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A NEW ARRANGEMENT ! I AM NOW OPENlXO 1OO CASES MEN'S AND BOYS' Boots and Shoes I Ladiea', Misaes' and Children's Boots Shoes and SlippersThese goods have Just beon parchfised of flr et hnude, aud ae I have no expense of RENT, anduve my entiro ponojDSl attonlion to thü.liimiin-nK, I hope to Compete Successfully wlth all engagod lu the A. D. SEYLER, No. O ortli Utiin s t. Ann Arbor, Aug. 8, 18Ï2. 18t)mS T Q. A, üsESSiOIVS' J IISÜRAK ÁGENCY. His Companic8 Are Sound. pH(J]NIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. CAPITA I. ANDASSETS,JuLTl,,T81,ono CHICAGO LOSSES , 760,000 THi; l'HCTMT in the bost conducted Firo Iii-iKrit .:-■■ Coinpiiny in the I iiiitd stuit-".. Aïwjis prudcut ancl noi:h1, and alvrays prauapt in payment of lasos. INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YOUK CITY. The flrst Company to pafs tho ordeal of the New York Insurance CbtnmipsloDcr slncethe Chicago FIrc, coming out from theiseYero test TRIUMPHANT 1 Associated Press Dispatch,Novomber 2.13T1, TIÏEINTISBNATIONALINaünAlïCE COMPAKY. TheSaperintendent of tlie New Tork State Ineurance Department, who ie inaklnz acareful oöloial cxaminstlon of the New York City Compañías to-day, cortifles thatthe International Companys assets of $1,S01,000 are securoly inreeted, and iis capital of íí00,OOü,aftcrprovldInpfor all Ilablllties, Includingthe Chicago flre, is wholly nnimpalred. Thie Company ie paying alliis Chicago losaea and issonndand reliablo. Polides issued at fair ratee at my office. No. U EastHuron strect, Ann Arbor, J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Agent. ïeiTtf. QL Ï)RÏÖÜSNËVS FOR ALL CREATiON! E. J. JOHNSON, " Tira: J3 " H-o-iTliilt ! HAS RECEIVED ÜIS SPRING STOCK AND STYLES OF" Hats, Caps & Straw Goods, CE1TS' FIBSISHIXG Í.OODS, ETC, WIIICH BE PROPOSES TO SELI. AT PRICES WHICII DEFY COlll' ETITION. 7 South Main St.. Ann Arboi. DON'T FORCET That the Fttirest, Sqnarent , and bost place in Ann Arbor to bay Pure ürut'8 nd Mcillciiies, Winea ncd Llqiijra, fur Mudlciuul ruriiO8C8, PAINTS, OILS, VARN1SHES, BBUSHES, &C, is Aa1 R. W. ELLIS & CO'S. Corner Oppoeite the Savings Itank. CALL -ílSriD EXAMINE Our Permanont i'olors, for onisldoor Inside palnt Inji. maiiufftctiiri-d irom Pure W hite Lead, Joc, and Llngcüd 011. Cheaper and better thnn auy othor Paict made. Suld by the callón, keg, or barrel. AlioPure White Lead. Zinc, &c, at satisfactory Prlcea. REMEMBEK NAME AND PLACE. K. IV. i:i.MS de CO. JTLOUR. GRAHAU FLODS, BUCKWHEAT FÍ-0ÜR, CORJí KEAX, FKEI) OF ALL K1M)S. Alltheabovearticlesare warrantcd to have no -upfrior lu Forsalcnt Partridge's Flouring MillsN. B.- SrlBtingdoncatsiiurtnoUce. "Finost Asaortmen tof Toilet i Goods in the City,by Eleetiun Noticc SUEKIFF'S OFFICE, Wabhzmkaw Cackty, t AHH AnuoR, August 27, 1872. } Tn th. Kteriftrs of the L'ounttf nf WasliUnaw: You are horeby uotiíled tbat at the next General Heet ion, to bo held on the Tueaday suceded inf? the irst Moiiduy of November next, in tlie etate of Miehr'in, thü followinff offloon art; t bo aleotod, iz: -".leven BleotOra of President and Vice l'rewident of ho'Umtl States, a Govtrnor, Lieutemmt (tovernor, ïocretfiry of State, Auditor General, Statu IVesmirar, Jommissioner, of the State Land Office, Atmmey jeneral, Superintendent of l'ublio Instruction, a tfember of the Stat Board of íMu catión in place of Kdwin Willits, whone term of office wíil expire Deiomber Hlst, 187-, and liepiesentative in Congrega Tor the Hecond Comprensión nl District of this Htte, to which W;irthten:iw County in attached. Also a Senttor for tho Fourth Senatorial District, Mnailtingof Wawhlenaw County, tifrreeuule to tho prOYtrionj of ActNo. 