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BUSINESS DIRECTORY! rittASTÏJ TJÏATriïF.Tt. Aitomey na Ei Counselor at I.nw, No. 5 Kast Hurun Street, Ln rbor, Miei,. l" .r f-, FVSli5'1'1'"3' w" onw "v'r Mt ferry1 stnrc, Reddence Washington Street, fóur' doorn ens t ar Stilte. 1873yl i w t.3BÖa mna.. sPKnfis, M .-ris H-il-s, I. l.. Superintendent, om foiltdlne, eoruer Miinn ud Vst. Hurou Streete. iiriVKS .V WfRDKN, ÏO "outh Min strect, W km ArSor, Mloh-, whotesale and raUll deal.rsiu Dry (fvi 1, Osrpats and Groceries. 1851M r r. O'lrtWV, Asentfor the Pinkle ft fcyon I. rícior" SewlDg Machina Thej ar. pjltlve, rnn oy in4 m'ko th lock stltcn. Nm inth ln streot, Ann Arbori M"y: itrvCK SCH.TIID, !)o:iU-r3 in I:y Oood, M. ara [J.ic. No. 54 South Main fttiet. ________ ■ IflCJfiEL MURUAY, Roofcr. Firo and L Vter Proof, Pelt nd ■■.m;!.isiti.n Gravel norpntnD to ordorandwarrantoi. Buíidcnceon .■ hnoB Sirot, Ann Arhor. RW. ElVIilS A: CO., DragKlata Mii.Monlors . ï)u.2 8onth Mata Street, In Arbor. ___ T II. JACKSOX. DonUt.occcaiöitoO. B. Vf . Porter. OU :e comer Main and riuronsiUt tho store uf II. W. B11U& Co , Ann Arbor, [Ich. mes the tien ndmVnlstcred f requueil. WF. BBEAKET, M. !., Physlclao anfl aureoon. oiU'-', u refldonca corner ol Huèa and DWsIon Streèta ilrst Auor asl ofFTMby(rian ühutrli. Auu Arbor, Micb. J. JfOHSSt, Dealer in Bats nd ''ups, fur. Straw Ho di. Gents' Fnrnlshlng (.oous, ►t. No T Snutii Mala -ir.;t. Ann Arbor, lea. iüTHERÏ-AJJÜ ratEDON, Ufe ana pirfllmuraoc ■■, -iiitl dealitrimKcal jietate. ) Bcc on Iluron struot. 1 i:vis C. tL!SIO-i, Dealer in Hardware, Ij stoea, Honse Paral lilosQoode, Tro are,&c. ïo. 31 Snutb Mrtin strect. B.I & Aij's::,, Dealere in Hrvrtoodn Qro■rlos, te Ac.. Ho -6 eontbXáln treet,Ann Irhor. ifiAWSOÜ s:, Oí cera. Próvidos aní ,:', ,i;u---i.m Merehant. and dealers in Water i Pi.isler, nd PlaïLi-r Prie. No. M Bat I r i: street :XOfïEl tl. W ml a!e aad ttotal! Dealer . ., [j M;, ::. loths, CasuhnerfS, itlnK, mJii nt1 PurnUhin ; f ■d. o South i iiii Streel . iir n. WAttRBR, Dealer in CJotb V In, ilotb iisim.Tr VMtta(!,Ht.Op1 Ptnks,'-'rpo Bag, c -1 "iitli Malnatreet. HJ.nrtïïJ; Ar. FISKE, Bwk-1ter andStaIjr tloiion M Law 'imi Uollege Texl Books, Itkqol nd SCUceHaneom Books. tfo. 3 Nortli Main Itreet, Qregorj Block.Ann Arimr. F-L.HV f. IíEWIS,DoalcrlnBoot,í ií li'.-rs, S t;pe-r;!, Sc ÍÍO. -' Bf Illiron -tlX'C't, inn rlor. T(JAH WVCIIEEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! OT,-f withE.W. Morgan, Knut side of Coart House ! 5BS8ON8I FEENCSS. Prore?sor A. HKSPt'IN' :t"!y Rrrivcl from Friocc, wi I mw. ■ïsiruni ui in the French Lnj;:vic. PrtHt lon ut I '■' realdence, orioclnuMof four papil nnlapwurds. Mr. liena-aiia cwi bo iweu ot i I :■- I il hl- roldouc , 70 Iluroa stn'"t. care of Mr, L. FaiaellN Aan ArborI3S4 mS# jTpTschaÍberlu, Tcichfr "f Mu!ic. G'"ofl ini rudlOD ()ii the P1AN3, ViOÜN AHD GÜITAR, athit offlru-, Xo. i.: gentil Kaïn strekt, {Moore's bliljinnj.or at th; rc-sidcncc of the pupil. PIANO TUNIIG, nnie n specinüty nd intisfucllon guirunteed; IHtJi iEOCK EBY GLASSWARE & GB0CERIE8, J. & Donnelly ttivcmi itore alargeitocknfCrockenGlaafraiei Clated Wara.Cntlery 0raena. &c., íc. all lo be cild t nniisually low prices. Nfo la Kast llorón Street, Atin Aipor. ll8tf J. & i'. DONEÉ,1.