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JÏÏSIJSSS DIREOTORT. " Ann Arbor, Mich. "SG F.FASl1TKI.l,E, 1W. B. Offlco over ♦ A. A. ferry's store. Residence Washington Strest, four doorseint of State. 18731 A NV VHTJOR mnHEBAi. SP1HÜGS. ( ,iri ltla. (. i).. Superintendent, n bolldlnir, corner Hann and West Hnron Stroct. ÏXES & WO'ïïOT:'.', 50 Sonth Ms'.n treft, Ánn r mr, Hlch-, Wholesale au ! rtail dealers in Dry Gnodi, Ourpotu an.l Qroceries. inr.if.r IE JBÏIO'WX, Airentfor the Finkle & Lyon . "Víctor" Bewlng Machia They ellent, iitiv!, runeiv..vl:n ka the lock stltjh. N. ■ (sith atn sl rbor. !"■'' ■ Aëiï fe SC5I--W8, DeaU-r in Dry Oopds, lirocorles, Crockory, &c. No. r4 Sonth Main Str-ot. trlOHlEL -IDïlRAÏ, Rooier. Kir.' and 1 v.ii.t Proof, Feit nnfl Oompositloa Oruvcl RojfBpntnn to order ndwurraoWd. Hfeiflciiccou Tireren Street, Ann Arimr. Rtr. F.I.13S M.. lotóori . nP!.iuts,Oile,ctc Ho. '2 South Mnlnstreet, An Arhor. Wtl. J vcísí''i Den tlst. sncceMor to 0. B. Port! (J-11 indHnroo streeta , ircr the store of E. W. EUil Co , Ann Arbor, Hlch. inesthcticaadministi-roclif raqalred. WF. DBEAKEC, ï. 5.. Phy-i-inti i nnct . Surei'ou. ome -. m resfdcncn corner of llnrno and DMsIon Streete ïrs( door east of Preby,erlsn Charrh .Ann Arbor, NMch. E.T. JOÏISO'V, Dealer in Iluts nnii 'np, Curs, Straw (loods, Gents' Ponriehlne Ooods, 6c. No T Sonth Mata atreet. Ann Arbor, M fTUEItLAXD A-. WHEDOlf, !.'?■ iw O Plrelnsnranee keent,n4dealerinRealBstate. 3 Slee on Hnroa Street. ÏÖWSS C. BIS9O?r, nealor in Hardwarei Stovea. Kosse Fiirni-hiiig Ooode, Ttn Ware, Ac. Ko. 31 ücmth Main street. _ 41-11 A; ABKÏ., Dealer In !'rv Goode Qrocerls,tc &c..No.a6 Sonth Main dtreet, Ana Arhur. SLAWSOX Sc SttN. Grocer, Providlon and Ouramission MerchAnU, and dealers in Water tlm,Land Piaster, and Paria. No. 1U East Haron ötreet. Si"liIi3i;TI, Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in llnady Marie Clothlng, Uloths, CaiBUncres, ." (tluïs.and'Qent'e FurnlshinscGoods. No.a South Huiii Street. Wyt. WAUXElt, Dealer In Ready HadeCTotlf Int. ''lothB, Oasslmeri-n. Vesting, Hats, Caps, fraiiks, Uarpet liags, &c, 21 íouth Main street. ri 11,31O E it FISKE, Booksellers sndStalj tlonors, Medical Uw and Ooilege Text Bo.iks, lehoolasd Miacellaneons Booka. Xo. 3 NorthMaln ttroet, Gregory Block, Ann Arbor. FÏ.M.EV Sr. tEWÏS, nealersin üonie, Shoe, (Jltere,3llppra,c. Ho.K Eaet Uurouftreet, Inn Arbor. T0AH W.CHEEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! Oribe with E. W. Morgan, Kaet sideof Cotut Itvv.i-e Squire. IM1 t essonsTn frenoh. Profesor A. TINN'-oTIN. lately arrlved from Frmce, wil tin instnctlua la the Prench LanK:ia[i. PtlvtolBsontthtadiitM reildeoMi orinclawe of four pupil an I Bpwards. Mr. H;nBeqaia ca ï saeii or ad trefl! ut f)M rjïidiinc", 70 llufon streel, ejtrn of Mr, L. FftKiiaeilc, Aun Arhor. J". F. SCïiAEBEBLü, Teacher "f Mofic. G'"es instruclion oti the PIANO, V1GLÍN AND