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POR SALE ! A ncir Phneton Hugffy and n wwoflcl hand Coiriago' for 1 or 2 horsea, in good condition. Innuire of , , BILAS H. DOUULA88. Aun Arbor, llay 23d, 1872. 1375tf Go to R.W.ELLIS & C0'e for choioe WinesandLiquors for Medical Purposes . JTOR SALE ! A House and Lot on the west sido of Mnynard fitreet, beiwcen WiUittm and Jefferson. lias a good Bitrn ncl VUsturns. Tenns easy. Ann Arbor, Muy 21, 1872. 1375tf J. J. TAB8HALL. njËOPLE'8 DRUG STOiii.1 R. W.ELLIS& CO. -A-KTXsr ABBOR 29 20 I 89 ! who wtll oxplain tola simple algo. And UH ub will it pay to U st the Me 29 J Whfit mean thote mystic littr tbroo. Over bran new rocery- C. O. J. í C for Oredit ? ana D fír n ilnn ? That'a tho way bualnest i otten done : Hut tlmt'B nnt Ihe way to read the Blun Of L. COLHV, who eells groccriei) at 20. C! Ís forjCBii : for the goocls he seüs so chcRp, 'Tia berter to bny them there your moncy to keep. C'. O. O. - t'mt, ,n DtUterg-GÜM is the way Hi in ablc to añil so low and roako it pay. Be tuis do had dc;lts to maku hlm eróse, Or tn yon more to mako up Ais loas. So tlmt'B the placa to buy your food. He wlll scll it cheap, and yuu wiU flnd It good. At the 0. 0. 1, Orocnry you wlll filway ÜJd Thn Iwm of Uoffoe and Te of all kinda, With silbar, t"o, and fresh, ripe frult, Or calillad, or drled, all tasti' tonnit ; O'aii?e", Lemona, FIrb and Itnlian Pear, All tho ápices thattree or shrub oftropic boars, Iinto. raialiis and various kindB of Candy, Thatchildron love and mothers ftndflo tiandy, Tu keep on hand a hiddun store, A ' Btick " of this wíll movo them more Than tliu oldfaehioned "md" our fatherí uned, Whor. rhildren wero plenty and olton abused. fie hap all kinda of Provisión? thc palato to pleaee. Flsh, hacon , ilonr, bread, butter and cheese, Oo()ketj and cracker, chorrieíi, cbocolato and cake, ThluR ti boíl, fry, roast, ítew, steara or bakc. He han pocaiw. peanutx, prunos and picklc. To coax the appetito, bo capricioue and flcklo. He has slapwar, crockery, and Teafele of átono, Kriüich Austral 8tmp - the best ovor known ; Tobacco and c!ears, bothfor cbewlng nd smoking And never wili frown if you ehoiild be jcking. And winny other thiiuts too ucmeron to mention. All oí which to sell rheap for cash íe h8 illtentioni Then oome, grood people, one and all, And give theC. O. D. grocery a cali. CVmi! trv ourprlce and ry önr waron, Fcir Ín otir profit the buyer sharcB. You pay the cash íor what vou ct, With no tarifffn Iones to 'make yoa fret : íhm't ashor crefíií, though yoar a mi Ilionalrc, Rut buy yourgroceries íor cash at prlceri fair. Come from the conntry and thetown. Preparad tohny and pay eash rtotvn,, rich and poor, come bliek and white, You wlll flnd provieionB plenty and pricea r'ght, üome,friendfl of Grant and friends cGret.ey, Shake hands at 2M and tradn V. O. t). free'7. TEN REASONS WHY Ko Family should ie without a lettltof WHITTLESEY in the house. lt.- Itwill relicTe thc worst case of BIIIOUS Cholle er Cholera Morbus in 15 minutc% O-- It wiU cure the most obstinate case f Dyspepsla and Indigestión kaft weeks. '" l ■ - It U the best remedy in the world ferf Slok He ad aohe, as thousands caa testiiy,# taken whtn the first symptoms appear. 4th.- It i the best diurctic ever put beforf the public; curing those distressing complaints. Diabetes and Gravel andother Urlnary d itficultlos. th.- It is a most excellent Emmena BOKMe, and to the Young Clrls, middle aged Wpmen.andat thc Turn of LlfBi thij remedy is of incalculable valué. th.- It will remove wind from the boweh, nd henea a few drops in some sweetened watef Kven to a babe is better than a do7en cordials to . elleve and make It Sleep. Containing no anpdyne. _7th.