Ï. TOHN G. GALL, DEALER T.T-T FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Ltüi), s.m;sa;ks, kic, Orrterp'li(.iïcil ünd promptly fillfrt with thobeot neats in ihc market. ?' Sast Washington utrcet. Ann Arbor. Bapt. I8th, 18. 1285tf Y F. 1ÍÍIO.SÍ, M:iniiffictnrcr of Cl&RIWiF.S, BlilES, UJIIJER W.ltOSS, si!tn; uicois. citteiis, AU nrk wrrnted nfthn boet materiar, Eepalrla 4 done proaptly and reaonallc. Allwork warrautedto aive perfect satl'faction. s ntli Muln Street. 134!lyi Manufacturer of Carriagös, Buggies, Wagons, ANOSL15I'.iH3. of everyxtyK made of tbe bo1 miterial, umi wurrantod. Repalring done iiri'mtly and pricee rciaáomiblo. Dturoit ïtreet, uear lt, K Dep 't, Aim rl)or, Allch. I384yl. JTVft. G. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FILL Physicians Prescriptions, At all hours, at No. 1 Grei;ory%lilock. C. A. LEITEK & CO. Ann ■■M 1'. I3.ri4 rjtt.O.H. POUÏBB, DENTIST. ïielil tiic3AVIHGSEAKK3L0CS, Aan Arbor. ill Dperaiions on tho Natural Teeth PF.RFORMED Wffll CARB. J ï 3Í7RPA33Í3D FACILITIES AND nXPBRIENCE SETTI ARTÏFiGÏAL TEETH, TO OIVB BACH INDIVinUAl., Dtütitrsi of the propet itc, kapc,'.olnr, fimMMW na al tzprtni.T 1244 T IVE GE ESE FEATIIiíRS 'jnetaotlyon hand anrt fors air by RACBár ABEL, pËOPLE'8 DRUG STOriri R. W.ELUS& CO. A1ST3ST A.K.BOR MHHHU.V ('liM'RA!, BJJLBOAD. SUlnfBB nui: TABU. PaesengertnbunoTV lunvu the soveral tutionn, as follou : I N(; WSST. 1 1 e il 'S Í Á STATIONS. J Ü g . . O L10:85 3 2 g o - w __ _i_ A. ÍI. A. M. I'. H. !'■ 1' !' . Detroit, leavo, 7 iii ü ■ ■ ! IS ■' VpislKinti, :;1 :■"' -i M ■ 1! 8 48 1" 18 Aun Arbor, 8 .';'. 1" 42 6 ( 7 ■'" l'i 1.'. 11 05 Uoxtor, 9 UI - 6 SO a B 1 45 Chelees, 9 19 B SS 11 M [;ike, 10 IS i' i1 11 SI a. h. Jacknon, 11 bf B . " 12 IS p. m. p. k. . 1. v. u. Rnlamiuoo, 2 2S ■ 1 W oiirriTe, s !.i '. ■■■ 6 30110 20 ! 30 nomo t vst. . I '-. 4 S & 3 : ; a Q p w P r. m. r. h. ■ u. ■ K. dhicngo, lcavo, 6 15 S '9 3' A. M. A. U. r. M. KMl.miazoo, ! ! 11 SO I 28 A. M. I'. M. 2 3S 1 4 8 10 2 SS 4 40 OrnssLake, i Si ■ -■'■ A. M. I 07 n .r! Dexter, 6 M 9 2J (15 ..i,or 6 no (! M : SS ! H 5 40 Ynsilirati 2 il 8 20 7 20 10 20 5 os fi 00 , arrive, _ 3 36 ! 19 B ■!.'■ 11 SO '; I The Uantic nn& Pnmfic !'xpi-oe3 run belwccn Jiioksnri nnd Nilea on the Air Line. DatedJuly Í3.1.H72. pOHT WAYNE, JÁCKtiON AND Sainaw Railrcad. Tliemost direct mnte to Pittsbnrft, Pbiludelpbliv Biütimorc, Wnsliiníiton, nn.l nll voints BOUlh and Traihí ron hy ('luengo Time. TÏÏAlïiB OOIKU 8OUT1T. " ■ . ,' . ; n . -■. Afí.jrfa Ace. .; ,, :, ...i. ■ is a. m. i'-1 ïo r. m. -i !■. m. HanOTar, 7 54 tó .i " Jonesvüle, 8 25 1 20 5 .'