1V8, of the Sewiion La ws of 1871. Abotbree Representativos in thu State Legiwluture, agrerubli! to the provisions of Act Xo. 14C of the ses.sion Luw of 1871. Also tho following county orBcers : one Jndge of Probato, on; Sheriff, ouü County Clerk, 0D6 i'utmiy Treasurer, one Ueriter of Deed, one Frosecutiiig Attorney. twu Oitooit Court Commistaout.'r, two lor oners, and one 'ounty Surveyor. You aro alao hereby notitied that ut waid General Klcetion the folio win amenamente to the Conwtitution of this titato tire to be KubmitU'd to the peoplc i tbs Btate fbr their adoptlon nr rejeotion, punumnt tothe reqairemonta of ueCoiwtítattoa and thoresolutions of tho re mbmitUDfl tln-m, viz : An "Aincndment providini: for thu pnynient ol DOndsiasued and negotiuled, and the purcimae price thereof realized pTior to the twi'iitj -nufenth dav ol May, uifihteen hundrotl and cvf-nty, by tl' countioa, towzuhlpM and moxdofpalltiM lumiing the sume, for and in aid ot' my liailroad Comp:iny," provided for by Joint Ituáolution o. 31 of the fceusion Laws of ïén. An ' Amenilmont relative to the limita of Tudicia CireuitK, jmd the nuTnber thereof," provided for by Joint Rñolution No. 3(, of tibe Meion Lawa of 1871. Andan " Amendmm1 relativo to the Kalariefl o: Judies ot' the Cirooii f out," i)rovidcd for by the laat aforesuiU Joint Itfaolution. MYIïON WE15B, Sheriff. Mortgago Sale. DBFADLT haring been raade iu the condition of a oertein mortesge, made and executed by Nelaoi M. Söhoffand Klizabeth Sohofl to Comatock F. Hill !iin i?iu' dtitt the Ant daj of March, a. d. eighteei bundrèd kdÚ seventy-one and reoordd in the uitte of the Register of Deeda of Waehtenav ('ounty Michigan iu Libnr fort y-th ree of on m%3 tour huudred nnd twenty-five, on the wteentb day ftCaxoh, a. i. eiyliteen ïiundrcd and beventy-nm-, a ton and one-fourth o'clock a. m.; and the power o sale contnincd in nii moztgage baTÜig U-nome opora tive by reaaon of suoh dofault, and the som of eigb trandred and twelve dolían and fifty oents being olairaed to ba due on aftid mortgage at tho date of this cotice, inl the bond aooompanyiag the BátH6 ülso ri a'ttorney'a fee of thirty doHurs, s provúleit tor in aait mortHttge and no suit or prooeeing at luw or in chan oery aaring been institnted to recover tbe sume orauy parttbercof: Notioe in therefore hert-by given, tha (nul mortííHgw will b4 forecloswl by :i sale 01 the mort gapcd land and prentkwa thereiu dcucribed and here inaftcr rneutioned and set forth, or ao much tbereo ña will be necewary to sutiury aaid amount, on Batm duy, tho sovfnth dy of Doceniber next, Kt eleven o'fllook in the torenoon of aald day, at the south doo of tho Oourt House in the city of Ann Arbor, tha beinL the place fur holding thu (.'"ircuit Court for th ooanty Of Wiushtenaw; tho said pn' to be sol by virtue of the power of sale in Rrtid morttige nr described in hhiü inortgage as f oUowb : All of th 1 vast part of lot number ten (10], bfing four (4) rod wide oy slne (9) rodi deep, in block number flve (5 BOUth of r ngfl number six (6) east, iu the Ann Arbo daad ( 'omimiiy'ï addition tb the city of Ann Arbo formerly ví11kc), Wiwhlenaw county, Michigan. Duted Auu Arbor, Rept. 11, 1872. C( rtiBTQOK F. HILLf Morttrapee. D. Oramf.r, Att'y lor JIortngeo. I391ld. Mortgagö Saltí. WHEHKAH William J. Dunning, of York. "Wash toiiaw County, Michigan, on the 27th day o April, A. 1). 