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A !W ARRA1EM1T ! I A3I NOW OPEHINO 1OÖ G-A.SIES MEN'S AND BOYS' Boots and Shoes I Ladics'. Ifíissss' and Ckildren'sBoots, Shoea and SlippersOieeo gooilí havo JUt ben pnrc'iasc.1 of Ert hands, and as I have no cipenne of REST, and gire my entl re ..personal nttenllon to llio linjiricss, I hopelto Compete Successfully wlth all enKfl-göd In the A, D. SEYLERj Na. 0 Nortb KEaln S t. Ann Ar!ior, Au. 8, 1872. lSSMtt INSURANCE AGfflCY. Hls Companles Aro Sonnd piIGiNIX INSURANCE CO., HABTPOISt, CONN. CAPITAL AND A8fflET8iiTuiTl,18Tl....U,T81,öa] OHICAGO LOSSEH 760,000 TïIF, PÏÏCEIX is tïinbest comdneied Tire Insurance Compnny in the Tnitcd States. Alwaya prudent nml souinl, and alvrays ;ronipt iu pnynient of losaos. ÏNTBBNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. Tho lint Cnmpinv to pss tb ordeal of the Hrw Ynrklnsiraiinn Crmmisionors since the Chicago Flro, coming otit from thesovere test TEIUMPHANT 1 Associated Proas Dlapatoh, November 1,1871, TEEIXTEaSATIOKALINSCnANCSCOVrANT. TheSiperiotemirnt of York State In ?ur.TOC0 nnartnient, who is makinp: a car. I niril examlmllon of the Nerv York City Cornpnniof to-rtay, certifu's thitthn Infernatfooal Compfiiiy'f aesetsof 11,500,000 aro secnreiy Investeil, and ite capital of 3500,000, after provMIiix forali lisbilities, incl-jdüngthe Chlcng flre, Is wholly nninxpaized. This Company is paylng all lts Chicago Io9ses ana lssOBiH)ftnd reliftble, PoUcl8lsaaOdat fair riten at my ofHce. No. 11 Rast Huron stroct, Ann Arl'or, J. Q. A. SESSIOXS, Agent. isirtr. " DOÑrT FORGET That !he Fnlrppt, S-jnnrei-t. ast! ln-pt placf io Arn Arbor to Nny Vnre Drau's and Medicine, Wiues ticd Uqaors, for Medicinal Purpuses,} PAINTS, GiLS, VARMSKE3, BRÜSHES, &G., IS AT1 R. W. ELLIS & COTS. Corner Opposltc the Savinps ïljmk. Otir Permanent Celare, for cmtsldè or inatflR pairt Ini. manufACtnivd frm Pure w hite Lead, Zinc, and Lliisüoi! Oil. Choaper and better th:m auy ottu-r Paint mide. SoUl hy tho trailon keg, ir barrel. AltioPurn Whitfl Lf.tri, Zinc. A.?., ftL Mtts&CtOlT Prices RKMEMDKU NAME AND FLACE. II. V. EI.LI9 CO. Kenl Estato for Sale. QTATE OF MICHIGAN", county of Wwbten&W, ss. k In the matter of the Bstateof Anacl A. Holcomb, doooMod. Notico is fcoreby given, that inpureuance of an order ffranted t') tin? ondenáglied, dm iais tratar of thoest;itc of siiid deceased, byUb '.■ of Probate fbr tlio County of Waahtenaw. ■:! the - -ond day of öeptpmber, A. 1). W72, there willbesolcl at public vtmduo, to tiio highest biddtr, ut the HOHth door of tlie Oor.rt ITouso in tho County of Waahtenaw, ín said Btate, on Wedneaday thu fcweuty-third tlay of O A. D. 1872, Eit One o'olock in the afternoon day ;subjeot to ill enountbranoea by mortgAtfe urotherwi:o exitipfr at the time of thff dentli ol and alao subject to tho right of dffwer of hiswidow thorcin), tbe undiviiïed hftlf of the folio n-ing described rí.'íil mtatö, to-vit : ('(.