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í!t ! i'! ! vrbowlll o.plnin tbi simul'' '"'si An i u-i iik i i paj to :U t ihe t.ijL: ü'J ! Wírit mean those mjstic lottcrs thri'c Oveí brau uuw tfrucery- C. í C tor Credit t and 1) f ir ■ That'a the w'iy txulni e la olí u Jone ; Hut tliat'ri not the way to ri-iul 1 1 " :liiii Of L. C'OMii', wi;., (lis grocurtet ut 21). C I for.C.tpii : fnr thn jr-'oñs he mHi n chcap, 1 Pía bei t' r t; bhj them there your monoy to keep. t'. O. f. ,. -thiil la llu' way He b ni.]! to sel] so low and maki ii pay. U has ti b 1 1 lebta to nafce bim -roas, 'r tu yon more to niaku np M loas. 9o thftt'e the place to yoor food, lie wiü salí it chcap, and yon wl-lttnd Itgood. At Ihe C. O. t Qrocory roa wHl nlwaye ilud Ría bjol fOoíTje an i Cait ofali 'kítvjj, W Ufa Buy ir. t o, and ftesh, ripu fruit, r camitid.or drled, all Uistea ii.íuit O'iingeí t.imoE irlgs and ItalUn Pea, ■ i '!" ■ '■ ' thattreo or ahrub oftropte boars, ■ -i i. and varloua kimls f Gandy, 1 hl chüdron love artd I u h:;n3y, I : .a ■ Btlck " of tltta HI mov tnom moro unert r-rl" ur fnihure iisod, U'liefc Útúltii n wrre ;,!■ u!y oiten aburad. ' !'rüv;.! nr tbepaiAteto pleaao, .;i-il . !'.i'i;r, : CflVDU . Ooikl . utu ar.fl cáke, Tnloj i,i :.i. i. irv, roast, stcw,8ten "i hk. He 1 ■.■■ii. p 'émit, prnue-i nmJ pleklc. lu ;■ mx tb ■ tppctUa, do cap : Icio ueaud fltkle. ■'n-w-ir , crocVory, and T6el of lo , ■ . r known ; wing and smoking And novtir will frown iryoarlmnld be klnn. And inny c.thor tbiniis too Dt-mcrous lo mentlon, Aí o( wí:iüh to öl'iI -,'it.i:x for cuíh is Ue iníciuiun. Thpn cr me. srood propio, ouo and ni!. And jiw. ch-.'U.o. i), aroeexy acll. ' me try imr irr." and n-y o ir raros, for in inr prollta thi' buyiT shsret. iflopa lor what yon it, w Uh :i" tariffun Imíh, ■ io maka y.u frot : ''■'■" .-..'■■■ ..-(■■■i-, iiidin-ii yonramllllopalrA Mut l)iiy yönrgr icottea ror cnh ai pricca lair. Come Irom thit oonntrj nnrl Cha tmvn, Preparad to l?ny sud imy oonA dnmi. ''■ mo rh and .'or. come black and vl:if. ■ ' üi i pmvirioDt plestj aiid prlcea riíht, OomOtrloodd T Oranr aod rrlende riiiv, Saatu ut 2í ;iml trKi'u) C. o. Dfree!;. HATURE'S BEMEDYrX a MUáwii iniri.i v. w. o, lor aeatoriníc toe h.hhii and for the permanextl core oí' ;i!l disuasea arlalng frota Impar ittai uf thu biood, sach as Scrofultt, Scrofuluïtft "luiuora, i'ítiirer, Cttnceroufl ÜBIDOia Krj sipelas.í anker. S:tíi Rheaiu, KfliupleSf uml Jíiiutors ort t ín Fuce9 5 Icers í'i::yíis, i'a E.irrEi, HiuiK EtilfN rnraltii, Palos in ttkti Side, Xdteitmnpallou) Üo6tíveile) Rtiv:s.iiiv%rm lJiit:f., meas, F.uituesü Su tliv ílacií, Kiddcy C'osnplaint, ï'cuiake Woakneit, :iril General Debility. Tbis preparntloíi Íh scionihlcully nnrl ohemicaÜj coi&bittod Hnd so atrongty coDQentrated (tota rootc, t;: rhs aml barkfe, Ibat ita good eiYects are reallsed tmluedmtely ailer commendn to Uhe it. There if ie of the bnman svetem forwhlohthe KTINK Cíiüiiut i utsed wirh 'KRFifal SArsTY. afl it doee not eontalo any metallic compoand. Fr eradicatinfí thf eystraa fall ira[itirititís of the blnoti, U i -.-.:: i'-juíil It has uover lailed to eTect Miar.