187U, exeeuted movtgg to Henry L Jainea, of WilliamsbiirgJk, Maasatihusett; to wcur the paymont of certain priucipul and interest mon-- therein mentioned, wbioa mortgaga wasrecorded in theotütittof the ttegiaterof IiH.üin the county o Wahhtenaw and StAte of Michigan, on the30thda of April, A. 1). 1H70, ut 8K o'clock i. m. of said day' In Libar 43 of mortgagea, on'pageS981 and wherva default bal been mude lor moro then twenty days in theparnuntof ttnixutaUment ot uid inttrestmon ey which beeame due on tho S7th day of April, A. D 1872, by rondón whereof und pursuant to the term o 8aidinortmic, luortgitgee clectrt that au much o said principHt :ts remnins unpnid, with all arrearai? of interest thereon, fthaíl become due and pu;iUe n.-i mediato) y ; andfrhexeaa, theroia úlaimed tone du und unpaidat tbodate of this notioe the suin o twelve liundiud nud oirfhty-iive dollars for principa andinteréat, ftlao an attorneya fee of thirty dolur shouhl any proceedin be "tuken to breoiOM aali inortgage, and no suit or procedinj; havo been in Btituted eitlier in law or equity to recover the saine or any part thereof : Notioe, therefore, is herebygivei thaton Katurday, thefitth day of October next, fv two o'clock in the afternoon, at the south door of the Court Houtje in tho City of Atin Arbor (being the building ín which the Circuit Court for the county o Wa&btenaw anfl Otato iifOiwIJ Iu held), and by vir tue of thu power of Hile i'otituinrd Ín said mortgntre I ahal] i-ll;it puiilic aacüon to thehighet bidder tho premiaei deaoribedta Baid mortgage, tosctbtfy tht unouiit of principal and interest above clnimed to be dnè, with tho attorneya fee of thirty doiliir and olinigea of sale, to wit : AU that certain piece or paroel of lun.l bttnato m Tork, Waahtenaw f'onnt and St;ite of Uichigan, and desenbod as follows, to wit: The uitat huif of the southweat quarter of section ntunber eight, In townsbip number four (ij nouth of range number aíz íG) ciist, dgiecable to tho Ciovernment rarrey. Dated, July 12,1872. HENBYT.. JAMES, Mortgagee. John X. Oott, Attorney for llortgag-ee. Real lístate for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Couuty of washtenaw us _ In the matter of the Estáte of Caroline D. Freer deceasei. Nut u-nis hereby given, that in pursuance of an order granted tothe undersigned, Alinniistrator of the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Judgeof Probate for the county of waahtonaw, on the i teenthduy of July, A. I). I72, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the bridge naai the northwest corner of the land heroinafter deaoribed iu the County oí Waslitenaw in sid State, on Tuesday tlie twenty-fourth day of September, A. D. 1872, at one o'clock iu the afternoon of that day {subject to all enctimbrances by mortgage or otherwlM existin it tlie timu ofthcdoath of 8aU deoeaaed,) thefollowing descri Vd Hcal lístate, to-wit: The west half of the south west quarter of aection two, in township three Kouth of ranpe flve east containing eJghty 'ere more or less in said state. Dated, August öth A. D. 1872. ALVA TREER 1386td Admiaistrator. TEN REASONS WHY JVo l'amih shoulti le without a lottle o W1IITTLESEY in the house. ■ lat.