■ir.rnrncit;i: fit a stor.e planted for tli o cerner, nt a point benrinp pouMi bisteen dffrces "íveat, tweoty-ninc nnd a hnlf links from a red oak treo thirty incbes in diameter being in the west half of the south-west lunrter of scclinn twei in tovrirtkip fo;n" pouth of range six eaat in Baid BtAti and nnniiiiff thencc outh one dejrree -pst nlong the wertrideofi thehiphwny flvo coaius and thiriy-oue Iinkí, thenco aouth twentystght degrees west twft thesoe south eibty-eight depreca west to chaina and tenlinkn. tbonco nortli twelvo nd n hr.lf west four chaina nnd Rixty-two links, tberce north flfiy oiht degiaei cant ilve ohafais nnd aevpn links to the placo of betrinning, contamina two aorea, nnd inchiding Bfan all betwfim the closing line in wholo parcel :md the center of tho Saline river. Datod. Septembor 2d. A. IX 1872. V , TrOTCOMTl, JAMKtí LAWBEI I E, 13C0 Adminigtraton. Beal Eiitatefor 8;. QïTATE OF MICHIGAN, ootintvof Washtena-w, ss. 0 In the itiatter ot Ü Cornelina Laughlin, deeeased : isotice is hereby given, that in pm of an order gnmted tothtof the estáte of suid d ■ ■ ' he llon. Ju Ikq ol' Probate for the county of Wajiiten;iw, cmtbe ween-, 'k! day of Jnïy, A. I. 'l. thnro will be Dublig venduOj to ihu hisheat bidder, at tho dveUing-■■v descríbed, in tlio county of Wftahteníiw, i:i said Btate. on Wed] tlie eigKt;.Tiuh day of Bevti mber, A. 1). 172, at ten o'clrcl: in tbc fbienoon oi that day [subject lo uil enooea by morí . t the time of the deal h of Biúd deoeaeedí, tho followi icribed real estáte, to vit : The w t l::ilf of thcaouthtarter of seeHon twenty-three in townshipone south of rar.frc six east, m Baid Btate, en:-.■ I of land dt ;is commencing at the qnarter post botTcccn seotioiu twenty-two and twcnty-ibroo, sume township ;íiv r:n?-o, and running' east on snid qnartex line to 1 u post, tbenoe north on said line twenty-tour rods, thence west to said seotion lire ródö, tht i .Mty-four mds to the place oi be, oontaining tweive aeree of liiinl, ezoeptiag from the abore the fbur acres oonveyed by do I LáuffhUn and wtfe, undcv date I3 , whifh satd - 1 in ïiber 80of de I . W7, :u the ■ ild oounty. Diitod, Juïy WXUL1AM BI i:KK, Administrator. Tho attore sale h adjourned to Friday, Octobor 18, , ulo time of u ' 1 mber 18th, is:--'. WILLIAM miïKE, Adrainistrator. Attnchmcnt Kotico. NOTICE is hereby givon that on the? twenly-eeoord of August, eoghteen handled and ■ersntytwn, a writ of attaohment was lamed out of the Circnit Court for tho .unty of Washtenaw, in favor of Calvin Bronaon, John 1L. Whitaker and Charles B. moneys and afleoteof Hiram V. &Cillt. the ui thexein, for the neovary of tl:.1 som 01 ven tiioaaand doUarii whioh Baid wiit waa retornable nn Mouday tho ninih dny of September, Z2 and that it appuaru by the return to said Wilt, that property hiw been attaohed thereon, and thut naid defebdant oonld not bc foun.l. Dutod, Ann Arbor, Ë ptcmbflr lÖlh, 1S"2. i'ii I . JOHN 1-. v GHABLEBB. PHILLIPS, ETibam J. Bkaexs, PlaintifiE, Att'y for riaintüf. 13U2wG Go to R.W. ELLIS & CO's for ohoicsWïnes and Liqucrf j for Modioal Purposos . ■-■■ Cícíum IVoticc. BHBRIFF-S OFFICE, WAsimnrA-w Corr-rz, 1 AssAlli!,.!'. j. j To ihe KUclort Qfíhe 'omtty of : ; V.iu ti, tobo liold on tho Ttti ■ ñ xv' ■urnor, eaimxcr . torney Edwiil '.'