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- The Pennsylvania State prison is bcing oinptied for tbo benefit of HartranfE H i:-ir ana Yorkes having been pafdoned. Yerkea imraeditttely paid for his pardon by making au affidavit that the charges against Hartrnnft, and to the truth of which he had previously sworn, were f;ilsc. Altogether too thin. - Chandler, Seeretary of tho National Republiostn Committce, mag-nan-i-TWutly gives Delaware, Kentncky, Marylfvnd, Tennossee, Texas, and Virginia to Grooloy; chalks down Alabama, Lousiann. Missouri, Now Jersey, New York, and West Virginia as doubtful ; and claims all tlm rest for Grant. - Tho office-holders' brigade has been dispatched frora Washington to vote in Pennsylvania, Oliio, Indiana, fcc, . on Tuesday next, andeaoh and every mi mber will vote at tho next cloctioii in tho Territory of Columhia. Two voting plaecs is a special privilego of a Washington office-bolder. - Undor thrco ye.irs of Johnson it cost $22,423,161.15 to collect f766,341,950.20. In Grant's thrco model years it has cosí (21,009,718.29 to colluct $419,240. 1 1 !. il. Ruch is Grint Radical econonrv. Perhaps the peopla want anoth?r term of it We shall sec. - Judgo Woodmfli of New York, rofnsos to recognizo but two political parties, tho Republicana and the combined Democratie. Liberal organízation. He rules out the Apollo Democracy, the Bourbons and all other sidc-shows. - A Rcpublican'exchnngo i? justmade glnd by the disoovery that the N. Y. Ecenin'j Post is a Grimt paper. That journal will rojoice in hearing that Nouh and bis fanuly weathered the storm in the nik and were all savcd. - Tho Rupublicans nevel get enongh in their abuse of the extravagant Johnson Administration, yet under Johnson it cost btrt 3 per cent. to collect tin internal revenuo whilo Grant has made it cost 1:!4 per cent. - The Itcv. Franci? Yinton, T. D., rector of Trinity Church, N. Y. City, ono of the most prominent and widely known clergymen of tho Protestant Episcopal Churuh, died on the 2Hh uit., aged C3 years. - Tho Grant Republicana of Pennsylvania are turning tho cold shoulder to Gov. Curtin, and boast that bis defection will secure a Radical gain even in his own county. Graveyard whistlings. - Grant paid $10,327,343 of the national debt in September. Tho tax-p;iyers furnished the inoncy, but as tax-payers are of no earthly account tho Grant organs give Grant the whole credit. - Tho storm of Satutday night and Sunday was tho sovcrest experfencod on tho Liikes for years. A large number of vessels wero wrecked on Likes Kiio and Huron and many lives lost. - The Washington CkronicU says that tho pardoning of Mareer and Yerkes by Gov. Geary will cost the RopubWeans 10,000 votes. A back-action gun wo should sniy. - The Georgia State eleotion took place on Weduesday; tho elecMon in Pennsylvania, Ühio, Indiana and Nebraska takoplacj ou Tuesday nuxt, Oetobor Sth. - Willis B. Macicen has leen appointd,JBy Gov. Leslic oí' Elentucky, to fill -he unexpirod torm ei' Garrett Davis, doeascd, in the United States Sonate. - Capt. A. A. D;iy, formerly of this city, has been uppointed Recoivcr oí' tho 3ublic Monaya in the E ist Saginaw Land office, vico R. L. Wanen resignad. - Tho Grant Ropublioana claim tho lection of Hartrani't, in Pennsylvania, on Tuesday uext, bat Foruey gives Backalew 20,000 majority. - Lnura Fair has boen acquitted : and he considérate jurors were neithor in )rison nor an idiot asylum at our last San Francisco dates. - The Ohio " straight" convention to o held in Columbus on the 2d, fizzled ; bat is adjourned without nominajjng an doctoral ticket. - M. C. Mitcholl, Ropublioao, has leen electod United Statos Senator f rom )regon, to succoed Corbott, also Repubican. - Geo. n. Poncileton made a speech at üinoinnati a Léw daya ago. Ho supports ïreeloy and Brown. - Mr. Suinner has declined to run for ïovernor of Massachusetts on tho Domoratic-Liberal ticket. - The Indianapolis Bentinel claims 20,00 majority for Hendrioks.


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