- Itwill relieve the worst case of Bllloua Chollo or Cholera Morbusims minutes 2d, - lt wiil cure the most obstinate case M Dyspepsla and Indigestión in a fe Wccks. " 3 d ■ - Tt s the best remedy in the world fnf Slok Headache as thousands can ic;iify, Jï l&lcen when the first symptoms appear. ■ 4th.- It is the best diuretic ever put beforc the public; curing those distressing complaints. Diabetes and Gravel andothcr Urlnary difflcultles. 'th. - It ís a most excellent Emmena gogue, and to the Young Olrls, middle gcd Women, and at the Turn of Life, this remedy is of incalculable vajue. 6th - It wül remove wind from the bowels, and henee a few drops in some sweetencd water, ftiven to a babe is better than a dozen cordials to Relieve and make It Sleep. Containinz no anodyne. th - It is a sure relief for adults and children ffected with Worm and Pin Worms. It wilt bring away the worms. 8th - Itwillcure the PI lea and Hemorrhodlal difficulties. ö will cure Con stl pat ion and keep the bowels regular. It wil! also cure the worst case efSummerComplalnt and DysenteryIOth.-It will cure Sour Stomach, 8t lm ui ato the Llver to ln-althy action. Relieve Heart-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the system. When taken dilute the dose with Sugarand Water to a Win e -Cl aas fu 1 1 and you hare apleasnnt tpnioa Whittlesey (Dysyepsia Cure) $1.00 per bottle. Whittlescy Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle. Whittlesey Cough Granules 25c. per bottle. Sokl by all druggists and warranted. iruttleser Prop. Bed. Co., Toledo, K jy OT I CE! TheBubücribi'riihaqeatthelr command, aa gen' eral tllliiL'. from flve huiiilrod to tlve thoufani] dol" lars to lonn 011 ftrst nd lirft clann mortirnge iltaat6 in the C'oiinty of Wnehtcnaw. - time fröm thrt-c o Bve yaar. Terms llbfral Office nppnsite tne Post Oilloe. nnii ntu. A. LelterA Co. '8 Drug Store. No. 1 Oropory Dlock. Our Abstract Booksare posted up 10 datu. Ami Arbor. Maj 30, 1S72. tjiaov w. koot, KOOT & LEITER. CIIA8. A. LK1IER. ' ]37(itf Trees Flowers! Bulbs! Seeds! HKDGK PLANT8!; Sursery Stock ! Fruit and 1'lon rr Platcs ! Addross F. K. PHCEXIX, BL00MINGT0N NÜESEEY ! U.I.1N0I3. Oio Acws: Slstyeor: 12 Orcenhonsos. pjil;e, 1 ,0U( 1 yr., ÍSu -J y. S30 ; 8 y. $40 ; 4 y. $J0 4 Ottttilotfuvi, ZO CQBtSj iyugi Go to R. W.ELLIS & C0'b for ohoiceWinesandLiqunrf j for Medical Purposee . lístate of Jool Ilornl i 5 CAÈ OF MICHIGAN Jn. kVwhtuuaw holdeu at the ProuïTS th' 5S1 ' f Ann Arbor, on S„t,lrdny ",' , l,, September, m the year one toum,íWYM"h 4. l' and seventy-two. ""ma eigï,t k ' f Present, lliiam J. Benke, Jud„ „, „ """ In the nutter of tho e te?' ?", deecueed. " w Joel r Onreadinirand li,,K the „„,;,. ""H r.inii.iiio lian-,, exeentor mïï?' du! Tttt, bc lioensed to seU the real eiütoSS "Mm beu ..,,.,.1. tor the PuSe offei.'iiÖ ' jeedaol siit-h aio auiouK thp' ,i, . "'"'nir iv1! will .t aid deceased. dcv's nanfj'itv Themipon it i ordercd, that v,mJ tot day of Ootoljrnext t t, ovSf' W rned fot the hearing of „,, , L";the'2!' Arbor, and show cause, if „„,. 