■ : 31nt, lSTi, al ll Uistrictm whlch Washtenaw Count . , „ (janorlal Uistrict, i ■■ I'.'H. ot'tht of 1871. A' totho provisions oí Act Xo. 146 ol 1871 , Afaotho f1 .n0 .Tnge of naba . ■ ■ ■ ilmenutot:. oí thin State ore to nt totho of tito LVnstitution mu! llio robolution of the Legislatnre Bubmittino thom, ■ An " Iding fur tho tvyrr.ont of bomln utsucd and i. tli,;rfof naüzed prior to tht .. :. ,]nv oí i hnndred irtownshipa and municipal and v uid oían; Kiiihi!_ Joint lïosolution No. 31 oiího c-ceaion Lawa of 1871. An" AmeTiilmentrflativcto the limita nf uircuil - ionNó. S6, of( Andan "Amondment rtlatiyt tain of ' i'ourt," proTirlcd for Vy aforosiúd Joint Iteeolutiun. MTEON WEilB, Sheriff. Mortgage Salo. DEPAULT hnvrny Jwcn made in tlin r bearing hundí. of tlio üiBintcr oí Deeda of H irty-tbroa M foar bnndjrad and twenty-l ii hundñd and boti iry-inir-, at f'CÏnck A. M.: Hvebyreivso!! d ftncl tweive dolían and íi:1 claimed to be.du ■ no date of .this notice and ■■■■■■ I accompanyii ■l:il=oftn mortgage, and no suit or pi inving been institnl! torce ■rft.f: Kotico is t lT6n,that taid mnri?!' vill : be tnortKSfred I :is -.viH be neooesary to sal I n gatnrday, '■■ ni toe Conrt Hi uso to th ■ cáty of .'■ '" '::;' : ■ for tlip county of Waíhtennw; ue of thü power oí 06(1 in ana ■ íollnn-s: A" eutportof lot nu:; 'fi) east, in tho Ai r,imd Umnp" fa :■„ city of Arm Arboi fonn Daied Aun i 1 1 LLL, Mortgagee. D; CiiAMnn. Att'y for 3i . 13'Jlvd. Mortgage Salé. Tynr.inSAS WtlliamJ. Dnnninf?, of Tor' Z.,11 r Michigan, on tho27th day ii April, . . of Williamsbnrgh, the pHyinnt oí oectain principal aod i ceoftlie Registorol Di ' 'iinty oóf of April, a. U I t;o, at ■ . m Lib aetault has !■■ tho pnyinent oi an ■ 'T wm , , late of il, is sum of anaiati . uny part thereoi : N thatonSatur two o'clock in the afternoon, at Court House in the toe of the power of - l slüill tellut publio anction to tbehighest biddor t J -- rremi? ind interet sy's foo of i li ii chargi 1 of l:tnl sitúate ni York, Waabfcenan ■;.:teof Michigan, - wit: The ast hall of the qoarterof soetion numner eight, in township nurn! ■ of range numbcr six (C) east, agreeable to the üovemment mirvv. IMteil, Jiily 12, 1S72. HKNBY 1, .T.MtnS, Mortfrapec. John N. Gott, Aitornoy for Morafree. rcrtg;:gc Foreclosuro Notico. D ULThaving ,-:i of a mortgage made and executed by .''lm öaeetelto Clnrk suttrm, bearrngdate t(,' fourfhdaj oí May, A. i. eihteTi hundn d mul MÍxty- . the uihi of Deed oi Waabtenaw Couniy, Michigan. 11 ■ foiu1 hindred and tweittv-six, on t day of June, A. D. ;l half o'olock a. m., and theptwé of nale contair.ed in sai'I n:ori,'rag-e Imving becnui operutive by retwon of u I uni o .'iuO.ri and tik-hrjcen1 bei ■ ■■■ t th ■ ■ feeforthe foi nd no suit ('i itod to recover 1 hedebt seoord b] or any part Uion-of ; : loeed b I 1 : 1 . in deaoribed au i berefnafter i forth, w sorno part ïhercoi', on .Saturd'iy. t hof: ■'■ day vï ■■ tïooti, b kt of the Cok. oí" Aun .'.rbor, that lc-iin? the plnco ol h -..rt lor the co-JiUy o;" ' gaged premise so to be eolü, by Tirtne of tlio : salo in saidmortgaj . :orK-ng asfollows; " All that tract orpwrccl of lnv.d Bitnat in the totvnship of Briaj?ewRrf:rJ in tbo connty o WafthtenaiT and Stnto of ïiidiirm, lonnded am deeoribed as beina the nortbenst aüarter of th northeaat quarter of section iminber thirty-si township ïmrabor fonr (4) sonth of ] four (4) enst, oontaining fort y acroe of land be th samn more OT leM Dated, Aun Arbor, Juno 1511, 1872. CLAHK bUTTüN, Morigngee. UlAAM T. TÏEAKES, Attornoy for Mortgageo. 