GUSTAR, athi ofllce. No. 57 South Main treot, (Moore's halldiu"J,orat thfi reidcace of the pupil. PIANO TUNIISiG, ajade a spociality and atiefaction guarnntped; UMyi bockIbií y GLASSWARE & GROCEKIES, J. & ï. Donnollyi üavc in store a'.arRi stof knfCrockerj,GU5"wi:r"1 Platcd Ware,'iillery (irnce.ncs, Ssc, 4c. all tobe gold at unusually low prices. No. 1-2 ButHaron Street, Ann Arlmr. lliStf J. & F. DONWEEiIjY. JOHN gTqALlT" FRESH AND SALT MEATS, 1ARD, SAI'SAGES, Ktc, Oricrpsolicit-id and promptly filiad wttb thcbñBt Beats in the msricet. II i :-st 'Washington stre-et. Ann Arbor, Sept. 18th, 1SC9. lan.'tf T F7DROSS, Mannfnctarcrof CABRI.VGES, Bl'GKIXS, M'TIBER 71GO'3, gPKIti WASOSS, ClTTERSi si.kk;;is. &c. AU work warranted ofthe heul materiar. Ilopnirla; done prtnnptly and reasonabie. All work warraotedto give perfect satiifaction. 0 S-utti Main itret. lB48yl j ARKSEY, Manu'actorer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, ANnsmUJHa. of reiystyle, made of the best material, and warrantod. KepalrinE done promptly and prices roasonablt!. Detroit .-treel, near R, K Dep"t, Ann Arbor. Mlch. I34yl. 1R. C. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO PUT ÜP AND FILL Physicians Prescriptions, At all honra, at No. 1 GreRory Block. C. A.LEITKK & CO. . Ann Arbor. Don. 5d 1S71. 1(34 TT EÁNDOLriI WHITE, M . D., ÜE1STTISTOfflce at Reeldance, No. 12 Fft!i street, ASN ASItOIt, MICH rja.o.B. poiiTER, DB1TTIST. ffl58in the3VII?0SBAi;i3L0CS, AnnArbor Ml Operations on the Natural Tseth PEKFORMED WITH CARS. ONS0HPA33BD PACILITIE3 AND EXPEKIENCE IV SETÏIi ARTIFICIAL TEETH, TO 8IVE EACH INDIVIDUAL; Dnttirtsof'.hc proper érj, thapr fiolnr, Jirmnctsan na al erpretiton. 1344 T IVE ÖSESE FExTHiiRS ftvnttastlyon h:ind andforsolt by BJOJI& ABEL, 'IIICJAN' CE3TKAL BAILBOü SCMMKR TI Mi: TAI1LK. ngrtrolnno-w'íeaTe tho overal stations, r oIIowb: _______ om:i a T[i SÏATIOKH. J ' . . ." -2 n 8. o -a 2 tí o ." S _. __ . m. p. M. i . t. i'. M. l1. ::. íoirnit leTe, í (i B 20 ' L vi,,,r, s ■■:, ín ;■: i nn : :,:■ w ÍS 11 i ,;.;,;. i ■ w - 0 ís :■ Lake, 1" lí : S ' 0 35 1 (i 12 ÍS P. M. 1'. K. A. U. A. M.i Kulnmnon, 2 10 i 38 ■ 4 í liiciigu :iitívc, X V' _7 30_ 6_8!' tO 20 7 ' . :-:afít. __ I al ' í fi - t O C7 .SP 3 o o y, r-3W tQ-ft l P r. tl, A. M. Chiengo, lonve, Í IJ ' 3" A. K. Ealamuoo, 2 20 ■'■ ':: '■' "■- Í. M. P. M. Tneksnn. U M 8 1 3 55 4 40 Oran Lak, - SJ1 ;i L?1 A. M. O "7 .1 6} AnnArbDT, 1 5S 0 00 ' ;-,ti. 2 22 6 il 7 20 Ml Detroit, .irrivc, ' Pnoiflc Expresa run belwccn Jackson and i nn the Air Une. gdjuly Ö.187S. TjM)RT WAYNE, JACKSON AND Saginaw Railrcad. Xhej itdireotrn ■ Philafldphiifc I gointa iOUth mi iut!r. eet. Train run bj I Ihioago l'ime. TBArss noiKQ (OWn. .Liokson, 7 li a. M. 12 lu p. M.' )' ! 1-. M. anovex, V 54 12 ' 5 „„■„vülc, 8 23 1 20 5 .S6 Aiiiiolu, 9 5S r 35 Waterloo. 10 M 8 16 . . 10 47 S -"J Fort Wnync, 11 M '■' Mlilis, 6 O0p. M. 10 Cincinnatit y :'n ' - LoniflViUe, W 15 10 45r. m. TRMNS aOIHOMOBTH. Anaola Ace. .'