.o 0 53 7 35 Wai.rloo. 10 36 8 15 Auburn, lf' 17 M l'nrt Wnrne, 11 -5 9 5J CndiaiMrpli8, ■ m. 1) 3(a.m. ( 'lll('ill'l:i ■ i, 8 50 l.ouisvülu, 10 loisr. m. XBAlKB i.oINO NOiïTII. A,ih"i Ace Brprctt Soft r.unisvi'li-, tj a. U. 10 2" l'. U. Cincüuuiti, 7JiA. m. Indiuiapolis, 1 on p. u. 10 10 . :.yno, 7 05a. K. 4 25 r. M. Auham, 8 0(1 5 22 Watirtoo, 8 13 5 37 S 50 C M 1 IS 3 05 P.M. S n , er, 10 50 S3 I ! J.ickson, 11 0 4 5 '■ W At .lirk-on -Clone connectionsnrt' m:i.'p willi MiriiJnckaon, I,iinsis& Saginaw, and Grand ftivcr Voller UrahxwdB. At JoneBville- With Lnke Slioro & Michigan SoutliA t Wti ■ !- N"ith Lftke Shore & Michignn Southein (Air ■ - t __ . tl'o't WTnyne- WlOi PirtabnJI?, Fort Wjjne s Toledo, s:i' BBh i-.-uni.and Ft. Wayne, !"'i!r"! W. A. KUNST, Supt. Hnn'T. Riixie, Ot-n'l. Ticket Ai;'t. ,i.;!y :;.. v.-'. ñMATl BlïïtRS. S. T. - 1860 - X, Tiiis wonderfol vegetable restorative s the sheet-anchor of lbo feeble and debiütatod. As a tonic and cordial for the !jcd and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a romeúy for the nerroae weakis wliicli women are especially Bubjec.ed, it is ■niperscdin;; eery other stimulaiit. In all climatee, tropical, températe or frigid, it acte as :i speciticin every gpeOice of disorder vhieli nndermineB Uio bodily strength and bréales don tbe animal spirits. 1855-yi. Ï1ËXÏCAX MÜSÍAS8 UMíK fOR MAN AND BEAST. Frobably few arllrïrs havr over had so rxtensive'a Salo. w!i!c nne kftTC been iinivcrsally bíiiríifial Usan Ifc reltbn-.tul JlEïlfiJ "IISTA5ÍÍ LIMÍICJiT. riiiicirrn, Adullf. lloras. n:xl Honirsüf inluuls, ar ilwiys lin!il lo arrlrfi-n!. and it is safe to say, Iliat no fanslly can pan a iogle Masón wiihout sonif bind o all emdlirni kelng neu-ssary. Jt bee a natter oí Importante Itaen to secure itie best. iivit tlircr liundrod livcrv Btabloa li l'i1" city of New York alone re nnnt th Mexlosn Mmtang Lintmrnt, In ll of whlch U glrta nulera] Batlsractiod. CAXITION.- Tho Kinuincis wrnppcd in n flr.e Stert l'lale cnfirsvim.' wltb "O. IV IVatbrnnk. Ckan,„_.,ai. IKXICAh 'f' STANG UK. U ". v i " n'riïfil acrosa the U.ce. of pneh wrappcr The whole bear the proprletort prívale l nltea States Revenae stnmp. and not aommun stamp, aa ased by clrafffirlts. LTON MAHUPACTCTRINQ CO.. LSÜTatwy] M P;irk Plací? N V. BüOKs. Brt rt BC Q . ... J. H. WKBSTEK & 1 U. HEW HOOK STOHK s s.Aït tuk "exiiu:ss office.' LOOS 10 TOUB IXTEUEST AUD CALL. BOOKS. ANNABBOB Mineral Springs House. Thift boiiitlful report tor healtb pckers 'il now open, wltfa ííh 1R0N. MAGNESIA, AND SüLPHUR WATERS, CommodionabuIMlrg heatedbj stcam,and lart andwell-voniiliitod roomsWATER AND AIR BATHS Of all tcmpprntnras, nlso SViwer YpoT, Mei and Blectrlc Bathi employd wltb adrantage II the Ireatment of jH ftirmí oí chTiinlc dieeaFc1 il of fcmalcs. .Special ntteiitioi. pak with p'ewant inrronnfltnCT, nd ritnatei non ■ .f themo8t hcalthy nd beantlfiilcltlea in tlieroun poxseieu KlraetloDi forinvalidsor for picas . round analylo( the Sprlnps w(ll bolurulsbe on anpllCHÜon. Penonfl desirlnR dfnlari t ■ seno lo toel 'frlonrsciui procure tnem al Ihe i fllceofthel'roprie lore mi ftnior itreet.or ."I i!io Spring, Addrf M :tl letten of il'qiury t. HOBBfS HALE, H. D., Snpt. Ann Abbok, Mich. SjUlicrlantl "lid 4hcdon, I'rop'. Aim Arbor.Mich 'nne, 11, 172.


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