-. ílvlng tunera to thn system deHIHtated se, Ita vróndèrnll stTecta tipoi these comu'iutntr are BnrprlBlne to all. Manv í: tve been curad by th VEOBTINií that hnvo tried many other rcaiGclic-, It cn will be cnlled TU E GREA.T BLOOI) FURIFIER! Preparad y ít. K. STEVK.VS, boston Jiass. l'ricí!.r5. 8oU byaH Drag PELLETS. VVfe' o o o jsx m-" Or TBtf!tF-Coatoa, Cotlccntratcd, Itoot f.:id ÏSerbal Jnlrp, AutlBllionsC -anules. THE I.ITTLE fcilAST" t'.Vl'HAUXIC, or Itlultum i ti larí'o JPhyslc ff Tho novelty of modern Medical, Chemical nnd Pharmaceutical Science, o ue of anjr louter lakiii.i; tho lai'e, rcpolslTO nnd nauaeons pni?, composod of cheap, crude, ruí balky üigredieuta. -fn;ii wu can by a carcfnJ appllcailou or chcnilcu fcicnce, extract all Iho catuartlc and othet medí clnal ' i toet valaablo roots and bsrt, and coui outrato tlicm hito u ínipolo Granule, scareoly lir"r tliuu a munlard Roed, tlint can lc reüdlly Bwallowed ly tlrose 1 the most sensitivo etomacna and fántldlous tastos, lulo t'urativü l'clict represen t?, in a most coiicentrafccU form, m mitch cath&rtic power &s is ciiibodicd ia auy uf Iho la!;:n [lilis fonnd lor sale :i tile dviur BUopd. Pl"0m tíll :r VO)HlerAllCB Uiartic power, in pwïortlon to tuelr ti.c, peopla vi') iiavit niL triad them are ftjit to enppoío tíiafc they ave barsli or di t, but kih'Ii Í3 not :ll ;ill tho cae, tho different ni"tiü medicinal priti■ aro cotnposed beinp bu harmonizcd :i:al ín klifled, ono by tito otticrs, as to [ioiliicu A iríot ff4'!uliliitf Hnd iSioro-.ish, v, i i-.-iiity a:..l Kludly itr;iiigcatnartic $500 E&oward Ish0roby.oficrod liytlio propnetor of I . lo aiiy chentlst Klio, apon analyslSi wlll Qnd ín them anyCalomclor nliiiT fonuil OÍ mcrauïy or any utuOE l:n"t;r:;l polson lícinfí cntircly;TOiro"ï'ïc,nopartici:liir caru i? roqnired wnlle u iii;1 heiii. Tiicy opérate without dtstnrbanco to tho conptltntlon, dicta tu' uceupation. l'or Jnnucticc. Il4'i(ilaolio CoiiNtipution, Inipurt' KIood, JPafit ill UlU Mi.MlUlíl-.-., 'í iirul:i;-. Of tho C'it-M!, DlzztueaH. Sonr Uructatioii of tl stiimacii, Iiat tuete in moutli, Sillona nttucksi, l'üiii in refilón of KIííiicjs, lntoi al Fever, iluutod fucliiiK nhout Stumnch, UiikIi or isiootl to Mead, ïïiiil Colored I riuoj liiociubility and Klooniy ForebortiiiK. taka Dr. nerpe' Pl ;:aiu Iurgativu IVllcts. In exprauailon er' tao remedial power ot' my PurfatlVe PeDotaoverw) í:ri.'at a variuty of dioafes, wlsh tosay Umt tlicir action apon tho animal ceoimmy Ís iinivri-Micl, nota lintd or tUhuc CHcupiiiK tlinlr sanativo tnirH. Age doi'3 uot impalr thi'in tli. 'ir ooattng npd being enclost-d in glass bottlen preserve th'elr vlrtues unlmpalrett for a.öy length Ofttmo, in a:iy cUisate, eo tliuttheyare af% i and roliacK, ivhidi is nut tho cayo wlth tho pilld fonnd iu tho diu' ptort-n, put p in chean wood ur pajttE-board boses. Rccollect that for all dlaraset whero a l,axailv', Alterativo or iMirtírtive U lndlcated, theae 1 i ttlts Polleta wlll tliu moot perfetl uatislactlou to all whti uso them. TiM-y uro ko11 by all cntorprlHÍng UrugIsiM itt 'ii ciit i iioltlt'. , Do not allow an; to induce yon to taku anythli may my is jut a .■oil as my Pelleta bccaiuie hu makee :i 1 on wblch ho rceommenda If yonc o.niro!ft cannot Biipply them. endosa 25 cenia fcud roceivo tliem bv return mail from „ M. r. ÏICliCM, 31. V , ri-op'r, ■buvfjbúo, n. y. HÜRRY UP ! 