMS. Onk Dollar a year, in advancc: if not paid, in advance, Two Dollars will bo invariably requircd. ;O O!d subscribors can have thcir papers at 'One Dollar a year. by forwarding that amount, and payiüT arrearagep. . . All aubscribers will be cxpccted to pay withm the year. TERMS OF ADVERT1SÍNG. For ench line of brevier, (ihe smallest type.) the first insertioo, 4 ccnis. Foreach subaequent insertion, 1 cent. For throc nioniha, cents. For six inonths, 10 cents. For. one year, l.rcenti,. Orders by mail will be ptomplly attended to. Lenl Adverii8ing by the lólio. UManufacturers, Booksellers, Mncliiniats. Wholesale Merchanta, and all oihers doing nn 4Xtcnsioe business, who wi&h to advertisc, wil! find the Signal the best possible medium of coinmunication in the State. QDT AU Remittances and Communications ahoitld be addressed, Post paid, [CTSio-Ai. or LinEiiTv: Ann Arbor, Mich.rr


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