- It is a sure relief for adults and children ftfiected with Worm a and Pin Worm It will bring away the worms. 8th.- It will cure the Piles and Hemorrhodlal difficultics. th.- Itwill cure Constlpatlon and kep the bowels regular. It will also cure the worst case ofSummer Complalnt and DysenterylOth.- It will cure Sour Stomach, Stlmulate the Llver to he.ilthy action. Relieve Heart-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the system. When taken dilute the dosc with Sugarand Water to a Wlne-Classfull and you tTc .1 pleasant tonio. Whittlesey (Dysyepsia Cure) $1.00 per bottle. Whittlescy Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle. a Whittlesey Cough Granules 25c. per bottle. Ëold by all druggists and warrantad WUttlcsej Prop. Bed. Co., Toledo, O, FIRE! FIRE! ARE YOU INSURED? Don't wait for f Firo, but cecuro protection by procuriiip a Pulioy in one of th following l-'ir-t. (.l.iss Cnmi;iiiïLP : Home Ins. Co., New Tork ASSETS, - - - $5,000,000. Continental Ins. Co. New York, ASSETS, - - - $2,000,000. Girard Ins. Co. Philadelphia, ASSËTS, - - - Í050.000. Oriënt Ins. Co. Hartford, ASSBTS, - - $000,000, Thcec Companicf adjust and pny Iosbos prompily. C. II. 'Sillín, ... 4, S. .fliiiu St., i ANN AltUOlt, MIOH. 188- m8 ATONEY WANTED. Fiveor six tho'.iannd dollars, or more, on a mortgngoof unin.vambcrod real estáte worth threo times tho ;jionnt. Enquire of 136 E. W. MORGAN. HÜRRY UP ! PASüTIKS wisMiis,' Wall Pupcr, Shados Hull.'ind, Wiralow Pixtnres, ;Cords, Tansets, fee , uil (Tew Stylfls, at Battof)utory Prici!, hj J. 11. Wcbütcr & Co., Book 8tof0 nttiir the Empicas Office. d X X II "PHYSICIASS1 PRESCRÏPTIONS Carefülly prepabed ÉY R. W.ELL1S & OO.,VRUGOI81S. Real Estáte for Sale THE VOLNEY CHAPÍN HlttlESTEAD, Near the north-piipt córner oftlie Oourt Ilouee square. This pjoperty will be sold at reaeonable prlces, in lotBsnltablü for a residence. or for bneines pnrposes . Alo Iota on Miller Avcmieeaít of Tums' green houxe. AIbo a Farm of 160 Acres, Well wstcrod and fenced, uitli gnod orchsrd and fair boildliigH, withinamilc of thc t'otirt Honselu 8t. Johne, Michigan . andscveral huudred aeree ol pine and oaK tinibcred lauda iu Sagínaw Couuty, Miohigan. Iiiíiuirc of N. W. CHKFVER.or 18S0mí U. A. CHAPÍN. CHEAPLJÑÉNST IV o faave 2O Piecoa Tabte Limas and 30O Dozen To-wcls, Napkin, AVhitc {iiiltif and TaMe tover. Fan llii'K ]n imrinií to takc Boardera sliould see tbis Slock. 1300w6 JOHX H. MAYJÍAKI). X"GEÑT8 WAKTÏÏÜ FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL The best books pnblinhed on the Home and the 'uw. L'bcral termw. numry made raidly by Agenta eeliinfr these books. Ssnd for rircular.s PORTER & COATES. Pi'bmsiiirb. Philadclphia, Ta. HO ! Ye, that thlrst for a cup of Oood Tea, cali at the NEW CITY GROCERY, ünd bu y yonr TcA. The lubacrlbcr reepectfully Informa thc inhnbUanta of Ann Arbor and tlio earroaiuSlDg country that he hae openod 11 New Üroeery Store on South Mhíu Street, No. 17. lío will be on hnud nt aII times to attend to tho rant of his customcrp fíivnriiikr blm wilh ft cali. Ho La telling Japaii Tea, very beat, $1.10; good 65c; Younir llyun ?1 .00; (Jintpnwder $1.00; very beet Üooloe Impért&l, $i.:í; ■(! everythinj; i 11 the groceryliue chenp. Al.o, rt jiront reduction in thfl pric-es 01 Orockery, Q]ft88Wre, &c. His im will he, by close attentiou to baelneSBi aiul conoraical proflts, tt merit a fair shcre of public patronage. L383v2 H. V. H. CHEAP FLANNELS ! 1 have in toro by actual rount 23O piecea, rhite' and colorcd v ooi and Cotton l'laiiutls, Kcntntk Jcanes and l.insi. s. tUc best ifooil iu tlc City and as usual AVITTI KI! solling lor GOOD PAY undcr value. 