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Local And Other Brevities

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- Jula! MiTciiw.T.. of Port Ilurou, h ís bcn bolding term this week for Jadge HlGÜY. - A little advertlslng space Is yet left. n the Anona columns. A hint to the wisc is stifflclent. - President Anobll is todellver the address at the coming County Fair, the sec oud tUiy, in the afternoon. - Tlie Courier h:is certlfled to the ortho doxy af thrce Republicana of tliis city. Are the other 700 all sluiky ? - Go the Uourt House nexi Monday evening, and bear llon. L M. (Jranb, of Eiiton Raplds, discuss the issues of the present [loHtical cainpaign. - Il vou want any Cards, Circulara, or other printing for uso durin; the week of the Coiinty Fair, now Is tlie time to order, anil the Akous oliee the place. The Republicana were not very much elated with the speeches of Messrs. Larnkd tnd Penniman, on Saturduy evening last. In fact, t is safe to sy tbat many of them were disgústela - T!ie caws baring read the Marshal's oikr have entered into au Kgreemeut to v.i?aï.e the streets and forage lnïtead in the door-yards and garden.?. At least, gardciis arecatcblng it. - The 2-tth Annual Faii of the Waahtcnaw County A&rlcultural and Horticultura! Society is to be held on the groands of the Society, in this city, on Wednesday, Thursday and Frlday, the 35th, 'i'jth and 27th lust. - Since our broken-backed summor came back on U3 we havo resigned as a weather prophet, but wo ratlier guoss we have been gotting considerable of an ingtallment of the "liner "- a good deal of water nnyhow. - The calendar Tor the term of the Circiiit Court whlch opeñed on Honda; had J3 o-iscs, cl.issüK'd as tollows : Issues of Fct, 35 ; of LaW, ? ; [mparlance, 9 ; Criml ual, 5; Chancery, 21. O!' the latter 18 were dl varea cases, none of which are being coutesteil. Tlie session of the Detroit Conference cMMed Wednesdiiv evenlng. The followlng ■ppoiotmenU were made for the Aun Arbar '.li.-tnct : L. K Fisk, Presidinj? Eider. Aun Arbor- U". II. Bhler. Dixi)oro - ö Bessey. Ypsilanti - .1 M. Fuller. Augusta- A. W. Wllson. ().:kville D R. Shier. Hilan - N. Newton. Saline - J. Ilorion. Dester- R. Hudeon, Jf. FraiiciscovQle and Leoni - X. W. Pierce Urag't Lake - R. 6. Pardiugton. Henrietca - I. JJ Russell. Un J. B Varnum. Plucknej - L. .f. Whltcomb. . Lima and North Lake - W'. JÍ. Triggs Hamburg- J H. Custer. Brlzhton- L. C York. Bonth Lyon- B. F. Prltchajd. Milford- fl. P. Lee In ',nc Al iun dintrict the following ap pofntments were made : Manchester- G W. Lowii Bliaron - W C. Way. Clinton and Mucon- C T. Ale i. Tecumseh - Ö. Clements. The next session ot the Conference Is to behcld at "ïpsilmiti. Ut Charles E. Qrebhb, of Bangor, Me., we are infornied, has been choscii Professor of Civil Sogtnèerlng, in place of Prof. Woíjd, who has accepted a positioii at Hoboken. We hear that Mr. Qbbksk is thongbt by those who know l'iir1 to ive inarked promise. Ilis oppoitunities for a most thorough theoretical training and for practical expenence have been excelIrat. He is i gradúate of Harvard College Id the recular coorse, In the class of 1802. After complet Ing bis collegiate vvork, be erved In the anny until the end of the war. He then pursued his studies iu Eüirineer lus at, the Institute of Technology, Boston, and graduated there with distinction. He Msisted theu iu the work of Instructlou for time, and then engaged in railroad work. He has now for some nionths been C ty Eüglneer In Bangor. The President of the Instltute of Technology au i otlicr gentlemen, familiar with his attaiuments, commcud hlm In the blgheat terms. Mr. (JiiKsxB declines a Professorship iu a leading New England college to tike the elidir herc. We are ulad to knefw ihat a gentleman Of so liberal culture amt po htnii at Ulnmeuts in the tcchnical and practical knowledge of his profession Is to take the Importïnt chair of Engineering. The Executive Committee of the State PabÜBhers' Assoclation have called the deferred annual meeting to bc held at Grand Rápida, S:-pt. 20th, at 7 P. M. " slmrp.1' Thls is the last day of tl.e State Fair and the 5th dy of the Union Fair, and lt strikes us wil! be a very poor time for the meeting. Editors and J'ubüshers who have been dolng elther or bath Faiz-s wil' be reacly ?r Ixsine by that time, i'-1' tliosi. Who are detained froai the Fairs wlll hard'y care to leave home fÓT a s'nglo evenlnj Nission of three hours ou the heel of a Fair or two Falrs. Our experience is tiiat the Publishers' Associatioa should hold lts ineetiitgs dlstlnct from all othcr gatherlngg nd b willing to give the necessary tinu '■o them. In no other way can they bt i made profltable or Interestlng. We sugest that if tlie ConstltnUou does not tame the riht time of year or Laf for the nnual meeting lt be changed, and ihat no committee btrre power to poatpone. SuccesiK is Imposslble with a loosu and Ir'tgular way of dolng business. t5. IIexdhickson has just opened, on State street, a new bakery in conuection ith hls grocery and provisión stoie, here vrill be kept constantly on hand a Mirge assortmciit of all Iho good thlnus tta!ly fouud at s. first class establlshineut otthlskind. Tho dwelling of Amos IIicks, of Aun Arbor town, was burncd on tho foronoon of the Oth inst., with contenta. We are not ailvised of the total loss. Xnsured for $1,000 in the Washtehaw Mutual. Seöretaiy Sheldon rcport3 to us the followihe loases by lightning : Gakry II. Oshohnk, Saline, Aog. 26, stock of hay. .Sanio day the bun ol Tos. Hand, of Ann Arbor, struck and siightly duuingcd ; also the house of VI M. Beebi , Salem. Soptombor öth, Jonx M. SSWXTT, of Augusta, luid two oows 1 by lightuiug, and on tlio Bth Felix DUHLATT, of H.eio, had a staok of wheat etruck and burned. - Judgo Mm iii:i.r.. hnvirig gono tbroagh tho oalendar adjourncd the Circuit Court ycsterdiiy until Tuesday noxt. Tho following criminn.1 cases wcro diaposed of : James Smitli, convicted of larceny j from poraon : State Prison thvee years. AViiliaiii Düfand plead gnilty to stealing a.hors'o: Beform School until 21 y. ara old. Volney Potter plead gúilty of larceny fcom a atore in the day time : same sen,ence. A ill Messr?. Sirin rna.i) & BlOMS, of St. Louis, cease sendingus uU of Dr. Bt'T'rs and hig so cal led "?!.irince Giiidi!." We don't want thein at any price, and don't want to fooi away tiuio opening the letters and reading tho picayune offers. C. II. MlLLES haá retornad from New York, lüivinii lnr;. parchase. Ilis adverttsemeat In another column giveo piirchuscrs üformation how to promote Ihelr interests : by caüing on ïlin, of course


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