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- For tho narrowest specimen of a papor claiming to be high-toned and liberal, in fiict mi original stoekholder in tho Cincinnati movcment, and at times üluiming to bo proud of its Democratie antecedunts, commond ua to tho N. Y. ; l'vxl. A single point illustrates its littlu bigotry. This is it: It persistoutly, and oi'tcn in tho sarao sentenoe, writüt; demooratio, dotnocrat and Hepublicftn, always c;ipitalizing the latter word, always bogiuning the two former with a smaU d. It also writes Prohibitionists and Labor Kof 'orincrs and Eovenue lieformers and Liberáis, iV'c, with capital initials, showing that it has a very 6mall (letter) spitü agaiiist the good old word Domoorat. - tf you want to know what it costa to keep up custom-housos in the interest of proteottil manufacturera and ofneeholders, read the artiole in anothcr col umn hoadod " örant's Custom-llouse Beef-Eater8." ïho two cases given aio two of tuauy Vr'hich tho World has beun tMpociug in a soiics of articles now running sovurttl weeks - oue caoh duy. The re-Hlection oí Gnmt will porpututito such methods of robbery. - Froderick Hassaurelí, of tho Cincinnati Volksldatt, the lending üerman paprr in Ohio, but who was dissaiiefiud with the reeolt of the Cincinnati Convention, has now deolarod for Grouloy, ia accordance with tho Germán sentiment in tho West, the pressuro of which he could no louter withstand. This acoespion gives renowed life and strength to the Groelcy and Brown cause in ühio. - In 1H(!8 Grant had 44,167 votes in Vermont, and Seymour, 12,045. At tho State eleution samo y car, Page, Eepublicftu, had 42,(51 j votes, und Edwards, Demoorat, 15,289. At tho lato eloction, ovnr whioh our Eepublican friends havo both. crowed so lustily and cackl&d so noisily, Converse, Republíoan, luid 42,213 votes, and Gardner, Liberal-Democrat, 1G,GO4. W'bat tremendous Grant gains. - While speaking down in Maino Tiltou had a Bet-to with a liadical huarer, which is thus reported : " Didn't you wiitv u biygraphy of Mrs. Woodbull?" " Ye3 ; what havo you got to say ebout it V" " Why, it was an outrageous thing." " Well, that's precisely what Horace Greelpy said about it, and he was right whero I was wrong. TVhat are you opposing hini for V" - "What have I done that mine enemies should Bpeak woll of me '(" is the question that our neighbor of tho Ypsilanti Sentinel should ank of himself when he reads tho following from the Allegan Jowmal : "Hon. C. WoodrufF, tho talented and aecompliBhud editor of the Sentinel, wields a forcible pen, and will niake the fur fly during tho canipaign." - A Louisvillo correspondent of the Kalamazoo TéUgraph writes that Col. Wia, 3SÍ. Ferry will be tho Bourbon or "Straight" candidato lor Goverr.or of this State, and that " C. C. Burt will be their candidate for Attorney General." We svmpathizo with Col. Ferry for having his name assooiated with that of Burt. But it is the just punishment of " poor ïray." - At Bangor, Maine, tho total amount of foreign imports for tho year ending March ülst, 1872, was $67,421, to collect the duty on which eleven men were einployod atan aggregate sálary of 513,934, loaving littlo or no balance to go intotbo Treasury. Better levy a direct tax both for tho support of govornmont and tliu nianufacturer. ■ - Grant'a offioial dutioa (at Long JJranch) compelled him to decline an invitiition to viüit the Cincinmiti Expositiou. We deeply sympathizo with the President, having oursolf been under tho very painful necessity of declining u like invitation. - Ex-Senator John B. Henderson, who vras charged by the Republicana with selling his vote and securing the acquittal of Andrew Johnson, ia now the Kadiea] candidato for Goyernor of Missouri. Has he ropented, or what ? - $30,000 for an electioneering fund. wus the 6um nanied to procure a ohange of site for the St. Louis customho'ise and postoffice. Buying and selling is the rule in official circleu. - It ig a saying at Galena, so Capt. Conett says, that " Grant was weaned on codfish," to which fact is attributed hi.s disposition to imbibo so freely in Beason and out of season. - The Bourbons, like a love-atricken ftnd deteruiined auitor, refuse to take no for an answer, and propose to rúa O'Conor whother or no. - George L. Becker, formorly of this city, is the Douiocratic-Republican candidato for Coiigress in the ïhiid Miunesota district, and i to be elected. - Gen. Goo. B. McClellan heads the New Jersey Demoeratio and Liberal Kepublicnn electoral ticket. - A Bourbon State Convention (rr.ass) is to be hold at Jackson on Friday next, tho 27th inst. - Sir Alexander Cockburn, the English Arbitrator, dissented from thc Geueva award. We jiear of a good answer made by a Liberal Kepublican - a quick-witted Irishiuíin - to ono of his own household who was bndgering hila about supporting GrEELBY. Tho Gkaxt Bon-in-law said that the re-election of Graxt tras necossary to secure order in the South. lie knew it, he had been there, and to elect Greelky wotilcl be to let heil loose or something else uiObt as strong. The reply came in an instant: "If with threo yeara of Andib J0HN8ON and four years of Ghakt such 13 the feeling throughout tho South, it is timo for a chnnge of policy." And that is the wholo argument in a nnt-ahell, so far us rotonstritction is concerned. Tlni policy of hate, the policy of negro and carpet bag govermueut, the policy of dictation from Washington, will pover rostoro harmony, never securo that love for the Union trhioh is absolutely necessary to good government. Tnr. Geneva Board of Arbitration closed its labora on Saturday last, tho 1 tth inst., by making known its ftWSTd, 10,üOO.OOO in gold, to bo paid to tho United States by Great Bntain within ouo year from the date of tho award. The award is fcr dauiagt'S dono by the Alabama and Florida, nnd by tho Shonandonh after loaving Melbouinc, whero sherefitted. Of tho aniount of award f11,200,000 is lor principal and tho balance for interest. All claims made for damagosby tho Georgia, Kuruter, Nashville, Tallahasse, CliicamaiigH, and Retribution were rejected. Thé aniount of tho award contrasted with the damagos claiined by Banchofi 1)avis's celobrnted " case," whiofa came near throwing the tteaty, remitida ono of the proverb, " TIlo mountain labored and biought forth a mouse."


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