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The Hon. J. B. Clay!!

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"The whig citizens of the city and county of Philadelphia, desirous of uniting in giving a complimentnry dinncr to J. B. Clay, of Lexington, Ky., nro requested to apply to either of the subscribers for tickets to theDinner. Notice ofthe time and place hereafler.' The above notice we find in the United States Gazette and in the lnquirer of Wednesday morning, 29lh inst. And among the names appended and reforred to, are a dozen or t went y as good whigs and as devoted as ever looked into a face of clay. - American Citizen, (Philadelphia.) What say the Whigs of Uakland and Jackson counties who participated in the tle " Cassius M. Clay meetings?" Is such a movement as this an exhibition of the proper spirit of the Whig party ? We were not aware of any special claims of J. B. Clay to a Whig complimentary dinner. The first we heard of him, he was engaged in a duel, in which Cassius M. Clay was his second, and which did not take place, owing to the efibrts of Cassius to prevent it. The cause of offénce, if we remember right, was said to have originated at a gambling table. Thenext we heard of him was in the capacity of Secretary to the mob that removed C. M. Clay's press. Does his connection vvith these transactionsentitlc himto special honors from the " law and order " Whigs of the North ? Is this a specimen of what we are to expect (rom "the only true Liberty party ?"


Signal of Liberty
Old News