't] " leatj,j7 prayerof thepetitionerhonldot i? ?.,? ii ifurthorordered.thatiaidJeütSrinlí:A toe persons Interested in ,i,l ■',, "r";H;v(toX of saidpeHtionand the hearing theraVÏ X.' copy of thi order tobe pubUshedïttf'ij SS' im, a newpper printea and n,r,dJ :'W ty. .,,,,,. .ve week. previo1' (Atrpy., HIRSI,BKA"' - __jMe of Estato of Tocums-mi;";:- OTATE OP MICHIGAN, ruunty of " 0 At u scwion f the Probad, ourtL . !"htet" Whtrauw hulden at the I'n,l."tiroï'h!.S5! of Ann Arbor, on Fvid.iv, the iii 5' HeoJ tcmber, n the ycar one thouÍ èS, K 1'reMrnt Hiram J. B!akCT,,7udReof p„v Inthvnu;tterof the wtatc ol itl i !''- Henry V. Yoctim minora. Harriït w . ,l 01 8K!d estáte, comes intoOourt and rlrï' Thereupon it is ordered thnf u CTenth day of October next, at ten ÍL??Í, 'J. noon, bc aasigned for the hearing ol Wi aü& that the next of kin of sid íiiT J3 penwns mverested in said -tiitl J"d ot uppcar at a noción of uuid Court 'thm.! Il at the Probate Ollic-c, in the Cityof aÍ?Í1'C show caUKO, if nny there bc, wliy fh, ,,t mÁhM titioner ahould not be sranted AnSw,"liï dered, that i.l Knr7lian give noUei'Lï mterested ... Raid estáte, ol the penden „r ? on, and the hearing thèreof, by cauS.jS order to be pnblished in the .Virtió f" tb paper printed ..,.,1 circulatin(! „„j m. uceeasive weeks pivvioua to aid day of ÏÏ r' "t (Atn,ecUpy.) HIEAiij. ■ . . MM t Pni,h Estato of Christopher Lat OTATE OF MICHIOAN. ConntT of ? 3 -.Í1-' il sc'"sion "f ( he Ioimte ( '..rt fe,íttl,".ii. of aUtenaw, holden at the Prol. ï city of Ann Arbor, on Thund, %, fe1? HeptemUT, m the year one thuuLnd lll? 1..-.1 and eventy-two. m Klt bt Preeent.Hiram J. lieake, Judce of v.„v , dL23. miltlür of tUc C8tllteoJ FLSLr Onfe.idiiiandfilinRtlicpetitioft.dqiT ,„., 1 ri.lenck Kapp. AduriWrato, praviaï tW1 be lioensed to sell certain real cute Vhm?' 'T oeaaeddied seized. "iriiij, Thereupon it is ordered, that Mondar th f, day of Ootober next, at t o'clock d tl ?mn":' be anigned for thchcarinff of said pc-tiiion 5Tf. helrsat law ofsaiddeccnsed.andall Mh, "' terested in said estato, are required t Pm"fc a aeiwion of vaid Court, then to Wuïi Probate Office, in the' cítv „f i".". and show cause, if any thtro J''':P'jrerofthepetitionersbonldaotbemnwTi11 is further onlered, that said eUtiolwrt?Jj i; the porspnsintcrested in „ia rtate,ol tli(ÏSÏL!! Bid petition, and the hearinjr thei'eof 1 r"!f oopyofthi. order to be publUM Ik I'S? ' rgut, .i nowspaper print.l „n,l circukii.r ;;nfr 8ucceitóivc wwk8 iïïïas (Attuecopy.) HIIIAMJ.BEAKES uvl Juige ol rrobot. Estáte of James Lindon " OTATE OP MICHIGAN County of WM'hl„ „ O At aaession of the Probate ( 'ourt for tl oT,'" Waslitenaw, holden at the Probata ÜSiw kaïS of Ann Arbor, on Baturday. the tweotyK August, in theyeur one thousaid cwht hiiib? ereaty-two. s '""aürMm PreBcnt, Hiram J. Benires, Judgeof ProUt docêasèd. matt' f th """" f Sta Í, On readinB and flling thepctition,au]TverlW ,1 Joseph l.muon and Judson ldndon.prayimiiiuV tain instrument now on tc in this cour! imnüS to be the last will and testament üf aaid dkwJi, be admití cd to probate, und tliat thcy mar LL! ed executors thereof. H? Thercupon il is ordered, that Mondar, tbí