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Gov. Blair And Jesse Quackenbush

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Krom the Snginaw Itopublicun. On tho occasion of the recent on the J. k S. ltailroad, Ex-Gov. Blair was a pass-enger, on kis way to speak at Lapeer. On tho same train was ilr. J. H. Quackenbush, a well-known charaeter of Salina, in this couuty. Tho accident to tho train causod delay, and it did noi reach líast Saginaw station until about one o'oloek ia the moruing. The KxGovernor ind "Jess," all unknowiny and uncaring íot eauh otlu r, groped over the saw dust roftd and bricig', aud arrived qutfo simultmeously at tho Bancroft House. Their names appoar on the register iu loving proxiinity. They simultaneously asked lor a lodgiug apartuiont. Tho siloon being olosed, thero was no inducemont to tarry, and both sought for :i oou'oh. The clerkshad rotired, and the nigh't porter had, as usual, but onc rooal, with two beds at his disposal. The dull eyed Teutón ini'urmed his guest of tho situation. Thero they gtood "forninst" each othor ; the jolly, round, oonfident, opon-oycd, devil-may care "Jcbso" and the "llfcforuaer." Blair was iaultlessly clothed, and Quackenbush was dressed as ho alwtiys is. Jessie surveyed the stranger carofully, and addrcssed the Portor : "Siiy, honest Indian, now, you hain't only that ono room ':" "Tho porter said "Yah." Well, git a orndle and show us up. Tho darndest house for two rooms in a bed in ;he whole State. But l'm all right now. üan't nono on 'em fcol mucb. with old Jess." And up they went, the porter, the inimitable Jesse, and tho ex-Qovoruor. Arriving at tho room, tbs two ènterod, and :h. porter was bowcd out without a stamp. Jessie "gazed" at tho room, seocted liis bed, pulled off his coat and visa-vis'd his companion. Qently and oonïdingly ho proceeded to reniark ': "Stranger, I suppoB it's all right, but you seo I aru't much on this doubling up aiz. I nsed to be sheriff of this county, md I've learned looks don't always teil the truth, 'specially in theso 'ere parts. juess we'll both sleep better to havo a ittlo under6tanding. My name's Jess Quaokenbush, and every durned oritter in Saginaw county knows me. So yóu'r all huuka. Now, I want you to teli me four name, residenoe, and all about it. Don't want no dod-ilurncd foolin' either, causeyou sej.conftdontiilly.strangor.IVe jot forty-five dollars in oash in these rousers,and an old watch, and if 1 should lappen to loso 'em, why, I'd just liko to now who slept in that bod, you knmv." And Jesso smiled ono of his peculiar smi'.cs, to give hia companion confidence.' "Mynamo is Blair," was tho diguified and oold reply. "Woll, strnugor, that's good as far as it proes, but thero is a condemned lot of thom lilairs in the world. Now just givo us tho rest ou't, give us the front n.iine, too, and whove you livo, and all about it. It'll je all right, 6trangor, only I'd kinder ike that front imme," and anotheï 8iuilo that was bland came in play. "Well, ir, i:i) name is Bloir, Austin, Blair, of Jaokson," said tha dashed and iratfi ex-Oovrnor. 'What !" fairly shoutcd Jesso, as Lo awolie to a cletirir Compréhongion of the Kituation, "what! aro you Oov. Blair You don'1 e y so !" "Yes sir, T havo been Gorernor, and if your curiosity is iatisñed, and you feul as if that $ 15 will be aaio, you had botter go to bed, sir. "Damn the $45, that's no account. l'm a Democrat, öovernor, and l'm going to voto for you, and old Gn.oley, aud thö whnlc darned lot: now, by thunder, Goy. iest excuse me, and let'a skakc - "ahalie hands over tho bloody chasm," - danird good joke, ait't it Governor ; on me, ón. me, you know Governor ; hu! ha! why I thought I know'd you uil tho time, only it's so darned late, that (rain busted; but i'll vote for vou : just the suruo.Governor, ba ! ha ! ha !- forty-fivo dollars ; h- 1,11), i'll spond evory oent on't to eleot you, Governor, ha ! ha !" and so Jusse ran ou while ho s!id"into bed. If you wtint to seo Jesso (.luaokenbush turn good naturcd in a sccond.asV liir.i if he Snowfl liluir.


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