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How Grant Men Are Made

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From the Krio ',1'n.) Obaerrer Among the ftrdont frionds of Graat in Crtiwford oouuty ia Kon. II. G. Johnson, who was onoo a member of the State LegialaUnt'. Ho waa supposed i'or a timo to bu a Grecloy miui, but ehanged Lis bneo quite suddenly. ïiie explanation of his cours may or ruay not bo found in thu Laot that whila hundreds of young men who sorved as commissiwied offioera i the voluntoer arrny hare beu paased by, and scores of othora who were officars of tïie rogulars dufing tha same period havo been mustered out of servies, Gen. Grant has appomted a son of Johnson, a Lieutcnant in tho regular arniy. Of this youthful would-be warrior tho following story is told : "On tho 4th of Juno, 18G7, a young girl who had worked as a aervaat jirl in tho family of hts iather, went bofore a Justiou of tho Peüfo and on oath oharged this Lieutenunt with having 'soduüedher onder promisc of inarriage, she beingun der twunty one yuars of uge, and of good reputo,' and also with tho crimo of fornication and bstardy. The :.llegatiou was that ho not ouly agreed to marry her, büt that he took her to somo hotel and had a luock marriage cereinony purformed by gome of his graceless associatos, and thus accoraplishod her ruin. A warrant was issui.d, but for somo reasoiv, no arrest waa made and the young man left. The next rumor of him was that ho had married 11 woman in the interior of the State, and noxt fie turas up in tho IIouso of ltofuge in Alleghany City. He is in somo wuy rolcased and goos to Ann Arbor University 113 a student of medicine, and in a brtiwl in a driiiking saloon he shoots a füllow student. Ho is arrested iu Mc:idville und talbon bauk to Michigan. Ilappily tho shot did not prove fatal, and his iather had influence enongh, politieal or pi.cuuiiiry, to suttle tho matter, and the young hopeful now turus up undr our now reform rules as a, lieuteuaat iu the regular army."


Old News
Michigan Argus