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What I Know About Trimming

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Since the days of oiir grand mot llera Uiere has iievcr been stiel', (t rage for trimmlugs npon ludles' dresses and suits as tliis yaar ; and t!ic mosl popular la the socallci French fold, made froni bias material umi lut apon Uw dreSB In a varicty of styles. To trim dresses at the present day without tlie vfirions Sewlng Machine; attachmenti vvould beau Imponslblllty. A young toan !u Chicago has just Invente an Itnprovément lor uil Bewlng Machines, wlth which to put o the (bid as fust and ns c:isl ly as an ordinsry hem can be made. The sanae Impletnent 13 also a practical Binder and ;i good lUnnaor. It is bclng made aiid sold bjr the Leslle Ruffler Companjr, nnd Is a TáliWble addltlon to the Sewlug Machine. It Is calad Comhigs' French Trimmer, and will be sold by all Sewlng Maobluo Agents. - Chicayo Ewiii; Post. Tlic Octobcr nuuiber of Ooiiey'i JjxOy's Book kortten to our tabic first of all ooï magazine oxchangcs. lis fashlon priuta aro do mero us, tlmely and excellent, nnd iiü other IllQstratlons Öüc, whlle its con Ui,i ure in (iodey' beat veln, and by wrltere wlios.' stoii.-s, poems, Bketohea or suys uro iihvnvs surc of a readiug. Qodcy innki's un eaily annonncetnent fcr [873, aud U golng I tito the premium business determlued to eclipse all rlv&Is. E.icli subucrlber, single or Ín club, wlll get a beantlful Chroino- "Our Durling." %'i n year ; tivo copies, $" -, Uve copies, i10. Actdress L. A. Godey, Phlladclphla, - doiUi, tlie Cliromo, ir.t! the AbODS tur $4 50. IIkxky CfooDYEAH, ii.' Mniichcster, who luis long stw)ii oh?, briveiy agalntit the storm, made an ísslgnment on Tbnrsdayof last week, tor ttw benefit of bla credltora The aB8lfftiee8 ar Dr. Smitii of ihis cty, íos HcMahom of Manchester, W. H. Calivi.v cl ('liclso'i. The debls ajsigregfite over $110,000. A consultution meeting of the credltors is callfd to le IikUI ut Cook's Hotel In this city, Tneuday nest, at 10 o'clock A. M. ïlie Jacksotl Daüy Broadaxe, Kvv. M. s.mii'i! clüur and pnblisher, )uih made lts appearance. It Is devoted to nclvooacy of tbe oaase of prohibí tion and files the banDer of Black and Russeli. We sösiiect tlmt It will flnd Jorchm a hard road tö travel, Bnanclally, though belog tle only dailyln the wbole country thunSering i behalf of the new polttlcal party it has a broad (leid In whicli to get up il eirculatlon. ?8 a year ; $1 tor the enmpaigu. Ad dress Publisher, Jack-on, Mich. Jos. T. Jacous, the oocprlce ClDthler, t retorned (rom the Look out tor a large stock of goods ut poyular prices.


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