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NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE! At No. 8 South Main Street. The nn&nfenod tnfcffi plrHeure ín anitounchir to tha cïMkpih of Ann Arloi nnd viclnity tb&t he hu opened n ncw bnstaOM place, wIumo lic will keep OODBtaOÜJ OU DAIkd U full uoortiiirnl. ut BOOTS SHOES And evcrytliing in tliat iae, WIIICII WILL BE SOLD AS LOW AS POS8IBLR Eepairing' Done Neatly and Promptly. t" Pleasc glve me a cali. . L. GRUNER. Aun Arbor, Aug. S, 18T2. taaetf IKEAT SUMMER Cleaning Out Sale AT Tl METROPOLITAN In order to rnnke room for a complete New Stock of DRY GOODS thi? Fnll. I will offer every article fn tïie Btoro at STRICi'l.Y NEW YORK UOdT, o now is your time íúi barHÍus. Sale to l)egin Mondny, July 29th, And to contiune for Thirtj Da. Tablc Linees, Table Covers, Napkiiis, Towels, Towelinir, Hosicry, Gloves, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Lace öliawls, Kmbroideries, Laces, Vict. Shawls, Svviss Musiiii'i, Jaconets, plaln fclíg., Nan.ook, plain & flg., Brilllautes, Soft Finish Cambrics, Linens. Shirt Bos'ms, Connterpaius, Dress Trlmuiings, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Tldies, White & Bnff Piques, Lace Cartalns, Ladica' Suits, Ladies' Made-Up Under (Jarmeuts, Parasols, Kid Oloves, Siik Fringes, White Cotton Trlmminss, Cotton FrlngeB, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Pocket Books, Combs MILLINEY OF ALL KINDS, BELOW COST. And a thoupand ether artirlcs !n tbc Fancy Ooods Tradc too numeróos to meutton, No. 33 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. H. COHEN. 138itf yysvi. wagner IS NOW READY F0RJI1E SPRIK6 TRADE HavinK Recelvcda LargeStocbof MG AND SUMM1R G-OODS, ÏN'CLUDING 0L0TH8, 0ASSIMERE8, VESTING8, &C. of the J3E3T STYLES an4 QUALITIES WHIOH DE W1LI. MANürACTUHE on terms to sult; Also a full line of READY-MADE OLOTHING ARS Gents' FUKNISHING Goods. :q:EJ!ST STYLE, ALSO LAD1B8' AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHEL8 No.21 Sonth Main Street,- EastSIdei OALL AND 8EE THEM. WIIMAM WAGKER. Aun Arbor, April let, 18T2t. "lovëjöyT TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuff, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HUBOIÍ STREET, Next to the Express Office ANN AHBOR, .11 K II. 134 6t f Q L. PACK . Eeeps on hand a first class stock OF GARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, SNTTFF And all sinokers artieles AT TJIE OLD 8TASD 2 doOTS west of Cook'.i FTotel at the siga of the BIG INJUN. HUM ripHE FIRST NEW GOUDS IN MABKET, AT FIIMLEY LEWES' THE Finest, Largest and Most Complete Stock of Fine Goods för Lfidies, Misses and Cliildren, at FINLET and LEWIS' Burt's Fine Calf Boots at Finley & Lewis, and at NO OTHElt Place in Town. The Beat Kip and tttófa Boots in Town at FIXLEY & LEWIS'. Tho Host Boys Boots at FIS LEY & LEWIS'. The Stock w lilch Is hotitrhtfor f!A8Heabe iold at bctter prlccs tban tliose boujiht ON TIME. Finley & Lewis BUY FOR CASH ! andcaneell thHr goode at I'AIH FRICE8. 