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Local And Other Brevities

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- Öonr : tbe wenther yestorday. - Tiie Couuty Fair open on Wednesday noxt. - The Law and Medical DcpartmenUi open ou Tuesday, October Lat. - Our jioode-buylug readers wlll hcar ffom Bach & Am i. in xt weck. - The tnorcininis Who advertise iu the Argts mc Ihemen to btiy yoargoods of. Piot. D'Ooas Is ho:ne from Earops and ■11 Ik; on t ;ity at the opening of the tïini . - Mack i ScniIID liitve on their new goois and thrir nrw adyertisirnent in the Anwt'8. - SosmiEiM is rendy for cold weather with a ftill stock ütl'.l! ami Winter Goods. }e liisad. - Tad more yon tig Japs have arrived in our city to be ediicated. Anothcr- the Bint ti - is coming soon. - Jack Frost is makins tbreateolng deinonstrations, bnt os yet lias krpt liis coid flngcrs o!!' vegetutjon. - Dr. McLoan, tlie new Professor of Surgery In ttic Unlverslty, has arrived and Ukc:i ii) liis residence hcre. - Mr. Jos. a. lloi.i.ox, Democrattc-Ltbrs! csndidate for State Treasurei, was in onr city yeslerday. He reporta the skies briglit. - David M. Vhi,, of Tpsllantl, has his i fine berd ol Short liorns, elghteen In oomber, on exhibition at tlie Uuiou Fair at (irund Rupids. Í- Her. W. H. Sjiieh, the new pastor of the M. E Chnrch of this city, preacheil his introductory sermón' on Snndny mornlng Jast, aml made a favorable Imprewlon. - Judge UlGBT heid an adjonrned sesftosi ot liis Court on Tnesday, dlspostng ol tlie bnalnefa readv for hearing, and adjourned ag.iin to Wednesday uext, Sept. 25th. - Deraocratashonld remember the Ward Oucuses 011 Monday evetrlng in-xt. At tlie caucua and oooveotlon is the time and place lor ex pressing individual preVrence íar eandidates. - We uitíl ïiot ca'] nttcution to tl:e vcry Interesilng letter from our foretgn corre ■ppondcnt, J. M. vViikki.kk, on tbeflnt page oí' this Akous. We havo another one ín hand for mxt week.' - CoHBK Is back from New York witli a geueral stock of Dry Goocls. Ile Is a liberal advertlaer and wlil stir np the old folies who spend the most of tlielr time to prevent the public Icnowlng tiiat tliey liave uylhitlg to sell. - Ttie Turners of this city dedícate a now banoer on -Monday even'jt nezt, the 8d. It is of silk, was uiaon&ctured iu Müwaufcee, and in ornament and finish is a magBlltceat atlair. It is a present from tlie lady friends of tlie Turners. - Tliis Item Is agaln golng the rounds: "'The lady soplioraona at the Michigan Unlverlty hni: tlie Ireshmen by blind fn!(l!iiï and k:sr=ïtig: them." Who wouldn't be a freaüman. pr(vldci the laily iscipliomorea ure pretty -ind sweetT - Esaihlnatlom t the Untvetslty tor aduüUsion to t!ie Department oí Literatuie, 8clenr.e, a'i'l tUe Arts, connncneed yeste - dsy, and continue throagh to day to -morïow, and Monduy and Tuesdiy. Tlie term opi'iis 'ju Wednesday, tlie25th. - A lurge Hiid ri.'ie National Klaj; ha been thrown to th!)ï'ecr.e at tlie CPOSsIng of Main and Uuron ttreetB, bearina the nnints of GkseIjEY, Broiti, Blair and Maiias. Uuder tirs flu we are Informed Hint 22,0(X) rtbelprisoners took the oath ol allegianr.'.1. - If work hns been suspended for the season on tbn new Coogregatioual chureli it would lic well to liavc the BtreetS and walks adjolnlng illekud op. They are In a stutc !;reutly to Incjinmode resident in the lm medíate vtclnlty, and all persons bavlng occasion to pass that way. - The railroüd contractors have been "boeking agalii8t tlie tlger'' down in Pitts 3eKl : that ís they have a sink-hole on tlielr liaiuls f lurge proportlons. It is jogt Bouth of the Shümc ftnd Ypsilnntl gravel road, and hns been eatin up au CDormoas siht of dirt. Mr. TnoMSOR reporta pro gress and bopea that its appetite wltl be HatUlted soon. - The lodlea of the Congrcgational Church of this city have chartered the cattug house on the fair gromids for the com lnr Fair, nnd will be ready to feed all Oreatlon and iarnlsh thera witli beverages that will not Intoxícate, As the proceedg nre for the beneflt of the new cluirch we are desirud lo ?it-tst tö the visitors to the Fair that they get unusually hung;ry aud eat liberally aud often. Ox Monday evening Hou. I. M. Crane, of Eaton Rápida, addressed a largo Democratic and Liberal meeting at the Court House, and we were ploased to notice a larga number of Grant Itepublicans in tho audionce, getting a portion of the truths he dealt out. Mr. CitAXE's speech ■was candid, logical, and ablo. It was dovoted principally to tho eondition of the South growiiïg out of the reconstruction polioy and tho carpet-bag governments, ar.d its conclusión were that universal nmnesty and intelligent governmcni were necossury to local good order nnd to bring the Soutbern States into harmony with the wholo Union. Ilis argument ought to have convinced his Riidical hearers that the G-BANT polioy offers no reliof, and that continund it will give impoverished coloniea instead of prosperoua States ; and it must have convinced Demócrata that it was thcir duty to voto for and Brow.v. (!apt. CONBTT, of Chicago, being present was called out and stirred up tho Radical in right-lively style. Ho hits under the ribs every timo. A MEETlxoof tho ObEBLBY and BeoWS Club of Ypsilanti was held on Tuesday evening and was largely attended. Hon. I. M. Crane, who had b=cu advortised to peak, was unablo-to fill tho appointraent, and Messrs. D. Cuamkr and H. E. Fit.zr.l:, of this city were the Kpeakeis, and re rcpoited as doing good work.


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Michigan Argus