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Office Brokerage

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The Washington Capítol made cettain apecific charges of offiee-brokerage against Judge Ds NT and Gun. JDknt, brothers-inlw of tbo President. It gaTe the nanea of the applicantn, the positions tliey 8ought, and thn uniuunt paid to theBENTS for thi'ir promieed iufiunce. -A charge so spociíío was eiisily met, and if utitrue 60 provod. But Judge Dü.N'T Bclected another cour3e. Ho arrned himself with a hetivy oaue, sought the editor of the Capitol iu his office, obtninod his avovval of his responsibility for the article, but ealled forno proofs of its truth. Instoad, wliilo the editor ws aoated iu a belpless or defenseleas position, with hia logs umler the tab!e and uni.ble to riie, Judge DENT rfhowered blow aftr blow upou his he:d and shouliltrrs, and would huve nmiuied or killed a wcrtker raan'lhii:! Mr. EtEED. But ibis nssault, paid ior by fine of $100, did not silenes the accusers of the Dekts. Tho Capifol has raiteratd the charga, and solicitad a pro.secution for libol thüt it ïaight have an opportunity to provo them in a court of justice. It al no givos pbicu to the folio wing letter f rom a gentleman resident in New York, -vriiich any who blive in the immaculacy of tha l'rubidcnt will do well to iead : "I havo just been redi:ig ulioat the brutal asea uit ruado upon you by onè of the numorous Dont family. J II. Withey, one of tho viotims of the Den tg, i in this co!inty--I know him well. Iast May ho tpld iu about the Dents getting moncy out ot' bim, substautiajly f.8 sot forth in the Sun, I saw Mr. Withey few duys ngo. He told me that be bad six letters froui Louis Dent, written whilo negotiationa were goinf; on concerning his appointmenc as Commissionerto Peru etc. ; that he had boen oiEtred t.hree thousand dollars for the letters for the pkrpose of having them destroyed ; that hu had refusod todeliver thern upfor that aniount. Ho al-o stitod that ha had sixty letters from Farrfind relating to the same buxi uoss, and also ooncerning the sale of ten monitors to Seoor for geven hundrod and fifty thousjtni dollars, whiob Seoor at once sold to Peru for two luillion dollars. I bolieve 3Jr. Withey to bo a trutliful man, and what he stated was iu the pres enco of ii man reaidingin tlu's place Tho brokorage business t' the Dont family ought to be invostigtited, for thore is no doubt that the President luis full kuowledge of their business, ff you wish any furtber partioulare about the niattor I will furnish them." At THE Seoond Itopresentative District Convention, held at Doxter on Thursday of last woek, the 12th inst , Hoa. Elias Haiïie, of Freedom, w:is nominated on tho second ballot, recai vinar 17 votes, and Cuas. 8. Gkeuoky, U). .ír. Hatbb representad the old third district in the Legisla-ture of 1S(!.j, and ptivu stvtisfaotion to his constituent. The district is hxrgely Democratie, aud his eleetioii may, thereforo, be regard ed as eertain. Geohoe L. Itv.cKï.u, forraerly of this city, bas acceptod the Domocratic and Liberal nomiuation for Congress in the Third Minnesota district, thussquelching the report that he was not for Grueley and BEOWN. ILÍ3 letter of acceptanco bas the truo riug, and ought to tecuro his olection. His raiiny old frionda hore will be glad to rejoico with him in the day of viotory. The Cincinnati Commercial claims that Ohio is surer for Greeley than Indiana, and the Cincinnuti Bngwirer claims j that Ohio is sure for tho Dimocrats and ' Ijibcrals ia üctober. j


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