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a NNUAL MEETING! The Mofïtinf? of the Washtenaw Mutual Fiio Insuranco (.'ompuny will bo held at the Court EEOQM in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturdiiy, Octuber 5th, 1S72, ut 11 o'oluok A. M., for th purpose of the eleetion of oihccn mid the transaction of BUOb othor ïegitinmic busiíi.-ss is muy come befure the meettng. A general atiéndanos is roqoMted ns;hequeHtion of iusunnf? property ïvltilnt threshing by Htoam power wiU bo üiaciissed, and also other ques'tionu of interest to Ihe fompftny. Uated, September, 1872. N. SHELDON", 13Ü3 2w KecreUry. Tl GOODYEAR FARM FOR SALE. HENBY GOODYEAR, of Hharon, havinpf nsalgned all falfl prope ty to ub for the benefit of hia rreditors, we now otïer tlie property for eaie in parcela to auit purchasera. The landn are tlrst claaa- nono better in thti St;ilo. Over ono thonsatid íicnís of improved liud m a body. Persona baying run assumo mortagca for u part of lbo pun-liapo moncj'. All having claims against the satil (icudycar are requc.sted to present thom to th(.' sttdjfnOQB. Datud, Beptember U6th, 1872. R. 8. SMITH. AV. H. CALKH7. 1303 JÜ8. McMAHON. Important French Medical Discovery. Intcresting to all. Health in a Bottle. t'oiis;imilioii, EliloroiN Etnunhiti", Oatarrh Lyfti!pafti, hmu riilmoimry Xubcrculr, UAUtCAMiY dUHKD wïth tlio Kiixir J. L-'. Kc-rniir! of Paris. Ttdi wonderfal rexnedy la noeeptod by the most dUtinguishcd and ooibrated Iftrendi rhy;j'iann. and In constant uso iu tho French Qoapitals. Valuablo instructions and information on the íw Rt'iit ifree) to all who dewre it by addreasing A. liKHNAKD & CO.t Hole A(fentn, U2 Wiüiutn Street, New York. Tost Oöico Box 1185, ïor ealo by all rospectable diuggistH. 1393w4 Commissioners' Notico. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, sa. The undersiKncd, having been appointed by the Probate Couit for said county, ('ommissioners to reooive, examine and adñut lllaalm and demanda of all persons agaiaat the catate of Baohel McCnrmick, late of siiid oounty, deccased, hereby gira notico that six months from dato areallowcd, by oitlcr of saiil Probate Couvt, tor enditan to present theircluimsagninst the .state of aiid deoensod, and that thcy will mec-t at th residtuco of Jolm Hnrlc, Snlfm, in said county, on Saturday. tho twcnty-lhird day of November, and Monday, the twenty-fonrth day of Maren nxt, at ten nt ten o'clo!k a. H. uf oaoh of said dajs, to receivc, examine, and adiust said claims, Dutcd, tioptoniber 23d, A. U. 1872. ' I8AAC WYNKUP, JBDWIN 0URTI8, 13D3wl' CoiumiHsioncrl. H A VE YOU SBEN TH03K NIOK DRKSS GOODS at the Farmers' Bturc r If not go and cc tliem. Estáte of Moses Bioh. OTATE O F MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. " At acssion of the Probate Court for tho County of Woahtenaw, holden at the Probate Otflce, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the sixth day of September, in the year one tliuusaud eight hundrcd and seventy-two. Present, Hirtun J. Beakos, Judge of Probate. In the matter of tho estáte of Moses Kich, deceased. l'bilo S. Rieh, F.xícutor of tho laat wU and testament of said decensed, come into court and represent that ho ia now prepared to render his final account as such Kxecutor. Theroupon it is orderod, that Monday, the twentyflrstday of October, next, at ten o'clock in the foro noon bo asaigned for examining and aliowing such account, and that the legfntees, devíseos and heira at law of said deoeased and all other persona interested in id estáte, are required to appear at a session of uaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Albor, in said Couuty, and show cause, if any there be, why the aaid account should not be allowtíd : And it is furtber ordered that said Executor give notice to the persous iuUrcsted in said estáte, of the pendeney of said acoount, and the hearinr thercof, by causing a oopy of this order to be pubhshed in the'Miehigan Argüí, a newspaper printed and circulating in said County three suocessive weeks previous to said rlny of hearing (Atruecopy.) H1KAMJ. ÜKAKBS, 1533 Judge of Probate. Estáte of William Buckingham. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wanhtonaw, ss. O Atascsiionof tho Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on ïiaturday, the fourteenth day of September, in the year one thousand eight hundrwd and seventy-two. Present, Hiram J. Benkes, Judgo of Probate. " In the matter of tho estat of William Buck[ngham, deeeased. On reading and üling the petition, duly verificd,of Clarissa (i. L., praying that she or somo other suitable person may bo appointed administratrix of the astett of said deceased. Thereuponit ia ordered, that Honday, the twenty-flrst day of October next, at te-n o'clock in the forenoon, jc nasignod for tho hearing of snid petition, and that ;he boirN at :v of said dWMMd, mul all other persons uteruated in sjiid catate, ure requircd to appearat a kssionof said Court, then to bc holden at tbe 1'robate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if ny thero bt, why tho prayor of the petitioner should not begranted: And it ia further orderod, tbiit eaid retitioner pivo not ico to the persona intcn sted in said itate, of the peudency of said petition, nnd the hearnff thereof, hy cauMing a copy of tliia order to be ublÍ8bed in the Michigan Argttt, a newspaper,printed nd circulating in said county, three succetsivc weeki trevious to said day of hearing. {A true copy.) J 1 1 1: A .u J. BBAKEB, 1S93 Judge of Probftta. nr RANDOLPH WHITE, M. D., D.ENTI8T. fllce at Roildonco, So. il Iiait Liberty strcot, , ANN ARROR, , The Cheapcst and Btrst Firo Department in the World. Over Ort Thousand Actual Fires Put Out WITH IT, UI MOT'.r. TIIAX $6,000,000.00 Worth of Propcrty Saved From the Flamea. THE gA B COC K t Ü i ' RbTIHk 5. O i 13 - W dB 3 O Jj' O FlRE EX7INGUISHÊH Towns that bave bODgfat them say twelve Kxtingnisheri make a fire depnrrmert as elttciest and more uvailable ili.-m a ."tram entine. A.I.SO. Tho Babcock Self-Acting Fire Engine, FOR CITY, TOWN AHD VILLAGE USE It b more cfTective than tho Steam Fire Bngine, becansG it ín instantancoiiHly rc.núy aud throwe a powerful Htream f carbonic acid gas and wntt-r lot any longth of timo. ft is the best and chcapest Fire Engine In the wor)d,and comes wit h in the financia! abi litios of I ery place. It does not roquire an cspeniive gystem of water work, aud ie never out of repair. Seud for their record. Kvery town in the Stato nhonld bave (hem bcfore tho dry weather sets iu, and prevent conffagratlons E. T. lllitvi n. Arent, US Woodward Are.. Detroit. Manufacturer of Iron, Brass and Copper Wire, Wire Clolh, Wiro Railing and fencllúr, Copper Weather Vanes, aud Wiie Work gentrully. 18'J3 lyr Real Estáte for Sale. Q TATE OP MICHIGAN, County of washtenair es. O Tu the matter of the Katate of Caroline D. Freer, deceaiwu. Notice is hereby given, that in purnanee of an order granttd tothe undersigned, Admniistrator of the estáte of said deeeased-, by the Hon. Judgeof lobate for the county of Wahtenaw, on the tifteenthdayof July, A. D. 1872, there win te ld it public vendue, to the highest bidder, ;it Ihc bridge ne:ir tho north west corner of tho land horoiitafter doBoribcd in the County of Waahtenaw in aid State, on Tuüüday the tweitty-fourtli duy of Heptember, A. D. 1872, atonu o'clock in tho afternoon of that day (subject to all cncumbninffs by luurtgao or otluTwise existing at the time ofthedenth ot'snKi derrascd,) the followingdesciibed Kesl Kstato, t o-wit : The west hal] of the aouth west marter of section thirty-two, in township three south of range fivo eaat contnining eighty acre more or tana In ñu itftte Batcd, August 5th A. I). 