."j. ..-.t. Uaü. , e 10 k. u. 10 ! r. f. Cindnnnti, - - 7 10 a. m. lpoUB, 4 00 p.m. 10 10 Fort Wayne, 7 06a. m. 4 M !' M. Anlmrn, 8 00 J 2S - ; 5 37 Angola, 8 so B S3 meevüle, 10 IS S 05 p. ir. s ('2 noTex, 10 50 3 :i'. 8 8J Jadmon, 11 30 1 ï.r " LD t Jaokson- CUneoonnectiona niv nn !p vith MioV ittanCentriil.-' : .m-, imdürnnJ Vallev Bailnmda. At Jonesville- "VVith Lake Bboro & Hidvigan SouthA1 Waterloo- "W&h Jite Shorc & Mieliignn SonthAtFortayne- Wlth PittstmxK, Toit Yj edo.Wabndi & We8tem,and Ft. Wnynt, fcOtahm-lBtlta-aj: , :;upt_ JBob't. r.iT.i.n-., Qn'l. Ticket Ag"t. July 2.1, 1878. PLAMÖN BH S. T. - 1880 - X. Tliis wondcrful vegetable restorave is the sheet-nuclior of tho feeble nd debilitated. As a tonic and ordial ibr tlio ic i1-111' langoid it ma r.o equr.l amoiig stoir,ftcliic3. s a iwnedy fov the norvons Aveakese68 which wometi aro opecíaUy ilijoctec!, it is tfnpéreedirig ccry ther Btimnlant. In all eliit ropicftl, températe or frigid, it acts 8 a Bpccificin evéry Bpecies of dierder which nndermineB the bodily tronerth and breaks down the aninal roiirits. Beautifol Wofnan lACAH'S mAHNOÏIA E5A1LT1 fctreu to the Complexión tlje FresUne of Vuuth. HiSJifa HAOKCU.TA Balm oTcrcirac the fluihod ppmrance caused ny h"it, fitlgnB and excitemer.t. mikcs the lady of forey appear !mt twjniy. and o natural and perfect that no pereon can detict te npllcatino. By its use thu rughe?tfkln ie made rival the pure radiant textnre of yonthfnl beanly. removes rcdaee, blotchco, and pimpla. It enninB üot'jiiii; that wlll injure the skin In the least. Hagpolis Balm is used ly all fashionable Indies !n ew York. London and Parie. It coets only It nt per Bottlc, and is sold by all Druggiïts snd erfumers. 1355-e3w-y. BOOKS. J. K. WEBSTEB & ('0. JÍEW H00X STOnE m:ar the " expbe88 office." LOOK TO OUIt IMEllEST AM CALL. BOOKS. I i [_ k NN ARBOE Mineral Springs House. This boautiful rciort for heaUh-eckers is now opon, wilh ite 1R0N. MAGNESIA,' ANO SULPHUR WATERS, CommodtonsbnlldliK hcatafl by team, and largo and well-vcntllnted roomsWATER AND AIR BATÏÏS, Of all terapernturoB, ftlso Bliower, Vnpor, Medlcated and Electric Baths are employc d wStli ncivaii' t)i" tr'Mtmcnt of bII forms o? cfaronlc dlw noë aiül iübcbbob "f feraale. Special attentioz. pai( to Met. Wlth pleaBaot pnrrnrindfni'4', and sitnated In one of thain'Mt h'altliy and besntlful 1 Met i" thecoon pom8si' atlractions for invalide or for picas nro-ecekiTí m-ldom found. !.imlysiof tlie Sprlngs will beliirniahod on appUcstlon. Pjrs'i.f (Inpirincr circulftiB to on'l to tn-lr frlcncscun procure thein at the rfflceof ihel'roprletors on fluron trect, or at 1ïi jringe. Aiidreei uil l:ttcirs of Inqniry to MOPaiïS HALE, M. O., Snpt. Anm Arbok, Míen. Stitïiorlnnfll ruvl tVlicdoii, Frs;ii Arm AriXPr,Sc1i. Jane, 11, T8.


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Michigan Argus