1AK'JTU;s u ..'I Pap ir, Piladas Holl ■ ixtarea. Corda, Taaai I lea, nt. tiatlsfactorj I' ■ -. bj .Ï. llt, webnter A; Eo., Ho.),noar ihe EipicssOlBcu.j X'-"-""-' . GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for3trictly Pure Drugs aud Modicine6,Paints.Oiis.iS:e. tfALSE REPORT I TH AT i A. A. TERRY HASQONKOUTOP TlïADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS ALARUEANDCOMPLETESTOCK Oí HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PBICEfi T( SU1T T1I1Í TIMES. ALSO AyiTLLLlNEOF GENTS' FU KISHING GÖOBS! DON'T PURCIIASE YOCR SPRING ÁNDSUMMEE OUTFIïS U.NTtL YOÜ O-IVB I-ÏIVt AUALi,. 15 South Main St., Aan Atbci. vin-u. CHEAP FLAÑÑELSl 1 lavc iu atoro by actual t-auut Ï3O piceos, tvhllc und colured Waal njid Cottou Minimis, Kcnluck JToanea ïxtl I.insic, the bost stoods in tlc City mid itsuiil WITHKK acllinCor GÓ6d PAY undcr tUcir vuhie. 1300w JOÏiX II. MAYV.V5Í1). npEtTSTEE'S BA $250,000 TOLEDO LANDS ATAÜCÏJtON. 'l'n c.lti ■ .'' S'MiH' llu::NE8DAT,the M OAY 0 l'. m., in. ,.;jMblf IhimIs. ,:ns íí patueot. Üopitalint uxl spï ulo Itus OUl : scriptiT oirciilárof i ■ vement, examino tbehïndig nu,; : ale. it Toledo Nati Toledo, O., Aiir. 1, 187J. U'' GotoR.W.ELLïS & COV for choïco Winoe and Liqnot f for Medical Purposes . - ■■■■■! I..I „ , , - KOTHSRS! MOTHESSÜ MOTHEES ! ! Don't fiiii to procuro BHtai WirVSL.OWS 8OATH1KG SYIirP FOK ;sïsi.imr:iv tektihsg. Trii? 1 aration has Iji-en useil with si;vmí.KAiLiNi bocctsa in tuouands Jl' CAS It not ouly relieves the chiM fr-mu pain, lut iuvigr-,:- :.'. j 1 b '"tii. HL'Küty, and iveeton . lo the vrtiil. ■: ,si:ti. ltwlll I Grlpingin the Bowels and 'Wiii'l ('olie. Webelleve UtbaBBST nnd SURE9T REMKDY IS TUK WOKLD, In all caa ■■! UVSKNTKUY IN, wfaethrr ariïiirfrom teethlng or any qther i I apon it nioiiior.i, :t wili glvé reet to yeurBclief anil Healtb io Your Infants. Be supo ainï c;!I for rs. Wkslow's Sootliïnir Syrnp." [invlnu tluj fac-siiplle of "CURTÍS ÏVILKINS ' )it thoontfftdo vrappcr. üjroufihont ilie work!. iy For Sorofula, ScrofT UloUS IÍS4')l St'S Of the Eyes, or Scrofu ■ ;. la in any form. JMr Any di.e:tse or truplion UL of the Skin, discase of the WjB Liyer, Eheumatism. PitnX- plcf,O!dSorcs,t-lcer8.BrokQ Y ,; en-ilown Constitii t i om, Qj-L-?Syphilis, or any diseasedemjsUiil} , pending on ,1 dopraved conx dition of the blood, try LmL DR. CROOK'S O1 sVkup of WPOKE ROOT. ppV It lias the medicinal prop O erty of Poke combinad with lljKr (i preparation oflronwliich , JUy ges at "ice into the blood, JfiL perforniing the most rapid y and wonderfal cares, Ask your Druggist ior l)r. Crook'g Oompound Syrup of Puke lioot - lak .taud be healed. XyiilWiOKE LAKi:. Haviui recontlj refltted and fUrnHhed lbo (J LI FT ON HOUSE! I am now prpnred t receivt nd entertain pleo. moet üttructli i ■ iterlng placet in W -r. nu I imn ■ tloui aud ise of pï( asiiri -i-, kcfe. i ftíTIftDd complete eqiilfiment . mi hnnd. ■ ■ ' ■ . i t and c.innf;rl OÍ thoPtí Who ii-ii to spciul ;i U' i'i'kK lll -.■■: warn siimuior in . ■ VVUITMORK . :, íí Favorito miiu1. f. SMITIÏ. rPHYSICÏAKSrPBÊSCeiPHOÏs"'lCCCRELY ND CAREFULLYPREPABED b. n &po.,i)Ruqai828. .


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