1872. ALVA FIIKKR 1386td Administrator. The above sale is poetponed to Thursday, Octobcr S4th, at the samo time of day and place. lJated, September Mth, 1873. ALVA FRKER, Adininiatrator. Mortgago Sale. DEFATIT..T haring been made in tho condilion of n certain mortguge, made and sxeentod by Amanda Burbank'lo Dennmore Ciamer, bunring dato, the thiiteiiitli day of September, A. I), eightmn hundred and sevenly-one, and recoided in the otBce of the lïeister of Deeds lor the ('ounty of Washtonaw, and State of Michigan, iu LlbflZ forty-flve (45) of Mortg-.ïgen, ou püf?e onc huudred and sovcntDen (117) at bíx and one-fourth I'. 5f ., and tho power of salo in said mortgage having become operativo by reafon of eaid dofaiïlt, and the suin of ono hundrod and twenty-gix dollars and eighty-two ents iK'ing claimed to be dne ' 00 s.-u-l and the noteaccompnnyingthe same atilu'iliiíe of tli i notico; also nn attorney's frp of forty dollar aa providtd for in nld mcotffOgS. and iu uit or proceedingat law or in chaneery having been tnatitated to recover tho name or any part thenof; ; Notice is therofore hereby eiven tlntt said mortg&ga j will be foroctosüd by a ale of the mortgaed lnnds and , premises therein described and hereinaftcr mentioned and set forth, or au much thereof na wul bo noceowi? to satisfy sfcid amoiint, on Saturday, the t.wenty-flrt day of December next, ni eleven o'olock in the forenoon of saiil flftTi ftt t'1O '"th door of tlio ('ourt Houso. In thti City of Ann Arbor, that bein the placo for holding tho ('ircuit Coiirt for the County of Waahtenftw. Tho atiid preraises to bo sold by virhie of the power of sale in said mortfrnpo aro describid in saicl mortiragc ns follows : All tliose trnots or pnrccls of i.-md kniiwn an-1 dflSfirílwcl U Loti nunibor Two, (2,) Threc, (3,1 and Four, (4,) in D, Iiüldwin'a Kaatern A.Mition to ihr; City of Ann Arbor, in the County of WashtWAW, and Statoof Midi(?nn. Datod, Ann Arbor, Bopt 2;t. 17:.'. DBN8M0RE CSJJCBB, 13Ö3td Mortgageo. TT7A2TTED. A Fituatíon by an oxporienccd FrfTichp:riTcncr,who would also tak chaiye of a team and mitke himst-lf k,'Mier;illy useful. Apjily at 316 WilliRins Street at any lime beforr 2 I M. or to T. O. Box 1405. 1393 2w Bv fin immerw pr.ictire. thrmn of yeare, having wuhin thst lime trraKd many thou?and cases of those diseñes peculiar to ivoman, I ha heen cmbled tu perfect a mt potent and agreeable medicine Uut mrasiliclafr catlons presentid by thnt chs. uf di:eas3 iil -■ cenainffrand enctnen To designóte tliis uatural íul-cíSc cominnd,I hüve nanifd it Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptie The term. howcver. 1? bnt .1 feeble expmsioaof r.iy tnotl matnred appreclation of it valucta1! uöon actuad and nítueesed realitlea. Jtttclw observer, I have while witneeglng ttfl poi pultd in thc fewpecial diseases inrident tnttJ pepante oianfem (f woman, ilngled Hooti tlio climax r crowiiiiiK xrmnlmr modieul caroer. n it nifrítsa3ftiH)itiTÑ hult', and etlecttial romcdy for this f iftíoídiíOMí, a.'ul one that will at nll timceand iiTulerállcircainEtanccs act kindly and In harmooY iib Iktlm whicagovern the. fenmlc Byetcm. I amuillceto etake my reimt.ttinn as n phyïician. üaj.m moro, ?o confldent nni 1 rlnit it wül noe ii: thu most sanirtiine expectatioQ!ofaiii)8 lïlrly who cniployH it f;r aity of tfie ailmetts fof which I recommend it, ihát I oflor and pel) it under A POS1TIVIÍ G TAK ANTEE, lf a bencfícial effect i ïiot expericneed byllie tin two-tbirds of the coDtents nf th bottle re tsei, I