1379 Tbo abo V6 S&Jta is po-itponcrl nníil SnÍTirdr.y, Sep ti in b. r 28th, ut the snicc1 timo of dny and place. L)ated, Ann Arbor, Pept'. Uth', 1872. OLAB .rurtgageo. Hiiiam T. Cease, Att'y for Iturtgageo. Chnccry Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, oountyof Waabtamnr, H The Circuit Court tor the coun'ty ui Washtenau - In Ohancerjr. Andrt-w Bailey, Complainant, v. Olive Bailey, TefentUnt. It Batisfaotorily appeai ncr Co this Court that the clefcndnnt, Olive Baü . i-ounty ox stute, on moliou of A. E. plainant, it Ís ordered that the dei Bailey cause h ■ to be entered in tliiscauee within thxM montba fzomtha date of this order, nnd in moe she causa her annwertothe complainant's bulto a copy thereof to be: fcweoty days after service oi n eopj : andnotiooof this order, anAon defauli UI to v--.taken aa oon l'.niloy ; and it ia further orvlcred tïiat within twenty '! Baid oon " - nutice of this order la be }ubliab tj n ui mfpapfix pnbm the city of Arm Arbor, ity, and thnt the Bild pnblioation be continucd in flid papor at i ice ineaeh wrok forsix sqcoi . orthftt ■ a copy of thiü order to be períonally served on the jiil delbnaant í 'üvo BaÜer, nt least twenty days boforo the titri' . runce. Dated, bepteml er I8th, 11. BEAHAN, Cü'cuii Conrt Comnüainncri Washi , Michigan. A B. HflWXTT, Complainant's Sulieitor. Chitncery Notioe. SlKBÜt Court for the (_ uMiity f Waahtonft,w, ín cham Thomas O. Judd, Complainaatt 3IinLi A. Judd, Befcndant. It satiafaotorüy anpoaring to this Comí y nfli-JIatit defendant, Mina A. Judd, ia nol n o aident of this Bta1 . on ïnotion of D. Cramer, .oüoücr int, it ta ordered thaï the Led to be i ■ 1 1 1 : i ■ canse within throe month ■ date of this ordt-r, and tbtSb in r"'i-% of I ■ i e of a copy of t-iiiL bill of complaint and ia further or:lf.T.-:l thal wtthtn twenty daya tbi tinnnt oauao ft coiiy of . and that the continue at least once a week for =ix bh ■■ a LQB6 ;v oopi ui this order to bc pcrbonally tervüd on v to Qxe niks and if thi Court. : U. BLAJS A , ii Washtonaw County, Michigan. -.:::::, Bolicltor forComplainant. Ecftl Estáte for Salo. rTATE OP MICHIGAN, Couniy of WMhtenav s O In Uie matter of tl -ie D. Freer" ■ of the eet nt o oí' saíd d fur tlie couuty of .yof.Tnlj-, A. D. 1872, there wül be sold al ■ nduo, to the high noar the north wtst corner of the desoribed in the Connty of T on Tuesdaythe twenty-fbnrth day o , A. D. 1872. at on o'olo-ak in the aiternoon i toaÜenouj bymortgage or oth [ng tt t ti ■ he followingdi e, to-wit: The westhalf uartex of Beetion thirty-two, io bownship thrco Rontli of rane five east coutaining ?iithty ere1 more ot Dtttud, August öth A. 1). 18T2. ALVA FREEH 13SCtd Admiaistrator. PDYSICIAfiS1 PBESGRIPfXÖSS; VOCURAIELY ANI CAHEFUIiLY PHEPAPBD BI Iï. W.BLL1S A Cü.jmUGOISIS. Q TATE OF MICIUOA N, ( : ,„ntv „. ,.. , 1 J. Besta, Jndae „f r„. 1 rlcrert, tl,at irondny ,„ . ■jiiy nf Oetolicr ncxt, at ton oviwk „ Í.gWjl1. llottier showen,' wn' tv nAtlwS potiHonerBhonld ■,,-. C =01.3 in', ■-, nftS tette "?- of ctejj 1 ,AtScopT., HIRAM ,. nE - - .lBPmui, Estáte of MawhaUÑIjp- OTATE Ov :.r,,In!v(lt„ ; September, nthe ycirone tl.ouwüd fe 'ï uní sevcnty-two. "8h' IuiiuUm ■ . 