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Local And Other Brevities

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- Wednesday was a very unfa;r Fair day. - Juck Frost give warnlng on Friday morning last, but was mild about it. - A very inieresting letter from J. M. VTheeleu wlll bc found on the flrst page. - Anotber larj;e iDBtallment oí the equiaocttal was pald aud received ou Tuesday night. - The Uepublican County Nominating Convention Is called for Saturday, Octoberöth. - WK. Waoxer has got In ' his Fall stock of Clothes and Clothing, and the Ancs readers wlll hcar irom hini next week. - Bach & Abel give our reader thcir new advertlscmcnt as proinised last week. They have the goods to muite good all their jayings. - The Llterary Department of the Uutyeralty opued on Wednesday, Wlth 132 passed Freshmen, 19 of whom are ladies. The class does uot promise to ba as large as i ast year.

- Alfred Hennequin, a nephew of the late Prof. Fasquelle, and an accompllshed Engllsh and French scholar, has been appointed Instructor of French In the Universlty, tice Bii-laRD, reslgned.

- Gov. Baomcy, Senator Cuandleu, and Congressman Wai.dron are advertised to address "the truc and loyal" citizens ol thls city and vicinity at the Opera House ca Monday evening next. - Kev. O. II. Biugiiam wlll hold service on Sunday next, forenoon and eveuliiK, at the Unitarian Church. The flrst meeting of the Students' Bible Class will be held ia the basement of the Church at fl K. r. - The Secoud Annual Fair of the Eastêrn Michigan Agricultura! and Mechanica] Society Is to be held at Ypsil'inti next week, commeuclng on Tuesday and closlng 3D Thursday. The premium list is a liberal one. - The Farmers' Store, Gko. "W. IIavs, Superintendent, calis the attention ol' the Argus readers to a large and rich stock of acw goods. Our ejes can testify to hftvlDg scen hcaps oí them ou thelr counters aud shelves. - An alarm of flrc just at noon on Wednesday called out the flremen and the usual crowd of citizens. Fortunately it ■was caused by the burning out of a chim ney at the Judso.v house ou North Univeriity avenue. - In the heavy thunder storm of Satur3ay night or Sunday mornlng the residence or J. D. Iuish, corner of FlftU and Jcffer sen streets, was struck and considerably damnged, siding torn off, piaster brokeu, and doors unhinged. The occupants escaped iujury. - Llghttrrc; struck the house of Jacob Abmbrewsiek ou Sunday morning, split tlng the chimney irom top to bottom, piling the Lrlcfcs on a bed with three chlllren In it without injuring the children, conTerting the stove pipe into ribbons and mashing the f-tove. Insured in the Tri ntnph of Cinciunati, and the agent, James JIcMaïion, wa on hand on Mouday morn iug repairingtUmages.