m'r duy of October next, at ten oVlock' in ti, w noon, be aasigncd for the hearing of míj í tion, and that the lonitees, devisec Mj i at law of snid deceatcd, nd j JÍL persons inteiested iYi said estáte, are reqnindtoBÍ peai at a reasion of said Conrt, then to beboMai the Probate Office, in the City of Ann MiTJ showoau. if any there be, why the raa jf-, petitioner hould not be granted : And it 1, ordered, that niJ petiüoñer gire notioetotleiami ti '1 n said estáte, of thepemlencr ofisKtiou, and the hearing thereof, bycansinBnmprtftti, order to bc pnblished in the Michigan Arui', Mth paper printed and circulating in iiiid coottr tto successive weeks previous to suid day ,f heHoj (A true copy.) 1IIKAM' J. I 1381 JudgeofPnbtt Estáte of William Anderson. C TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WsshteMi, O Ata sesoion of the Probate Court for tb Cott'; of "W'asatenuw, holden at the Probate Oöict, in tl,t City of Aun Arbor, on Wednesday, the iourth dur of September, in the year one tliou&and eijrht Lui. dred and aeventy-two. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Juágeot Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Wiliinm Ajtte I pon, decea-Hcd. On readin{ and flling the peütion, Snly rental,! William Anderson, praymg tlial a wrtftiii il now on lile in thil Court, pui-porting to be thelu wil] and testament of Raid decea&ed,may be ndmittri to probate, and that he may be appointed aole Klantor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mondar, tne tliiitW day of .September inst, ut ten o'clock in tbe (mnoon, be a&ügned for the heariug of said petitin, and that tlie legutees, devif-ps and heil at lw of aaid deceased, and ' all other persons iiteHiied in said estáte, are required to appear te a sesBion of Baid Court, then to be holden, il the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Artra, ui show cause, if any there be, why the prarercf 1&f petitioner should not be grantcil: Anditisfutbr ordered, that said petitioner givc notice to the pm nterested in suid estáte, of the penrlency of siid pution, and the hearing thereof, by causinp afTi this order to be pnbïished in the Michigan Jifa,! newBpaper printed and circulating in má CaitJ, three sucoi-wive weeks previous tosaid day of bearq. (A true copy.) HI1ÍAM J. BEAKES, 13ÜO Judie of Frota. Estáte of Edward Kyn. Cl r ATE Of MICHIGAN, County of WnliliMWJ ■ At aessionof the Probate oiirt forthsCwU! of Waatatenmr, holden ut the Probate Oüiccmtktüif oí Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the flfteemh dij ol August, in theyeiir one thousand eight hnDdieiios 'MIll V-t Wd. Present ilimm J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the uiutter of the estáte of EdwaidEru, deoeased. On reading and tiling the petition, diily venflw, ICartin Kyan, prayingthai a certain instnsNit 10 ou file in this court purporting t(. be the b=t infl &' teetomentof said deceaiwd may be admilted W f bate, ad that he may be opiwiiitod sule enen theréof. t . Thenupon it is ordered,that Momliy,the tTenlr-ttert luy of September aext, at ten o'dock in the forwöxii ned forthe henrinirofsaicl jx-tition. m'"2 leffateèé, devisen and heira at law of saiddeoMwJ'w allother persone Inten Bted in u! estáte, arel?F to appear ;it ;i aesáon ot' Nahl court, thtn to bebows at the l'robate DHiee, in the City of Ann Artw. ?