1 f: rum .T . üenkos, Jivler. of p_„. In the mat.for of ie estito of M,, v '?■ ver oí, of Thomjwnn D.WmIch, pijLïftSl4 4 ! potitioncr. ' ' 'T grwi SS toa? -;;,0 tu. ■ and uil otlicr persona ini Uw sa!d '-'" ■.'■''Liwvï : And it i further rferea t?"li5 ■ intaUwi.". t.ito, of . . , Ju 'se of Pro Estato of Nancy Kobiüü " QTATF. OP MICHIOAN.oountyofTfMM O Atasessionoftl .rt f, ,L?" ofWaghtonaw, holdon at the Trobate Offl'!moti rin the yoar ono thovumnd ckh( V1' nnil seventy two. ot ""Mm Prcscut, Hitara J. Timben, Jadge of PrnW In tho matter of the ostate of XaSv f.' u deceasort. "117 JuUa, OnioHdiifrandülingthopctition, lnlv vm. on, prayinsr' tint he TSflf oí tho catate cif saicl decenscd "Mstitr., Thercuinn itiorderod,thtt( irnndny the f , ■: tho liCiirinL' of Baid -I-1 ra .t law of háA rtö eS"l'"í1 tol in aid S? ' „'J1 "1 quiied to nppenr ui n session of said crirt th„ , V ■ i" tl„: "'of Si10.118 bor. nn'l , if nny there be whi !í '" of thep ■ ,nia not be aTF tedin said estáte, ni theiSSïJr" hfurin thcrwf b10' MProft! : .li.!,M n tleTS?' Ar9", ■■■ printcd umi circulMbr county, thrco - 'Áspreviousto mj,} "Vl"0 COpy'1 mRXY BEKES, laJ Jmige of nifi, Estato of Jcel üornbeck " CTATE OF MICHIOAX, county of WKh[en. „ At a seasion of th ■ -; foI (],.,"";": taw, holden al tho frobate offioe7taïïS2 Katunlay, the weií K I he yrur one thonsnnd eirtt henaf 'o of Prolicte In the miitter of the estáte of Joel rink..i f. praying that be J - d, !or tiio pnrpose of distribntini! tbem! -!■-■ amoua the' Jfvinee naiMdbïi Will Of ! u . !■' MnuilnT, thefwmtr. ír8tciiiy ■ ■ : ' -lifforaS ■ pctition, .mlSTi' ' :nvt,f.ailiie,i ■ 1 in mij ert,.,' iu:'r'::i":i ! 'ooit tbtn to he holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann how eanso, if a-iy tlure bo irhr tb ■l,nu:,lnot begrantcd' AM '■"r.i-Tnicia,títn ■ ti the pradmtr oí ssm neutron n.l thoheanng thereof . hv caunir copy of this order f. be nubüshed in the IHdüü. gm, n nows] i and eirculating in saiii tora, tv, fmir suoorasive weeks previous to soid in rf beai i A truc copy.) HIEAM J. BBAKE8, 13111 Judge of ProlMíe. Estato of Tocums - minors OTATE OP MICHIGAN', Connty of Wuhteraw, n o At n ncssion of tho Probate ( ourt for the Conntrof Waaktenuw, holdcn ut üie Proiate Office, in theCitr oí Ann Arbor, on Fridsy, tlic sixtli of ficp. temlifT, i;i j-'ur onu thousand uixht bundred mi sevenl j Present Hirnni J. Ponkos, Juflgeof Probate. In the matter oí the estáte of'HelraJ. Yocnm.mi TTonryV. Yocum. minoro. HrirrietWataon.pnardiu I 1 estnte, comes intoCourt andrepri-ïiu'sthat Él w prepared to rendor her ürst account as joch gilardinn. Therc-uy on it is ordered, thnt Voi-lsy, tl peventh day of Octobor r.nxt, at teu o'doct in the foreöoon. I . ofMdd rotition. a3 xt of kin of uil minore, and all otta :-iU'. are reqaiiwl to ppei ■ i i 'irt, (liento be hoHin ico, in the City of AtmArbor,eJ ■ the jr;iTi?r of theftt should not be cTanted : .ri i; furíher oran s-íve noticeto thewrscci - tïte, of tho pendency of 8d ï1ition,&ndth . 'i copy oí' tb be published in thf Michigan Argn, i níwilating in said County, thret ire weeks previous to ■ V.irinp. (A true copy.) HIUAM J. BJ 1391 Judsreof Profate. Estáte of Christopher Lange. QTATEO] ( -umi y of Wasbleuv. . 