18S6M. tf t H -S I S B z P B SÍ r & fe"S a h m i H S -2 j ! .? Wal B - S n L ! ,p ,' y. o 5 nw IA. ; 'jíi I E 14 u. Qoï'2 e iè8o P a ü 3 gg TAMES McMAHON, Justice of the Pccace, Office in ne w block, North of Court House Money collected and promptly paid over. IN8TJR-A.3STCÍC AGENT. Trinmph, astets, $727.003.1] Nortli MiMonrl, " 043,417. 1] Iliburniu, " 85U,0Ü0.00 RTCAXi K8TATE. I have 80 aeren "f IHd of a mlle from the clt iui i k, finely lociiti-d for fruit orgurden purposee. Aiso 40 aeree. AIho 10 acre, with houB3 and barn,and a Mvcl stream of water running through the biirn yard. 60 aeree, a mileotit. I will sell any or all tho abovc cheap, or exchancc for city property. 1SÍ4 JAMES McMAHON. T)OTTLED LAGER, ALE AND PORTER, Put up in Pints and Quarts for Family use. ALSO BY THE KEG. ttr Orders lcft t Lciter êc Co.'s Drup siori! wili bo promptly fillod. IIILL & CHAPÍN. Ann Arbor, May 58, 1872. ISTfitf GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'e ) forstrictly Pure Drugs and I MedicineB.PaintB.Oile.&c. I ]L B. GIDLEY, Succeesor to COLGROVfi & SOIt -'"- '■ ' ■ ■ ■ . DBl'GGBT AND dliST IN COOK'8 NEW HOTEL, No, 12 E. HURÓN STEEET, DEALER IN DRl'fcS, REDKWEg, SI 14. KU, HSTIU ,TIKTS, ri'KE WMB8 Uto LlqiOBS, (fou Medical vuuposks only.) Fnncy Croods, Perfumery, PAlIfTS, OU,!, VARIVISIIES, (ÍLASS, Aft" O PUTTÏ, PBYSIGIASS' PBESCRIPTIOKS Cnrefuüy COplpOUIldod at all hours. I PB0P0?-E NOT TOBE UNDER30LD BY ANY FIRM IM THE CITY WIIOFURNISH AS GOOD AH ARTICLE. E, U. GIIUÏEX. ISGÏtf 1 Wiuh, FropriMor. H 11. McDonald Co., DwfbU k Un. AC.inl4, ftN Frm,,if, Cl,, n.l S4 CoinniArc trl, N. Y. MIIililONM Ilenr TvAtimony to CbelX # Wontlcvrul C'ui'utive Ëft'ucta Tlicy aro nut a vilc Fancy Drink, Mode of Iot ïiinn, hlkf, Pruof Splrlls mid Itefune IjÍquui'h (loctoretl, et])iced and bwectencdtoploaAe tlio tafite,cHllc(l "Tonis," "AppetllHIi11 "llestorers'tc,, thftt ïeiui the tippltr on todroalnaiMM ftnd ruhi.but aro a truc Medicino, made fromtbfl Nat i ve ]íxts and ilerba Of Unlifornia. frop froiu nll Atcoholic SiiirmInnts. X'boyotheíJREAT 111, OOI) rL'HIFlEttnnd A LIFE U1V1NCÍ PRINCITLE a perfect EtonOYfttOE fttnl Inviorntor oE tho Systein, carrj'ingofT alt poiouous nitittcr íiinlrustorinK theblood to a lieulttiy condltion. ï-ïo per son can tnko thesc líitters accordinff to dircctlona ftnd renmin long unwelí, provided thrir bonea aro not destroyed by mineral poisonor other mcans, and the vital urgmia wauted beyond thc pointof rcpiiir. Tln-y uren 1 ti ruuiivc na vc11 n . Tonlc, jwasessinK, also, thc peculiar uicrit oí nctlng us a power ful atmí. in rclioviliK Cuiif;cKtion or Infiaminatton of the Ltvor, and all tlioVi.scoral OrgU FOtt PEMALK COMPJLAINTS, inyoungor oíd, married orsinRlo, nt thsdftwnot woinanhoodorat Uic turn of I i fe. Uicsc Tonic Iíittcrs have no cqual. Fot Inílamiiintory mul Chrouic Ií lnniiinlism it ti I oiit Di NjM'psin or ludigcsttou, lllltoua, Ufl ulttOOt und IiitcrmUtiiit Fefi'f. UUonsefl ol Ii Illooil, I,Ívrr, KldurjN nnl IHiulíler, these Ulticra liave ieen most niCL-criáfuI. Sucli Disennrn are caiisedby Vlilatril llloocl. which iaífenerally proüuccil by derangomertt of the Dlgvnlive (Jriini. DYMPBF8IA Olt ! NDKíESTION, Ileotleche, rain in tlieSlioulderstConirhst Tibtnetis of the, Dizzínens, Bour