■ show cause, if any tliore be, why tlic pmyern"1 petitioncr slioul.l not be Krauted : Aoil it f" ordercd, that üaid petitioner give notice to M Ia' sons Intereated in snid estáte, o( tlie penaeKJ ■ said petition, and the hearing tliuvof. lf "■■' copy of thin order to be publlshed in the 2 Argus, a newspaper print, a and circulatimi " county, thi-ee succcssivu weeks previous to suí T ■ "{A'true copy.) UII1AM .T. BEAKKS, 138U Judgeofrn Estáte of Rachael McCormick. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, county of Wkti. O Ata BOOiion of the lrobiite Court for "" ofWahtínaw, holden at tlie Probate OS. a- city of Ann Arbor, on Tu sday, the tw""l2 of Auguatin the yuar oue thoueandenjW tv and seventy two. Present, iliram J. Bonkes, Judpe of PwJJStii In the matter of theestate of Kachael McCotm deoeased. iiLrf On rcading nnd filing the petition, Mr CJJolm MoCormick, praying tlwt Iuc "■'"[',;. aomo other su Hable pfirson niay te apf"'"' rninistrator of tho estato of said yj Thereupon it is orden-d.thiitMoncUiy.thf Ij.! day of September next, at ten o'clock in (M wJj be"ii8signed for the hearing of " Ir ,JiiB that the helr at law of said deec! w, other persona interested in said eststc!. „ b;í (juired to appear at a ession of said eourt. "" (r. holden, at the Probate Office, ia the city "!„, bor, and show cause, if any thero be, mdit of the petitiuner should not be gnintcd: m. further ordored that said petitioner ï'TJ.'ÏÏSi persona interested in said estáte, "."irSJi said petition, and the hearia? thereof, W "„jl,! copy of this oi-der to be publiehed u ," 'Ji Argtu, a newspaper printed and circuí" tiaï county, three sucoosbívo weeks preïioui to sw ■ Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE Oí' MICHIGAN, county of '"fíU, i In the matter of the Estáte of Anl f-foiH deceased. Notice is hereby giren, tliot '" t of an order (,-raMcd to th umli)nwd. ""JW oi the estáte of said deceasw!, ky the Ho.' '"L-jd bate for the County ol Wasutenaw.on '".T,- of September, A. IX 1872, tlicre ill )L, vendue, to the highest bidder, at tlie rm '" the Court Uous, m the County of W "f KPÍf AhoW State, on Wednesday the t-ty-thirJilJ'Jt)i A. D. 187Ï, at oneo'clock in tbc afteraooo " dar (subject to all encumbrancc by ro0" ,.1 wise exbting at the time of the i'.ealh of ""' and also subject to the right of dowc-r ' "o thenin), tliï undivided half of the f"0"'", ril ed rcnl estáte, to-wit : tomimiioir.i: t '"j 1 edfor the corner, nt a lioint benrinï ? (roffllfl dexrees wet, twenty-nine ana Imji ""Yn ,[,,. fJ oak tree thirty inches in diameter ' ".'"„.„ir-tii-1 half of the south-west quartcr of seeiion ""g'si; in townshp south of range six eail "J j]ollf iki aml runuiuR thence sonth one depree tliriT'0" west eide of the hphwny five cbains ana ,„ links, thenco miuUi twcnty-eiBht "WT „t ', ehains, thenro fouth eigllty-eight degreM ,lbJf choinsand ten links, tlenc,c north '",' ts, tbít1 defrrees we( for ohains and mtrW" _j et north fltty etehl di grei i i at Bve cbaios links to the place of bezinning, oontni ijít a and iueludiiig alo all between !.''?. c':,vl;r. wholo parwl and the center of tlie sslme "'" Dated, September 2d, A. 1. ]ol CMK, : PHYSiClARS'TÜCRIPTIÖ lOCURAVElYAKD C AREFULLT PHEPAPE


Old News
Michigan Argus