will. 0:1 return of the bottle, two-thinis oftbff medicine baving beon t;tken accontlitf to dliH tions, and the ensü bein one for which 1 tko mend it, pmmprly refliuü the moncr pwd forit. Had T not thu moit prfect cnnüilencc initiviitne?. I conld not offer il as I do nnder tbcsecoDdltiiins; btit havlng witnessed its tralvreiraciloos cores in thotisaods t' fjiscs. I frfl warranted aiiI porfeotly safe lnrikinï hiith 111 rt'piKution and m; moui 011 il lltcrittt. The following aro amon!; tbose diícasí in rntcn my Fnvorito 1'reMriptio ' worked ík 11 by magie and witlucerULn'y never before attalncd by any nudirine: IJrorrtura, Eïcessive Flowinu', Painful Mtw Perlod?, Buppreesion when Irom nninmu . trroguUritles, Wenk Back, Prolapíns. x failin of iho Uterus, Anteverfion and KetwFion, Bearlng Down Bensatlon, Inteiwl Hei, Nervons Dui-ri'ssiri, Dehilitv, DfspMOara Threatened Mlscarriage, Chronic Cnngeftioi!. BBammation and 171 tlon of the Vtenn. Imptency, Barrenness, or Sterllity, Feinalc Vnata, and fery many othir chronic di8e8CT iucident tj %romaii not mentloned here. in whico, ' In the cuses which I have mtnticinnl. W Favorite Prcscription works curw- Ilie mr" vel ot tlic world. This meciicineldoioi extol a a ciire-all, but it adrairaljly f"HIB ■ Iiiifloiics of pnrpoe,bcini motipofet-t peelde In all chronic diieaeee of the stiJ system of woman. It wlll not difappoim, "J will it do hann In any Unte or cor.óliion. " be fonnd lnvnluablv in diieawf incident topnf nnncy. and mu be taken ii moderato do!f!"J nerfc-et infotv while in that ftate. liuifil. il a Jloihert Cordial, nd so pnWJ,HÍ im lor pirtnrition Ihnt t rendcre ciiK"" easy T have rerelred tbs Iirartfclt pisif IJ" bnodredsol morar for the ún-ítiniable bom thns codferred. t-ií I offer niy Fnvorite Prwrtption ' rrr of América witb the sincoUy of an bouwt t" and fir their best welfare. ThoM wli '!" further iiitormation on thwe mlyeci """ÏS it i my Tbkatise om li-fMao'J (HMÍKATIVE AND UrIKART OKOAXS, ÍOl _ from ol)senpntioD upon roccipt of two i bunps. It ireals minutely on those l"ff?IJ callar lo Psmales, mul ghrea mnch valnaoie o"w Loras&rd to thelr manaident nDf DÜ. PIKKCG'S FAVOBITEIKt SC'IMPTION IS SOM B1 . 4i i FlltST 1 I.ASS DRUGblISXS a 1'W perbottlc. ilauufacturoa at the Chemicnl LaboratorMit. r. riEjees, 3i. i- mr'r l BVFFALO.-N.Ï. THE NEW DISINFECTÁÑT Bromo Chloralum, NO.-POISOSOrS, ODOttLESS, POVVEHFUL DEODOHIZER AND DBINFECTAST. ENTIHELY HABMLE8B AND SAFb ABRBBT8 AND PBBVENTa CONTAOIOH. Used ie private dwellincs , hotel restanMiiti. (' te chools, hospital, Insane asylume, diípeí1" ' 11, prisoiis, poor-hoiisee, on snlps, 8tem-M and In tcnoment-houses( matkets, for water cl urinals, sinks, sewerg, ccpspooli, stablcs, A ftcific in all contagióla and )ttüknlial iM as fmall-pox, scarlet fever, measles, Auu& imals, &c. Prcpared only by ,. l'ILDUIV de Co., New Ijbanoiii ■" WlIlillUlNt., . V. Sold by all drugglst. „ Oomraissionors' Xotice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, eoiinty of Wlf hte.nil't! Ö Tho undcrsignecl, havin g boen appointfi' j I'robute Court lor snid countjr, :""nml'f ,.5i of oeivo, cxiunino anil iuljist 11 clumn nncl c ' all pcrKoni Eigainst tho catate of Willmi a f: lato of aaid county, dcoeased, hereby S'vc""„rMui ix months from date nro ulloweJ by f? f. jmiii Piobute Court for creditors to present tbe" j agninst the estnte of said dewused, and thot wj-J ( meet at the office of 8dow & Keyn, m the "" y. Clinton, in Lenawec County, on Kriclny. t " , .„{ of December, and on Monda?, the twenty-f""""" j Muren next, nt ten o'elock a. m. of ''"'Vfc dnys, to rocive, oxnmine, and adjust ssiü w Dated, SeptcrpbcT IMlh, A. IJ. 1WJ. , JlAVIl) W. VAr.Ml' I.AN'IKI, I.KlIAKO.N. JUMUSSHOBT,.


Old News
Michigan Argus