1300w6 JOHX H. MAÏXARD. rTETdSTEE'S SALE OF $250,000 TOLEDO LANDS AT AUCTION. ïo close the estáte of some ntiu-resident Enrnan, I shall nell ut thfi Bbody House, In Toledo, on WEDXESDAY, thf 2dlAYOF OOTOlïKK nest, at 2 p. m., iiumensely valuahlr lamín, on easy lerma of payment. Capitnlists mul spwulntors will pleflB6 cot thia out for rcfeience : thon ask any bankor ibr a lescriptivc circnlaruf the pvoperty, and, a soo as eonvinifut, exumiuu the luuda and bo pvepandföx tin; 6 PAUL JONES (at Toledo National Bank), Trustee. Toledo, O., Aug. 12, 1872. MOTIOE! ThoBubseriberdhoqêatthelr eemmand, n itoneral thinï;, from flve huuörcd to five thoueaiid tlollnt to lon m flrut anil rtrüt cIukü mortj,'Rge iltoate !n the Cöunty of Washtenaw, - Hme from tbnfl to flve yearfl. Terms liberal Oiïico opp(MlUfl Mie Port Offloo.aud ntC. A. Lelter&Co.'B Drug Store. Nu, 1 (iroory Ulock. Our Abstract Bonkt) aru puatud up lo dnte. Ann Arbor. Mj 30, 1872. tiuoy w. boot, ROOT&LEITER. OIIAK. A. LKIIKI. It'itt GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO's for3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Painte ,Oils , &c . MOTHERS! MOTHERSÜ MOTHERS ! ! Don't fail to procure TIUS. TVIWS LOW4 SOOXIIINt; SïIHP FOK. i-lli(.sH3-.!V ti:i:tiiix;. Thlp viilur.ble preptlrati07i ba boen ut?efT witïl NKVBR-FAHJNÓ 8DCCE88 IN THOUi'ANDS OF CAMKS. It not only relieves the cbild from pain, t:ft intïgoratef the Blomach and bOwela. t'irrecis nciiHiv, nuil giveB tone nud enertry to tlw wholc systcm. It wlll aleo instuntly reiiovo (iriping in tlie Bowelsi and Wind (,'olie. Webelicvc ittheBEST and SUKKST REMKDT N TUK WORLD, n i,Il chhrs of DTSKNTEBT AND DIARRHCEA I.N CHILD11KM, wbethof arienp from teethlnc or auv othor cbbc. Depend npou it molhers, it will (,'ive rest to yonrelvc8f and Relief and Health to Your Infants. Be sure and cali tot "Mrs. TVinslow's Soothine Sjrnp." üsvinj; the. facsimile of "CURTÍS i PFRKÏMS" on tbe ontside wriipper. Sold by Drnggista thronsliont the wo-ld. ly For ScroAila, SorofJl ulosis liMeases of X the Kjes, or Norofa I in siny form. jSf Any disease or eruption ag of the Skin, disease of the &J@ Liver, Klieumatism, PimOf ples,O]dSores,Ulcers,BrokSfa en-down Constit t i ons, QSyphiii?, or any disease deKzJg pending on adepraved con kg. dition of the blood, try fH poke root; 2ÍÍM&5 I' has the medicinal propW&Ul ertyof Pokeeombinedwith njrs a preparation oflronwhich iug' goes at once into the blood, Jty" performing the most rapid f and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook'g Oompound Syrup of l'oke Koot - taks it and be healed. YjrTHIMOBE LASE Havlng rcfitted ana fnrnltliefl the CLIFTON HOUSE! I am iiow prepnrod to rccelvo aad entertain plcature, fishiug and iandngpartie, üt ODe 1" the moft iittrntitïvc, jjlcapnnl audhcalthy Watering pii'Cca in tin? " i-t. llv boats are new.lafsfl mul cotnmoalous, acn woll ii'lsptiil fur tluí "si1 oí preasafe teeketf. AuclfCH will rtnd i full and comi'' ftiuipiaent alwayfl on band. Special átientlon glven to the whuIh juid comfort of Ihose who isli to Bpeiul a few weike ín "ücrcutioii iuTÍ!iT thfl wanu suinraor mODtRfl Nopalnawiflbs aparad to mak wiiitmorb " thc füture aoin thepiat, a favudtv furamei resort. D. P. SMITII. Trees! Flowers! Bulbs! Seeds! HfflDGK PLANTO! Sursery Stock! Fruit and Floner Platea ! Addrcss P. K. PHCENIX, BLOOMINGTOK NUESEEY lí.l.IXOIS. floo Acres : SlatyMri l?Orocnhnn?op. ApplüS, l.OüU 1 yr., ?■-■" 3 y. S0 : 3 y. $4'' ■ ■♦ y. J30 4 Cataloguen, '20 cents. 13áiu4 Finest Assortmen t of Toilet öoods in the City,by


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Michigan Argus