Lructations of the BtDiach, liad Tasto In thc Muuth. Jíiilous Attacka, I'alpltatton ül the lieart, Inflmnniation of the Kungs, Pain In the refirioDS of thc Kidueys, im-i a liuudred other painful ürmp lome, aro iho ofíspringH of Dispepsia. Tbey ínTicorate tlie Stomacti and utímuiüte tho torpid Liver and fiowels, whlch rencier tlieiu of uoequallad ofBcacy Ín cleausing ttie blood of all impuritlea, aud lmparting uew lifo and viyor to tho wholc systera. FO R H Si I N 1 I S E A HES, Sru pilona, Tetter, Salt Rbemu, Blotclies. Spots, PloaplM, Pus tu les, iíoils, CarbuncloR. Riiïff-Worms. ScaUl lievl. Sore fiyes, KryslpejjU,Itcb8eurb, JJincotonttions oftho 8kin, ñutnorfland PiHCascs of tito km, of wliatuvwr name or rinturo, are Itterailv dtuj ap arul arried out of the system in n otiort time bf ufle ut theso l!it lrs. (nu hottte fn such caaes willcuuTiuce tbomost iucreduloua ofiiielr cuxative effectB. Cleanse the Yitiated Ulood whencver you find lts lm pnritleB tmratJua: throujrh the ekio Jn lMmplen, Ërup tlons or Sores ; cIoqdso It when you find it obatructed fcnd slugffish In tho veins; clcanno it when it Is fooi and your foollns will teil you when. Keep tho Moo4 pure, and the hoalth of the arstcm wilt follow. Pliif Tupe, and other Worm, lurkine In thd iTPtt-m of au many thousauda, are effectn&lly deatroyed and removed. Says a diatingutahed physioWist, Hiere Is scarcely an IndlTiduol upon the face ofthe carth wliosp body is exempt from tbe presenee of worms. It ia uot upon the hcalthy clemcnU of the body that wornis exist, but upon the iltseased humor and sllrny deposits tliat breed these living nmnatere of Qisoaso. No System of Medicine, no vf-rmifufirt's, no anlliL-tmimicj will freo tbe systcm from woruia liko BHtera. . WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. McDONALD Si CO Druïgista and Oen. Afrenta. San Francisco, California, and 38 anl 34 Commerce Street, New York. "BOLÜ BX ALL 1RLUUISTB AND PEAXJSR& DR.CROOK'SWINEOFTAR êlO YEARS PUBLIC TEST Ir. Croolt's WINE ■ rTo have more jftAyjilLiÜKtf? - :crl than any 'Sk k similar prepara BBCSBBÉsB (ion v;r oliered tho pnblic ' Tt Ir rlch In the medicinal quaiitiesof Tar, and unequalcd for IiMUM(N of the Tbroat and l'UUXS performing the most reuiark ble cures. Coughs, Colds, Chronlc Cough It effectually cnre them all. Aütlimu and Bronchitis. _ . Has cured bo many cases it lias been pro Bounced a specific fot , these coniplaints. rV paius üi Sroast, Sido or Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jauudico Or any Livor ' "' ComplaiiiL It hu no cqnal. """" It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strongthens the System, Eestores the Weak and Debilitated, Canses the Food to Digest, Jiemoyes Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Prevenís Malarions Fevers, Gives tone to your Systenu %C ' HURRY UP ! PAUTTI i:s wlahinp Wall Paper, Cloth mul P&per Shadea, Iloilanc's, Window Pinturee, C'oida. TftFi-'lö. Ac, all New Strles. ftt Sa ti e facto o Vrid.-e.byJ. U. UflMrr A Co., Boük Blorc, ücar the l--bruih OÚlce. nfiOPLE'B DRUG STOüti R. W.ELLIS& CO. ANN ABBOE


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