'ie I'rolmte Court for tle CoutJ cf Waehtenaw, holden ;it the Probate O fKce. in tle of Ann Arbor, on Thnrsdsy, tiie Èfthdifof September, in the yenr one thousand eighl bxutwo. ■ i :t, [(i.-aüi J. JinnkosTiKJirf1 of V: In the matter of the estáte of (Jbriütorliar laft, I deoR?pil. Ou n i!in; ml flünij thopetition, duif veriíeisf I Frederick Knpp, Almini:-trutor, praying thntlienuf nsed to sell oertaiD real .s::U'j 'whcKoi snid upon it ia orJprc.l, thnt Monday, the fonrtraü aay of Üctolxr next, at ton o'olnok in thefoin, for thobearinirof said petition,andthattte .:;.!nllothcrperuiï' teiestfid in said estáte, are required to ppei ion of ü.iiil Court, then to be holde ittM Probate Office, ' in tho city of Ann Arta, anti s!hiw chuso, il" any 'there ït?, wby ïk :■ oí thepetitionershouldnot begrar.líd: Mi i' ia farther ordered. tlnit said p!titioner ?ivenoti t the]1ed in :i iil , t.-ttt1. of tliepencleney Raiopetition, and the henrinj.' thereof, y csusin?fl copy of this ordri hed in íbe JííeA i newspaper printcd and cirrulating in ö : y, four successive woeks previons to wüd Q7 f hearing. {A true copy.) IIIIiAM J. BEAKES, 1SU1 Judgeof Probit. Estáte of James Lindon. STATEOi'MIClirAN-.CnuntyofffaibteM,!} ] At ii eeasion of the Probate Couit for thi -"onBS! "Wnehtenaw, holden at the i'm'inte UIBcl'. in !t' of Ann Arbor, on SaturUay, the twenty-fourtb y j I Awyuat, in the year onet.bousandoiíhtbunoiwtf11 seventy-two. . Hirnm .7. D.-nltcs, Jnilge of Probate In the matter of the estato oí Jumes U" ed. .. , i and ft]infirthepetition,du!yrW. h Lindoa andjudaon Lindon, prajiDgwW strutaent r,nv on filo in thi. i'ourt, I1'1? :obetho last nillai I of wiiildeceant1".' ie, and that they muy be pi01 Thereupon it is ordered, that Mondy, tl" lay of Uctüber next, at ten o'clock in tM mj noon, . for the hcarinp of eaw L? tion, and t . devuw n1 'S, it law of eaid deceased, nnd '?.,,V7V , ure iiro" of said Court, then to '"eooK' , City of Am A" show there be, why the praiwJog potiüoner aboold not tic granted : Ano "5S l,that soid ] ■ t0 , mmntcn late, of tne pendeney ""E ■ t hereoT. by cumia; WFÍ "I,. ader to be publishi "■■""' üi paper printed nn.l eirculutinf; in said r-iunty, """ ■ of 'w;vr!??c 1J91 JuJgeofL. Estato of Williara Andorson. O TATE OF MIC3 1 uty of Vli.te!!í!;í 5 At aaoasionof tho Probate Court for 'I rTu f Was i':-(.bteOie,w' City oi1 Ann Arlior, on W . '■""■'",', imyear ono tliouaind J roil and seventy-two. _ . .. . :rt, Ilirnm J. Beakes, Jttlgt of 1 ■''■'■ ■' ■„. er of tho estáte oi Wilii1" On reading and fi: tion, dïly.vo, . a oertain mngjjj imroii Hle in thi Conrt, purportirg to c c r:tui rillaud te ■ ""?. JSr oprol iimij be nppointeil sn.t that Mondsy, "j i ay o: hik!, at ten oVIock "'"Lij,, oon, bc ": . x u '" intirf' ircd to ;iiR , :' '■' .'■'■■. , uJ he T. ."ti be, v-liy tlierí"!.friii i d: Al",,'LI "frtti., thependencyo'TiLji by cni:ns' . i-i the AV??o3o) uul cirrulatins in, jjesiil iweeksprcvi r% PreTHIItAMgAg LOÜE. }RiHAM FLOÜB, BüCKWiiKAT rrorB, CORN MEAL, , FEEDOFAUKI Allthe abore artlclcs are warr.inted to MT8 jperiorin Forsaloat Partridgo's Flouricg P$ N. B Orltingaoncat!iortnotioe.


Old News
Michigan Argus